The heart of the lost

By tantalust17

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Character sheet
World Building

Chapter 2

286 17 15
By tantalust17

-17 years later-

time really does fly when you're having fun, mother taught me everything i needed to know to be the best demon king there ever was, but she also gave me the love i wanted, she took care of me, joked around and became my best friend. 

She knew about my phone because i had to explain it somehow and i told her that it was like a relic that only i can use and she readily believed it, not to mention she told me that being a girl with a dick wasn't really new in the demon realm so i was happy about that. 

In the following seventeen years i've been learning about the politics surrounding the crown, apparently dad fought and killed the previous dude in line in ritual combat and won the crown, so anyone can be the demon lord if they were strong enough, and the reason why nobody tried to challenge mom was because the demon's strength  pales compared to hers, i'm actually a bit proud that nobody even questioned her rule, but anyway the goddess and i talked about skills in this world, and at the start i only had one


you: succubus? what kind of skill is that?

tanti: a passive one that's always on, here lemme show you

she pressed the side of my arm and a small square popped out

you: what the- how'd you do that?

tanti: that's how you open your status bar, didn't your mom tell you?

you: she did...

Tanti: and you didn't listen, okay whatever. 

she pointed at my stats

Name: Arizona y/n 

Age: 17

Race: High demon

HP: 10000

MP: 50000



Diplomancy lvl. 1

tanti: as of now you only have one skill, well, one that actually matters

you: rude... but okay, what does succubus do?

she presses the succubus word and it extends downward


if the user ingests the bodily fluid of another they will gain the strength of that individual, meaning their skills and stats, said individual will lose their stats for a few seconds but will ultimately gain them in a few moments while the user will permanently gain these skills. additionally all acquired skills will be leveled up to EX status

you: that.... is too OP

tanti: only if you know how to use it, now any questions?

you: bodily fluids?

tanti: spit, cum, sweat

you: uh...

tanti: up to you how you'll get them,now if you'll excuse me someone tried to destroy one of my worlds. and i'm going to try and get it back, have fun! oh and happy birthday!

-flashback over-

she ended the call and i hid my phone, i still keep it hidden to the other demons since i didn't know how they'd react. i reach up to my horns, their leathery hide comforting me when someone knocked on the door

Fey: princess, your mother said it's time. are you ready?

fey was my personal maid, she's mentally active so most of her skills would reflect that, i do remember her telling me that she has a scan skill... which would be helpful in the grand scheme of things

you: fey, would you mind coming in here please?

the door opened and the familiar purple eyes landed on me

Fey: yes princess?

you: fey, you've been my maid since i was ten right?

she nodded

you: i see the way you've been looking at me you know

her faced turned red and she looked away

Fey: I-I'm sorry, princess.... please, forgive me

i smile and stood up not knowing where the hell this confidence was coming from and placed my hands on her shoulders

you: nothing to forgive darling,  but if you want to make it up to me then i certainly won't mind~

she looked overjoyed at the prospect of making it up, she nodded at me 

Fey: a-anything princess! 

i smile and pull her close

you: strip~

-Contessa's POV-

The cook should be finished by now, my little one is already eighteen so i need to make this perfect for her

Contessa: hugo! is the food ready?!

Hugo: almost done my queen, we just need to take care of getting all the demons in the square

Contessa: *nods* now where is Fey? i thought i told her to get Ari?

and just as i finished that sentence Fey ran in, with her clothes disheveled and her hair in shambles, her face was flushed, hmm probably hooked up with someone

Contessa: Fey, did you at least call my daughter before having sex?

Fey: *nods* y-yes my queen, the princess just asked me for an appetizer b-before the feast

Contessa: *hums* looks like she got her sex drive from me

then, a guard rushed in

guard: my queen! some of the demons outside are causing ruckus, they're calling themselves the order of blood

i sigh and rub my head, these guys again

Hugo: aren't those the trustafarians that always try to take the throne my queen?

Contessa: they are hugo, *to guard* call Dimi, let her know it's dinner time

guard: yes, my queen!

he ran off and i faced fey again

Contessa: is my daughter decent?

fey: s-she should be my queen

i nod and start for arizona's door, i knocked and heard some fabric then someone hitting the ground. the door opened and instead of ari i see ryona, my personal maid, she bowed

ryona: good evening my queen

Contessa: are you and ari finished?

ryona: well, i am my queen but i haven't returned the favor yet

Contessa: maybe later, leave

she nodded and stepped outside, i walk in and see ari trying (and failing) to put on her dress

Ari: can't i just wear a suit mom?

Contessa: i'm sure if i gave you free reign on what to wear, you'd just wear your undergarments

ari: true...

Contessa: *smiles* happy birthday little one *hugs*

Ari: *smile* thank you mom, not just for the birthday. for.... loving me my whole life, i couldn't ask for anything more.

Contessa: oh darling, you're my daughter, you deserve everything, and never let anyone tell you otherwise 

i hug her a bit tighter

you: actually, now that i think of it, i think i have something to ask for my birthday...

Contessa: there it is, what is it?

you: could you ask around? privately of course, if some demons would like to spend a night with me?

shocked, i just stared at her

Contessa: *scoffs* you really do get your sex drive from me, alright. any preferences?

you; preferably someone with a vagina? i'm not really picky

Contessa: done, now get dressed, the feast is about to begin *kisses cheek*

i walk out her room when i hear her scream

Ari: love you mom!

-later, the human kingdom-

-Alexandria's POV-

once again that damned church undermines my decisions

Alex: gods damn it! they can't keep doing this to me!

one of my maids and close confidants came in

Giselle: tea, my lady?

Alex: oh... no thank you, Giselle. i think i'll just go to sleep tonight. although i think i'll need you to collect some more "tea leaves" for me, can you do that?

Giselle: *bows* as you wish my lady, your tea leaves will be ready by tomorrow afternoon

she gently closes the door and i sit on my bed

alex: i need something... to at least even the odds

???: be careful what you wish for queenling~

i whipped around to the window where a silhouette sat on the window, i ran to my sword and and pointed it at her

Alex: don't you dare move

???: you're not really in a position to threaten me queenling, i have the solution to your problems

she jumped down from the window and slowly walked towards me

???: i can make all your problems disappear

my grip on the sword slackened a bit

Alex: how?

the figure slowly came into view, her horns standing out the most

???: well, you'll just have to make a deal with the devil to find out won't you? put that flimsy glass sword down and let's talk

she sat down on my bed and looked at me, raising her eyebrow. i sighed and returned my sword to its sheathe

Alex: go on then, demon what's your deal?

the demon laughs

???: you must really be desperate to deal with me..... wait, you do know the punishment of breaking one of our deals right?

Alex: .....

she shook her head

???: well, the short of it, is death... well,  that and a curse for your whole bloodline. Having second thoughts?

Alex: w-well, this will only happen if i break the deal right?

she nods

Alex: okay, what's the deal?

  ???: simple, i get you, you get my help in any problem you need

alex: me? how do you mean?

???: i'm sure you're not that dumb queenling, don't worry, i won't force you to do anything. But you will, once we finalize the deal, be henceforth and forevermore, be my property

Alex: .... are you crazy!?

???: yes, all the best creatures are

i sat down on the chair next to the vanity table

???: haven't got all night queenling, i have a party to get back to

Alex: this is a huge decision! you can't just rush me about this

???: the best decisions are made in split seconds queenling, time's ticking. yes or no?

Alex: ........ yes, i accept

she smiled and stopped in front of me, pulling me towards her in a kiss. i felt a tingling in my neck and she pulls away and i notice her arm had some sort of tribal tattoo that i was sure wasn't there before, then i touched my neck and faced the mirror, the exact tattoo adorned my neck 

???: the deal has been made, you're mine now~ 

she turned around and was about to leave when i called out

Alex: w-wait... what do i do now? aren't we going to have-

???: sex? aww, are you deprived queenling? i can help you if you want~

i blush and look away trying and failing to stammer out a response

???: *laughs* don't worry queenling we're going to have fun in our own time, but for now. my party's still on

Alex: wait, what's your name!

she looked at me and smirked

???: my name is Arizona, but you will refer to me as mistress *winks* see you queenling~ 

she then jumped off. i ran to the window and looked down but i didn't hear anything going splat so i walk back inside and sat back on my bed

Alex: she didn't tell me how to contact her...

-your POV-

i walk through the city streets, just admiring the sights around me when i heard some kid scream before being muffled, i walk across an alley and see some dude with one hand holding down the kid and the other hand in his pants, i sigh and walk behind him, winding up a bit before kicking him straight in the balls, he groans in pain and lets go of the kid, she runs behind me as the dude writhes in pain

you: look away little darling, you don't wanna see this

she nods and closes her eyes, i form a ball of flames in my hand thanks to Fey's fire manipulation skill and throw it at his crotch, i make sure that it won' go out and walk out of the alley with the girl like nothing ever happened

you: you can look now little darling

she opens her eyes and looks at me, there aren't any people around so i don't have my hood on

girl: you have *sniff* horns

you: yes, little darling. now, where's your parents?

girl: mama is working

she tries to wipe her nose and i kneel beside her, using my sleeve to wipe away her tears

you: hush now, little darling. the bad man won't hurt you anymore. how about we find your mama so you can go home and sleep huh? it's late

girl: w-what's your name?

you: Ari

girl: that's a pretty name!

you: what about yours?

girl: i'm Catria Del Ro!

you: such a pretty name catria, now let's go find your mother, can you point to where she is?

she nods and points down one of the streets where i saw scantily dressed women earlier. i drag my hood back over my head and head down the street with catria. we pass by loads of buildings, well, brothels with different designs and girls trying to tempt costumers inside for a good time. we finally arrive at the most rundown building of them all 

Catria: mama!

a woman runs out of the door, sees catria and wraps her in a hug

???: oh catria, where were you!?

Catria: a man said he would give me candy if i went with him, so i did then he push me down, when ari saved me!

???: ari?

she turned her gaze on me, her cerulean eyes looking at me in confusion before turning into relief

???: thank you so much... 

you: no thanks needed, now if you'll excuse me-

???: wait! um- at least let me repay you...

you: like i said, no thanks needed

???: i insist, please?

you: *sigh* lead the way

she smiles and beckons me inside the building, where about a dozen girls were just lounging around, they perked up when they saw me and were starting to run to me when Catria's mom stopped them

???: no, miss ari here saved Catria from some pervert, i'm just here to repay her

it's like a switch was clicked and all of their attention went to Catria, they fussed all over her and Catria's mom used the distraction to pull me into the back room

??? i'm sorry about them, they haven't had any costumers in a while...

you: it's alright, but is your manager okay with me being here?

???: actually-

???2: ANNA!

A big burly dude in makeup slammed the door open


anna: He's gone Tristan, thanks to ari here

he looks at me as his frown turned into a smile

Tristan: Thank you so very much miss Ari, little Catria is like our mascot here, we don't know who we would kill if she was hurt

you: i understand the sentiment, my mother would do the same thing

Anna: actually, i was just here to at least cook for Ari

Tristan: actually, Anna, we don't have much anymore... the foods just gonna last us a week. we're behind payments and the tax collectors are gonna deconstruct the building tomorrow to build a better one... i'll have to let you girls go...

Anna: w-what?! but where will Catria and i go? we don't have anywhere else to go...

Tristan: i'm sorry anna but we don't have any more money... the city's going to repossess the land tomorrow

Anna: but what if-

you: what if i buy it?

they both look at me

Tristan: excuse me?

you: well, they're going to repossess the land anyway right? what if i just buy and redesign it so you can stay in business?

Anna looked at me in shock and tristan started to cry before wrapping me in a hug, he spun me around and my hood came off

Tristan: y-you're a demon...

he slowly pust me down and they start looking at me warily

you: *smiles* don't hold that against me~

Anna: w-why do you want to bu\y this place again?

you: you needed help

Anna: but aren't all demons bad? Isn't that what the church said?

you: and you assume the church is good? not one ounce of corruption found in their alabaster halls?

Tristan:.... she has a point

Anna: *looks down* i'm sorry for judging you...

you: no, i get it, but this stays between us okay?

they nod

i pull out a bag of gold and place it on the table

you: i trust you can take care of it, tristan?

he nods absentmindedly, staring at the bag of gold

you: i shall take my leave, i still have a party to get back to-

Anna: wait..

i turn around and look at her

you: yes?

Anna: once again... thank you. i thank whatever deity you worship for bringing you to me

you: we don't believe in one but... you're welcome nonetheless beautiful *winks*

Tristan: uh, w-what name shall i put on the deed?

You: hmm... Artemis Lynch will suffice

Tristan: a-and the new name of the brothel?

you: *thinks* Devil's kiss sounds apt, don't you think?

they nod

you: au revoir!

i activate the teleportation skill that i got from Ryona and set for my party

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