IF (A Jottie story)

By St4rryx_

2.1K 57 44

Hi guys, since reading Princess at heart by Connie Glynn, I have decided to make a fan fiction. Make sure to... More

A/N Thank you
All Alone- Chapter One
The Plan-Part One- Chapter three
100 views special- The Plan- part 2
Jamie & ......... (mystery )?!?!- Chapter four
The Man in the Goat Mask- Chapter 5
Burning the past- Chapter 7
'Trailer' (not a chapter)
Betrayal- Chapter 8

They know now -Chapter Two

251 6 6
By St4rryx_

A/N- Like I said, I am updating today!! I hope you enjoy :) ;)     (: (;

This Chapter is dedicated to @Jemstone8529 for making my day ❤️


Lottie's POV:

After playing songs on repeat for like 5h, I still can't sleep. Welp. Anyways, it's like 6.00 am, I gotta get to my laps. My foot STILL hurts, but I gotta deal with it. It's my punishment. I take off my duvet- what I see shocks me. There are little specks of blood all over my leg. I have little bed bug type things clinging onto my leg. Meanwhile, my foot is swollen. I didn't expect a cut could cause THIS. I was not ready for it. I squealed so loud that DAME BOLTER sprinted all the way to my dorm. I had Anastasia, Saskia, Binah, Mickey & Lola run into my room. They all looked exhausted. ALL BECAUSE of ME. 

I was rushed onto a stretcher, catching all the unnecessary attention in the world. I kept telling them that I'm ok, and it was just itching, but I wouldn't blame them for not believing me . I was kept at the infirmary until they called the AMBULANCE. WHYYY? This was so un-needed.

When I was in the Hospital, I switched on the TV & guess what I saw-  "The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" . WOW. A- I am now only recognised as The Maravish Princess's former Portman  & B- They HAVE to show how I looked. ALSO, EVERY ONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD SEES IT! Jamie, Ellie, Ani, Saskia, BINAH, LOLA & MICKEY, they will see this. I really gotta choose a different spot. I'm still doing this. Its what I deserve.

Ellie's POV:

I HATE this. I am being FITTED for a deep purple frizzy box- they call it a DRESS. The max of a dress that I will EVER wear is this (on the banner on the top. I just got a random pic from google lol).  I asked Siemen to turn on the TV. What I saw made me collapse- "The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" She looked like she just took a bullet. ELLIE! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HER?! SHE NEEDS PROTECTION! No no no.  Nothing is going right...

Jamie's POV:

I finished my training & decided to get some muesli mix and check out the weather. I flick on the Samsung smart TV - no, No NO NO  ."The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" NOOOO! She may not make it out alive- those are tarantula spider babies on her foot. I was too late.

I flick off the TV and make my way down to Haru.....

Lottie's POV:
OUCH! That hurt! Their plucking off the tarantula- WAIT! TARANTULAS???? OWWWW. That hurts so much.

Time skip

I'm out... FINALLY. I have to walk with crutches... wait...my training- Whyyyyyy.

Binah's POV:

Before the time skip

I switched on the tv as an act to try to cheer up the mood. That was a fail. The Maravish Princess's former Portman was rushed to the Hospital from Rosewood Hall, with a deep long infected cut on her foot- this is how she looked" NOOOO! She may not make it out alive- those are tarantula spider babies on her foot...

I told Anastasia and Saskia the news -they were freaking out so bad. I wish I could tell them that it would be okay but I didn't know. I decided to call Jamie- he didn't pick up I think he may have seen it because it's a  worldwide news network. I just wish that there will be some way to clarify this and that this isn't a terrible catastrophe. I wonder what actually happened -did Lottie... I knew it, she was harming herself. I was suspecting that but I didn't expect it to take to the hospital. She must've had a bug infection in her furniture or something like that that. I just wish it didn't happen. We were having- I can't say we were having a good time now that Ellie and Jamie were gone it was terrible. But even with only having Lottie around would light up my world. I just can't imagine what it would've been like if she was gone too. Butnow she is and it's breaking me apart.

I take everyone to the hospital to visit Lottie.

" Holy  guacamole!" Lola says.

I can't believe it she's not saying holy chocolate biscuit it must be terrible for her. Actually it's pretty terrible for everyone. I just wish this never happened we were planning something like like a vacation type thing for Lottie today and we had it all hidden in Anastasia's room. we were gonna take her up there like we were "kidnapping "her. But then that happened, what would you expect 

The hospital is in a terrible condition- I mean with Leviathan on the loose getting anyone and everyone, it's been terrible I've been praying every night for it to stop ,for Ellie's family to finally figure it out but now Lottie even told me that they're still going out with the golden flower festival I can't believe it they're actually like such nincompoops- my gosh Binah I don't know what's gotten into you but I like it. This is the truth though, but either way, I've never actually called a royal family  nincompoop but they kinda deserve it. Life is just been hard especially for Lola and Mickey, I mean they are younger and their father died. Life right now is terribly tricky I just wish it would get better for them. I'm not that proud confident girl like earlier because I can't be confident when my friend potentially could die. It breaks me, after all we've been through so  much, and I know that there is  much more but I didn't expect it to be one person's life on the line. I wish I could be there for her like right now- it's like a six hour drive to the hospital will be there at 10pm but I just wish she would be ok. Binah, Lottie is a strong girl, stop doubting her.  I had tuned out from the conversation- I was thinking about all this. I suddenly I missed the turn and we got really close to skimming the tree.(For some reason I think that is how Binah's brain works. I know it would probably be organised, but she does think about a lot of things.)

 "Binah how could you? We are going to visit Lottie, not join Lottie in the ward!" 

" Binah come on your better than this anyways you haven't responded to my question I've asked you many times now" 

I was really missing a lot I guess.

Anastacia POV:

Lola, Mickey, Saskia & I were having a blast. I know that we were visiting some one whose life was on the line, but hey, I was just trying to cheer them up. I mean like nobody wanna see a upset girlfriend. 

Anyways, I was asking Binah a question but then she decided to not listen. She was thinking off in her own world and she almost got us in a car accident. I mean haven't we had enough already? This is not fair. Anyways back to me, my make up it's all ruined & my hair, well my hair ...it looks like a crow's nest. Seriously this is not right. 

Time skip 

We're at the hospital right now & it looks terrible. No wonder. I mean leviathan on the loose has caused so many people to get injured or die or stuff  like that. I can't believe it, innocent lives are lost just for revenge. It's not fair. Anyways the twins were horrified at the sight of bloody people everywhere.  Hospitals  should be able to afford make up salons or something anyways they need a beauty salon in there as well for the waiters.  I think that Lottie, well considering the other people, Lottie was overreacting I mean a small cut on the foot tarantulas everywhere . Actually she was not. I would've freaked out even more, she wasn't even crying I mean can you believe that, she's so brave but the thing is that I keep my room really clean because I stay there like 24 seven she should do that as well. I mean like no offence Lottie, I know you're adorable and all and you're beautiful but you kinda need a skin makeover. I mean ever since Ellie left, you have not been caring about how you look and I don't like it .I like your old pretty-

" Yo Anastasia! Anastasia! are you listening she's in Ward 3 0 2"

Wow this hospital is got so many more wards than before.

Lottie POV:

I saw Anastasia first and then I saw Saskia... what are they doing they're not supposed to be here. I am  supposed deal with this on my own. Sadly more worry for them I guess. It's not good they deserve more. They need to learn to appreciate that someone is in hospital and they have not asked for you so that means that they don't want to cause you more worry.

Binah got me to spill. I told her about every thing. I told her about my most private thoughts, exposing myself entirely. What I didn't know was that the rest of the friend group was listening. NO NO NO. They can't know this... 

But they know now....


A/N- I hope you all enjoyed that chapter :). Please comment any feed back about this. Ps, the text is 1684 words . I love you all so much & please remember that you are not alone <3.

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