set it off |mbj

By mochahontaz

327K 14.9K 8.5K

"You had the chance to get out of this lifestyle. Why didn't you take that chance?" "A dog always returns to... More

| S O U N D T R A C K
1 | S O L A N A
2 | R E A S O N I N G
3 | I N T O U C H
4 | B O S S L A D Y
5 | B A C K F I R E
6 | F L A S H B A C K
7 | S U P R I S E
8 | Q U E E N P I N
9 | P L A Y Y O U R S E L F
10 | F E A R
11 | T R U T H
12 | I N T O O D E E P
13 | B L E S S I N G
14 | V O W S & V E G A S
15 | R O O M 4 3 0
16 | R O N A N
17 | L A N A B A N A
18 | C . R . E . A . M
19 | S U G A R P A R E N T S
20 | B A D G I R L S
21 | T H E M A R K S
22 | T H E R A P Y
23 | B I R T H D A Y
24 | M E E T I N G S
25 | T R I C K S
26 | S O N D E R S O N
27 | C O N S U M E
Why Nothing Has Been Updated: Plagarism


2.7K 143 108
By mochahontaz

"I T 'S   A   W O M A N S   WORLD
S O   T O   S P E A K.
P U S S Y   Y O U   S O U R."



"I think the walls should be a neutral tone." I mumbled, walking next to Marcus... who was also walking next to Lauryn. We walked through the large building that was officially about to be up and running. However, I got side tracked with picking the colors for each room space. "Probably a nice brown and green?"

Marcus had officially become at household name for the girls and I. They all loved him, and it was easy to tell why. Aside from myself becoming overprotective of him, Lauryn was now doing whatever to make sure he stayed safe and would have access to whatever him and his family would need educationally. 

"A light brown would be nice. Probably some dark green décor stuff." Marcus inserted, making Lauryn look at him with a raised brow.

"Look at you! Who would've thought you'd be a guy who knows how to decorate."

Smiling, Marcus put his head down, becoming bashful at Lauryn's words. I couldn't do anything but return the smile. "My mom went to school for interior design when she had me." He informed us. "She'd have these big books of colors laying around the house- design templates, I guess. I'd always look at them and started understanding them as I got older."

"You've always been close to your mom?" I asked as we went to look at the next room. "Like, never had any issues?" 

"Never." Marcus shook his head. "Of course, that's also probably due to the fact that she didn't know that I was working with men who probably would've killed me if you wouldn't have came in when you did." He scratched the back of his neck. "I always respected my mom. Before my little brother came, I was always raised with and around women, so she taught me to respect them."

"It's definitely some men out here that you need to be giving Ted Talks to, Marcus." Lauryn rolled her eyes and looked at me. I already knew who she was referring to. Bakari needed more than a Ted Talk. He needed a warning shot to his kneecap. 

"I mean, depending on how long you guys keep me around, I could help some of the younger guys with that? If that's cool with you Ms. F-"

"Marcus, for the last time, Solana or Lana is just fine. Don't make me feel old, please." I laughed, putting my hand on his shoulder. His head ducked again, the heat was more than likely rising to his face.

"Gotta get used to it still." He gripped the straps to his backpack. "When do you plan on opening? If you don't mind me asking."

"I start press for the launch next month, so more than likely, by October? That's the goal."

Getting everything together wasn't hard. There are a lot of kids in the area who are looking for a different start; and I don't mind helping. The hard part would simply be continuing to keep two businesses from ever seeing each other, and questions forming around them.

To 'help' with that, I'm meeting with Bakari today to get insight. Lauryn knew, and she was not happy about the idea. Marcus also knew, and he still doesn't trust Bakari. It's admirable how protective he gets, while still trying to stay on Bakari's good side. 

I told Marcus he had nothing to worry about. I made it clear multiple times that Marcus was off limits. The same way I looked at Lauryn, I looked at him.

"I can't wait." He beamed before looking down at his phone. "I gotta get going before it gets too late."

Nodding, I quickly stopped him before he could make it to the elevator. "Uh, excuse me? Don't think I'm letting you walk home. I'm calling you an Uber."

"Lana, I don't live that far-" He protested with a chuckle, but stopped when he noticed the curve of my eyebrow. "Okay, I'll take the Uber."

"I promised you and your mom that I'd look out for you, and I keep my word." I quickly typed our address into the app, following with his own. For his own safety, I got him the Uber Black option. Savannah told us that from time to time when she would be on trips, she would always take this option to keep a low profile. It seemed fitting for him also. After what happened when we met with the drug exchange, I always make sure to keep him safe just in case.

I wasn't sure if it was an older sibling-like feeling that fell over me, or a maternal instinct that wanted to brew up in my ass all of a sudden, but Marcus definitely brought it out of me, and I didn't mind. 

"Lauryn, can you stay with Marcus until his ride comes? I have to meet up with Bakari about the building."

"Oh, you have to meet up with bitch boy?" She hummed, looking into her own personal phone. I already figured she was texting the guy that she met at the coffee shop from a few weeks ago. They've been talking on and off the the past few days due to their schedules, but Lauryn still hasn't planned a date and time for him to take her out, despite his constant asking. 

At least he was asking. 

"You know what? Cancel the Uber. I can take him home. I'm not doing much of anything for the rest of the night anyway." Looking at me, Lauryn placed her hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Hungry? We can stop by a Chinese spot and get something for you and the family. Shit, I'll get me something too."

"Starving, let's go." He groaned, making his way back to the elevator. "See you later, Lana. Please be safe."

The look in his eyes each time he said it warmed my heart. "I will. See you later, Marcus." I smiled, giving him a quick hug before the three of us parted ways from the building.


"Aght, Aght!" Ant stopped me at Bakari's front door, holding his hand out. "Let me talk to you right quick, before you waltz your ass in here and yall be on some Mr. & Mrs. Smith shit." He cocked his head, making me copy his same movements and cross my arms. "Pockets and purse empty?"

"You really think I trust him enough to come here with nothing on me... at night? Let alone with me being a woman? Work smart, not hard, Ant."

"You really think I trust you enough to come in here with something on you... after you shot him the last time?" He mocked me.

"In my defense, I only shot him as a form of collateral damage and he deserved it."

"You not helping your case right now, Lana." Ant rolled his eyes at my comment. One thing that would probably never change about our relationship even after all these years, was the fact that we still talked to each other like annoyed siblings. 

He reminded me a lot of this cousin I had on my moms side... maybe that was why we pissed each other off so much. 

"Man, let me in the fucking house, it's late." I glared at him. "I swear I won't act out."


"You're gonna meet God if you keep me out any longer, I swear."

"Man, let her in." I could hear Bakari on the other side if the door. I raised my eyebrow at Ant, waiting for him to move over.

"Ya'll fucking annoying." He mumbled. "Get in, damn. Looking like you're about to rob the damn house."

"It's cold."

"And why you got your hair slicked back like that? Looking like somebody's auntie from the nineties."

"You must have missed my ass too, cause you haven't shut the hell up or caught your breath since I pulled up!"

Sliding my jacket off, I folded it over my arm and waited by the steps until Bakari finally came from around the corner. He had a black hoodie on with similar sweatpants, except for the small gold Nike logo that was showing on them. "You look nice. Green's your color."

"I'm not here for you to sweet talk me. You try that shit everytime we see each other."

"I can't compliment my ex?"

"Not the ex that did a sentence for you, who you stopped coming to see. No, you cannot. You can actually kiss my ass. Can we get this started?"

"Come on." He pointed his head towards the steps. "No sneaky shit."

Walking up them, I rolled my eyes and quickly stuck my middle finger up at Ant. I was surprised when I noticed the remodeling that Bakari had done since the last time I was here. 

He had more pictures up on the second floor that reflected his family the longer you walked down the halls. Some were from when he was younger, and even now. There was one picture of him and his dad that was on the wall that looked like it was taken at a family gathering. 

His dad obviously aged from the last time I'd seen him, and the gray in his low fade and beard were noticeable. It did look great on him.

Then there was the picture of Mecca that caught me off guard. It was her going down a plastic pink slide. Her mouth was wide open and I could only imagine how her little voice would sound now. It was probably high pitched; she was a loud screamer when she was a baby. It was only right that it would be one that would make damn hear everyone pay attention to her. 

I caught myself looking at the picture longer than I expected. I was analyzing each and every feature she had, and questioning how the little girl I would always hold in my arms grew. Years have passed, but for some reason, I wasn't expecting her to grow this much. She was practically like my first child, without me even knowing I would've wanted one. We just clung to each other so well. 

"As soon as you're done taking a trip down memory lane, we can get started." Bakari's voice brought me out of the long list of memories that I was going down in my head. Looking at him, he held the office door open and leaned against the door. "Unless you need a minute."

"I'm good." I cleared my throat. "We're meeting in here?"

He nodded his head, walking in first. I closed the door behind me and took a seat in the black suede chair. The decor in his office was black with touches of rustic orange, and I knew it couldn't have been him to pick out the specific colors and decorate so nicely.

He could barely decorate the apartment that we shared years ago. It made me believe that all men had an obsession with black leather couches and red curtains. Thank God he was able to get out of that phase, because it was horrible. His mother and his sister were a really big help during that time. I thought that if I didn't kill him for all the ugly furniture he was picking out, then his family sure would.

"You look a little distracted, love." He placed his elbow on the table, running his hand up and down his face. "I told you, you have free will to see her."

"I don't want to." I quickly stopped him, holding up my hand to end the discussion before it went too far. I was learning far too much in therapy to let him try and trick me. "I came here to talk about the next steps in this business deal. I've been working all day, so I'd be much happier if we got right to it."

Nodding his head, Bakari went into his desk, pulling out another manila envelope. Taking the thick papers from it, he laid them all out in front of the both of us. There were pictures of men and women tied to each name. "These are the people in this business that you gotta empress." He pointed to each one.

The first one, being a heavier white man. He seemed to have thin hair and an oval shaped face. A permanent blush on his cheeks made him look as if someone knew about his deepest secrets, and he knew. "Patrick Lewis." Bakari tapped his finger against his picture. The paper had a list of his income, what he's willing to donate monthly, is occupation, phone number, address, and more.

 "The biggest spender when it comes to throwing out money to businesses. If you got a good reasoning, he's willing to cash out on a business. You gotta cough up something stronger to keep him though."

Bakari dragged his finger down to a highlighted section next to Patrick's information. Cocaine.

"You deal to the same people who sponsor you?"

"You use it as collateral damage." He sniffed. "I keep a paper trail of everything that goes on. In case they switch up, it's more of their business going down that my own. Patrick signs off on every white line he gets. He's protecting his own image more than my own."

"So what does this have to do with me?"

"This one," He moved on to the next paper. "Jessica Ramirez." The hispanic woman looked around my age, but could have been a bit older depending on when the picture was taken. Her hair was blonde... obviously bleached due to the brassy tones that were at her roots. She had a 'Miss America' appeal to her. Next to her name and further information had the same drug attached. Cocaine.

"Jessica lives in Manhattan. The last person anyone would expect to be doing any of this because of her looks and persona... but that's what gets the word out, and results in her putting forward more money."

Before he could pull out another file, I quickly put my hand on top of the papers, tapping my nail. "What... does this... have to do with me?" I repeated myself.

"You want me to partner with you? Then you're gonna need to know everything you can about who you're about to be meeting." Pushing my hand to the side, Bakari pushed the file in front of me. "I already have my own, that's yours."

"When am I meeting them?"

"You're coming with me on Friday to meet them. They're in Boston right now with a few others-"

"Who said I'm going to Boston with you, and who said I wanted to?"

"You wanna miss out on sponsors? Just because you have resentment towards me?"

"If it involves having to be around you for more than three hours? I can handle missing out on a few dollars."

"Those few thousands of dollars can turn into millions if you don't play your cards right." He smirked. "You scared to leave your business behind for a few days?" Bakari stood up from his desk, beginning to walk around it. "That's why you're supposed to have men who can take care of things when you're gone."

"I have women can take care of things, and they do it well."

"Ah, so is it the youngin' you don't wanna leave behind? Kingston? Your little boy toy."

"As often as you bring him up, I'd say you really want to be in his shoes." I scoffed. 

The sound of Kingstons name was starting to make my skin crawl. After what happened that day at my house; even the days after that, he was making it a habit of popping up on days when he's not even called to work or asked. He's also been making it a habit of bringing up Bakari out of jealousy. Did he ever come out and say it was jealousy? No, but if you know the person you've been sleeping around with for months, then you start to know their habits and patterns.

"I was in them before, remember? I know you do." The tone of his voice become teasing. He edged closer to me as he sat on the corner of his desk. "We both know you remember. Because if it wasn't for me teaching you, you wouldn't even be able to do whatever it is you're doing to make him stay."

"You love taking credit for something and having the attention on you." I smiled. "A narcissist at it's best. I wonder how your mom feels knowing she raised one."

"She sleeps well at night." He fired back. "If you want to bring your little boyfriend, you can. I won't stop you-"

"That's not my boyfriend, and who said I was coming?"

"You're gonna come, Solana." Bakari huffed. "What you're gonna do, is put up this front like you're this big bad bitch... which, I'll stroke your ego for a little, and let you have that title. You'll say you're not gonna go, time will pass over the next few days, and you'll realize how much money and attention your facility could be getting with this. Your mind will change, and you'll be on a flight to Boston. I know you."

"And how do I know you're not playing a game, Michael?"

"Baby, if I genuinely wanted to fuck with you right now, I could've done it as soon as I closed that office door." His voice became lighter. "I don't need to take you out of the fucking state to get what I want. I'm just fulfilling my portion of the contract so that I can have what's mine, and you can have what's yours. Deal?"


"So you're coming to Boston. I'll have Isis send you over the information and the ticket for when we leave. It'll be no longer than two days, and we're back."

"Fine. I have to run over some things with my girls, then I'll let you know."

"Speaking of one of your girls," Snapping his fingers until the thought came to his head. "Savannah." He nodded his head. "Is Savannah still fucking my guy, Tommy?"

"I don't think that's information you need to know."

She wasn't. Savannah was too strung out on Rizza to care about anyone else. Again, we truthfully thought that her being involved with men was a phase in her life. We all knew that it would come back down to her being in another love-hate relationship with the one, and only, Rizza.

"But see, it is." He whispered. "Because if my guy is out here fucking your girl... mind you, you're still considered an enemy and pillowtalk is a son of a bitch when you're in love, or between the sheets with someone."

"Wouldn't you know." I mumbled. 

"I don't need Tommy opening his mouth at any point in time, or still linking up with your girl and fucking something up."

"If it makes you feel any better about how shitty your guy is, Savannah isn't interested in him at the moment, or any other man. Anyone else from my side that you're interested in knowing about?"

"Yeah, actually." He bit his lip. "The smartass one? Lauryn?"

I felt my shoulders begin to tense at the sound of him mentioning her name. "What about her?"

"Make sure she keeps her shit away from my security system and information."

"The same way you set us security systems at my gate to watch me?"

"I'm a businessman. You're in my state, trying to push product in my state." He frowned. "If anything, you're smart for finding it, but let's not play stupid here. Like I was gonna let you get away with some shit."

"Well, I'm gonna let you know." I sat up from my chair to stand in front of him. MY hand fell against his chest. Looking down at me, his jaw clenched and his hand fell on the small of my back. "If you do that shit again," I whispered, placing my thumb on his chin. "I'm busting you kneecaps, so you won't be able to walk to my door for months." Muffing his face, I grabbed my jacket, sliding it back on my upper body.

"Tell Isis I can't wait to hear from her."




Depending on whose side yall are on... y'all might or might not like what's coming after all this because now shit's gonna start getting spicy. 

How do we feel aboutttt:

 Lana and Bakari's relationship?

Lana and Lauryn's relationship?

What's going on with Lauryn and Rakim? 

This was the hardest story to come back to because my inspo for this one was there but my ass COULDN'T FOR THE LIFE OF ME put any of it into words and it was pissing me off. However, my ass is back to watching Euphoria and the use of drugs in there had my mind filled with A LOT of ideas so that Euphoria for bringing me back to my senses! 

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