The Knight Of Hell(✔️ Complet...

By ItsMGsShine

543 168 709

In Demonology, Furcas is known as the Knight of Hell and teaches Philosophy, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Logic, Chir... More

Book Covers
Chapter 1: The New Manager
Chapter 2: Midnight Ritual
Chapter 3: The Chat
Chapter 4: My Decision Is Final
Chapter 5: The Dare Game
Chapter 6: First Practice
Chapter 7: The Fish With No Future
Chapter 8: Maybe Hallucination
Chapter 9: The Time Has Come
Chapter 11: The Nightmare
Chapter 12: The Happy Day
Chapter 13: Falling In The Dark
Chapter 14: It Will Never Be Peaceful (THE END)

Chapter 10: Everything Messed Up

14 5 21
By ItsMGsShine

Let's get started then" Alex said and put out a paper from the dusty papers and kept it on the floor.

It was the Sigil.

"Glad to have it back" I smiled and looked at it.

"Do you remember the spell?" Alex asked as I nodded. He kept all the other papers in their place and lit up a huge red candle and put it beside the Sigil.

"Listen Grace, I am done with arranging and now you can start it. I'll wait outside until you're done" he said

"Aren't you going to be here with me?"

"No, you already know that the person who wants to summon has to be alone and that too in a silent place"

"Mhmm" I nodded "Yes, then I'll start right away. Wish me good luck!" I smiled

"Good luck, sweetheart" with that he went out, as I locked the door from inside.


I sat down, keep the Sigil in front of me, and the candle beside it.

You can do it, Grace-

My lips trembled as I was about to say it, damn, I am more nervous than before. I took deep breaths and put my right hand in the middle of the Sigil and chanted.

"Secore on ca Furcas Remie"

First of all, nothing happened, no changes, I repeated it, again and again. It's been 10 minutes, I guess.
I uttered it again and again, I need a lot of patience, I can't open my eyes until I'm done with it.

"Secore On Ca Furcas Remie" I repeated and left out a breath at last.

Now that was the time when I could feel the change of air around me. The sound of curtains fluttering, things falling from the table and a mysterious and uncomfortable feeling.

He is here.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at the Sigil. I can't look up, no matter what, I can't mess up-

"Great Knight Of Hell, I'm honoured to have you here and hope to be your majesty's most humble and obedient servant" I said.

A laughter was heard. The sound of laughing was echoing from my one ear to another.

"You really want to be my servant?"

"I hope to but that would be an insult to your powers. I'll come to the point, the reason of summoning you here" I said

"Speak my child, what do you want to seek in this rotten world of yours?"

"I wish to get the great knowledge of philosophy, the knowledge as yours, grant me your blessings, My Lord"


There was silence, I was getting nervous. Should I look up? No no, I shouldn't. I couldn't feel him in front of me now but my eyes were fixed on the Sigil.

"Pfft- you called me in this nasty place only for this?"

"Yes, my lord, did I offend you in any way?"

"No, it's a joke to me but I'll grant your wishes" I heard a snicker. After some more silence he again spoke,

"Do you not wish to see me now that you worked so hard for this?"

"I can't bear to offend you"

"You're smart!" He laughed, the candle beside me fell on my lap, settings fire to my gown.

"Ahhh!" I shouted, throwing the candle aside and looking up.


What did I do?

I messed up.

In front of me standing the transparent creature... yes, creature. It's too hard to be called a human figure, my hands trembled as I moved backwards.

What will I do now?

"N-Now that you've granted my wish, you can go back" I said

"What's the hurry?"

Another laugher was heard as the figure vanished, the wind started blowing, but all the windows were closed. The Sigil flew away, I tried to catch it but too afriad to make a move. Everything was going in a rush, I could bearly move, the wind was too fast, everything is falling apart.

This continued for some minutes as I sat down with hands on my head. Suddenly it turned completely silent.

I looked up, there was nothing but the candle and sigil but scattered.

Where's Furcas?

Is he gone?

I don't think so, I failed to send him back but it wasn't my fault, I couldn't believe I fell for his tricks.

Suddenly a loud thud was heard.

"AHHHHHH!" I shouted and sat down again.

"Grace! Why are you screaming?? Is everything okay?" It was Alex's voice, he is banging the door.

I quickly opened the door with eyes filled with tears.


"Grace?" He looked at me with shock and hugged me "Are you okay? Thank God you're fine, what happened?"

"I-I messed up" I sobbed "I couldn't send him back, he will kill me now- Alex, please save me- please"

"Hey hey, calm down. Nothing will happen to you, sit down and tell me what happened" he said

"Not in this room, please. Let's go down, I'm scared" I cried as he pat my back and took me downstairs.

I had some water and then told him everything. He was shocked, worried, afraid but calmed down within a second.

"Listen, it's true that he is still here but don't worry, leave it to me, I'll find a way" he said

"Won't it risk your life?" I asked

"Trust me, I'll be just fine and I prefer you to be careful and give the exams" he said as I nodded.

"I'll be going then"

"Fine, take care and don't come tomorrow, let's meet after you give your exams" he said.

"Okay...." I said and left the house.

I reached my hostel and fell on the bed. Damn, I'm an idiot! I risked my life as well as his and how am I supposed to spend my days with a Devil roaming around me?

"Welcome back, you seems stressed?" Mia asked me

"Uh yeah, it was a rough day. Where's Daisy?"

"Don't know, it's been long since she went out to buy some bread but haven't return"

"Is that so? I'm heading out to check then" I said and wore my jacket.

"But you just came from outside, don't you think you should take rest?" She asked.

"Yeah but, you know, well, I feel that I'll be slightly relieved to see her face" I nervously smiled as she grinned. On no! Don't start with the crush thing!

Honestly, Daisy is beauty! I still don't understand why she likes me and what she likes about me but yeah, it doesn't make me uncomfortable rather it's somewhat gives me warmth.

I closed the door and headed outside. There were crowds of people, rushing here and there.

"Uh, what happened?" I asked an elder person.


A college girl got crushed by a truck".

* * *

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