His Last Hope - A Vigilante T...

By KurayiaKai

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This story starts when Izuku's older brother Hiro, goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him a secret that... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 5.5
Character Pictures
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 6

288 6 2
By KurayiaKai

"Izu. It's time to wake up. School starts soon..." Hiro said as he started to shake me awake.

"Five more minutes..." I groaned.

"No. If you don't get up now then you will not have enough time to take a shower before school." He said as he pulled the blanket off me.

"Fiiinnnee." I groaned out as I sat up.

5 minutes later and Izuku is in the bathroom.

(I hope I look better then I feel.) I thought as I started to unwrap my bandages.

"They really did a number on me." I whispered as I look at myself the mirror and find myself covered in hickeys, scratches and wip marks.

(I hate this. I hate them. I hate myself for being so weak. I should add to my collection...) I thought as I opened the medicine cabinet  and pulled out my razor that I keep hidden.

(This is for being weak.) One cut on my arm.

(This is for being unclean and ugly.) A few more cuts on arms.

I stopped after 7 minutes of cutting my arms. They had around 20 new lines on each arm and blood slowly dripping down them. I rinsed the blade and put it back in it's hiding place and then I walking into the shower and scrubbed myself until my skin was red.

"Why can't I feel clean?" I said as I started to cry.

"WHY?" I yelled loud enough for Hiro to hear.

"Are you okay? Izu do you need anything?" He asked me after he knocked on the door.

"I'm as okay as I can be after what happened." I said as I turned the shower off.

"Can I come in? I'm worried."

"Yes... I guess." I said as I wrapped my towel around my waist.

"Okay... I'm coming in." He said as he started to open the door.

"I will help you bandage..." He started to say as he froze.

"Oh... Izu." He said looking at me and noticing the blood dripping from my arms, the blood in the sink, and me crying.

"I'm so sorry." He said as he ran over and hugged me. (His eyes have no life in them.)

"Why are you sorry?" I asked as I returned the hug.

"Izu, I'm sorry that I wasn't here to save you." He said pulling away.

"It's fine. You were working to try and get us out of here." I said finally remembering the blood and my arms.

"Plus, we finally have enough money to get an apartment." I said as I try and hide my arms.

"I will look for an apartment today when I get out of school, and Izu stop trying to hide your arms. I saw and I'm not mad or disappointed at you. I understand why so please let me clean and bandage them." He said as he went to the cabinet and pulled out the med kit.

"I'm sorry..." I sobbed out as I showed him my arms so he could bandage them.

"It's okay Izu. I just want you to know that I love you and I will always be here to protect and take care of you because that is what big brothers are for." He said as he finished bandaging my arms.

"I love you too big bro." I said as I smiled a bit.

"I think you should cover everything with bandages so you can just say you got beaten and not..." He told me  as he started to bandage my back.



15 minutes later and both boys are ready for school.

"I think I am ready." I said as I pulled on my shoes.

"Pack some extra bandages just in case something happens." He said as he also pulled on his shoes.

"I'm going to walk you to school today because my school is starting a hour later than usual."

"You don't have to." I said we both walked out of the house and started walking to school.

"I am and you are not stopping me." He said walking next to me. (I need to find out how bad he is getting bullied.)

"Okay fine. I know there is no way of stopping you." (I hope he doesn't find out how bad I'm getting bullied.)

"So, do mind to tell me why your notebook got burned." Hiro asked me  keeping his word from last night.

(No point in lying.) "Bakugo burned it."

"Why did he do that?"

"His gf meaning our bitch of a sister and her friend took my backpack and bakugou found my notebook and read it. Then told me to stop trying to be a hero and some other stuff...  then he burned it to make a point. I think he is only trying to get me to stop trying to be hero and doesn't really want to bully me but his gf kind of forces him."

"Izu how bad are you getting bullied?" He asked. Stopping me to look me in the eyes.

"It's not that bad." I said trying to sound as truthful as possible.

"Izu... I know when you lie to me. You close your eyes and cringe. You are not a good lier. So, please tell me."

"I don't want to worry you."

"Izu. You need to start telling me these things. It will help you deal with things."

"Okay fine. But we need to start walking again or I'm going to be late."


"So I will start off by saying Izumi and her friends have made everyone in school including the teachers hate me." I said as we started to walk again.

"Why would she... nevermind she would do something like that."

"She also makes sure to either steal or destroy my lunch so I have stopped eating lunch at all."

"Thats not healthy Izu... from now on I will make sure to hide a large snack in our room. So when you come home you can eat something."

"Okay. Izumi and her friends also beat me up everyday, but Bakugo has never hit me even though he always says mean things to me."

"That's horrible Izu. Do you think Bakugo regrets the bulling?"

"I think he does to a point."

"Anything else happen."


"Please tell me Izu."

"Okay fine." I said I stopped and looked up at the sky.

"She told me that her goal is to get me out of her life and then she told me to and I quote "do us both a favor and go take a swan dive off the roof and pray that you will get a quirk in your next life." She told me while smiling and pointing at the edge."

"That bitch. I hate her even more now. Izu I love you and we will be leaving this awful town soon. So please hold on a little longer." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I love you too. We need to start walking I have 6 minutes to get there and we are 6 minutes away."

"Let's run." He said picking me up and putting me on his back.

"Hiro!" I shouted in surprise.

"Did I hear to l go faster. Okay." He said as he picked up his speed.

"Hiro you are going to hurt yourself." I said as a smile creeped onto my face.

"I will not hurt myself carrying you."

"We are almost there." I said as I pointed at the school in the distance.

"Izu. Be careful and I will try and find a place for us to runnway to." He said slowing down.

"I will and please find something at least few towns over." I said as he put me down.

"I will look for something far from here. Please remember that I love you and will always be here for you." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I love you too and I trust you to find something that will work for us." I said as I returned the hug.

"You better go in, you have 2 minutes left." He said letting me go.

"Okay see you tonight. Bye." I said as waved goodbye and headed into hell.

"Are you a fag now? Who even was that?" Sky asked as I walk into the gate.

"That was my older brother." I said as I tried to walk past her.

"You look like shit. What happened to you? I don't even what to look at you because you look so bad." She said as she grabbed my arm hard.

"Look if you don't like looking at me, then don't." I  said with little emotion as I pulled her hand off my arm.

"What did you just say to me? I just wish you would killself already." She said as she punched me in my red eye.

"Me too." I said as I made eye contact with her.

"My brother is the only reason why I am still here." I said as I walked away leaving her frozen.

(What happened to him? He seems so broken today. Think I will go a little easier on him because I feel kind of bad.) Sky thought still shocked.

(Oh, Izu. The bullying is worse then you described. But I am glad you stood up for yourself even though the way you did it scares me. I better leave now.) Hiro thought as he got out of his hiding place started to walk to his school.

(As I thought, he is suicidal. I am going to apologize to him during lunch. I will do it in secret so Izumi doesn't get mad at the both of us.) Kacchan thought after he overheard the two's conversation while walking into school.

"Hey nerd!" He yelled as he caught up to me.

"What do you want Bakugo?" I asked turning to him.

(His eyes look so dull and it's like he is almost emotionless. Why is he so hurt? I definitely need to apologize today and afterwards I will ask him.)

"Meet in the bathroom during the beginning of lunch! Don't be late!" He told me before walking into the classroom.

"Okay." I told him before following him in. (He is probably planning on telling me something. It's probably not going to be nice.)


During lunch.

"Okay. I am here." I said walking into the bathroom.

"Took you long enough. Come here." Kacchan said as he pulled me into the handicapped stall.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I started to shake.

"I wanted to talk you without anyone hearing or seeing us." He said as he locked the door.

"O-okay." I said still shaking.

"Why are shaking? I don't plan on doing anything."

"Really? Then what is your goal?" I asked as I started to stop shaking.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"What did you just say?" I asked still surprised at what I had just heard.

"I said that I'm sorry. I only bullied you to show you that if you were to try to became a hero, you would only get hurt due to you not having a quirk. Also Izumi kind of tells me to bully you even though I didn't really want to and I believe she went too far yesterday. I also went too far yesterday, so here." He said as he pulled out a new notebook and handed it to me.

(He is not lying.) I thought as I activated my quirk.

(I should see if he is trustworthy.) I asked my quirk to check how trustworthy he would be to me.

(It says that he is 100% trustworthy and being honest with me. I think I will forgive him and I think I will tell him about my quirks too.) I thought as I pulled out a pencil and grabbed the notebook from Bakugo.

"I forgive you and I will tell you one of my secrets as long as you promise not tell anyone not even your parents or friends. No one."

"I promise as long as it's not bad and Thank you for forgiving me." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Your welcome." I said as I cringed away from him.

"I'm sorry." I said noticing how upset he looked when I cringed away from him.

"Ok, I will tell you two things. First, yesterday I was raped by three men, so I am little afraid of men being near or touching me." I said as I started to write in the notebook.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was just so happy that you forgive me." He said watching me write in the notebook.

"Please don't tell anyone about that either. Oh, Thank you for the new notebook, you didn't have to. I wrote the second secret down just incase someone hears us talking. Please burn it and get rid of it when you are done reading it." I said as I ripped the page out and handed it to him.

"I won't tell anyone and I felt bad about taking away your coping method. Also don't worry I will explode the shit out of that piece of paper." He said as he took the paper from me.

"Okay." I said smiling a bit.

(I sould start reading now. It says "I am not quirkless. In fact I have two quirks. One is called Ultimate Analysis and it allows me to have an high IQ and it also allows me to learn anything about a person as long as I make eye contact. I used it to make sure that you were being honest with me and to see if you are trustworthy and it said that you were. Idk what my other quirk is. The doctor said it was unique and that is has never be seen before and he also said that it would not awaken until a requirement was fulfilled. He said to keep it a secret because my life would be in danger.")

"Give me the pencil. I have a question and I promise to take this to the grave or until you tell everyone."

"Okay." (That went better than expected.) I thought as I handed it to him.

(I should ask him what kind of things he can learn from his quirk.) He thought as he wrote the question and handed to Izuku.

(Oh, he wants to know more about my quirk.)

"Here is your answer, I'm just glad that you don't know when I use it." I said handing him my response.

(It says... "Anything from age, quirk, to random things like who their friends with, to if they are a villain/vigilante/hero/civilian. I can also see a list of there past crimes or regrets. For instance your regrets are bullying me, and you also regret dating my bitch of a sister. Oh, if you end up breaking up with her I will find a nice guy to hook up with your gay ass. Lol." How does he know that I'm gay... oh right his quirk.)

"So like anything?" He asked trying to hide his blush.

"Yes, and my offer stands." I said smirking a little.

"That's cool and I planned on breaking up with her after I apologized to you. So, I think I will take your offer as long as you tell me what your sexuality is."

"Okay, sounds fair. I'm pan. Friends?" I asked while extending my hand to him.

"I would like that, but I am still better then you." He said shaking my hand.

"You better leave before my bitch sister gets to upset with you." I said as I released his hand.

"Okay, is there any other reason why you hate Izumi?" He asked as he exploded the paper.

"It's how she and her parents act at home. I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay? Want to meet up after school?" He asked me as he opened the stall door.

"Sure. Good luck with the break up."

"Thank you."


5 minutes later with Izumi, Sky and Bakugo.

"Where were you?" Izumi asked walking up to Bakugo.

"I was talking with Izuku. Why does it matter?" He said as he finished walking onto the roof.

"Why you with that useless brat?" She asked closing the distance.

"I went to apologize to him because I felt that we went too far yesterday. He eyes looks so dead and I learned after overhearing his and Sky's conversation that he is suicidal..."


"It's not... he told me that his brother was the only reason why his hasn't committed suicide." Sky said walking over to them.

"I felt bad and I didn't really want to bully him in the first place. So, I apologized and he forgive because I never hit him and he said that he could tell I meant it." He said.

"I kind of feel bad... I want to stop bullying him too." Sky said.

"He is just lying and if he does end up killing himself I would be happy because I would finally have his useless ass out of my life." Izumi said smiling.

"How could you say that about your brother..." He asked.

"THAT THING IS NOT MY BROTHER!" Izumi screamed cutting Bakugo off.

"You know what you are an awful person and I hope you burn in hell. I done with you. I'm breaking up with you." He said.

"You can't break up with me."

"Yes, I can."

"Is this because of that brat?"

"No. I just noticed that I am not really into women and I hate how you treat Izuku and everyone else, and I do not like him more then a friend, so don't even blame him."

"I hate you." She said as she ran off crying.

"Well that was eventful. Can you bring Izuku up here after school? I want to apologize to him too. I realized I went to far after this morning." Sky asked.

"Yes, I will." He said as they sat down and started to eat.

(After school I will get you brat.) Izumi vowed.


After school.

(I wonder where Bakugo wants to go.) I thought as I waited for Kacchan wait no... Kat.

"Hi Izuku, can we go to the roof for a few?" He asked me as he walked over to my desk.

"Sure, I guess." (What does he have planned.)

At the roof.

"Hey Izuku, can I talk to you." Sky asked me.

"Why is she here?" I asked looking at Kat.

"She wanted to tell you something."

"I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for everything. I realized how wrong it was to do those things to you after our talk this morning. I really am sorry and I don't expect you to forgive me but I needed to tell you." She said to me.

"I accept your apology but I can't forgive you yet because you actually hit me. That one of the reasons why I forgave Bakugo right away was due to the fact that he never hit me."

"Thank you." She said as she broke down crying.

"Your welcome."

"Lets go..." Kat started to say.

"Whats this?" Izumi asked with venom.

"Sky apologized to me but I guess you already heard." I said not putting up with her shit today.

"Yes, and your the reason why my friends left me!" She said running over and grabbing me by the shirt and pulling me over to the edge.

"You are the reason and not me." I said as she dragged me.

"Stop this Izumi. He is not at fault." Kat said he rushed over to help me.

"IT IS TOO, HIS FAULT. AND IF HE IS NOT GOING TO KILL HIMSELF. I WILL." She shouted as she threw me off the roof.

"NOOOOO! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!" Kat yelled shocked that she just did that.

"I just took out the trash and did the world a favor by getting rid of that useless piece of shit." She said smiling and proud of herself.

"You just killed him." Sky said crying even more.

"Sooooo what." She rolling her eyes.

"This is why I broke up with you. YOU HEARTLESS BITCH!." He said as he started crying.

"Well, I don't care what you think of me. I'm just glad he is dead." She said with a smile.

"YOU BITCH!" He shouted as he started to run over to her.

"Bakugo, we to check on Izuku. I already called an ambulance and they will be here soon." Sky said grabbing him and pulling him towards the door.

"I hope you burn in hell." He said with venom.

"Oh, I won't go to hell because I did the world a favor." She said still proud of herself.


Back with Izuku, during the fall.

(I can't believe she did this. I hate her soo much. I'm sorry brother.)

As he hit the ground, all he could think of is how he let his brother down. He was still alive after the fall but was dying fast.

"IZUKU!" Kat shouted seeing Izuku covered in blood and dying.

"Hi Kat." I whispered.

"Izu..." He said coming over to hold Izuku's hand.

"Please tell my brother what happened and also tell him that I love him and to stay strong for me." I said weakly.

"Tell him yourself." He said sobbing.

"Also please tell him to get Dr. Ray for me, he will understand. Thank you Kat for being my first friend." I said as I closed my eyes.

"IZU! Please stay with me!" He yelled as he went over to hold him.


The ambulance came 2 minutes later. They took Izuku and Bakugo to the hospital. On the way, Bakugo found Izuku's phone and called his brother.

"Hello is this Izuku's Brother?" Kat asked.

"Yes, why do you have his phone." Hiro replied.

"Well, first off my name is Bakugo and today I apologized to him, he forgave me and we became friends."

"Okay, that's good but that doesn't answer my question."

"So, after our talk I broke up Izumi. Then, Sky told me that she wanted to apologize to Izuku, so Izuku and I went to the roof to talk to Sky...."

"I don't like where this is going."

"After Sky apologized to him, Izumi joined us and she got mad that Sky and I apologized to Izuku and she blamed him for everything. Then she..."

"What did that bitch do to my brother?" He said getting angry.

"She threw him off the roof. I am in the ambulance with him on the way to the hospital."

"Oh my god, I am on my way."

"I went to see him after he fell and he told me to tell you what happened and to also tell you that he loves you and to stay strong for him. He also told me to tell you to get Dr. Ray for him."

"Oh, Izu..." He said as he broke down sobbing.

"I will call Dr. Ray after this phone call. Did he say anything else?"

"He thanked me for being his first friend. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, and thank you for being there with him."

"It's the least I could do because if I was a little faster he wouldn't have fallen..." He said breaking down even more.

"I don't know the details but if Izu trusts you then I will too so don't blame yourself or he will get mad at you when he survives."

"I will try... So, my question is  who is Dr. Ray?"

"Let's just say he is the closest thing we have as a father figure. So, is there anything else because I need to call him."

"No, nothing that is important at the moment. When we meet in the hospital, I will explain what happened in more detail."

"Thank you." Hiro said trying to gain his composure.

"Your welcome, and goodbye."



Back with Hiro...

"Are you okay?" Hikari, Hiro's best friend asked him.

"No I'm not." Hiro said falling to his knees.

"What happened love?" Riku, Hiro's new boyfriend asked him as he came over to hug him.

"My bitch of a sister, just threw Izu off of their school's roof to try and kill him. He is on his way to the hospital. Izu's bully turned friend just called me to tell me and judging by the way he told me, Izu is probably going to die." He said breaking down again.

"Oh love, he is going to be okay." Riku said holding him tighter.

"I hope so..." Hiro whispered as Riku noticed for the first time that Hiro's eyes had changed to a mixture of white, pink and dark blue rimmed with red.

"Your brother is strong, he is going to survive." Hiro other best friend, Tomoe told him.

"Was he wearing any of my special bandages?" Hikari asked concerned about her friend's brother.

"Yes, he had them on his back and on his arms. He was raped yesterday, so I used them to heal him faster." Hiro replied.

"Poor boy, but anyways my bandages can also serve as a kind of protection to the person wearing them. If a person is injured in the same spot that my bandages are they protected enough to only get hurt half as much. So, your brother has a higher change of surviving." Hikari said trying to bring some hope to Hiro.

"Thank you that helped me to calm down enough to make my next phone call." Hiro said with a small smile as he pulled out his phone.

"Who do you need to call love?" Riku asked still hugging him.

"Bakugo told me that Izu told me to call Dr. Ray, so thats what I am doing." He said as he called Dr.Ray.

"What do you need Hiro?" Dr. Ray asked in a somewhat worried tone. (He never calls.)

"My bitch sister threw Izu off the roof and he is on his way to the hospital. He asked me to call you." Hiro said letting some of his anger show.

"Okay, I am on my way."

"Thank you. Bye." Hiro replied grateful that he had one adult to lean on.

"Bye." Dr. Ray replied as he hung up.

"I better go..." Hiro said as put his phone in his pocket and went to stand but found that he couldn't.

"Hold on. Since I'm the only one strong enough. I will carry you there." Tomoe said rushing over to him.

"Thank you." He said as he released Riku and got onto Tomoe's back.

"No problem." Tomoe said as he started to walk.

"Let's go." Hikari said as everyone started to follow.

"Yes, please hurry." Hiro said worrying about Izu.

"Okay, I will use my quirk. We will meet you two there." Tomoe said rushing.

"Okay sounds good." Riku said agreeing that Hiro needed to get there fast.

"See you there." Hikari replied.

"Thank you." Hiro said as Tomoe used his quirk, super speed to run Hiro to the Hospital.


Ten minutes later and Hiro and Tomoe arrive at the hospital.

"I am here to see Izuku Yagi." Hiro asked the nurse at the check-in center.

"Who are to him?" The nurse asked as she started to look up the info in her computer.

"I'm his older brother and he is my everything." Hiro said in a worried voice.

"Okay, he is in room 36."

"Is he okay?" He asked the nurse.

"From what I know, when he came in he was dead, but he somehow revived himself a few minutes ago without any help from the doctors. At the moment he is alive but he is a coma and we don't know when he will wake up." She said with a little dread.

"He died..." He whispered and started crying all over again.

"His friend is in his room already waiting to talk to you." The nurse said trying to sound hopeful.

"Okay and there is going to be another person coming his name is Dr. Ray, please tell him that I'm here with Izu." Hiro said pulling himself together again.

"I will."

"Thank you." "Tomoe please stay here and wait for the others. I need to talk to Bakugo alone." Hiro said turning to look at him.

"I will." Tomoe replied.

"Thank you Tomoe." Hiro replied with a smile before walking toward Izu's room.


In Izuku's room

"I'm sorry that I couldn't stop her." Kat said crying.

"Hey, how is he?" I asked him as I noticed him holding Izu's hand.

"He died in my arms before the ambulance came... but he is fine now." He said letting go of Izu's hand.

"Thank you staying with him. I don't trust you 100% yet, but I see that you care for him." I said as I walked over to Izu.

"Yes, I have always cared for him, but I bullied him to try and keep him from getting hurt when he was trying to be a hero and that bitch was forcing me too. If anything at the moment I see him as a brother, but I understand if after I tell you what happened you want me to leave." Kat said with a sad look.

"Okay, I understand. This morning we were talking about how he thought that you were bullying him to try and protect him. I guess he was right. Did he tell you anything when you apologized to him?" I asked as I walked over and lightly hugged Izu around all of the wires and tubes.

"Yes, he told me a few things, but I'm not allow to tell you due to the fact I promise to take it to the grave."

"Oh, Izu you are too trusting." I said looking at Izu.
"Can you go and close the door? I don't want anyone to hear us." I asked as I turned to give him my full attention, now that I know my baby brother is okay.

"Okay." He said as he closed the door.

"I going guess he told you about his quirks?"

"Wait you knew?" He asked me looking shocked.

"Yes, I am the only one besides the quirk doctor who knows. You refusing to answer told me what it was about. What else did he tell you? Because we know everything about each other." I asked him as I pulled a chair over to Izu, so I could sit next to him.

"I asked him why he was so hurt and he told me, but did not go into details of why." He said as he sat back down.

"Well the only thing I will tell you is that our home life is shit. Our mother likes to sell us to people, but that is the first time she had crossed that line." I said with enough hatred to make him jump.

"That is awful." He said looking at Izu.

"So, can you tell me what happened?"

"Yes, I will start from this morning, so you can fully understand what happened." He said as he got as comfortable as he could.

"Okay, Thank you."


20 minutes later and Bakugo had finished explaining everything.

"And that is what happened." Kat said to me as he finished explaining.


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