
softsloth द्वारा

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"You don't understand, little female. I am like a God to these people." Elodie is lost. Literally. After a ma... अधिक

Book 5 - His Redemption


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softsloth द्वारा


(This chapter contains themes that may be disturbing to some readers.

Rage is something I used to release at will. It's not something I kept inside, something I hid. Now, it is shoved down deep, locked away without a way out as I stare at the enemy walking ahead of me. He may be held captive, but I want more.

I pin Elodie to my chest, relieved that she's okay, for the most part. She did not come out of the incident completely unscathed, and for that I blame myself.

Someone handed Locanas a rag to hold to his massively bloody face. Every drop of the purple liquid spilt is more than deserved. Kindness towards him is not. He has not earned mercy.

It takes everything in me not to rush forward to finish the job of killing him. I dream of how completely easy it would be to end his existence.

We walk down the hallways of the palace, up the whirling staircases and through ornate doorways. I carry Elodie the whole way, listening to her beautiful words every step of the way.

She clutches at my clothes, murmuring to me.

"Thank you for saving me. I just knew you would come back. Please, don't leave me again." Elodie whispers, and guilt stabs my chest.

I have failed her. This is why I never should have tried to be a mate for her, I'll never be enough.

"I'm so sorry, tiny. No one will touch you again. I will try harder to be the male you need. I'm not sure if I can live without you." I touch Elodie's bright red locks, wondering how I will ever win her trust back.

Or if I even deserve it.

Elodie doesn't react to my words, still unaware of what they mean.

After some debate with Fray, we decided to leave the kitchens and bring a bloodied Locanas to the Emperor. The Emperor is the highest authority on Rytaria, and he serves justice in serious situations such as these.

And serious it is. I want a harsh punishment dealt, I will settle for nothing less. Execution or life in prison. I'll be happy with either, though death would be the more fair option. It would be even better if get to put an end to his life.

Seeing Elodie's clothes torn open like that, her tears and desperate cries... just thinking of them makes me hot with anger. I demand revenge.

I pull her up, covering my little Elodie better, hiding her from any and all eyes. Fray's mate, Soleil constantly tries to check up on my female. I realize that they are friends, but I'm still protective. Any being trying to get close to tiny has my hackles rising.

Soleil nears me, walking on her toes to try to catch a glimpse of what's mine. I grunt, lifting the little human in my arms higher. The smaller, pregnant female huffs in annoyance. Her black eyebrows furrow in frustration, and for a moment I think she's considering climbing me to get to her friend. Too bad. Elodie is mine. I've decided it.

As long as she agrees.

"Enough, my mate. Do not upset him, he is dangerous. His threat level is.." I turn my gaze to General Fray to glare at him. It's enough to shut his mouth.

I adjust Elodie's body in my arms uncomfortably as she sniffles, her green eyes on me curiously at my shift in demeanor. I'm glad for once that she can't understand the Rytarian language.

I've never been comfortable with people speaking of my threat level. I don't care for the attention.

"Here we are." Fray speaks, gesturing to the large doors with his head, holding tightly to his mate's shoulders. "Maybe you should stay out here, my heart."

His hand goes down to palm her small belly that is only just beginning to swell with a kit. A pang of envy jolts through me.

I look down at Elodie. All lush red waves, brown speckles, and smiles. I picture having a kit with her, and my heart speeds up. Just thinking of something so wonderful has me wanting, especially when I think of what we would do to create another being.

I curse myself for having such thoughts after what just happened. I am too selfish.

"Fray, I am going in there, whether you like it or not, you big bully! You can't just tell me what to do all the time." She demands, and he simply nods, as if he's entirely accustomed to the way she talks.

I raise my eyebrows in interest. Usually on Rytaria, males are considered the leaders. Since our jobs are to protect and provide for a female, the female is to listen and follow what we say, especially when it comes to their safety.

Maybe humans are different, but I cannot imagine Elodie speaking to me in such a way. She's so gentle, and keeps to herself. Soleil seems very different from my Elodie. She is fire, while my human is a flower.

"Bring his pathetic hide in, he has a lot to answer for." Fray instructs the guards, the ones dragging Locanas.

I refrain from snarling, hating to see him still alive and breathing.

We all walk into the throne room, the Emperor standing in front of us, decorated in fine jewels and silk clothing. His dark blonde hair is wild around his angular face.

"The female has been found?" He demands, striding towards me quickly, his eyes set on Elodie's unkempt red hair. I look over my shoulder, a little uneasy and annoyed. I've never had an easy time with authority. This must be done though.

My mate needs justice.

"Yes, sir. It seems the weeks she has been gone, she was with Barre. He brought her back to the palace, only for Locanas to snatch her, and..." Fray trails off, clamping a hand around the back of his mate's neck for reassurance as he looks at me.

The reminder of what the dishonorable male did to my female has me clenching my jaw. Elodie stirs, still blissfully unaware of the words being exchanged around her. I press her against my chest. She seems content to remain silent while I hold her.

"What? What did he do?" The Emperor wonders urgently. No one wants to say the words. I step forward to answer, but a flurry of motion stops me.

A female steps in from a side door, adorned in many expensive silken fabrics that hug her protruding belly. The female is surrounded by her own guards. She wears a crown on her head.

So, this is the Emperor's human mate? Is every human mate pregnant in this kingdom?

She rushes in, swift for someone who is with child.

"Well, from the looks of it, he did something unforgivable. Believe me, I should know." She stands by her mate for a moment, sharing a look with him. The Emperor's eyes go wide in understanding.

The Empress walks towards me, and everyone parts to give her access to my female and I.

I stand remarkably still as she stops, this close I can see that she's taller than my Elodie, or Fray's Soleil. Still small though.

"Does she need medical attention?" She asks in a hushed tone. Amazed at her calm demeanor, I shake my head.

"He did not rape her, but he tried." I answer, my tone brutal. If there were not two pregnant females, and I was not holding Elodie, I would be killing him here and now.

"I did not! Please." Locanas dares to beg, trying to tear himself free from the guards holding him. Blood dribbles from his face to the marble floors.

I growl, a natural reaction to the male.

"No, you do not get to speak. There is no other explanation. Her clothes are torn open. I will likely find bruises all over her for weeks to come. You have no honor." I spit, and Locanas shakes his head.

The Emperor clears his throat, and suddenly all eyes are on him.

"No matter how things appear, let the male share his side. I want all sides of the story." He insists, and I want to shout in protest, but I keep quiet.

He is the ruler here, I am no longer in the woods anymore. I have no authority here. I despise it, but there is nothing I can do.

The guards release Locanas, who stumbles forward. I hate the way he looks at the bundle of sweetness in my arms with sorrow and yearning.

"I want a mate, so very much. The first day I saw Elodie, I thought she would be perfect. I tried to court her, but she always ran away. I thought if I.. if I tried to seduce her, she would see what a good mate I could be for her. I would never rape a female. I just wanted to give her pleasure."

An involuntary snarl escapes me, Elodie flinches.

"You fool, that is rape. She did not want it, so it would be rape."

He has the nerve to look surprised.

"I did not know, I swear it. I did no more than touch her teats. I thought she would like it." His lips tighten in shame, his eyes downcast as they become shimmery with unshed tears. "I am sorry."

Everyone in the throne room is silent, but I'm still blistering with anger.

"How did you not know that you were assaulting her? How are you so ignorant?" I demand. He seems genuinely in his regret, but I do not forgive him. It's not my place to forgive him.

"I.. I do not have parents. I never have, I was left on the streets as a kit, I ate from the trash and slept in alleyways. I was alone until I trained to become a warrior. I was not taught the ways of females. I was a reject." He glances at Elodie, a muscle in his jaw ticking. "I saw a similar look in Elodie's eyes. I thought she would understand me. I thought I wouldn't be alone anymore. I want a mate. I want kits of my own. I don't want to be alone anymore."

Glaring, I shake my head, especially when I see the empathy he receives. No one is angry anymore. I don't believe it.

I take a threatening stomp towards Locanas. His excuses are not enough.

"Wanting a mate does not make you unique. I wish for one as well, as do many males. That doesn't mean you can torture a female. You should have patiently waited, instead you tortured a helpless Goddess. Shame on you."

Locanas hangs his head, and Elodie clutches at my shirt, like she knows the weight of my words.

The room is remarkably quiet, the Emperor strides forward. He stands by his mate, taking her hands in his own.

"Obviously Locanas needs to face consequences for his actions, but I believe with some learning he could be an honorable male. Although, Locanas, you will need thorough evaluation before you can be around a female, let alone have a mate. I believe redemption is possible for you. You seem to have good intentions, and I believe your heart is true."

Outrage courses through me, and it takes everything in me not to go into an uncontrollable rage.

"No. He should be thrown into the dungeons. Executed. Exiled. Anything to pay for his crimes." I insist loudly, tightening my hold on little Elodie and thanking the Gods she does not understand the debate going on.

Fray clears his throat. I snap my gaze onto him in an instant.

"You have no authority here, Barre, I'm sorry."

I growl, frustrated.

"I want to be her mate, if she'll have me. That gives me enough authority to insist he gets a much worse punishment. He hurt her. I won't stand for it." The anger inside me is building, demanding to be let out in the form of violence.

I'm transported back to my days in the gladiator ring, weapons tethered to my hips and a sword in my hand. I killed many. Gladiators were only allowed to fight high treason criminals. I never lost. I took all my frustrations out on those criminals. I stole their lives.

What I wouldn't give to be back in the arena with Locanas across from me. I would destroy him, annihilate his existence, erase his soul from this planet. Nothing would give me more satisfaction.

I can't, and I hate it.

"Something can be said for the fact that he didn't know how truly delicate these humans are. Their weakness, it is obvious enough, but not many know the extent of their fragility." The Emperor states, arms raised to garner attention, as if his authoritative voice wasn't enough.

Confusion blossoms in my chest. What?

"What do you mean?" Locanas demands, and I narrow my eyes at him, wishing he didn't voice my own question before I got the chance to ask it.

The Empress wears a small smile.

"I'm sure you're aware of threat level, yes?" She poses the question at me, not daring a glance at Locanas.

I nod, slightly embarrassed. I suppose news of my infamous strength has spread to these new females. I have a threat level of 154, the highest on the planet.

It's not something I enjoy boasting about.

"Well. Human females aren't exactly... gifted.. in that area." She says.

My face must display my confusion, because the Emperor is quick to explain.

"They only hold a threat level 1. Each one we've tested. Only a level 1. They are very delicate."

I can't hide my shock. My hold on Elodie automatically loosens. A 1? How can that be? I never would've guessed. I knew my precious female was weak, but I had no idea how far off I was. It's shocking.

"I did not know. There is so much I do not know about females. Please, I know I deserve to be punished. I'm sorry. I want to learn." Locanas is determined to have his voice heard.

The menace takes a few steps towards me, his eyes set on Elodie as if he can apologize to her. Before I can tell him off, a snarl erupts as Salsh steps in front of us, showing Locanas his teeth.

"Step away." I insist, watching as Elodie burrows her face into my neck and trembles. She squeezes her eyes shut.

"Please." She murmurs. My heart breaks.

"Just get him out of here. Let me take her away. She needs rest."

"Yes of course. Lead Locanas to the dungeons while we decide what to do with him. I'm sure him being secured will put Elodie at ease." The Emperor commands, and guards rush forward to fulfil his command.

Locanas doesn't struggle, because he knows he deserves to be locked away. I relax slightly as soon as he's marched out of the throne room. Elodie will feel safer now that he's gone.

I glance around, waiting impatiently for someone to give us a place to let my human relax. I turn to her, brushing her hair with my fingertips. I cup the back of her head, her face pressed into my neck. I wish I could take away her pain.

There's a flourish of activity as the Emperor approaches me with his mate. I cautiously take a step back.

"Please, Gladiator, we just want to help. Fray." The Emperor raises a hand, beckoning the General forward. He strides slowly towards us, his hand on his mate's back.

"Take Barre and his..." He trails off, not sure what label to give Elodie. "Human to an empty den. They need time to themselves."

I turn, about to follow Fray, when Elodie speaks up. I stop in my tracks.

"Wait." She murmurs, looking up into my eyes. Being able to hear her, truly hear her, is amazing. "I want to say something, to the Emperor and his mate. Please."

I turn around once more, giving her what she wants.

Our leader steps forward to hear what she has to say.

"Thank you."

It's a small gesture, but not one I will soon forget. She has sweet manners.

The Empress takes Elodie's hands in hers, smiling sweetly.

"Of course, and if you ever need anything, ask for me personally."

I carry her away after that, walking through the great halls and feeling misplaced. The only thing in this whole palace that makes me feel welcome is Elodie.

She fills all the lonely spots in my heart, she makes me whole. When I bury my face in her hair, smelling the red locks, and wondering why I ever thought I could leave her here.

It was fate that brought her onto my lands. Finding her wasn't an accident, I know that now. I was meant for her, and she for me. Thinking of losing her, or harm coming to her, it pains me. I don't want to go back to my old life before her. I can't.

Now that I've experienced heaven, I don't want to give it up.

Thank you for being patient with me!!!

So, what do you think? Is Locanas redeemable? Did you like the chapter? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Let me know.

I hope to update soon, love y'all

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