A Longing Love 》Nouis Book 2...

By Meshii

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BOOK 2 in The Love Series After a break up you would never want to see that person again, especially if that... More

A Longing Love //Nouis Horanson// Book 2
Copyright © & Warnings
Chapter One - Niall
Chapter Two - Louis
Chapter Three - Niall
Chapter Five - Louis
Chapter Six - Niall
Chapter Seven - Niall
Chapter Eight - Louis
Chapter Nine - Niall
Chapter Ten - Louis
Chapter Eleven - Niall
Chapter Twelve - Louis
Chapter Thirteen - Niall
Chapter Fourteen - Louis
Chapter Fifteen - Niall
Chapter Sixteen - Louis
Chapter Seventeen- Louis
Chapter Eighteen - Niall
Chapter Twenty - Louis
Chapter Twenty-One- Louis
Chapter Twenty-two - Niall
Chapter Twenty-Three Louis
Chapter Twenty-Four - Louis
Chapter Twenty-Five - Niall
Chapter Twenty-Six- Louis
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Niall
Chapter Twenty- Eight -Louis
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Niall
Chapter Thirty - Louis
Chapter Thirty-One - Niall
Chapter Thirty-Two - Louis
Chapter Thirty-Three -Niall

Chapter Four - Louis

1.1K 39 10
By Meshii

I stood at a table at the pub with Jesse, the guy from my team, with a drink in hand. It was only about 10 o'clock and we'd been here for about an hour. We were trying to spot people for each other. Jesse spotted out a few guys, I just didn't have the guts to go up to them, I really need to go to a gay bar if I wanted a guy.

"What about her?" I pointed to a black haired girl standing with a group of girls. She looked good, no doubts about it. But she wasn't my taste. Jesse nodded with a sly smile and went to go chat her up.

He walked up to them, smilied and tried some pick up line that the girls found disgusting, according to their facial expressions and ignored him from then on. He walked back to me glum and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well that was a fail" he took a drink of his beverage and went back to spotting girls for me to hopefully get some action tonight.

We looked around the pub, not having much luck until he spotted a girl standing at the bar. She looked good from behind. Brown, wavy, hair pulled up into a pony tail. She wore a white dress that had flowers scattered over it with a pair of white wedges.

"What about her" he motioned to her. "She looks lonely too, you may get lucky" he nudged me.

"Yeah. Okay" I took a sip of my drink then walked over to her. I was nervous, I don't understand why, it's not like I haven't done this before.

When I reached her, she was playing with one of the cardboard coasters that sat on the bar, turning it in her hands. I stood next to her and spoke a greeting which obviously startled her.

"Sorry" she said through an embarrassed smile. Immediately, I picked up she had an accent. Australian.

"I should apologise" I said smoothly. "Can I buy you a drink?" just as I said that the bar tender placed a drink in front of her. "Or I could pay you for that drink" she lightly chuckled.

"Charly" she introduced her self, holding out her hand.

"Louis" I smiled and shook her hand. "So, you're Australian?" she nodded and sipped from her drink.

"Sure am"

"What brings you to London?" she sighed sadly and looked at her drink for a moment. I was just about to tell her she didn't need to answer, but I didn't get the chance, she was already talking.

"I just needed to leave. I had too many bad things there" she shook her head, getting rid of the thoughts and changed the subject. "So Louis, what do you do?"

"I'm studying at Uni. I really want to be a pro soccer player, but I don't see that happening" I chuckled, lightening the mood. "What about a pretty girl like you?"

"I work in child care. I got a job at the day care just outside of London, another reason I moved here" I nodded.

"I'm sorry, but has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" I asked her, it may be cheesy, and it wasn't just a pick up line, she really was a pretty girl.

She looked down again, a slight frown on her face. "Honestly, no, they haven't" I was gobsmacked.

"Well, they're blind" she smiled and blushed. "Can I kiss you?" she nodded. So I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and it was my first real kiss since Niall dumped me. I did deserve to be dumped, but that's not the point I'm making.

When I pulled away I almost felt like I didn't want to. I wanted to keep kissing her because I needed something like that again. Whether it be a fling or a relationship, I needed that. Her eyes were closed a fraction longer than mine, but when she opened them her eyes shone slightly.

"That, um, that was good" she babbled. I smirked, as much as I don't like to admit it, I love it when I get that reaction out of someone.

"So" I took a step closer. "What do you say we get out of here?" she nodded and skulled the rest of her drink.

"Yours or mine?" she asked as we walked out of the pub, me waving goodbye to Jesse. I did feel slightly bad I left him alone, but I was getting laid, hopefully, so why wouldn't I ditch him. Hell I'd ditch a best friend to get laid.

"Well, I have a roommate at my dorm room. Do you have anyone at yours?" I asked.

"No, not yet. Mine then?" I nodded.

We got a taxi, because we probably had just that little too much to drink it would be considered bad for us to drive. Plus, she didn't have her car here, if she even had one. She gave the taxi driver her address and then we took off.

It was a 20 minute drive to her house and most of that was in silence, comfortable silence, but silence none the less. When we fulled up, I paid the driver and followed her inside.

The house was small, but nice, it's not like she needed a big house anyway, for just herself, and hopefully a roommate soon.

"You want a drink?" she asked kindly slipping her shoes off and kicking them to the side.

"No thanks, I'm alright" she nodded. "So, nice place"

"Yeah" she looked around. "It's not much, I haven't been here long" she shrugged.

I walked over to her, with her shoes off she had gotten shorter and she had to look up slightly at me. Not that it mattered, I liked when girls had to look up to kiss me. I stood in front of her, tilted her chin and kissed her slowly. She was more into it now, and I was thankful, last thing I needed was an uncomfortable shag.

"So, you wanna do this?" she nodded and initiated the kiss for the first time.

In a haze, we managed to get to her room, she was lying on her bed, clothes still on and myself with my shirt off. We were still just kissing, but slowly turning each other on. Just as I was about to pull her dress up she stopped me. Worry filled her eyes and I then became worried myself.

"Louis" she said softly. "Before we continue, I want you to know I'm a virgin"

"Oh" was I all I could say. What else was I supposed to say. "Are you sure you want to do this then?" she nodded.

"I'm ready, I promised myself I needed it gone, no one wants to be with a virgin" I really wanted this, to sleep with someone, and I knew she wanted it, I just didn't know if I could do it again. After Niall, it doesn't feel right.

"I want to do this, I do. I'm just unsure-"

"Of course you are. Everyone is" she sighed.

"I've had a bad experience with this before, but if you can promise me you won't care about this in the morning, I will do this"

"I promise" she said.

So, we went back to where we were. She was really self concious about herself, and didn't want me to undress her, claiming she was ugly underneath her clothes with these "birthmarks" that scattered her body. I managed to convince her it didn't bother me, and it didn't. I didn't pay any attention to them.

I knew this would be an awkward time, and I knew I'd have to take my time, whereas I was looking for a shag that I could sleep with and forget in the morning, but that wasn't going to plan so far.

When we actually got to having sex, she looked as if she was in pain, and I tried to make as painless as possible, but that doesn't always happen. But she seemed to loosen up and relax into it.

Her moans were amazing, it's been a while since I heard a girl moan in front of me, rather than behind a computer screen, and I loved it. She was so beautiful too.

We finished after a while and I rolled off to the side, lying next to her. She immediately covered her self up, saying she doesn't really like being on show. I nodded and pulled the blankets over me too.

"Louis" she spoke quietly.

"Hmm" I hummed in response. She looked up at me, a little sadness in her eyes.

"Can you stay the whole night and let me wake up next to you? I don't expect this to go anywhere, I promise, I just don't want to wake up alone after that" she spoke. I smiled fondly at her, gripped her chin lightly and gave her a light kiss on her red swollen lips.

"Sure. I can do that" it was the least I could do for her since she just gave up her viginity to me. I mean I wouldn't want to wake up alone either, even when they haven't just lost it, it's still a terrible feeling to wake up alone. I've been there, it's sad.

A/N Sooo what did you think of that? Lame? Yeah

The girl is representing me, fyi. Her name is different, but how she feels is pretty much how I feel. Her job is what I am studying to get into at the moment too :)

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