His shuckface and her slinthe...

By AmyHbl

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Howdy ya shanks! This is an enemies to lovers fanfiction about Minho from the Maze runner. She is sassy, clas... More

The female version of Minho
a stressed mom!
What loves that teases!
"I don't want to see the body, but I want to know who killed whom!!!"
Never say never!
to the cockroach named Ben: FUCK OFF!!
Creators, you shucking slintheads!!!
She fixed his eyebrows
The best prank-masters in the world!
I don't just 'might' like her, I shucking fall in love with her!
Chuck is quite the looker
Too bad that I don't listen to your shucking orders shuck-face!
I guess, I must be a 'nobody' then.
If I died, I'd still haunt you to your shucking death.
It feels so familiar that she protects me.
you're my shucking hero
I can't be in the shucking friendzone!
The kiss that nobody is allowed to talk about
Reality or just a Prank?

I knew that you had always found me hot!

225 8 3
By AmyHbl

Minho and I were running again, and I felt really happy for some reason.

So happy that I didn't see the small rock and I tripped over it falling on the stone floor of the maze. I managed to turn my body to make me fall on my back and not my face.

Minho stopped when he heard the bang and turned around. I was already in a sitting position and looked at my arms who were bruised.

"Did you just fall?" He said with a smirk.

"No." I said sassy. "I attacked the ground."

He crossed his arms. "Backwards?"

"I'm a shucking genius." I said still sassy.

Minho shook his head while laughing and helped me up. When I was back on the floor, he took my hand again and looked at the wounds on it.

However, I felt no pain anymore, but a shucking tingling sensation at the point where he is touching me.

Oh god, stupid shucking feelings!

"The wound doesn't look too bad. I would suggest we run back to the glade because the walls will close soon anyway and then you just clean your hands with water." Minho suggest who was still holding my hand.

"Last time I checked I was the medjack of the two of us." I said with a smirk, and he rolled his eyes, although I could swear, he was holding back a grin before we ran back.

"What happened to you?!" Ben asked in panic when he aw my hands back in the glade

"Oh nothing, I just fall over a rock." I said calmly and shrugged my shoulders.

„Hey Ben." Minho greeted our friend when he finally caught up with me. And yes, we started running at the same time, but it's not my fault that I'm still faster than him.

"Hey rock!" Ben said and winked at me with a smirk.

I kicked him on the arm, and he just laughed at me, while Minho didn't get it and ran to the map room, to which I followed, after further eye rolls at Ben.

After Minho and I had drawn everything in, we left the map room and ran in other directions.

I actually wanted to take a shower to clean my wound with water, but I was stopped by Ben who wants to tell me one of his bad jokes again.

„What does the crocodile say when it meets a leopard?" Ben asked.

Seriously, I can't be the only one? These jokes aren't normal, right? RIGHT!?

"Shuck it! Ben shut the bloody hell up!" Newt said and was about to throw a shoe at him, but I protested and stopped him from doing so.

"Hey! Nobody throws a shoe at my best friend!" I said and stopped Newt from throwing the shoe at Ben.

My bestie sighed relived. "Thank you, Amy! At least someone here appreciates my jokes-"

"Nobody except from me! I'm the only one who throws shoes at people!" I said and cut Ben off from his 'speech'.

This made Ben roll his eyes and looked annoyed at every single one of us. Meanwhile, Newt only shrugged his shoulders and handed me the shoe.

„Soooo.....what does the crocodile say when it meets a leopard? It says tha--OW!!" Ben cried out as I cut him off his sentence by hitting his face with the shoe.

Newt and I brust out laughing and Ben laughed with us after a few seconds.

However, my hand started to hurt again, so I decided to take a shower.

I walk in the showers, not even caring to listen if there was water running or not. I walked in and-

"OH MY-" I screamed as I pull back the curtain to the stall I'd previously been in.

I shriek and quickly drop the curtain, backing away and hitting into the opposite wall.

My entire body was tense and I stared forward at the shower stall that was obviously taken. Steam billowed from the top of the shower and clouded the area between you two.

"WHO THE SHUCK WAS THAT?!" A shout comes from behind a curtain and the water immediately shuts off. Minho's torso peeks out from behind the curtains, and he uses the rest of it to hide behind.

In any other situation, I would have laughed out loud.

Minho's hair was still covered in soap and in odd directions.

I mean, I didn't even dear dreamed about, seeing Minho with ruined hair!

"Amy?! What in the shucking world are you doing here? I mean...now?" Minho asked me with a nervous expression on his face.

I shake my head and with wide eyes, I stared into Minho's.

"I'm honestly so so sorry Minho! I-I d-didn't know y-you were i-in there a-and I j-just wanted to shower a-and OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY!!!!" I stuttered and put my hands in front of my eyes.

Oh my God, I hope he is not mad at me!

Minho pauses for a moment and then bursts out laughing, which made me putmy hands down from my eyes.

I stare with terror still on my face, but I shucking couldn't help but notice his bare chest.

I shucking had to force myself to look away from it and back to Minho's eyes.

I glanced around the entire building, trying to look anywhere else than him. I made a metal note to always listen for anyone showering before just barging in.

He noticed I was staring at him.


I immediately turned around and started stuttering. "I-I a-am s-so s-s-sorry M-Minho"

I suddenly felt something wet behind me and felt someone whispering something in my ear. "Well did you at least enjoy the show?"

Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he had a cheeky grin on his lips.

"I-I'll leave you alone." I turned around to get to the exit, but as Minho was right behind me, so I ran straight into Minho's naked chest.

I opened my eyes and noticed that we were only inches away from each other.

I closed my eyes again, because Minho was naked, and tried to find the exit with my eyes closed.

"AHHHH" I fell, because I ran into something, but two strong arms caught me. But I tore him to the ground, which is why I was lying on top of him.

I heard Minho giggle while my face was as red as a tomato. "Come on I'll help you."

"No, no, I can do this on my own." He chuckled again. "Yeah, I can see that."

He took my hand carefully, because he knew I had my wound there, and led me outside.

When I was sure that Minho had closed the door behind him, I ran to Ben as fast as I could.

I saw him sitting on a tree truck. Alone. Perfect!!!

I ran to my best friend and sat down beside him and hid behind him.

"WOAH! I love you too young Lady but slow down a little bit!" "Psssst! I am trying to hid!" I whisper-screamed at him.

"And from who exactly?" "Minho!"

"Because...?" "Because I may have just seen him showering, because I wanted to shower too, and I didn't know that anybody was showering at the moment!! Please kill me, Ben! I am begging you!"

"You- .... WHAT?!" he whisper-shouted back.

"Please tell me that I am a bad person, Ben! Pleassseee!!!!" I beg.

He sigh. "Okay, you're a bad person, BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SHUCKING JOINED HIM!" Ben whisper-shouted.

„BEN!" I yelled at him and hit him playfully against the shoulder, but he only started laughing.

"That's not funny!" "Yes, it is!" Now he laughed even louder.

When he finally calmed down, he looked at me questioningly.

"And what exactly are you going to do now? I mean, you can't hide behind me forever, or I'll never be an uncle!" Ben asked with raised eyebrows.

"You will never goanna be an uncle! Get that in your shucking brain! But...I can't talk to him ever again!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"Oh yes you can, and you will, you're goanna tell him everything! NOW! After all, this is about MY nephews and nieces!" Ben said and gave me a serious look. He really is shucked up!

I just rolled my eyes. "I can't" I whisper.

A few minutes passed as we sat there quietly.

„I don't get it." Ben sighs and pushes a hand to his chin. "You won't tell him because...?"

"Because I feel stupid! I don't want to shucking feel that! It's like, I can't control my shucking feelings and I hate it!" I interrupted him.

"That is completely normal Amy. It doesn't make you stupid or out of control. It makes you human." Ben shifts and steps closer to you.

You stare at the ground for a moment. "So you think I should just tell Minho? Tell him what exactly, that I think he is hot?! He probably hates me!" I cried out in frustration.

Ben smirks. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

I look up to Ben with utter confusion. "What are you-"

I hear soft footsteps in the grass behind me, so I turn around quickly and see Minho, staring with a smirk.

My heart panicked again, and I look back to Ben.

Had Minho just heard everything?

Judging by Ben's grin, he has heard so much that his ego will grow bigger with this announcement. If that is even possible.


That shank is a dead man!

"You know, I could never hate you Amy, but the more important thing is....I knew that you had always found me hot!" Minho smirks and folds his arms.

"Yeah, if I send your ass up on fire then I do find you hot!" I snaped back, hoping to hide the embarrassment from my face.

"Well, that has sounded completely different before." Minho said with a grin.

"Well then I'd do a hearing test in your place!" With that statement I stormed into my hut.

God was that embarrassing!

Ben will wish he had never been born!

But who am I kidding? I could never kill my best friend. Even if I would love to do it sometimes.

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