A Stand For Freedom

By USMCGamer101

33.9K 690 592

"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves." -Abraham Lincoln The United States Of Amer... More

(book hasn't started yet)
six winners
Chapter 1: Something Isn't right Pt.1
Chapter 2: Something Isn't Right pt.2
Chapter 3: The Battle of New York Pt.1
Chapter 4: The Battle Of New York Pt.2
The Light Event
New US Information
Chapter 5: The New World pt.1
Chapter 6: The New World Pt.2
Chapter 7: Pilot pt.1
Chapter 8: Pilot pt.2


1.8K 20 13
By USMCGamer101

Okay so before we start this book. We need to vote if this book will be a reader or i'll use one of my OC's. Voting will end on the 25th

A. Reader


Also if the OC Option is picked i am allowing people to place there own OC's in the story. Six people will be picked for there OC's.

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