By helenaluvr

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❨ ✧∘ଂ ࿐🔪👻 ཾ.ミ ❩ ━━ ❛ 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐄 ❜ | 𝐴 𝘚𝘊𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘔 𝐹𝐴𝑁 𝐹𝐼𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 ❝𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭�... More



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By helenaluvr

It was late whenever the girls arrived at Tatum's house so they got into their pajamas. The three teenagers were sat in Tatum's room, Sidney was laying down on the bed next to where Tatum and Abi were sitting crisscross applesauce. 

"God, I loved it! "I'll send you a copy." BAM! Bitch went down. "I'll send you a copy." BAM!" Tatum punched the air mocking Sidney's punch. 

"Sid-Superbitch. I like it!" Abi and Tatum laughed. Dewey then appeared at the doorway with a bag of ice.

"I thought you might want some ice for that right hook," Dewey laughed. Sidney put it on her hand. "I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep." Dewey turned to leave the room but Sidney stops him.

"Any word on my dad?"

"Not yet, but we're looking. If you girls need anything..." He smiled sadly at the two most targeted girls.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Tatum interrupted and Dewey took that as his cue to leave. Sidney laid back down.

"Just another sleepover at the Rileys'," Sidney whispered to herself.

"Just like the old times, ain't it?" Tatum smiled.

"No, it's nothing like it used to be."

"Do you really think Billy did it?" Tatum asked Sidney.

"He was there, guys."

"I knew that guy was too perfect. He was destined to have a flaw." Abi joked. 

Mrs. Riley then knocks on the door and comes in. "Telephone, dear."

"Who is it?" Tatum asks her smiling mother. 

"It's for Sid." She looked to Sidney.

"My dad?" 

"I don't think so, hun."

"Take a message," Tatum tried waving her Mom away.

"It's alright, I'll get it." Sidney got up.

The moment she walked out of the room Mrs. Riley whispered, "How is she?" The two girls shrugged. Abi got up and walked over to Sidney and left Tatum with her Mom to talk.

"Hello, Sidney." Abi couldn't hear the phone completely but she heard the voice, Abi didn't associate with who it was though.

"NO!" Sidney cried out into the phone. Tatum and her mom came rushing out of Tatum's room.

"Poor, Billy-boyfriend. An innocent guy doesn't stand a chance with you."

"Sid! Who is it?" Abi asked.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled into the phone.

"Looks like you fingered the wrong guy, again."

"Who are you?" 

"You will find out soon enough. We're gonna have fun Sidney, Just like old times." He dryly chuckled. 

"Hang up, Sid," Tatum told her best friend, Mrs. Riley knocked on Dewey's door.

"Would you please put Abi on the phone now?" He requested. 

Sidney gave the phone to Abi. "He wants to talk to you." Sid then ran into Tatum's room, Tatum and her mom following.

"Hello, buttercup. Did you like the number I pulled on Casey's parents?"

"You're a dick. I hate you." Abi spat, rage and sadness filling her short body.

"Ah-ah-ah. Don't use that foul language with me, babydoll. "

"What do you want? Why did you kill them?"

"You want a why? Well, you're my scary movie flick chick!"  He paused."I said I'd be in touch soon."

"And this is your way of staying in touch, terrorizing unstable teens behind a mask? Killing elder parents? Real manly of you." Dewey then rushed out of his room with his gun.

"Listen to me bitch, you don't get to insult me. I'm gonna getcha and I'm gonna make it hurt like I made Kyle hurt like I made Casey hurt like I made the rest of the Beckers hurt." He got angry at her for a moment, then went back to his usual taunting tone.

"Kyle was a dick, if anything he deserved it. The others though, that was purely evil." 

"Woah, Abi's getting some balls! Isn't there a cop next to you? That sounds a little suspicious. Next thing you know your good friend Sidney will start pointing fingers at you." 

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't I?" 

"Goodbye." Abi got ready to hang up the phone.

"I'll be back in touch with you, sweetheart." Abi shivered as the line went dead, she dropped the phone and stormed into Tatum's room. 

Dewey picked up the phone, "Hello?" He just missed the man hanging up.

Everyone in the Riley house didn't sleep too well, due to the calls from the killer. Tatum dropped the bomb that she and Stu broke up. She really didn't care too much, she said Stu was boring her. No spark. Abi had to contain herself, she was happy that they had broken up. She was constantly thinking about the kiss she and Stu shared at the party. It was a great kiss, it had meaning.

 Mrs. Riley made them a breakfast of her famous french toast and bacon. "I really think you girls should stay home today." Mrs. Riley suggested.

"Your objection is dually noted." Tatum takes a bite out of the crunchy bacon.

"I'd rather be around a lot of people, Mrs. Riley." Sidney looks up at the woman who sadly smiles. No one has talked to Abi yet, they knew better. She hated waking up for school, it was the worst for her.

She slumped over at the table but Tatum sprinkled water over her drowsy face, "Wake up Abi!" They all looked over at the TV, which had the local news on.

The reporter was talking about last night's events. "Sidney Prescott who escaped a vicious attack last night was the daughter of Maureen Prescott, who was brutally killed last year when convicted murderer Cotton Weary broke into their home and savagely raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton Weary is currently awaiting an appeal for the death sentence handed down after the young Sidney testified against him. She was the key witness in the state's prosecution..." 

"Breaking News! John and Martha Becker were found dead in their house last night by Abi Adams..." The TV went on.

"It's never gonna stop is it?" Sidney thought out loud.

"Nope," Abi popped the 'p.'

Dewey got off the phone, "Billy was released. His cellular bill was clean. He didn't make those calls."

"Somebody called me, Dewey. I'm not making it up." Abi silently agreed with what Sidney was saying.

"I know. We're checking every cellular account in the county. Any calls that were made to you, Abi, or Casey Becker are being cross-referenced. It's gonna take some time but we'll find him." Dewey says in a hopeful tone.

"Do we even have time though? This guy moves fast." Abi slunk in her seat.

Sidney ignored Abi, "And my Dad? Any word on him?" Dewey sadly shook his head 'no.'

Dewey drove the three girls to school that day, there were news vans and reporters in the street again. Tatum and Abi got out as soon as Dewey parked, Sidney was hesitant to go. Dewey was the only one to notice as Tatum and Abi were talking about cute new boys for Abi. "Hey, it's school. You'll be safe here." 

As soon as Sidney gets out of the car a microphone is shoved in her face, "How does it feel to almost be brutally murdered?" 

Dewey pushed the reporter out of the way, "Leave the girl alone, will ya? She wants to go to school."

"I'm going in," Abi says bye to her friends, the reporters were too much this early. She had decided she was going to forget about the events of last night today, just for one day she wanted to be normal again.

As Abi was walking in she felt a hand grab onto her waist, she looked up to see Stu. "Hey." He winked down at her.

She pried his hand off of her waist, "So you and Tatum break up and I'm your rebound?" 

Stu laughed, "Do you wanna be?" Stu wanted to be joking, this was his exes best friend, but he really liked her. 

"In your dreams Stuie," Abi stops at her locker and unlocks it. He leans on the locker next to hers. Sidney and Tatum came over to their lockers. 

Stu checks himself out in the mirror that he took from Abi's locker, "I haven't seen Billy around. Is he really pissed?" Sidney asked Stu.

"You mean after you branded him the Candyman? No, his heart's broken." Stu put the mirror down.

Abi turned toward him and hit him. "Stu!" 

"Ow! Abi that hurt, do it again." Stu giggled. Tatum rolled her eyes at her ex, she slammed her locker and walked away. Tatum was a bit jealous, but she broke up with him. There was nothing she could do.

Masked students run up and down the hallways of Woodsboro high, it scares Sidney but Stu and Abi laugh about it. "Why are they doing this?" Sidney asked her friend group.

"Are you kidding me, Sidney?" Abi giggles.

"Look at this place. It's like Christmas." Stu leaned back on the locker.

Sidney closed her locked and went into the walkway of the hallway where she immediately bumped into none other than Billy Loomis. She freaks out. "Shh, it's just me. Can we talk?" Billy asked his girlfriend. 

Sidney nodded and they walked off but not before Abi noticed and yelled, "Stay away from her, Killy Billy." He turned around and playfully flipped her off as they disappeared into the crowd.

She and Stu continued with their prior conversation and carried on with their classes.

When the school day was over, Tatum and Sidney were walking back to the Riley's house. Abi joined them. "No, it was him, Tate. I saw him." 

"When I saw him yesterday, I thought it was real too. Do you honestly think it was? Or just a little prank." Abi asked.

"I think it was real."

"Well, you're not to be alone anymore, right? If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?" Tatum instructed, "You too Abi. Even if you're stealing my ex." Tatum winked at Abi.

"What? I'm not!" Abi held up her hands in defense.

"No! if you like him go for it! I will warn you though, he snores." Tatum laughs. 

"Cizzool cuz scizzool is izzout." Stu comes up behind Abi and slings his arm around her.

"Speak of the devil." Abi rolls her eyes.

"I don't know what you did, Sidney, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all say, Thank you!" He gestured to all the kids walking.

"Stop it, Stuie." Abi elbows him.

"I say, impromptu party tonight, my house." Stu chuckled.

"Oh, I love parties!" Abi jumped.

"Celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?" Stu says.

"I'm in!" Abi dances around with Stu.

"Not everyone is party-ready 24/7, Abi." Sidney laughed. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah as long as Abi isn't in control of the guest list, we'll be fine. We've all been to an Abi and Casey rager, the whole world was always invited." Stu laughs, Abi was saddened a bit at the memory but then cheered up because it was always fun.

"Hey, every party we threw was a success. I'm not complaining."

"Whatever, but Intimate gathering, intimate friends." Stu looks at Sidney, knowing that Abi and Tatum are already in. "What do you say, Sid?"

"I mean, pathos could have its perks." Tatum shrugs.

"I could totally protect you guys," Stu flexes his strong, lanky arm. "Yo, I am so buff." 

"Put your noodle arms away." Abi rolls her eyes.

"Not noodles, Sweetheart, I got you covered, girl." Stu nudges Sidney.

"I don't know..." Sidney trails off.

"Come on, Sid. For me? Or else I'll be stuck with dumb and dumber." Tatum referenced Abi and Stu, who were playing around. 

"Okay, whatever." Sidney agreed. 

"Cool." Stu smiled and stuck his head on Abi's shoulder. "You two bring food, Abi's coming with me." Stu then picked Abi up and threw her over his shoulder. 

"Don't forget jolly ranchers!" Abi screamed to her friends who were going in a totally different direction. She loved to have jolly ranchers with alcohol.

Stu and Abi walked to the local blockbuster. When they got there, they walked to Randy. "Jesus, this place is packed tonight, man." Stu looks at Randy. 

"We had a run in the mass murder section."

"Comin' to my fiesta?" Stu and Abi stood on the opposite shelf of randy. Stu was tall enough where he could set his arms on it, Abi was not. 

"Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know." Randy stacked tapes.

"Cool." Stu nodded.

A girl walks over to Randy, "What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?"

"The Howling. Horror. Straight ahead." He instructed and she quietly thanked him.

"Oh, now that's in poor taste." Randy looks to Billy.

"I know right, I thought I was the only one to notice it." Abi smiles at Randy.

Stu looks at them clueless. "What?"

"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy explained. 

"What? It was just a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything." Stu pointed at his best friend.

"You're such a little lapdog." Abi laughed at Stu.

"He's got "killer" printed all over his forehead." Randy pointed for a short second.

"Okay! Really? Well, why'd the cops let him go, smart ass?" Stu hung his head on his arm.

"Because obviously, they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom Night Revisited, man." Randy stacked more movies.

"Yeah? Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu tried finding holes in Randy's idea.

"There's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend." Abi laughed, "That's more drama rather than horror though."


"Simplicity. Besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience." Randy explained.

"Well, what's his reason?" 

"Maybe he's mad because Sid won't fuck him." Abi laughed at Sid's intimacy issues, she felt bad but she could make a few jokes about it.

"Maybe she's saving herself for Randy." Stu nudged Abi as they laughed.

"Maybe. Now that Billy tried to mutilate her, do you think Sid would go out with me?" Randy looks between the pair, hopeful.

They burst out laughing when they catch their breath they look him dead in the eye and say, "No, never."

"Sorry, buddy. You're not Sid's type." Abi looked at him. 

"Would you go out with me?" Randy gestured to Abi, only half-joking. He liked her but he knew she was off-limits because Stu was obsessed with her.

"You know who I think it is?" Stu looked at both of them, "I think it's her father."

"Oh, that would be a great plot twist. Her Dad is very sexy in that older man way." Abi thought about Sidney's Dad. 

"Gross, he's old!" Stu looked at her, disgusted. "But why can't they find her pops, man?

"Because he's probably dead. His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere! Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out! The police are always off-track with this shit. Man! If they'd watch Prom Night, they'd save time. There's a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect!" Randy screams and everyone looks at him, Stu and Abi make gestures that separate them from him. "I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy."

"How do we know you're not the killer? Huh?" Billy appeared behind Randy.

"Randy, you got busted by Killy Billy. He's gonna gut you now." Abi laughed and drew a cut on Randy's stomach with her acrylic black fingernail.

"Hi, Billy." Randy trembled, he really didn't wanna get his ass kicked by Billy today.

"Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button. You ever think of that?" Billy looked straight into Randy's eyes. Abi sat down on the cart that was formerly filled with movies.

"You guys look like your about to kiss right now." Abi watched them. Billy looked over at Abi slowly, she giggled.

"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it." Randy said. "If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect."

"That's right. And what would be your motive?" Billy continued to stare. Stu put his arms on Randy's shoulders.

"It's the millennium." Randy stared as Stu flicked his earlobes.

"Motives are incidental," Abi says. 

"Millennium. Hmm. Millennium. I like that. That's good. It's the millennium." Billy thinks for a second, "Good kid." He grabbed Randy's nose for a moment then walked away. Stu got off of Randy.

"And you're telling me that's not a killer."

"Millennium." Good word, my man." Stu nods to Randy. "Come on, we gotta grab a movie before they are all gone." Stu offers Abi his hand to which she accepts. They walk over to the horror section and grab a few good ones and check out.

When they get back to Stu's house they start getting the alcohol and everything out for the party.

They hung out and played around. While they were messing around, they started drinking and that lead to kissing. Both of their love languages were physical touch and they were two extremely horny people. I think we can guess what happened during this portion of the night.

(A/N) Only a couple of chapters left until the sequel! :)

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