Falling Roses || Apollo [1]

By UpWritingAllNight

35.1K 772 24

Apollo used to be a god. Now, as a punishment, he is turned into a mortal. He meets his first mortal companio... More

☆꧁Chapter 1꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 2꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 3꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 4꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 5꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 6꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 7꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 8꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 9꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 10꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 11꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 12꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 13꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 14꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 15꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 16꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 17꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 18꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 19꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 20꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 21꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 22꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 23꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 24꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 25꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 26꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 27꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 28꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 29꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 30꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 31꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 32꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 33꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 34꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 35꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 36꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 37꧂☆
☆꧁Chapter 39꧂☆

☆꧁Chapter 38꧂☆

413 7 0
By UpWritingAllNight


After the sneezing
Healing peeps, parsing limericks
Worst God Award? Me

That was the price of our victory: a massive outbreak of hay fever. By nightfall, most of the
campers were dizzy, groggy, and heavily congested, though I was pleased that none of them sneezed
their heads off, because we were running low on bandages and duct tape.
Will Solace and I spent the evening caring for the wounded. Will took the lead, which was fine
with me; I was exhausted. Mostly I splinted arms, distributed cold medicine and tissues, and tried to
keep Harley from stealing the infirmary's entire supply of smiley-face stickers, which he plastered all
over his flamethrower. I was grateful for the distraction, since it kept me from thinking too much
about the day's painful events.
Sherman Yang graciously agreed not to kill Nico for tossing him out of his chariot, or me for
damaging it, though I had the feeling the son of Ares was keeping his options open for later.
Chiron provided healing poultices for the most extreme cases of hay fever. This included Chiara
Benvenuti, whose good luck had, for once, abandoned her. Strangely enough, Damien White got sick
right after he learned that Chiara was sick. The two had cots next to each other in the infirmary, which
I found a little suspicious, even though they kept sniping at each other whenever they knew they were
being watched.
Percy Jackson spent several hours recruiting whales and hippocampi to help him haul away the
Colossus. He decided it would be easiest to tow it underwater to Poseidon's palace, where it could be
repurposed as garden statuary. I was not sure how I felt about that. I imagined Poseidon would replace
the statue's gorgeous face with his own weathered, bearded mien. Still, I wanted the Colossus gone,
and I doubted it would have fit in the camp's recycling bins.
Thanks to Will's healing and a hot dinner, the demigods I had rescued from the woods quickly got
back to full strength. (Paolo claimed it was because he waved a Brazilian-flag bandana over them, and
I was not about to argue.)
As for the camp itself, the damage might have been much worse. The canoe dock could be rebuilt.
The Colossus's footstep craters could be repurposed as convenient foxholes or koi ponds.
The dining pavilion was a total loss, but Nyssa and Harley were confident that Annabeth Chase
could redesign the place next time she was here. With luck, it would be rebuilt in time for the summer.
The only other major damage was to the Demeter cabin. I had not realized it during the battle, but
the Colossus had managed to step on it before turning around for the beach. In retrospect, its path of
destruction appeared almost purposeful, as if the automaton had waded ashore, stomped Cabin Four,
and headed back out to sea.
Given what had happened with Meg McCaffrey, I had a hard time not seeing this as a bad omen.
Miranda Gardiner and Billie Ng were given temporary bunks in the Hermes cabin, but for a long time
that night they sat stunned among the smashed ruins as daisies popped up all around them from the
cold winter ground.
Despite my exhaustion, I slept fitfully. I did not mind Kayla and Austin's constant sneezing, or
Will's gentle snoring. I did not even mind the hyacinths and roses blooming in the windowsill, filling
the room with their melancholy perfume. But I could not stop thinking of the dryads raising their arms to the
flames in the woods, and about Nero, Meg, and Rosalie. The Arrow of Dodona stayed silent, hanging in my
quiver on the wall, but I suspected it would have more annoying Shakespearean advice soon. I did not
relish what it might telleth me about my future. A nightmare about Rosalie's death was expected, though
what I received was not.

"Pol," Rosalie's face broke out into a gentle smile. "I miss you." I wished so badly that the dream was
real, that everything was fine, like Rosalie insisted.
"I miss you, too. It's my fault you died! I broke an oath on Styx, and you received my punishment! It's
not fair!"
Rosalie reached up to touch my face. This time, her hands were warm, like summertime heat. "Not all
is lost, Apollo. There's still hope."
I grabbed her hands and rested them in my own. "But I don't see it! You're not coming back, and my trials

are far from over."
"I'm not denying that you still have many hardships to go through to earn back godhood," Rosalie started,
"But it's not the last time you'll see me. We'll meet again."

At sunrise, I rose quietly, took my bow and quiver and combat ukulele, and hiked to the summit of
Half-Blood Hill. The guardian dragon, Peleus, did not recognize me. When I came too close to the
Golden Fleece, he hissed, so I had to sit some distance away at the foot of the Athena Parthenos.
I didn't mind not being recognized. At the moment, I did not want to be Apollo. All the destruction
I saw below me...it was my fault. I had been blind and complacent. I had allowed the emperors of
Rome, including one of my own descendants, to rise to power in the shadows. I had let my once-great
network of Oracles collapse until even Delphi was lost. I had almost caused the death of Camp Half-
Blood itself.
And Meg McCaffrey...Oh, Meg, where were you?
Do what you need to do, she had told me. That's my final order.
Her order had been vague enough to allow me to pursue her. After all, we were bound together
now. What I needed to do was to find her. I wondered if Meg had phrased her order that way on
purpose, or if that was just wishful thinking on my part.
I gazed up at the serene alabaster face of Athena. In real life, she didn't look so pale and aloof—
well, not most of the time, anyway. I pondered why the sculptor, Phidias, had chosen to make her look
so unapproachable, and whether Athena approved. We gods often debated how much humans could
change our very nature simply by the way they pictured us or imagined us. During the eighteenth
century, for instance, I could not escape the white powdered wig, no matter how hard I tried. Among
immortals, our reliance on humans was an uncomfortable subject.
Perhaps I deserved my present form. After my carelessness and foolishness, perhaps humanity
should see me as nothing but Lester Papadopoulos.
I heaved a sigh. "Athena, what would you do in my place? Something wise and practical, I
Athena offered no response. She stared calmly at the horizon, taking the long view, as always.
I didn't need the wisdom goddess to tell me what I must do. I should leave Camp Half-Blood
immediately, before the campers woke. They had taken me in to protect me, and I had nearly gotten
them all killed. I couldn't bear to endanger them any longer.
But, oh, how I wanted to stay with Will, Kayla, Austin—my mortal children. I wanted to help
Harley put smiley faces on his flamethrower. I wanted to flirt with Chiara and steal her away from
Damien...or perhaps steal Damien away from Chiara, I wasn't sure yet. But it was still too early for
that. I needed to get over my loss... though Rosalie- I hoped it really was Rosie, I can't bear to be
led onto thinking that she was alive -was still lost.
I wanted to improve my music and archery through that strange activity known as practice. I wanted
to have a home.
Leave, I told myself. Hurry.
Because I was a coward, I waited too long. Below me, the cabin lights flickered on. Campers
emerged from their doorways. Sherman Yang began his morning stretches. Harley jogged around the
green, holding his Leo Valdez beacon high with the hope it would finally work.
At last, a pair of familiar figures spotted me. They approached from different directions—the Big
House and Cabin Three—hiking up the hill to see me: Rachel Dare and Percy Jackson.
"I know what you're thinking," Rachel said. "Don't do it."
I feigned surprise. "Can you read my mind, Miss Dare?"
"I don't need to. I know you, Lord Apollo."
A week ago, the idea would have made me laugh. A mortal could not know me. I had lived for four
millennia. Merely looking upon my true form would have vaporized any human. Now, though,
Rachel's words seemed perfectly reasonable. With Lester Papadopoulos, what you saw was what you
got. There really wasn't much to know.
"Don't call me Lord," I sighed. "I am just a mortal teen. I do not belong at this camp."
Percy sat next to me. He squinted at the sunrise, the sea breeze tousling his hair. "Yeah, I used to
think I didn't belong here either."
"It's not the same," I said. "You humans change and grow and mature. Gods do not."
Percy faced me. "You sure about that? You seem pretty different."
I think he meant that as a compliment, but I didn't find his words reassuring. If I was becoming
more fully human, that was hardly a cause for celebration. True, I had mustered a few godly powers
at important moments—a burst of divine strength against the Germani, a hay fever arrow against the
Colossus—but I could not rely on those abilities. I didn't even understand how I had summoned them.
The fact that I had limits, and that I couldn't be sure where those limits were...Well, that made me feel
much more like Lester Papadopoulos than Apollo. I couldn't even do a simple healing spell to... to save
"The other Oracles must be found and secured," I said. "I cannot do that unless I leave Camp Half-
Blood. And I cannot risk anyone else's life."
Rachel sat on my other side. "You sound certain. Did you get a prophecy from the grove?"
I shuddered. "I fear so."
Rachel cupped her hands on her knees. "Kayla said you were talking to an arrow yesterday. I'm
guessing it's wood from Dodona?"
"Wait," Percy said. "You found a talking arrow that gave you a prophecy?"
"Don't be silly," I said. "The arrow talks, but I got the prophecy from the grove itself. The Arrow
of Dodona just gives random advice. He's quite annoying."
The arrow buzzed in my quiver.
"At any rate," I continued, "I must leave the camp. The Triumvirate means to possess all the
ancient Oracles. I have to stop them. Once I have defeated the former emperors...only then will I be
able to face my old enemy Python and free the Oracle of Delphi. After that...if I survive...perhaps
Zeus will restore me to Olympus."
Rachel tugged at a strand of her hair. "You know it's too dangerous to do all that alone, right?"
"Listen to her," Percy urged. "Chiron told me about Nero and this weird holding company of his."
"I appreciate the offer of assistance, but—"
"Whoa." Percy held up his hands. "Just to be clear, I'm not offering to go with you. I still have to
finish my senior year, pass my DSTOMP and my SAT, and avoid getting killed by my girlfriend. But
I'm sure we can get you some other helpers."
"I'll go," Rachel said.
I shook my head. "My enemies would love to capture someone as dear to me as the priestess of
Delphi. Besides, I need you and Miranda Gardiner to stay here and study the Grove of Dodona. For
now, it is our only source of prophecy. And since our communication problems have not gone away,
learning to use the grove's power is all the more critical."
Rachel tried to hide it, but I could see her disappointment in the lines around her mouth. "What
about Meg?" she asked. "You'll try to find her, won't you?"
She might as well have plunged the Arrow of Dodona into my chest. I gazed at the woods—that
hazy green expanse that had swallowed young McCaffrey. For a brief moment, I felt like Nero. I
wanted to burn the whole place down.
"I will try," I said, "but Meg doesn't want to be found. She's under the influence of her stepfather."
Percy traced his finger across the Athena Parthenos's big toe. "I've lost too many people to bad
influence: Ethan Nakamura, Luke Castellan...We almost lost Nico, too...." He shook his head. "No.
No more. You can't give up on Meg. You guys are bound together. Besides, she's one of the good
"I've known many of the good guys," I said. "Most of them got turned into beasts, or statues, or—
or trees...." My voice broke.
Rachel put her hand over mine. "Things can turn out differently, Apollo. That's the nice thing
about being human. We only have one life, but we can choose what kind of story it's going to be."
That seemed hopelessly optimistic. I had spent too many centuries watching the same patterns of
behavior be repeated over and over, all by humans who thought they were being terribly clever and
doing something that had never been done before. They thought they were crafting their own stories,
but they were only tracing over the same old narratives, generation after generation.
Still...perhaps human persistence was an asset. They never seemed to give up hope. Every so
often they did manage to surprise me. I never anticipated Alexander the Great, Robin Hood, or Billie
Holiday. For that matter, I never anticipated Percy Jackson and Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
"I—I hope you're right," I said.
She patted my hand. "Tell me the prophecy you heard in the grove."
I took a shaky breath. I didn't want to speak the words. I was afraid they might wake the grove and
drown us in a cacophony of prophecies, bad jokes, and infomercials. But I recited the lines:
"There once was a god named Apollo
Who plunged in a cave blue and hollow
Upon a three-seater
The bronze fire-eater
Was forced death and madness to swallow"

Rachel covered her mouth. "A limerick?"
"I know!" I wailed. "I'm doomed!"
"Wait." Percy's eyes glittered. "Those lines...Do they mean what I think?"
"Well," I said, "I believe the blue cave refers to the Oracle of Trophonius. It was a...a very
dangerous ancient Oracle."
"No," Percy said. "The other lines. Three-seater, bronze fire-eater, yadda yadda."
"Oh. I have no clue about those."
"Harley's beacon." Percy laughed, though I could not understand why he was so pleased. "He said
you gave it a tuning adjustment? I guess that did the trick."
Rachel squinted at him. "Percy, what are you..." Her expression went slack. "Oh. Oh."
"Were there any other lines?" Percy urged. "Like, except for the limerick?"
"Several," I admitted. "Just bits and pieces I didn't understand. The fall of the sun; the final verse.
Um, Indiana, banana. Happiness approaches. Something about pages burning."
Percy slapped his knee. "There you go. Happiness approaches. Happy is a name—well, the
English version, anyway." He stood and scanned the horizon. His eyes fixed on something in the
distance. A grin spread across his face. "Yep. Apollo, your escort is on the way."
I followed his gaze. Spiraling down from the clouds was a large winged creature that glinted of
Celestial bronze. On its back were two human-size figures.
Their descent was silent, but in my mind a joyous fanfare of Valdezinator music proclaimed the
good news.
Leo had returned.

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