Not a Homosexual (Homestuck f...

By RainbowDragoOUO

165K 5.4K 6.5K

Karkat is so bored that he could die because of it. His friend, Sollux, helps him with his problem. What Kar... More

Being Bored can Kill You
The Hell Train
How Did I Cure Him?
The Perfect Plan
It's The Puppet!!!
The Hell Train Returns!
The Not Perfect Plan
Silly Rumors
The Stupid Prankster and The Bee
Cosplay Again?
Get The Shades!!!
Sober for Love
Flashback Friday
The Talk
Violence Is Never The Answer
Big Trouble, Big Punishment
The 1st Hour
The 2nd Hour
Love Tips
Cheesy Bee
Author's Note
Fake Shoes
Why Do We Keep On Cosplaying?
The Worst Date
The Best Date, Last Chapter


4.9K 170 119
By RainbowDragoOUO

Karkat's POV's time for hell..I mean school. I finished painting my neck and went outside the bathroom. I saw Strider leaning on his door, fixing his shades. Gogdammit! I had them in my hands yesterday! Stupid fucking Strider!!

"Stop glaring at me, because what ever you do, you can't get my shades anymore."

I rolled my eyes at him and put on my hood. Strider went to his room and I got my bag and went to sit on the couch to wait for him. What the fuck is he even doing in his room?!?

Dave's POV

I saw Karkat heading to the couch, so I walked in my room to get my bag so we could leave and head to the bus.

When I went in to my room, I heard a familiar voice.



I ran outside of my room and stopped at Bro's door. I knocked on it and waited for him to open the door. I looked down for a while, holding my nose, it still hurts...a lot. I looked back up and saw Bro's sweaty face.

"Hey Bro, I heard a really loud 'hooray'. What happened?"

"Oh. I made a fanfic and it got 900 something views. I'm really happy."

"Okay...what's the title of your anime fanfic?"

"Not A Homosexual."

"'s the story about?"

Bro stayed quiet for a while and after that, he slammed the door. Wow, rude. I could hear his voice in his room. I think he's saying...'Dave is a cat'? I don't really know. I'm human. Not a cat.

I ran back into my room, got my bag, and ran to the door. I looked at Karkat who's avoiding my eye contact. I guess he's mad at me. I now understand the quote Bro uses when he sees ladies.


Karkat's POV

Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Don't look at him! He deserves the silent treatment and the no eye contact thingy!

I heard Strider walk out of his door, I also heard the sound of the doors of the elevator opening. Shit! Is he leaving me!?! I stood up and ran outside. I looked around frantically and saw Strider in the elevator, looking at the buttons.

I walked into the elevator, still avoiding his eye contact. When the doors opened, I ran out of the elevator, out of the apartment, and to the bench outside. I just realized what I did yesterday was so embarrassing! I'm so fucking embarrassed!!!! I buried my face in my hands and groaned loudly.

Dave's POV

I could hear Karkat's groan from inside the apartment. It's so adorable. I walked to the bench and sat next to him. I looked at the troll and saw him moving away a little bit. I kinda felt hurt since my crush now hates me forever.

"Karkat...are you mad?..."

"Iamsvewmbarrassbejdes" Karkat mumbled.

I sighed and heard the bus coming and when I looked up, I saw the vehicle. I stood up and walked into the bus with Karkat following me.

~Time skip~

Karkat's POV

It's lunch time and I'm with Strider. We were sitting on the stairs again and we were eating sandwiches. They were really yummy. I looked at Strider and I caught him staring at me. He looked away and I blushed really hard. He...was...staring at me!

I tapped on his shoulder and he just looked at me with a frown. Oh gog...he's mad.

"I thought you were mad at me, Karkat. Since you have been avoiding to look at me."

"Hehe..yeah.." I chuckled nervously. I want to fix this embarrassing mess so we could be normal friends again. Maybe even better than friends.

"So? Got something to say to me?"

"I just...I'M FUCKING SORRY!" Shit! I had to say something about yesterday!

"Meh, it's ok." Strider said scratching the back of his neck. I'm surprised that he isn't mad at me. I mean, I got his shades and bit his nose. He's just calm and shit. I stared at Strider a little longer and I saw him fixing his shades. It's so tempting to grab them and look at his eyes.

I stood up from the floor and looked at him. Strider also stood up and picked up the trash from the floor. "Hey Karkat, help me thro-" I pushed him to the wall and held his collar. He was just staring at me, blushing, that's so hot.

"Karkat?!? What the fuck?!?" I placed my hand over his lips and got his shades...then...then...

Dave's POV

"RED!!! THEY ARE RED!!!" Karkat screamed backing away from me. Oh my god! I feel like the world is stepping on me! I placed my hands on my head and crouched down. I hate myself. Karkat hates me. The world is cruel and hateful. I looked at Karkat and saw him...jumping happily?


"Haha, Strider! I now know the color of your eyes! I win! Yesterday was so embarrassing, but today? Today was a success!!!"

He...he...he's not scared? I stood up and leaned on the wall with my hand on my forehead. "You aren't scared of me? My eyes?!? They're the color of evil! Red!! You don't understand! It may be a beautiful color, it may be my favorite color...but...I didn't ask for red to be the color of my eyes! It's not human-"

"And so am I."

Huh? I stopped talking and gave him the chance to speak.

"I'm not human. I am a troll. I don't understand you weird humans. But all I know is that eyes have colors. Your eyes, they are red. So what? It's not like you are a mutant! You have an eye color! A color that everyone knows and is normal with! It's not like they are going to kill you because you have red eyes! Is it not allowed?! So what if it's weird!? I'm not human but if you ask me, having red eyes is completely normal! It's not like having red eyes is forbidden in your kind! Like what I said before, they are not going to kill you! You're lucky there is nothing wrong with it."

I just stood there. Standing still. Shocked about what Karkat said. Then suddenly, he walked up to me and hugged me.

"I know how you's...just...GAH! Could you please stop fucking hiding?!? It's hurting yourself! It's making you depressed! You don't deserve sadness! You don't deserve to go through all the hardships I went through. JUST DO ME THIS SIMPLE FAVOR AND STOP HIDING, FUCKASS!!!" Karkat screamed. I kept quiet and held my tears back. A Strider doesn't cry. I hugged him back.

"Okay Karkat...I won't hide anymore." I said rubbing his back. We stayed like this until the bell rang. Karkat let go of me and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me...and smiled....he showed me a real adorable smile... The best smile I have seen in the entire world.

"That's a very cute smile you got there." I said smirking at the blushing Karkat. "What the hell?!? Change topic! Change topic! FUCKASS!!!" Karkat said picking up the trash on the floor.

I chuckled and and threw the trash in the nearby trash can. Karkat did the same and picked up our bag. He gave me my bag and I wore it. He wore his bag and we went up the stairs. "So Karkat, what did ya get in the History test?" I heard Karkat whisper curses and sighed. "I got 16/20. I say it's pretty low. But I care a lot because I swear one day, I'm gonna lecture the trolls back home and teach them. Like a leader." I nodded and told him "Cool. It's still a nice grade. I got 19/20."

I turned to Karkat and saw him face palmed. He also groaned loudly. I saw him holding my shades with his other hand. I snatched my shades from him and wore them.

"Strider! I thought tha-"

"Don't worry Karkat, I'm only wearing them for ironic purposes."

Karkat's POV

I rolled my eyes and smiled sarcastically. We continued to walk up the stairs. I looked at him with the corner of my eyes and saw him smirking. I looked away and smiled. I did the smile that he called adorable.

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