Fuck It (A Harry Potter Fanfi...

By AliceLyman

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WARNING: Triggers will not be announced beforehand, and there will be some. Read at your own risk. Harry Po... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter 3.5
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
New story posted!

Chapter Fourteen

3.8K 157 14
By AliceLyman

Warning!!! Graphic scene ahead for those who want it. Will have an end note for those of you skipping. I had planned on skipping it, but none the less here it is. Only thing important that happens is Tom and the others arriving, and the twins being born as the others stand guard. The goblins fight off Dumbledore to protect their favorite client in the background.

"Oh my gods, Hadrian! Are you alright?" Tom asks as he rounds the couch to get to me.


"I know, love, I know. It's okay now. The others will keep him out. The Weasley boy is dead. If it's time then you can push."

He strokes my hair lovingly, and gives me access to his magic to give me strength. I brace myself as the next contraction comes, grab his hand, and push, stopping instantly at the pain, it's as though I'm being split in half.

"Can't! Tom it hurts, I can't! Please!"

"Hey, look at me. You can do this. Our babies are relying on you. I'm right here, and you can squeeze my hand till you break it for all I care. I know you can do it Hadrian."

I take in a shuddering breath, and start pushing as hard as I can.


"Shh, you're doing well. Keep going you can do this."

After what feels like hours, he checks the baby again.

"Come on, the head is almost out. Remember she said that's the worst part. Just a little further."

Holding onto the hope that the worst is truly almost over, I continue to push. I feel it as the head comes loose, though the pain is practically the same. Despite this, the body moves much faster, and after only three more large pushes the body is freed.

A loud cry fills the air, and my heart stops as I hear my baby's first cry. Tom gently places it on my chest as Narcissa explained should happen right after birth.

"It's our boy." Tom announces.

My eyes water as I lay eyes on him for the first time, and I rub a thumb over his flushed cheek.

"Shh, it's okay, Mummy's still here."

He calms down a bit at the sound of my voice, though is still fussing when the next contraction washes over me. I don't feel as though I can push yet. Instead, Tom holds my hand as I wait it out.

"You did so well. I know it was hard, and you're tired, but we've still got a little girl in there. And I know you can do it."

"At least one of us believes that," I joke hoarsley.

Another contraction comes, and I gasp as there is another gush of fluids, which Tom calmly spells away.

"Tom!" I yell as I feel the baby drop into position, and the urge to push comes back with a vengeance, "Oh god!"

He makes fast work of moving our son from my chest, placing him on a chair with spells to keep him there and safe, then gets back to me.

"Let's try on the count of three alright? One, two, three push!"

I push and I push, but she doesn't budge no matter how hard I try

"T-Tom, not working." I pant.

"Why don't we change positions?"

He helps me move to where my arms are holding me up against the couch, but my knees are on the ground, him sitting behind me waiting to catch her when she comes out.

"Alright, one, two, three, push push push! Come on harder!"

"Shut up!!!"

I push as hard as I can, for so long, screaming in agony as I am spread impossibly wider, so slowly I can hardly stand it. Even my hips have been spread farther than they should be to let my children pass through.

"Stop! Stop!"


"That's not a head!"

"What the hell do you mean it's not a head?!"

"It's breach. It looks like she's coming butt first."

"No no no!"

"I can see if I can push her back in and turn her?" He suggests in more of a question.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I screetch, resisting the urge to push as my panicked mind tries to come up with something over the sound of my son's screams.

"Then the only way is for you to keep pushing. You don't have any other choice."

I pant heavily a few times before giving in, knowing he's right.

"Oh God! Ahh!"

I feel as Tom works his fingers into my already full hole, and let out another scream. He stretches me a little but then seems to decide that it's impossible, and instead starts gently pulling at our daughter in hopes it will help as I push.

"Tom!" I cry, "I can't! I can't do this! I can't!"

"Hey, Shh, you are doing amazing. Here, give me your hand."


"Just trust me."

I do as he asks, and my hand is led to something fleshy and slimy.

"That's her. That's our daughter. Just a little further and her legs will be out, then you'll really just have her head left. You are so close love, just a little longer and she'll be here."

I sob into the couch, but get ready once more none the less. I can't let her down. At this rate she'll die. Digging my chin into my chest, I begin to push once more, making progress little by little. Suddenly, some of the pressure disapears, and he rubs my back encouragingly, telling me her legs are free. Unfortunately I only have minor relief as the head comes next.

Pushing with everything I have, it only takes a few more long ones before she is finally freed from my body, causing me to gasp at the sudden lack of pressure. He guides me slowly to rest my back against the sofa so he can put both children against my chest. That is the last thing I know as I succumb to darkness.

---Warning Over!!!---

I wake feeling lighter than I have in months. I turn far too easily onto my back, only to realize exactly why I feel so light.

"My babies!"

At my shout, two cries start from my left. I realize I am in bed at the Haven, and the twins are in the bassinets next to the bed. Tom jumps where he is sitting next to me on the bed. He takes my hand in reassurance as he tries to hush the children.

"Tom, let me see them." I say with a scratchy throat.

"You need to sit up first." he helps me up against the headboard.

"Are they alright? What happened to Dumbledore? Are they gone?"

"Hey, hey, calm down. Everything's fine. The Weasel is dead and Dumbledore has several magic suppressants, wards, and other protections keeping him weak and inside of the dungeons of Riddle Manor. I know you don't want to fight, but I thought you may want to confront him before he dies. And he will die Hadrian. I don't want there to be any misconceptions about that."

"Good. I want to be the one to do it. No, I want us to do it together."

"You do?" he asks in surprise.

"Yes. I want us to be the last thing he sees, to know that he lost and all his plans have failed. I want to be able to steal the life from him as he did to me before you gave it back to me. If I don't, I'll never feel truly safe."

"Then that's what we'll do."

He smiles reassuringly and moves to get our children gently from their bassinets, using magic to pick them up with more ease. They are placed in my arms and I finally get a good look at them. There is a surprisingly even mix of the both of us in them, and I wonder if they'll end up nearly identical despite being opposite genders. I guide them to nurse, and our boy opens his eyes briefly to reveal a shocking bright red. 

"Tom, did you see? He has red eyes too!" I whisper excitedly. 

He moves to look but his eyes are already shut again.

"I've only seen hers, which are already well on their way to turning green."

"Huh. You know, maybe Artemis and Apollo would suit them after all."


I laugh at his excitement over having picked the names.

"Yes really."

"Artemis Lillian Riddle and Apollo Severus Riddle. It's perfect.


The dungeons of Riddle Manor were only installed once Tom inherited the house, but they had been used well enough that you'd have thought they'd been there for centuries. If you go to the very end, where you would hit a stone wall if you went any further, there is a secret cell, hidden from sight. This cell had been built with a certain wizard in mind as a precaution in case he couldn't be killed for some reason. It happens to be the most fortified cell on the planet, or at least I think so. Tom waves his wand and we enter the small area outside of the cell. Inside of it is none other than Albus Dumbledore himself.

"I see you've lost some weight." he quips, "I hope it died in the process."

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, or maybe I don't, but they survived."

"You may have been lucky Potter, but this isn't over. Where's your little boyfriend? Did he decide you and your child were unworthy of the Malfoy name?"

"You really don't get it, do you? Draco Malfoy isn't the father of my children."

"But I am." Tom grins predatorily at the old fool.

He wraps a protective arm around my shoulders, tucking me safely into his side. Dumbledore somehow manages to pale even more than he was.

"You really are sick, aren't you? He killed your parents and this is how you repay them for their sacrifice? They'll never forgive you you know."

"Hmm, a year or two ago that might have worked on me, but not anymore. We celebrated Samhain this year you know. I got to speak with them and Sirius. They were actually happy for me once Siri calmed down. Your lies and manipulations won't work on me anymore. My twins are healthy and safe, I'm getting married in a few months, and after today, I'll never have to worry about you ever again. You lost Dumbledore."

"Ha! You can't kill me! I'd like to see you try!"

"Oh there will be no 'try' about it." Tom informs, "During one of your torture sessions, Severus came in and found every method you are using to keep yourself, alive. He even managed to make a reversal for the elixir of life. It was given to you while you slept. Your horcrux's have been destroyed and every protection you keep on your person has been removed. It's over."

Using the elder wand, we both place a hand on it at once, pointing it at the man who has caused us so much pain and suffering, and finally utter the phrase that ends it all.

"Avada Kedavra!"

And as his scream fades, I slump against Tom, tears of relief falling from both our eyes. We are finally free.


It's now the end of June, the 27th to be exact, and it's finally our wedding day. Cissa and Remus have been huge helps in pulling this together, and the gardens in the Haven have been decorated, and everything is finally in place.

"Are you nervous?" Remus asks for what must be the hundredth time.

"How many times do I have to tell you no?" I laugh.

"You can hardly blame me for worrying. You've been through so much. No one would blame you if you were."

"Remus dear, he's told you about fifty times just today. I don't think the answer is going to change." Dad defends.

"And you're right, I have been through a lot. But we've both taken some liquid luck, and aside from the twins, this is going to be the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm not nervous, just excited to start our lives together. I'm ready." I assure, and despite what he said, even Dad relaxes at the words.

The music changes, and they each take one of my arms to take me to Tom, who has Lucius and Fenrir at his sides. We are each wearing black robes with purple accents, and my breath stops when I see him standing there, looking at me with the same expression as I must have for him. 

I listen only with half an ear to know when it's my part, and when it's finally time to seal our bond with a kiss, there are shouts and catcalls as it's deeper and longer than necessarily appropriate. This is it. This is where we get our little slice of happiness. Our happily ever after.


Oh my god I can't believe I actually finished it! There were some points where I almost didn't, and some where I just couldn't figure out what to do next, but in the end we pulled through. 

Thank you to everyone who stuck with me, I know it's probably been years since I first started this story. I can guarantee there won't be a sequel in case anyone is curious. I'm happy where this one ended. 

For any questions involving the war, it pretty much ended with Dumbledore's capture as no one else was strong enough to stand up to Tom's forces physically or politically. I'll let y'all come up with anything specific you think would have happened with that.

Thank you again for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Stay mad!


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