Never To Late For Love

By sarahd517

80.7K 2.8K 128

Mae is a thirty eight year old woman who has given up hope of finding her forever person. Knowing that all th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 24

2K 75 9
By sarahd517

Chapter 24


"Are you planning on staying at Erica's after your bachelorette party?" Max asks as he finishes cleaning up.

Today is my last day at work before the wedding. Tomorrow night all our friends have planned parties for us. Mine, of course, will be without alcohol since I'm in a delicate condition.  Max is joining the guys for Alex's party, so he's excited.

"I may. Alex is going to be staying with the guys, so I could stay at home if I wanted." I haven't decided what I want to do.

"If you stay at home let someone know. I don't like the idea of you being by yourself with the possibility of someone stalking you." Max says.

"Your as bad as Alex, Max. Don't worry. It will take me being physically unable to move to keep me from marrying that man. I have never in my life been this happy. Alex is my everything, and once little man joins, my family will be complete." I said grinning from ear to ear.

We finish cleaning, and I send Alex a text letting him know that Max is taking me home. I have still been having the feeling that I'm being watched. There are a few times that I would notice someone in with a hat and glasses. They would always be far enough away that I couldn't tell if they were a male or female. Max has been concerned that Tanner is behind it. I just have a feeling that it wasn't him.

"Do you want me to stay for a while until Alex gets home? I noticed you looking around like you were scared." Max asks as we are standing on my doorstep.

"No, I think I'll be fine. Besides you need to find a date for the wedding. Don't think that I haven't noticed the lack of females beating down the doors at the bakery." I smirk at him, only to see that he isn't smiling. "What's up, hun?"

"I haven't been going out. After that last girl and all her craziness, I've decided to wait and find someone that I think I could settle down with."

I pull him into a hug and hold him tightly. I've been waiting for years for him to come to this understanding. I've wanted him to be happy, and I never thought that he was all that happy with what he was doing. I pull back and kiss his cheek, and smile.

"You're an amazing man, and you deserve to find an amazing woman. She's out there, be patient. As good-looking and kind as you are, there will be plenty of good women out there who will want to give you a chance."

"That's the thing. I don't want just any woman anymore. I want my soulmate. I want what you and Alex have. As cheesy as it sounds I want it all." He says.

After talking for a few minutes, Max leaves, and I head into the house. Tonight is the last night that Alex and I will have to get her before the wedding. We have a nice dinner planned followed by a movie night. Now that I'm further along, I'm feeling better and able to do more around the house. Morning sickness was awful, and I felt drained most of the time.

"Hey, Baby. You look like you're feeling better today." I feel him wrap his arms around me.

"I am, so I thought I would do a few things around the house. When are you heading out tomorrow?" I ask as I turn in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck.

"About lunchtime tomorrow. You girls better not get too wild at that party." He smirks at me, knowing that there will be no alcohol.

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in. You make sure that to behave yourself. I know that a certain pair of brothers will most likely try and get you a stripper. I don't mind just no touching."

I know that most women would lose their shit if their men were watching a stripper. I believe that Alex is loyal and would never do anything to hurt me. Not to mention the fact that Chelsea and Erica are most likely planning the same for me.

"Same to you. I don't trust Chelsea." He says with this cute little jealous face.

"Never fear my cute little green-eyed man. You're the only man for me." I giggle, watching him make faces. "Now, let's enjoy tonight since I won't be able to see you for a while."


Leaving Mae this morning sucked. I don't understand why everyone is so set on tradition and that we can't stay together tonight. I mean, what else is gonna happen? We're already having a baby. I just want to lay with her wrapped in my arms.

"So we have an amazing night planned full of all sorts of debotury," Declan says, wiggling his eyebrows. "Tanner and I have planned some special entertainment for the latter part of the evening."

Max rolls his eyes at the mention of Tanner. Xavier, Todd, Eric, Sam, and Mark are all along for the ride as well. Xavier and Declan promised that Tanner will be on his best behavior, and so far, he has been. We started the night out by getting dinner at one of our favorite sports bars that have the best beer selection around.

"Does Mae know about that?" Todd asks.

Todd has always put up with my friends but has never really cared too much for them. Xavier by far is his favorite of them, but he really can't stand Tanner. Eric thinks it's funny and that Todd is just jealous of my bond with the guys.

"She does have a hint that some parts of the planning team may hire strippers. Funny enough, she knew which ones would do it." I laugh as I say this.

"That girl always could see through my bullshit. Unless it directly affects her, she can usually see it." Max laughs. I don't think he meant that as a jab at Tanner, but it was a good one if he did.

Before long, the stories start flowing as we drink more and more beer. Most of us are feeling good and laughing more than we have in years. Max regales us with stories of Mae's teenage years, while Declan does the same about me. People have been coming and going in the bar, and I look down to see we have been here for three hours.

"Damn, time is flying," I say.

"Yeah, we need to head to Xavier's for the rest of our night. Since someone doesn't want to go to the club or anything." Tanner says, giving me the stink eye.

We get to Xavier's and are there for only a few minutes before there is a knock at the door. Tanner goes and answers it, and walks several guys with huge cases in. I'm starting to get confused until they start setting up gaming stations. They have televisions and first-generation X-Boxes.

"My friends, we're going back in time to college. When Alex, Xavier, and I would spend hours playing Halo multiplayer." Declan says with a smirk on his face. "Alex, we knew you could care less about a stripper. We wanted to respect your girl and do something that I think we can all enjoy."

The next several hours are spent playing the game. We're fortunate enough that all of us have played this at some point. We all slide right back into the habit of playing. Every man has his own station to play at, so we are living the dream right now.

Somewhere along the lines, someone delivers pizza and beer to help keep us fueled for the battle. Laughs, grumbles, and victory screams are all that can be heard from the room. I look around and think that this is the perfect bachelor party for me. There is no pressure to entertain each other, and there is no threat of any women trying to come on to us.

I'm thankful for the friends and family that I have. Mae and I are lucky to have these people in our lives. Just thinking that has me thinking about Mae. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. Making her my wife is going to be the best day of my life. She has become my everything.

I know that we will only have a short time until our little man comes to join us. Mae is going to be an amazing mother, and I can't wait to be a father. I'm hoping that we can have several more children. Mae doesn't know that yet, but I think that life is too short for us to wait forever. Not to mention I'm not getting any older.

Even if we only have one, I think our lives will be happy. I will do whatever she wants because, at the end of the day, my life is being with her and making her happy.

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