it starts with a little bit o...

By sazbaz16

434 30 3

baily. k has always dreamed of being just like anna Kendrick when she grows up but what will happen when she... More

chap 1
chap 2
chap 3
chap 4
chap 5
chap 6
chap 7
chap 8
chap 9
chap 10
chap 11
chap 12
chap 14

chap 13

23 2 0
By sazbaz16

Anna's pov

after the table read I took baily to taco bell, as promised I got extra, not that I'd mind. baily's so cool, we have so much in common, we can talk for hours and hours and still have things to talk about. she's such a actor to, probably better than I was at her age, her voice is amazing. 


time skip 

" uugghhh anna u awake?" baily said groggily  " yeaaah I'm up what time is it" I say waking up. " uuum it's 8:30 SHOOT WE HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET TO CLASS ANNA GET UP!" baily yelled. I and jumped out of bed. I quickly got dressed and headed to class with baily. we both had drama first thing. yesterday we had the table read so we took the day of. this gave me enough time to prep for my lesson. I've been teaching this class for a couple weeks now and were on our facial expressions unit. " alright team today where gonna work on facial expressions" I said hearing groans from the group. honestly my group is so whiney and rude. baily's the only one who seems to be trying. she's obviously my favorite student but she's more my friend then a student. it's hard not to just leave with bay in the middle of the class. but she likes my class and it helps her acting so I stay. " oh come on guys, look I know it might be awkward but we gotta do it, it's really important in acting" I say. baily looks really exited compared to all the other student. the class isn't really fond of her for some reason I mean come on she's awesome. I've been giving baily special personal classes because she's at a more advanced level. " alright guys I want you all to line up in front of me." I said directing them. they all lined up and I began explaining what we were gonna do. "ok so your gonna come up to me and I'll give you an emotion to demonstrate" I said. everyone lined up and the first person came up. I told them to demonstrate exited. they widened there eyes and smiled. kept going until we got up to baily. I gave her sad because she has a lot of crying in all her scenes that we need to practice for. she took a deep breath and went into character. 


baily's pov

when it's my turn to go up anna gives me the expression sad. I take a couple deep breaths before crinkling my eyes up and biting my bottom lip. " great job bay! ok next up." anna says as I go to the back of the line. after a couple more people went up anna called the end of the lesson and everyone started filing out. I waited for anna to finish packing up so we could leave together. " hey great job today!" Anna said meeting me at the door with her stuff. " thanks I'm glad you think so" I said looking a little down. " yeah those students don't seem to like you so much" Anna said. I didn't reply. " well don't worry, there just jealous and your probably gonna loose all of them after college anyway, but you'll always have me." anna said trying to cheer me up, I was lucky to have her.


hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chap! sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been having issues with Wattpad. just want to let you know I'm gonna be taking a little time of. there will be information abt it in my next update. I will try to update here as much as possible tho! sorryand thanks for reading! <3

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