Ardently |h.s|

Per latenightgab

183K 6.9K 3.3K

In which Harry Styles is the son of a Duke, and Charlotte Pembroke is servant to the Payne family. Més

twenty one
twenty two
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twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
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thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine

twenty six

3.5K 153 67
Per latenightgab

March 1809, Three Weeks Later

Spring is probably the most beautiful of the seasons. The snow has melted and the flowers bloomed. It is perfect.

Harry makes the spring even better. We engage in more walks, attend more balls. I have not had such fun in all my years. Even Gemma and I engage in walks around to town, shopping for little ribbons and accessories we think would suit each other.

Gemma has taken note of my sudden affinity for the color blue, as well as her brother's newfound love of green. Though she teases, I know it is all in good fun. She has proven to be the best chaperone we can be allowed.

She doesn't stand too close, but reminds us subtly that she is there and watching. She allows us time to converse and get to know each other, all without getting in the way. When the Viscountess or Duchess chose to join us as chaperones, they are far too involved, wanting to know every single word exchanged and be part of the conversation. Those days, we try to get through it as fast as possible.

Our letters have not ceased. In fact, they have become more frequent and much more romantic. While we still joke that they are not love letters, I believe we are just trying to live in denial. At least Harry is.

He flirts openly, saying the most charming things that make me melt on the spot. He must know what he does to me when he speaks like that, for it is why he enjoys doing it. He always teases me for my red cheeks and flustered appearance.

Liam has chaperoned us once and it was dreadful. He refused to let Harry get anywhere near me and almost had his head when he attempted to steady me after I tripped. It should be noted that Liam made no effort to help me. He just stood there, scolding Harry for being a gentleman.

We try to purposely plan promenades or tea on days and times we know Liam will be out with Penelope or doing something with the other men. This way he does not interfere.

The rumors of an impending engagement are becoming more and more frequent with each passing day. I must admit, it has been a rather prolonged courtship. Especially since the rest of society views our courtship beginning in December. To them, we have been courting nearly the entire London season. Surely there should have been an engagement by now.

Viewing the courtship in it's real timeline of a little over a month, it is more reasonable that he has not proposed. Especially considering the circumstances in which we began courting. Surely we have plenty of time before an engagement is appropriate. But if he does propose, I wouldn't mind it happening sooner rather than later.

God, now I'm thinking about marrying the man. What has become of me?

I glance over at him as he sits next to me. To celebrate the arrival of spring, the ton put on a garden party. A picnic of sorts, everyone is just sitting back and enjoying the wonderful weather. I have chosen to sit with the Duke's family, with the permission of the Viscount of course. I'd have heaps more fun with Gemma and Harry than I would with Liam. That's a given at this point.

Harry told Gemma of my talent at making flower crowns, a tall tale spun by him considering he has never seen me make one before, only heard of the skill in a letter. He helped me collect flowers, noting how he was making sure to pick the prettiest ones for me. I assured him I was doing the same for him.

He looks concentrated as he attempts to weave the stems together. His brows furrow, his vision focused on the flowers between his giant fingers. He'll clench his jaw when he makes a mistake or feels as though he has. Every so often I'll hear him mutter some profanity under his breath before he asks me for help. Gemma has gotten the hang of the weaving in record time, however I had no doubts she would succeed.

"Charlotte, why does mine look like this?" he asks, looking over at the work in my hands. He holds his pathetic little flower crown up to me so I can examine it.

Leaning over, I help, "You've not been tightening between the stems. If you do not tighten the work, of course it will be loose." I smile at him, helping him fix up his mistakes in hopes that he will get it from that point on. I'm sure I'll end up fixing the crown for him.

He watches me as I fix what he has, but his eyes are on my face, not my hands to learn the proper way. He has a lazy smile on his face, and I do my best to avoid blushing or smiling too. I'm not quite sure he knows I can see him staring.

"There, fixed." I smile, handing it back to him. He nods, his smile growing. "See, you are a professional at this. Perhaps you should finish the rest of mine."

My eyes roll playfully as my head shakes, "You would enjoy that wouldn't you?" I tease, getting back to work on my own.

He hums softly, his fingers diligent again. "I would, very much." He smiles. Gemma giggles quietly, keeping her head down and focused on her work. She very much enjoys listening on to our conversations when she is allowed to.

When I finish mine, I tie the ends together before leaning over and placing the ringlet of flowers on top of his head. "Perfect." I laugh, taking in the sight of such a broad, serious man wearing dainty flowers on his head.

Harry chuckles, looking up at me, "You know, Dukes tend not to wear silly flowers in their hair." he teases.

"Well it is a good thing you are not yet a Duke!" I retort, grinning wildly. "And you look very pretty with the flowers."

"Pretty? Men are not pretty, Miss Pembroke. They are handsome, rugged, but not pretty." He continues to tease, a giant smile on his face. I know he must love being called pretty.

"You are extremely pretty, my lord." Whenever we are in a playful mood, we tend to refer to each other as Miss Pembroke and Lord Styles. He has since began calling me Char, something I am getting used to still since Liam has been the only one to call me that before. I have yet to find a fitting nickname for him, since there aren't many ways to shorten Harry.

He quickly ties off the rest of his sad looking flower crown before placing it atop my head. He laughs, shaking his head, "I am definitely not good at this."

Gemma smiles, "I'm sure you will have plenty of practice over the years. I can see it now, family picnics spent weaving flowers together and enjoying the weather." she sighs.

My cheeks flush at her words, not wanting to think about Harry and I having children and being a family. It just doesn't seem real. Harry shakes his head, trying to hide a smile, "Gem, you have such wild delusions."

When I glance up at him, his cheeks are slightly redder than normal. Gemma just grins, shaking her head, "I am right. Just like I was right in November." she sings, giving Harry a knowing look.

"Okay Gemma, that is enough for today." he says, wanting this conversation to be over. She just smirks, giving a quick nod as she ties off her own crown. Harry takes the one on his head off, examining it between his hands gently.

My gaze travels around the park, looking on at other families enjoying this spring day. I smile as I watch kids run around and play. As I'm looking, my eyes meet familiar brown ones. My smile falters slightly, looking at Liam.

He must have been watching us, as he has a solemn look on his face. I know he dislikes my being with Harry, but he has no choice in the matter. He is not my brother, nor the head of the household. The Viscount is seemingly excited for our families to be joined.

I've expressed to Harry my unease about this situation. How quickly the Viscount has switched from being against the courtship altogether, to now inquiring when we will be engaged. He's gone from reminding me I am a servant, to essentially calling me a daughter. I feel as though I am a pawn in his game.

Harry has been helpful in hearing my issues and giving advice. He always assures me that my feelings are valid and how he dislikes how they treat me. He does, though, encourage me to be honest with them and try to keep a good relationship, for they are the only family I really have. I try, but it is easier said than done sometimes.

I look away first from Liam, turning my attention back to Harry. I smile slightly at him, shaking my head slightly when he reaches over, putting the crown that was once in his hair on top of my head, in addition to the one already there. "There, perfect. The Queen of the garden party." he grins.

My eyes roll slightly, "Oh hush, Lord Styles, you do flirt too much." I tease, smiling at him. It is so easy to smile with him.

"Tomorrow is the ball at the Phillips estate, you will be in attendance, Charlotte, correct?" Gemma asks, smiling. I nod, "Of course. And I do hope you introduce me to Duke Phillips." I smile.

Duke Phillips is the man Gemma is to marry. Unfortunately, most likely due to her brother's reputation of engaging in fights with every person he could find, Gemma has had a hard time finding a husband. As a result, her parents arranged for her and the Duke to marry. She knows the Duke. He is only a few years older than she is and they are friends. But she does not love him.

I feel sorry for Gemma, that because of her age she is considered too old to be looking for a husband. I also feel bad that Harry is the cause of her misfortune. He has since apologized profusely, but Gemma does not hold any anger toward him. She is a very kindhearted and accepting person. I wish she could have found her own love.

"Of course I shall!" she smiles. Gemma has quickly become a friend, something I am so grateful for. I've always had a hard time making friends.

Harry glances over at me, smiling, "I say we go on a quick walk around. I'd like to show all the men how I have been allowed the opportunity to court the most beautiful woman in London." His words make me blush, and Gemma squeals in excitement.

"I am more than just my looks, my lord." I remind him in a joking tone. He stands up, helping me up to my feet before helping Gemma. I toss the flower crowns onto the blanket we were sitting on before looking at him.

"I know you are more than your looks. You have a quick wit, smart mouth, and are far more intelligent than anyone here. It all just adds to your beauty." he continues to flirt, wanting to see me blush and be bashful.

I do not think I will ever tire of our flirty banter. Whenever we are together it is a constant back and forth of compliments, quick conversation and teasing. And in our letters, we learn so much about one another.

He talks about his childhood and I talk about my mother. We gain a deep understanding of each other through our letters, which only enhance our relationship. When we see each other, everything is felt on an immeasurable level.

He has become the most important person in my life. It frightens me and I question what the hell I am doing most days. But at the same time, I am so excited at the prospect of us being together until the end of time. It is something I want more than anything else, I have come to realize that now.

He is the one. He always has been.


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