Be Creative

By Starskulls

208K 5.5K 4.2K

PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STORY ANYWHERE. THANK YOU. Lila succeeded in taking everything Marinette held dear t... More

Chapter 1: A Dreary Day
Chapter 2: Read You Like a Book
Chapter 3: Pawns
Chapter 4: Practice What You Preach
Chapter 5: Two Became Four
Chapter 6: Assemble the Players
Chapter 7: The Queen Makes a Move
Chapter 8: Countdown
Chapter 10: Damage Control
Chapter 11: A Crack in the Kingdom
Chapter 12: Who?
Chapter 13: Ashamed and Alone
Chapter 14: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 15: A Game Within a Game
Chapter 16: The Final Vote
Chapter 17: Today is the Day
Chapter 18: Act 1
Chapter 19: Act 2
Question Session
Chapter 20: Act 3
Chapter 21: Act 4
Chapter 22: The Final Act
Epilogue: The Closing Curtain

Chapter 9: I am MDC

7.8K 210 154
By Starskulls

Lights. Camera. No action. Well, not yet at least. The red carpet was being held by the Eiffel tower. Well, more specially, it was almost underneath it. Being such a grand structure, it made sense to hold a lot of events here. There was a red carpet rolled up into the street and to the tower, where a grand stage was constructed for all the high profiles. Large banners of banners were draped everywhere, and the paparazzi were going insane with the camera flashes. There was also a large TV above the stage connected to a camera so people from afar could see the close-up. The public were watching from afar, due to being roped off and having officers standing nearby. It was almost perfect. It was just missing one crucial element.

"How boring..." Kagami said.

She was wearing a lovely black and red kimono, decorated with cherry blossoms. It was a Gabriel design, and while it was nice, it was nothing compared to what Marinette could make. She was up on the main stage along with Adrien, who was in a black suit and Lila, who wore an orange gown with her hair up. Again, a Gabriel brand. She was latched onto Adrien, who looked and felt uncomfortable, as well as waving and gleaming at all the cameras and attention. And she thought the mayor's daughter was vain. Gabriel was out along with some of his high-profile models, as well as some local celebrities, like XY and other musicians. Clara, Jagged and Fang, were of course there but they seemed a little unfocused, something which Kagami noticed. Only natural. They were eager and excited.

"Hey Kagami, how have you..." Adrien started.

"Don't talk to me," she said sharply, hurt then coming up Adrien's face.

Lila looked over at the girl and almost scowled. This one was yet another she couldn't control. Seemed to like Maribrat too much. Unbelievable. Then again, Kagami was seen as such an Ice Queen, no one in her class seemed to like her. Well, the fact that Lila told Alya that Kagami bullied and threatened her outside of school to stay away from Adrien certainly helped.

"Don't be so mean. I'll talk to you all night Adrien. That's what friends do," Lila said, hugging him closer. Adrien looked at Kagami for help, but she gave a careless look.

"Don't look at me, I'm not your friend," Kagami said, only hurting Adrien's feelings even more. Not so nice when it's you is it, Kagami thought. She felt a little guilty as she knew how lonely it could be as a famous model, but he brought this on himself.

"Mr Agreste, what does you next line have in store?" a reporter asked. Gabriel sniffed as he looked at the woman.

"I have a new collection coming out, black and white is the theme. A reflection. That is all I can say," he said stiffly.

"Oh yes, isn't this gown amazing? I mean, it couldn't look as good of course without me," Lila said to a few reporters, but they didn't seem to take much notice, which annoyed her.

"Raven to Red Sparrow. Raven to Red Sparrow, over."

"Yes," Kagami said, nodding to a random reporter, making sure it didn't look like she was talking to thin air. She scratched her ear slightly and titled.


Morgana sat at her desk in her room, with an earpiece on her ear, a small paper map in front of her, a tablet on the side and the live stream of the red carpet on her computer. Her relatives were out at the red-carpet event in the public, so she had no issues of interruption.


"All on schedule?" Morgana asked.

"Why yes, I love being at the red carpet on stage it's an honour."

"Good," Morgana said.

Having decided on bird codenames, it made it slightly more fun. Morgana was the conductor tonight. Everything that happened was part of the song. It wasn't chess tonight. It was a piece. A beautiful one. Kagami wasn't to respond to her with direct comments. No, that would be too suspicious. Having her respond to questions in the form of an answer was what she needed.

"Raven to Peregrine. Raven to Peregrine. Over?" Morgana said.

"Over. All set on my bike. Marinette is set. Good thing Kagami knew the layout beforehand," Luka said.

"Indeed. Be ready to drive to the carpet for get Marinette. The pickup location is all set with Penny waiting there," Morgana said.

"This is all legal right?" Luka asked and Morgana rolled her eyes.

"Marinette isn't going to be on the stage, so it isn't trespassing. She will be on the tower, that's public access. Penny sorted it with entry, as it costs a fee. When you pick her up, it will be from the back of the tower on the public walkway. It is perfectly fine. Besides, we have a little back up in the mayor department. Call this a public art stunt. If anything, it's encouraged," Morgana said, tapping on her tablet. She had the controls for the event ready.

"Okay. I guess this is it then," Luka said eagerly. Morgana straightened in her chair as the glint came to her eyes. It was time to prepare. She clicked her fingers three times for a beat.

"Raven to the team. We are flying. I repeat, we are flying."


Kagami smiled at the crowd and looked over at Jagged Stone, who met her gaze. He gave her a slight nod as he then randomly stepped out in front of the stage and in front of Lila and Gabriel, who were still asking questions. They were about to retort until he pulled his guitar from his back on its sling and let out a string of notes. This action caused the crowd to be silent and for the flashes to stop. Heck even the pubic seemed to quieten down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight! But I must confess, that I have a secret! Do you want to see it?!" Jagged yelled. The public cheered loudly back at his enthusiasm and the press seemed to like the idea of some gossip. Even the people on the stage did. Well, bar Lila and Gabriel of course.

"What is this secret?" someone with a camera asked. This time it was Clara who came forward, in her stunning outfit. She and Jagged would say in later interviews that MDC designed them of course as they hadn't been asked yet.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Well let's give it a go!" she squealed with a twirl.

"Come here Fang boy!" Jagged said, causing a few people to inch back at the sharp mouthed animal. He let out what appeared to be a cheerful growl.

"Must we..." Gabriel started but was silenced with a raised hand by jagged. Oh, if he was Hawkmoth right now... he cursed inwardly.

"Come now everyone...and feast your eyes on this!" Jagged said, then raising his arms above his head and forming half a heart shape above his head. Clara followed suite, only she turned to the side and held out her arms to form another shape. Fang then raised his tail and curved it slightly. There was a long pause. That was it

"Everyone, don't be blind, when you see this, who comes to mind?" Clara shouted with a grin. Another pause until someone with a brain called out a name that their bodies resembled.

"MDC?" they said, and this caused a stir and for people on stage to look around to see if they could see the said designer.

Lila was looking around anxiously. If she could find that MDC, she would have to latch onto them in a good shot on camera. No way they would shove her off on public television. MDC was a rising name and had yet to give anyone an interview. To be the first would be a privilege.

"Ask and you shall receive!" Jagged shouted.


Morgana inhaled and raised a hand to begin the sculpt to her song. She hit the first button on the tablet with a flourish.


The stage lights flashed off and then something from a hidden projected flashed back on to reveal the tower now covered in beautiful drawings of clothes with the familiar MDC text plastered all over it. Cameras flashed as the crowd gasped in amazement. Gabriel didn't look at all impressed with the display and Lila, seeing his face and wanting to be in his good books, followed suite. In fact, they were probably the only two who looked annoyed. All the celebrities had heard or even commissioed MDC, so seeing the mind behind the design would be a real treat.


Morgana twisted and flicked her wrist as she pressed yet another button.


Spotlights flashed on and were raised up to a lower floor on the tower, but still well above everyone else. There, standing right on front, in all their glory, was MDC. Shouts of amazement came as MDC appeared on the screen with a stunning outfit.

MDC's face was covered with a jewelled mask with a slight netting which hid her blue eyes nicely. A coral like crown was on her head as her hair was piled up messily but had blue curls falling down her face. She wore a body suits, but it was painted on as if it was a geometric pattern, so she looked like a living diamond. She had even managed to sew on mirror like fabric to certain parts so as the cameras flashed, she almost lit up. The pattern even decorated her boots. She did have a studded jacket on as well and as she carefully turned around, MDC was plastered on the back.

"People of Paris, I am MDC. I am here to bring the future to fashion," Marinette said loudly, but calmly. Her heart was pounding, but she couldn't believe it. She was doing this. Her eyes fell on Kagami, who was doing her best not to smile. Adrien just looked shocked, and Lila looked furious that the attention wasn't on her.


Morgana flourished both of her hands to the side as she spun in her chair and hit the next button.


The spotlights dimmed and Marinette took her leave. She turned on her heel carefully and disappeared, hearing the loud cries coming from behind her. She almost flew down the stairs, fearing of being caught. She caught the familiar sight of Luka's motorbike and jumped on and latched herself to Luka. She would have blushed if she wasn't feeling such a rush of excitement.

"Let's go!" Luka declared as he revved his engine.


Morgana slammed her hand on the desk, tapping a button ever so delicately.

The projector with the designs on the tower flashed off, making the crowd even more crazed. The people on stage seemed just as shocked as the younger ones felt themselves being pushed about slightly. Jagged and Clara were ecstatic, clapping widely as the display.

"Somebody, call security!" Gabriel yelled angrily, making several officers practically scramble to calm the crowds down.

"This is unacceptable!" Lila shrieked, stepping forward and trying to drag Adrien with her but for the first time in his life, Adrien held his ground.

From the bluntness of his strength, Lila was jerked forward but then back as she slipped and fell backwards, landing on backside with a loud yell. While no one noticed as much since the attention was still on looking for MDC, Lila felt her face heat up as flashes appeared. Kagami had to hold in her laughter and Adrien seemed to be doing the same.

"Damn you..." Lila seethed. MDC had better watch their back!


Luka sped down the streets, now far from the tower. Per instructions, they had gone in circles a few times, so if camera were checked on the streets, it didn't look like they were coming straight from the event. Finally, they came to one of the quiet streets, where Luka turned to a hard left and up into a landing strip into a lorry. The door was immediately shut, and Luka turned off his engine. Marinette practically fell off the bike in shock and Luka wasn't far off. There was a moment where the pair sat to catch their breath. Marinette pulled off her mask and looked at Luka, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"We did it!" she whispered.

"You did it! You were amazing!" Luka said happily, enveloping the girl in a hug.

Marinette hugged him back as they both laughed in relief. As they pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes. Each saw each other's happiness in their eyes. They made each other happy. In that moment, they just felt so complete. As if Lila, the class and the rest of their issues didn't exist. But just as they were starting to lean in, a small grate opened at the front of the lorry opened, to reveal Penny.

"All secured! Everyone okay back here?" she asked.

"Couldn't be better," Marinette breathed.


Morgana bowed her head and arms as she gently pushed the last button, which was open on the Twitter site. It had a tweet open in a draft which simply said:


I am MDC.

Once the deed was down, Morgana leaned back in her chair and let out a breath. Her piece was complete. All she heard was the applause from the screen. A perfect finish.

"Thank you and goodnight," she said with a smile.

Marinette woke up the next morning with a jolt. It was super early, and she could hear her parents moving around downstairs, getting ready for the morning rush. Marinette placed a hand on her chest. After she had come home, she had bolted to her room to change before her parents saw and just collapsed in bed. Did last night really happen?

"I watched the whole thing. We all did! You were amazing!" Tikki said, coming up from her little pillow to greet Marinette.

"So it did happen," Marinette said as she shook her head.

"Of course! Your phone has been buzzing all night!" Tikki said. Marinette looked to her phone which had been by her side and only now did she realise that she could feel the buzz coming through on the phone.

"Why?" Marinette said, picking it up and opening it to the biggest flood of comments she had ever seen.

"Wow!" Tikki said as she came to look.

The screen was almost filled with notifications and as Marinette opened Twitter she saw why. She was trending! Well MDC was. She was the top trend and people were commenting all sorts about the show last night, heck even celebrities from around the world were! Pictures of the show, memes, captions and all sorts! The tweet Morgana had sent out via the account last night had practically exploded. People were asking questions, congratulating her, and of course had the occasional troll.

"Oh my..." Marinette said as she ran a hand down her face.

"Morgana was right. You're going to be the topic at school tomorrow," Tikki said.

"I'm kind of dreading it," Marinette admitted.

"If you feel that way, call Luka. You sure seemed to enjoy him last night," Tikki teased.

"I..." Marinette blushed.

"Oh you do like him! This is great!" Tikki said as she spun in the air.

"It isn't that easy. I want to ask him now, I do feel ready but what if I mess it up, by being me," Marinette said sadly.

"He wants to be with you because you're you," Tikki said.

"I can't tell if that is meant to cheer me up," Marinette said.

"Marinette, breakfast!" Sabine called. Marinette shook her head as she quickly pulled her clothes on and headed for the stairs.

"Morning!" she said as she saw her mother at the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning Marinette. Or should I say...MDC?" Sabine asked.

"HUH?!" Marinette all but yelled, losing her balance, and almost falling down the stairs but her mother caught her just in time.

"That was you last night, wasn't it?" Sabine asked, oddly calm.

"Uh... it's not what you think! I was... no it's not me! I was uh... doing homework!" Mairnette said as she continued to ramble as she followed her mother to the kitchen, only to be greeted by a smiling Tom and Morgana, who was having some cereal.

"Morning!" Tom said cheerily.

"Sup," Morgana said as she took a spoonful of cereal.

"What are you doing here?" Marinette blurted.

"Now dear, that's not how you should talk to people. You're MDC, you need to be careful," Sabine scolded.

"How do you know I'm MDC?" Marinette asked as she sat at the table.

"I told them," Morgana said bluntly.

"Why would you do that?" Marinette asked defeatedly.

"You don't cope with stress, it would be hard to cover, plus when all the money starts coming in and you're snowed under, you'll need their support," Morgana said, not looking up from her bowl.

"I can't believe my baby is an icon!" Tom said with a massive cheer.

"I'm hardly an icon," Marinette mumbled.

"The internet would disagree," Morgana added, making Marinette almost scream. She hadn't even seen the comments yet.

"Okay, how come you're here this early? You didn't come to tell them just that I was MDC?" Marinette summarised.

"No. I figured they need to know about everything. I don't want to back you into a corner, but you remember my conditions," Morgana said as she placed her spoon in her bowl.

"Marinette, if there is something going on, please tell us, we can help," Sabine said as she sat by her daughter and patted her back. Marinette sighed. There was no point hiding anymore.

"Well, you remember Lila right?" Marinette asked.

"The girl with the lying disease?" Tom asked and Morgana twitched. Hold the tongue, Morgana said in her head calmly.

"She doesn't have a disease, she's lying!" Marinette burst out. There was a pause. She expected yelling to come about her judging people, but none did.

"Why do you say that honey?" Sabine asked gently.

"Well...when she came to school first, she said she knew all these celebrities. Saying she saved Jagged's cat, she had tinnitus, she knows Prince Ali and all sorts. I tried to point it out to everyone, I was probably too aggressive about it, but they all said I was jealous. When Lila started to model with Adrien, everyone said I was just being spiteful and hateful...they called me a bully..." Marinette said, finally unleashing what had been bottled up inside her for so long.

"Here are some of the things that have been said," Morgana said, seeing how upset Marinette was getting. She pulled out her tablet and placed it in the centre of the table, making the parents lean over. The more they read, the angrier they got.

"How dare...!" Tom said as she started to get up, but Morgana stopped him.

"I would prefer it if you were calm, I don't want to be in the middle of a beanstalk," she said tiredly. Both parents did calm down but still visibly angry.

"Well, we must go to the principle and your teacher!" Sabine said.

"Not going to work. They dismissed her. Said she was being petty and Bustier wants her to set an example. Its why Marinette resigned as president. Well one of the reasons. Teacher expects her to do all the work," Morgana explained.

"How can they do this? Marinette I am so sorry we didn't notice how unhappy you were," Sabine said as she hugged Marinette as she burst into tears at long last. Tom came around and hugged his girls tightly. Never again would they let their daughter suffer. Especially not by this Lila girl.

"Not that this isn't lovely, but I would like to get to business as to why I am involved," Morgana said as she cleared her throat as the family looked at her.

"Yes I have been wondering...why did you want to have that video of Marinette making that dress?" Sabine asked, which made Marinette look up.

"What?" Marinette asked.

"Remember that ballgown you made for Clara's new video? You filmed yourself making it so you could use it for references," Sabine answered, making Marinette nod in realisation.

"Well that actually links into why I am here. I want Marinette to transfer to Bordeux Le Collège with me as soon as possible," Morgana said calmly, surprising both of the parents.

"That is awfully nice of you to say but how will Marinette leave? She needs to finish her work, she can't leave it incomplete," Tom stated.

"Care to correct him Marinette?" Morgana asked as her eyes shifted to the girl.

"I've been doing a lot of my work online now. Another teacher has been marking me and I am more than capable of completing it online. Usually, my work got stolen or copied so I was accused of cheating. It just made sense..." Marinette said.

"Oh honey," Sabine said with tears in her eyes as she hugged her daughter.

"Well, you've convinced me. But how can we afford it?" Tom asked.

"Oh, that's what I needed the video for. I emailed it to the Dean of my school. She was super impressed. Said she'd never seen such craftmanship and passion. So, I'm 99% sure she will give you a full paid scholarship, all expenses paid," Morgana said as she picked her nails, and Marinette nearly fell off her chair while Tom was close to dancing.

"My baby is going to get a scholarship!" Tom cheered.

"Wait, why only 99%?" Sabine then asked.

"She wants to do an interview with you via computer. So, try not to stutter. It's in an hour. Do your hair," Morgana said. Cue panic now.

"AninterviewinanhourwhatamIgoingtodo?" Marinette wailed, now running back and forth in panic.

"I think I will leave now. She'll just a set of questions so do a little practice session before she starts. I gave her the right email so the request for the video should come through on time," Morgana said, getting up from her chair and picking up her tablet.

"Thank you so much dear. I don't know how to repay you," Sabine said warmly, along with a nod from Tom.

"Just keep being supportive parents. I also suggest that you get a lawyer. There is a lot more harassment that needs to be covered. But for now, don't tell anyone else about this, nor that Marinette is MDC," Morgana said calmly.

"You got it," Tom said with a smile. With that final note, Morgana took her leave.


It was now late in the evening and Morgana was sitting in her chair. Her screen was lit, and she was eating noodles with chopsticks from a carton. She currently had on her toe socks, which were propped up on her desk. Most people hated the idea of practically having gloves on your feet, but they were nice. Especially for Morgana's needs. She was using her woolly covered toe to move her mouse around and click on things. Her tablet, which had all of her findings, was sitting on her desk, along with the note she had written on the day she had won the chess match. What was on there was crucial but she was waiting for a response. Not to mention that Aurore needed to give her what she wanted on Monday. She was currently on Twitter, where MDC was still trending. It was all coming in.





How did she get that display up there? Made the tower look sick!


That outfit tho. Get wrecqted Gabriel!


Replying to yesmate – Dude check your spelling! But you're right. Dude needs to step up his game.


You're an Agreste fan and you're supporting a random newbie? Shame!


Replying to EcoFreak-o – I know a better designer when I see it #GabrielBasicBrand










Way to go MDC for your debut! It was totally rock'n roll to be there on the stage with you!


So good, too good to be true, the future is so bright for you!


"So far so good...but not what I want," Morgana scowled. Gabriel's media section had yet to comment to, nor had Lila or any of the akuma class. well if they did they weren't in the trend.

While it was true, she wanted MDC out in the blue, she had another secret goal in mind for the cameras. She knew Lila would be up there, gloating and showing off to the camera. To be honest, she had already seen a meme of her going around when she fell down with a caption, 'That moment when you know you screwed up.' A GIF of her was also online, falling on repeat with the Oh No song attached to it. As she used her toe to scroll, all she saw was mainly positives. Until finally she saw it. That one tweet she was looking for. Her needle in a haystack. No one had even responded to the tweet. It was all hers as she went to message the tweeter.


I think I went to school with her. She wasn't very nice.

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