New Love

By CaritaCrafford

394K 8.3K 666

Edward Cullen left Forks when Bella Swan rejected his proposal and started to cheat on him with Jacob Black... More

Home Again
Another Woman
Non-Existent Love Spells
The Grandparents
Alaric Saltzman
The Lookalike
A Different Kind Of Witch
Shiela Bennett
The Family Again
Spilling The Beans
Stalker Much?
To Be Killed Or To Be Obliviated
The End Of All Past Things

Escape From Family

19K 432 53
By CaritaCrafford

Rosalie didn't believe Edward on Gaia's word that there were no love spells .

Alice had successfully turned her against Gaia .

Rosalie lost her privilege to getting to help care for Orion because of her new hateful​ attitude towards the Witch . It was Edward's decision to keep the baby from her .

He started to regret coming home because of his family now slowly turning against his wife .

Even Esme seemed to believe Alice because Alice's visions were all they believed in .

Gaia wanted to leave the house . She wanted to take Orion and walk away from this toxic situation.

Edward didn't agree with her . He wanted to give his family a chance . Yet it was like that was just going to be a waste of time.

She sat shut away in their room , caring for Orion everyday , feeling alone and miserable .

Edward wasn't always there with her . He had to hunt and spend time with his brothers .

It was hard for her . She wasn't welcome anymore in this house  and knew it.

The baby started to fuss a lot . He could feel his mother's moodiness.

He turned from a well behaved baby to one that cried mostly .

It made her want to cry .

On a rare occasion ,when he wasn't crying , she found herself staring outside miserably .

Her thoughts were on the fact that Edward was downstairs where his family were and she was alone with their son .

Was she losing him ?. She hoped not . She had lost so much since her first breath in this world.

Her mother .  Her father . Dumbledore . Lupin . Harry's family .Fred Weasley. Cedric Diggory. And a whole lot more people that she simply didn't want to be reminded of .

A tear slipped down her left cheek .  She didn't wipe it away .

" Why am I even here ?", she thought sadly .

She didn't know the answer to that question. Being in a house where she's not really welcome was....She didn't have a word to describe the feeling .

She'd rather be in her Mum's cottage ,tucked away in a chair with her favourite book ,than being  sitting shut away in a room with only her baby and her owl for company.

She was tempted to leave and go seek out her last remaining family on her Mum's side .

She'll take her child with her . Go see her Grandparents and then leave for England again.

But she couldn't do it. Not without Edward .

She loved him too much to leave him for the bats .

She looked up when the door to the room opened .

She was only  slightly surprised to see Emmet coming inside without asking permission.

" Shut away in here again ?", he asked , looking at her with a friendly grin upon his face.

She shrugged which could mean anything . He frowned at that.

" Not gonna say anything , I see. Look , if you don't want to it's okay . I'm here to ask that you let Rose hold Orion again . She really likes him .  It's hurting her that he's being kept away from her. So , please can she hold him ?. "

Gaia sighed . Was he really begging her while she wasn't the one keeping Orion from Rosalie ?.

It was Edward's decision and Rosalie's attitude .

Before she could voice that thought Edward came walking into the room .

" Do you still want to go to Grove Hill , Virginia ?", he asked her, ignoring Emmet, who probably won't leave until she gave Rosalie permission.

A smile tugged at her lips . " Good Godric , Yes, Edward . I'd like to ."

He smiled and nodded. " Let's pack up and go . I'm done with being here . "

She nodded and stood up from where she sat , walking over to the closet to get her clothes and whatnot that she'll need.

" We'll take everything ," Edward said as he helped her pack ," I'm sorry, but we'll have to shrink Atlas again in his cage . "

She waved a hand dismissively . " It's quite alright , Edward . We cannot exactly carry around an owl and stand out . "

He only nodded at that .

Once they were packed she shrunk their suitcases and the cage , packing them in her handbag , while Edward walked over to Orion's cot to get him so she could shrink his cot too .

Emmet , realising that they are really going to leave ,beat him to it , picking up Orion and rushing out of the room.

" Emmet !", Edward shouted furiously after him .

He grabbed Gaia , Vamp-speeding them both down the stairs where Emmet was about to hand over Orion to Rosalie.

" Expeliarmus!", Gaia cried out the word  for the Disarming Spell and pointing her wand straight at him .

The baby flew out of his arms ,right at hers and she caught him quickly , holding him close to her .

Everyone else who was around , except for Edward, stood gaping at her .

Edward on the other hand gave his brother a hard look ." That was uncalled for , Emmet. He's my child . I have the right to keep him from whoever I want . Anyway , we're leaving . We might not come back. You gave us no choice with your incessant awful treatment of my wife . Just because Alice has been poisoning you all against her , doesn't mean her, and I quote , " I've seen it" little sentence works on me anymore . Gaia's my life now . Get over yourselves  . And if I don't come back again it'll be your own doing . Maybe I should just denounce myself​ from this family and leave forever . "

With that he grabbed Gaia again and Vampsped them both up the stairs again.

Carlisle's face fell as Edward's words resounded in his mind .

He was going to lose his first son and all because of ....No ,Alice wasn't lying . Edward was under a spell and they needed to remove him from the caster. That meant he couldn't leave ,but Gaia should .

Edward heard that thought of Carlisle . He looked at Gaia who was ready to leave at a moment's notice .

" Can you apparate us to the airport ?," he asked .

She nodded , grabbing his hand . " You hold Orion ", she said, pushing him into his arms ," Hold him against your chest. I don't want him to get splinched  because we weren't careful enough ."

He nodded , pulling the boy flush against him .

Then she twisted slightly on the spot and Edward saw the room around them disappear.
Carlisle and everyone heard the loud pop and rushed to Edward's room .

There was nothing​ there . Not even a single piece of clothing.

" Goodness , I've been too late ," Carlisle let out , frustration clearly in his voice.

" What do you mean ?", Esme asked .

He sighed , pinching the bridge of his nose. " I shouldn't have thought of removing Edward  from  Gaia . Now he's heard me and I think she just took them away from here ."

" The airport in Seattle. There's where they've gone . He asked her if she could appa-something them to the airport", Emmet spoke up ," We need to go there ."

" They might've already gone . There's no guarantee that they'd  still be there ," Rosalie said ,her eyes sad because the baby was gone too .

" Well, let's go there . We can find out where they've gone from there ", Jasper said .

Carlisle nodded ." Good idea . Come on. Jasper and I will go and you call Alice . See if she can see something ."

Esme and Rosalie nodded . They weren't really sure if Alice would see something ,but they  hoped that she could.
Alice glared at her phone . Of course she couldn't see Edward and that Witch , but she had to pretend now because of her lie about the love spell .

She looked at Bella who was doing some assignment from college .

" I gotta go ,Bella . There's some family issues at home that needs to be solved . I'll tell you more details later ,"she said and with that she rushed out of the Swan's house leaving a confused Bella  behind .
Gaia stood patiently waiting for Edward to come back from the ticket counter .

He was going to buy plane tickets to an airport in Virginia. It would be one nearest to Grove Hill . She had him in her sights . She was afraid that his family might do something because he'd explained to her what Carlisle had thought .

She didn't want to lose her husband because of people believing lies from someone who knew nothing of the Wizarding World.  Ignorance was a dangerous thing right now .

She smiled when Edward walked back to her . She felt a little bit relieved that he wasn't being taken away from her by his ignorant family.

He halted by her , giving her a soft kiss on the lips .

" We've got an hour . It's going to be too long . Can you hide us ?."

She shrugged . " Sure . But we might get in trouble with MACUSA for doing magic in front of Muggles."

" You think that there's​ a Wizarding Community here?."

She nodded . " There's a Wizarding Customs office over there ", she said pointing left to a door that looked like a normal unimportant poster for some movie that hadn't been watched in ages .

" Let's go there ," he said , grabbing her hand .

She nodded again and followed him.  They disappeared just in time because a few seconds later Carlisle and Jasper walked through the airport , keeping a lookout​ for them .
" Please give us your wand and your No-Maj I.D please ," a Wizard in neat  grey robes spoke to a man in the line in front of Edward and Gaia.

The man handed him the two items . Gaia shivered , but not from the cold . She was scared that this was taking too long .

What if Carlisle found the door or one of the others?. They'd come in there and they'd see her and Edward.

Edward's arm that was around her tightened . For a brief moment her thoughts had been clear to him .

" We'll be okay ," he whispered ," We're safe for now ."

She nodded , but didn't comment .

Then the line moved and they were suddenly there at the counter and Edward spoke for them .

The Wizard behind the counter helped them exchange their newly acquired tickets for Floo powder .

" Your wife's wand and your No-Maj I.D , please ".

Gaia handed over her wand . The Wizard checked it over and nodded writing something down on a slip before​ handing it back to her .

It wasn't long before they were allowed to use a fireplace . A Witch assisted them by telling​ them the name of the small Wizarding Community area  where they'd be going in Virginia . A small Floo network  office will be their destination .

Edward went first with their son and when she got in the fireplace next ,the last thing she saw was Jasper and Carlisle walking into the Wizarding Customs office .

She caught Carlisle's eye just before she was swept away through other fireplaces .
Just a filler . Hope you liked . 🏵️

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