Umbrella Academy - CHILDHOOD...

By gracehargreeves

24 3 0

Just as the title says, the Umbrella Academy's childhood but reimagined. So no abuse, fun most of the time a... More

prologue ig?


13 1 0
By gracehargreeves

Christmas had been good so far. The only problem that had occurred so far was Luther being hit square in the face by a snowball, that had been thrown by Diego.

"See Diego, this is why we said you can't play!" Allison had shrieked, running straight to Luther's side. Diego had only scoffed.

"Why are you singling me out? Five threw his coffee at him!" Diego argued, and he shot a glare at Five, who couldn't care less, sipping now another cup of coffee.

"You're the one who has immaculate aim!" Allison reminded, her grip still on Luther, who was now acting as if he had been stabbed.

"Can you get Mom?" He asked weakly, which Allison immediately responded to, concern etching on her face. Whilst Diego rolled his eyes.

"It was a snowball!" He called after the two who were now heading inside. Klaus made his way over, appearing almost out of nowhere. He patted Diego's shoulder.

"So dramatic." He muttered, and Diego nodded before walking away, causing Klaus to loose his balance.

"You little shit heel!" Klaus shouted after him.


And now all seven of the children were playing a game of monopoly.

"Now due to what happened with Luther earlier, no powers are allowed to be used in this game." Ben declared, receiving groans of annoyance in response.

"Diego threw a snowball at me!" Luther stated.

"It was literally snow, you little pussy!" Diego explained, his tone annoyed.

"There was a rock in it!" Luther hissed, his eye was now a bruising purple colour, and the rock outline could somewhat be seen on his face.

"Whatever." Diego muttered, before falling back against the sofa.

"So no powers?" Vanya asked, perking up now, glad she wasn't being left out.

"No powers," Ben clarified, "No rumouring anyone, no punching anyone, and no stabbing anyone."

They shuddered at the memory of one of Diego's knives once sticking out of Luther's shoulder after he had a tantrum after nearly losing at a game of Uno. But Klaus was glad, it distracted everyone whilst he had a sneaky glance at everyone's card, and swapped some of his own out.

"Let's begin then!" Klaus exclaimed, clapping his hands together out of excitement.


After a while, there were only six children left playing, Five had gotten too annoyed with loosing all his money, and being in jail constantly.

"It's your birthday, collect 50 from each player." Allison read out, before placing the card down and holding her hand out expectantly.

"Well if it's your birthday, it's all of ours aswell!" Klaus exclaimed.

"Oh yeah." Luther muttered, receiving a slap from Allison and he rubbed it immediately.

"I heard a rumor you-" Allison began.

"Hey you can't use your powers!" Vanya said, and Ben nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah, Allison we can't play if you're just gonna ruin it." Diego confessed, now twirling one of his knives in between his fingers.

"Shut it, knife boy!" Allison warned.

Diego threw one of his knives, it was aimed straight for her face before it jolted suddenly and was left mere inches away from her ear.

"So I can't use my rumors, but you can almost stab me in the face?" Allison queried. Klaus, Ben, Luther and Vanya watched as the two argued, slowly backing away from the table incase it all turned ugly too quickly.

"But I didn't stab you. It never said anything about not throwing them, just not stabbing anyone!" Diego argued. Allison scoffed and rolled her eyes. The arguing continued and other ones broke out amongst the other siblings, Luther and Diego were now bickering, and Klaus had thrown a monopoly piece at Vanya.

"Klaus?" Vanya asked.

"Sorry Vanny."

And in all of a sudden, the board was flipped over, everything was scattered, bits of the game were under the couches.

"Diego!" Allison exclaimed.

"What?" Diego replied.

"Why would you throw the board over?" Allison questioned, bewildered by his 'confusion'.

"What? I didn't! How do you know Klaus didn't do it?" Diego argued. Allison stared at him in disbelief.

"Because Diego you put your finger up to shush me, and then grabbed the board and flipped it over. Does that ring any bells?" Allison stated, calmly.

"Hmm, doesn't sound like me."

And as soon as he said that, the arguing commenced again. And that's Christmas with the Hargreeves'.

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