
By Grandmasgirls1998

355 5 0

Mostly one-shots of sambucky. Some stories will have other ships along with Sam and Bucky. Some will also hav... More

Sam x Bucky Plus friend reader

Sambucky and Stony plus friend reader

115 2 0
By Grandmasgirls1998

Warnings: language, fighting, and injuries

*fanart above is not mine seen it in google images*

*published in one of my other books I didn't steal it*

Word count: about 6500

POV 3rd person

Sam and Bucky were in love. No one knew, not even them. They didn't realize they had fallen for each other. How could they have? They were always fighting. Just like two other men on the team. Steve and Tony.

Steve and Tony, however, their feelings for each other were as clear as a cloudless summer's day. The whole team could see that they loved each other a lot. But, yet, they never would admit it or ever think of dating each other.

Why would Stony not become real? Well, even though they didn't talk about it they both knew that it would cause problems. Become a distraction in the field. What if the other got hurt. It was simple, they bury their feelings in pretend hatred and fighting. It helped them in the field. It helped them when people would flirt with the other. They just pretend to hate the other.

Sam started to notice how he would prefer to be teamed with Bucky. How he preferred to be there next to him if something bad was to happen, he was there to protect Bucky. He noticed how at night when everyone was sleeping and Bucky would start having nightmares he was the first one by his side. Helping him remember that he is no longer under Hydra's control. How he is No longer the Winter Solider. How he was James 'Bucky' Barnes and he was safe. He also noticed that holding onto Bucky while he was claiming him down was something he enjoyed.

Bucky also started to notice similar things. He wanted to be paired up with Sam on missions. How he wanted to be the one protecting the man with the metal wings. How Sam was normally the one by his bed at night waking him from his nightmares. How hearing Sam's voice helped him, grounded him when he first woke up. How he would relish in the feeling of Sam holding him tight. How he felt so safe. Sam would always say he was safe because they were in the Avenger's tower but Bucky didn't feel safe in the tower, he felt safe because he was in Sam's gentle and caring embrace.

A few weeks have gone by and they both act like the things that happen at night, the way Sam holds Bucky, and how they have even fallen asleep in the other's arms, they act like it doesn't happen. Like it wasn't as big of a deal as it was. They continued like normal.

At least they had thought they did. The Team has seen the looks and the smiles and the closeness. They have seen how they reminded them of Steve and Tony. How they would only pretend to hate the other. How they would gaze lovingly at the other when they weren't looking. How they longed to be around one another. How despite the way they would talk shit about the other they are always the first to defend the other.

The team didn't know how or why their feeling changed and they didn't plan on asking. They knew asking would only bring denial of said feelings just like they did with Steve and Tony. They also knew that just like them they would most likely never let themselves be together, scared of the 'what ifs'.

That is until one day when the team needed some extra help on a very dangerous mission and had asked Fury for some of his top agents. Fury surprisingly had a whole team. They were like the Avengers. But they didn't have any special abilities, no suits, no Gods, no science experiment gone wrong, and no super-soldier serum. They were basically Natasha and Clint. Humans who are highly trained in hand-to-hand combat and masters with all different types of weapons. Apparently, Fury had a few teams like this at S.H.I.E.L.D. and this team was one of the first put together. So, luckily they were already well established and not new.

The team of agents has seven people on it. Dave, the team leader, (y/n), the 2nd in command, Ava, Liam, Noah, Harper, and (y/boyfriends/n). (will use (y/bf/n for boyfriend from now on. and if any of the names are ours just change them.)

When the Agents were introduced it was suggested that they all have dinner together. This way they can all get to know each other and it will help when planning out how to go about the mission if everyone knew everyone. Nat thought that it was smart and she also said that everyone should train together in the morning so we can see each other's strengths and weaknesses. Everyone was happy with this and so that's what happened.

Tony had graciously ordered and paid for Chinese takeout. After dinner and everyone had helped clean up. The agents had started to say goodbye and that they would return at 7 in the morning to start training. But the Avengers weren't having it they said that there was a few spare rooms open and that they were all welcome to stay the night.

"That is mighty kind of you all but we don't want to overstay our welcome and Tony paying for our food was enough, we couldn't ask for more," the one agent named Harper said.

"Yes, Harper is right. You all have been so kind to us already we can't ask for more," added Liam.

"Well then, it is a good thing you are not asking but we are offering," Steve smiled back.

"Yes, we are offering," Tony jumped in. "But two of you will have to share a room. Sadly we only have six spare rooms set up for guests right now. We had more but they got converted into something else like Steve's art studio and Loki's and Wanda's magic practicing rooms."

"Oh, (y/bf/n) and I would be sharing a room even if you had enough rooms for each of us to have two rooms," (y/n) laughed.

"Okay, why," Bucky questioned.

"Why wouldn't we share," (y/bf/n) responded. "Why wouldn't my girlfriend and I share a room? Is that not what couples in happy and healthy relationships do?"

"Babe, don't be a dick. They probably didn't realize you and I are dating. I mean we are not big into PDA and we didn't exactly introduce ourselves as a couple when we met them."

"Wait, you two are dating? How do you handle that? I mean that seems like a lot of work dating a co-worker."

"Right, Sam, it can be but the work is worth it if you love the person enough and I love (y/n)."

"I love you too, Babe," (y/n) yawned.

"Okay enough relationship talks, for now, everyone is getting tired. Tony are those spare rooms still on the table," Dave asked politely.

"Of course, Nat would you mind showing them to the rooms please?"

"No problem. Follow me please."

With their final goodnights said, everyone went to their rooms to sleep. All except four of them. They just laid there in their beds looking up at the ceiling.

Tony and Steve both thinking the same thing. Dating anyone would always make them worry and make them stress over their safety. That is just who they are but with someone in the work they do. The dangerous work they do. Is it worth the extra stress and worry? That they would have to figure out.

Sam was thinking about how he was thinking about Bucky when he had asked the question about dating a co-worker. He figured he should have been thinking of Steve and Tony and how they loved each other dearly but did nothing about it simply because they worked together and they were worried about how it would affect them in the field. But nope his mind went to Bucky. The man that had been invading his mind for the last few weeks. The man that he at one time wanted nothing to do with, only doing what Steve wanted him to do. He was wondering as to why he filled his brain. Why it didn't matter how much he tried not to he was thinking about Bucky. About how good Bucky looked with his long hair in a man bun, about how beautiful his smile is, about how surprisingly gentle he is when around small things like kittens and puppies, about how good he smells, and about how much he just wants to hold him and protect him from the world that has been so cruel to him. Sam thought about this all night until he drifted off to sleep. Refusing to believe he had grown to love the man he once wanted to punch in the face every time he saw him.

Bucky had started to think about Sam as well and about how their weird friendship had started to remind him of his best friend and Tony. Even before tonight he had started to see the similarities. At first, he didn't but Nat was not scared about pointing them out. And Bucky had let it go thinking that Nat was just being annoying and everything. But when it clicked that they did act like Tony and Steve he was slightly confused as to why. Unlike Steve and Tony, they didn't have romantic feelings for one another. But the more Bucky thought and the more he noticed the likeness between the two pairs the more he realized maybe there was a romantic aspect to their friendship. At least on his part. He accepted that he had fallen for Sam but he would never tell. So, that night he wasn't wondering if Sam was worth it because he knew Sam was worth it. Sam would always be worth it. He was wondering if Sam was to ever return his feeling would Sam think he was worth it. Bucky doesn't think that he would ever be worth anything let alone Sam's love, worry, and stress.

Meanwhile in (y/n) and (y/bf/n) room.

"Why did you answer Bucky so rudely when he asked about us?"

"I don't know why just happened. But why does everyone that finds out seem shocked that we are together?"

"Well, like I said we don't show much PDA and we don't go around telling people that we are dating."

"But I mean it is not like we hide it or anything."

"No we don't but we also don't flaunt it. Why does it bug you so much?"

"It doesn't bug me. But why is it always the men who have the most shocked reactions?"

"Oh, that makes sense now you are jealous."

"What? No, I am not."

"Yes, you are. Babe, relax I don't think they were into me. By the way, they were staring at each other throughout the night I would say that Steve and Tony are into each other and that Bucky and Sam are into each other. And by their line of questioning, they don't do anything about their feelings based on the fact they work together. And even if one of them did like me or anything like that, nothing would happen because I love you and only you."

"I love you too, always and forever!"

"Always and forever."

The two love birds fall asleep in each other's embrace, something the four men had wished they could be doing right now with the person they cared for the most.

The next morning at the gym the tension is there and noticeable but no one talks about it. At least not with words. But if you pay close attention to their eyes and their body language you can hear them screaming for answers to all their questions.

Sam keeps checking out Bucky and yet he keeps asking why he is. Still struggling to admit to himself that he has feelings for the ex-winter soldier.

Bucky yearning to know if he would ever be worthy of Sam's love. Would what Hydra made him do as the Winter soldier be too much for the man to get over? Sam tells him at night that he had no control and that he is a good person but still, is that something that the man with a beautiful soul would believe in enough to give him a chance?

Steve wondering if Tony and he could work. He determined last night that Tony was worth the stress and worry but was scared that he would still get hurt. Not because of something in the field but because Tony wasn't known for having the best record with long-term relationships. If Steve allowed himself to be honest and to be loved would it come back to bite him?

Tony is in the same boat as Bucky. Was he worthy of Steve? Would he be good enough to call the golden boy his? Would Steve think he is worth the time and effort?

"Okay I see what you meant last night," (y/bf/n) whispered in (y/n) ear.

(y/n) smirked and chuckled, "told you so."

The training went on from 7:30 to 11 o'clock. Everyone helping with little tricks and improvements. Nat had helped Ava with a move she had been trying to perfect for the last month and Clint helped Noah with some knife work. Everyone else just tried to show off and impress the other team. Dave and Steve, strangely enough, started getting competitive. Not only in trying to outdo the other, why Dave was trying no one knows because he wasn't pumped with serum, but they also tried to get the members of their team to outdo the other team's members. They wanted to show that their team was the better team.

"Dave has gone nuts. Does he expect us to win in a 'who is better' competition with the Avengers?"

"It looks like it, (y/n)," Liam answered.

After the training had ended and the teams went to shower they all met in the common room where they talked about lunch.

"So, I am starving," Clint grumbles throwing himself on the couch.

"I am too," Thor adds.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?"

"Well, (y/n) is there a place you have in mind or something? I'll pay like I did last night I don't mind."

"Nope, nowhere imparticular. Team what about y'all?"

"Babe, what about that Mexican place we saw yesterday on the way in? You said something about how you would love to try it."

"Right, I did say that didn't I?"

"I don't want Mexican again I just ate it for lunch yesterday. Sorry (y/n)."

"That is fine Bucky. We don't have to all go to the same place. And Tony doesn't have to pay for it again. We are all adults with jobs we can pay for ourselves."

"No, I plan on paying for it all no matter if we go different places or not."

"Well, Jerk where do you want to go?"

"You remember that one Italian place we went to like two months ago? There."

"Yes, that place was really good. I'll go there with you."

"Thanks, punk."

"I will go too, I love Italian food," Sam says quickly.

"I will too as I am part Italian it only seems right," Tony added.

After some more talking it was settled. Sam, Tony, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Loki, Harper, Liam, and Dave would all go to the Italian place while (y/n), (y/bf/n), Nat, Clint, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Ava, and Noah would go to the Mexican place. Tony had given Natasha one of his credit cards because true to his word he was going to pay for the food.

At the Mexican restaurant, they all talked and enjoyed the downtime. But towards the end of the lunch (y/n) had asked about the four men and their clear affections for each other. Nat had laughed and said that her assumptions were spot on. They had feelings for each other but were scared of the repercussions of dating a co-worker and most importantly someone with such a dangerous job as they had.

At the Italian restaurant, everyone that had decided to go with the four men had started to wish they didn't. It was a bunch of awkward looks and small accidental touches that lead to blushing. Sam handed Bucky some napkins and their hands brushed and they just didn't know what to do about it but blush and look away from the other. They also just stared at their hand that touched the other and acted like fangirls after having touched their favorite singer while in the front row of a concert. Tony and Steve set across from each other and keep trying to play footies without making it known, they failed miserably.

Finally, back at the tower, they all work together to figure out a plan. The mission is dangerous and no one wants anyone to get hurt or killed. They all know the risks but still best to plan for the safest way to go about it than not. After the plan had been established the team of agents went to their own homes and packed an overnight bag and all the things they would need for the mission tomorrow. Going back to the tower after Tony had insisted they stay the night again.

That night they watched a movie to not overthink the mission and to try and claim their nerves. Tony and Steve set next to one another and during the movie had started cuddling. Sam and Bucky had set next to each other too but they didn't start cuddling they did however look over at the other. They had found the other staring a few times and just turned away blushing.

Mission time!

They had all gotten ready for the mission. Getting up at 5 A.M grabbing their weapons of choice and their backups and started loading the jet at 6:30. They were all surprisingly wide awake. All dressed in their uniforms and had their gear on or near them. Tony had put the jet on autopilot so they could go over the plan once more. They were an hour away from their landing point and from there a good 30-minute hike to the oversized Hyrda base.

They arrived at the base at about 8:15. The hike taking a bit longer than expected but it was fine didn't change anything. But once they got there they noticed something that did change the plan. The oversized base had more people than estimated. They expected a shit ton of Hydra agents which is why they had asked for back up but they didn't realize that the amount of Hydra Agents would be this much. Nearly 20% more than they had accounted for.

They had stayed in the tree line while Steve, Tony, Dave, and (y/n) had got together to come up with a plan b.

During this, the Hydra agents had noticed the movements in the tree line and had sent a handful of agents to check it out. So, before a plan was completed they had to take action. Think on the fly. They had gone in separate groups. Smaller groups. They stayed in contact using the earpieces they all had.

The teams were, Sam, Bucky, Noah, and Ava. Steve, Nat, Clint, and Liam. (y/n), Loki, Thor, Harper, and Tony. (y/bf/n), Dave, Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. Bruce stayed at the jet waiting for them to maybe need the big green man and if not he was there ready to help anyone injured. He enjoyed being needed for something other than the green monster but also hated that the people he cared for got hurt for him to be needed.

The bullets were flying and fists were being thrown and dodged. Hydra agents were being dropped like flys and everything seemed to be going great despite the extra unforeseen agents. That was until a bullet hit someone. Hit right in the leg. When they dropped to the ground a hydra agent stabbed them in the stomach.

"(y/n), Oh god no," Harper yelled getting the attention of the men in their group.

(y/n) had blood staining her shirt and pants from both spots. Tony had got on the coms and told everyone that she was injured. The Avengers had expected (y/bf/n) to start freaking out and running to wherever (y/n) was at but he didn't. He didn't even say anything. Dave did.

"Can any of you get her to Bruce? Maybe he can stop the bleeding or at least keep her alive till we can get to the hospital?"

"Yes," Loki answered quickly picking (y/n) up and transporting her to the jet. He would have transported her straight to a hospital but sadly he was limited with how far he could go. "I got her to the jet and Bruce is doing everything he can to save her."

"Thank you," that is all (y/bf/n) had said before he continued kicking ass and taking names.

Luckily Nat, Steve, Clint, and Liam had already gotten inside and had started the downloading process when (y/n) had been shot so it didn't last much longer. They had finished taking out the agents in their way and made it to the jet relatively quick and took off to the nearest hospital.

Bruce and stopped the bleeding the best he could but without the right equipment, there was no way of knowing if (y/n) was bleeding internally. They could only hope for the best and get to the hospital fast.

Landing on the helipad on the roof of the hospital that they had called ahead of landing. The two teams work fast to get (y/n) on the stretcher the doctors had brought out for her. They all had gone to the ER to get themselves checked out and get their cuts cleaned and some stitched.

After they were all cleaned up they meet up in the waiting room. They set in silence for about an hour and a half. The doctor that was the head of (y/n) surgery came out and said that she was doing well. Bruce had done an amazing job and that she had a small bleed that they had to stop but it was a slow bleed and because of that it may have been what keep her from dying. The doctor also said that (y/n) was in the ICU and resting. Adding that it would be a while before she would wake and that only relatives could go in, allowing (y/bf/n) in too. But, before he had the chance to start walking his way to (y/n)'s room he was stopped.

"How did you keep your cool in the field? How did you not go berserk and lose your mind? How were you able to keep going on with the mission knowing that the woman you love was injured," Steve asked using a quiet voice and a look of confusion on his face.

"Well, um, honestly, this is not the first time she has been hurt. We have both been hurt and yes, we love each other tremendously but we knew the risk of us being together and working in the field. So, before we started dating. Before we allowed ourselves the joy of loving one another we had a much-needed talk. We talked about what we would need to do in situations like this. We agreed that we would need to find a way to keep our emotions from clouding our judgment. And by god can it be hard. But we agreed that if we couldn't then it would only cause more harm than good. It could make a bad issue worse. If I had lost my cool today when Tony said she was hurt then I could have gotten my group hurt or myself so we would have gone from one person hurt to possibly more people hurt and that helps no one. I love (y/n) with all my heart and hopefully one day she will make me the happiest man in the world and marry me but I know that in the field I have to keep my emotions in check and keep a level head."

"But how do you keep a level head? I only met her a day and a half ago and I almost lost it," Nat questioned.

"That is hard like I said but I know I needed to. On the inside, I was screaming, wanting nothing more than to be holding her in my arms but we have a job. A job we both love, a job we are both willing to risk our lives for. It was harder at the beginning of our relationship and it doesn't get much easier but we learn how to figure it out with time. We both believe 100% that the other is worth the risk, worth the stress, and worth everything that gets thrown our way. We also agreed that we would rather have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I could lose her today or in 60 years but there is no way of knowing so I simply love her the best I can all day every day for as long as I have left with her."

"Wow, that is the cutest and most romantic thing I have ever heard you say," Ava smirks.

"Shut up," (y/bf/n) says with a slight red tint on his cheeks. With that, he walks away to (y/n)'s hospital room.

They all stayed at the hospital for at long as they could. The nurse had come to them to tell them that (y/n) had woken up and was doing great for someone who had gone through what she had. Her team kind of laughed and said they expected nothing less from her. She had gone through a lot and always found a way to bounce back. How she bounced back so fast physically they didn't know but as for mentally and emotionally she had a brilliant therapist and did her best to talk to someone about whatever was bothering her. The Avengers seemed to be in awe of her. How she is willing to let others help her. Maybe they would try asking her how she just lets people in like that. But for now, she was alive and awake. She was with her boyfriend and stable. So, the nurse had told them that she would be transferred to a hospital closer to the tower in the morning but that they should all go home and rest till then. They didn't want to but did nonetheless.

During all this Steve and Tony had been holding hands and Sam and Bucky stayed right next to the other not daring to separate more than a few inches before the other was right next to them again. They had just seen how a happy and healthy relationship between co-workers in a dangerous job had worked through the possibility of losing one another and were wondering if they were able to do the same. Were they capable of thinking logically and keeping a level head in the field? Could they do the same as the couple they had just meet not that long ago? Would they rather have loved and lost than to never had loved at all? Maybe this was a conversation they had to have together and not just with themselves.

Finally back at the tower and tired beyond belief they all go to their rooms and shower getting all the dirt and sweat and any dried blood they didn't get at the hospital off. Most falling asleep as soon as they laid their head down on their pillow.

Steve was tired and wanted sleep to take him but he couldn't get Tony out of his mind. He decided to go get a drink of water hoping to maybe clear his mind enough to sleep. But when he got to the kitchen and got his glass of water he heard a noise in the living room.

Walking towards the noise he sees the man who he was thinking so much about tonight and the night before that and the night before that. Tony was setting in the dark with a glass is whiskey. They hadn't been home long so Steve doesn't think Tony has had a lot to drink but still, he didn't think it would have mattered because Tony drinks so much that he has a very high tolerance for the stuff.

"You okay there Capsicle?"

Steve hadn't even realized he was staring until then. Looking away he blushes. He doesn't understand why he still blushes when Tony catches him staring. They both know about the other's feelings. Neither was good at hiding it and the team talked about it all the time. Plus it wasn't the first time either of them caught the other looking. And yet he still blushed. Tony always found this adorable and wishes it never stops.

"Yeah, I am okay just can't sleep. What about you? Why are you up?"

Steve had set down right next to Tony leaving no room between them. Neither complaining about the closeness.

"I was thinking."

"About (y/n)?"

"Kind of. Her team doesn't seem too worried so I'm not worried but I was thinking about her and (y/bf/n). They seem so happy together despite everything this job puts in their way. That is quite inspiring if I do say so myself," Tony smirks looking straight into Steve's eyes.

"Yes, I can see why that is inspiring."

The two leaned forward stopping when their foreheads touch. Staring into the other's eyes.

"You know that I think you are worth it right Steve? You are more than worth it."

Tony smiles his eyes showing hope and fear for what Steve will say and do next.

"Tony," Steve whispers as his lips graze over Tony's.

Steve pulls Tony into him to kiss him properly and Tony is quick to kiss back and deepen the kiss. The kiss is full of love and passion. When they pull away for air they stay close not wanting to let the other go yet. So when Steve finally talks again Tony can feel his breath on his face.

"Tony I always knew you would be worth it. I always will."

The two men stay in the blissful moment for a little bit longer before finally getting up to go to sleep. Tony dragging Steve to sleep in his room with him not wanting to be away from the super-soldier just yet. Not wanting to be away ever.

Not more than an hour later Sam wakes to scream. One he knows well. Bucky was having a nightmare again. Not wasting any time he runs to the man's room and lets himself in. Walking slowly to him calling out his name. Trying to wake him without scaring him.

"Bucky, it is okay. You are okay. You are safe it is just a dream. Bucky. Wake up. Wake up Bucky."

Still walking slowly towards the bed he hears something he didn't expect. He hears his name.

"Please don't make me. Please not him. Please don't make me hurt Sam. Please don't make me hurt him. Please."

Sam didn't expect Bucky to be dreaming about him. Begging someone to not make him hurt him. Pleading with him to not make him hurt Sam.

Sam was unsure how to feel about it. He was confused as to why Bucky dreaming about him made him all flustered and giddy. Not confused though just in denial. And yet he was pissed because someone was making Bucky hurt him. And he wasn't mad that they were hurting him but mad that someone, most likely Hydra, was forcing Bucky to do something he didn't want. Trying to take away his freedom. Trying to take away his control. This pissed Sam off so much.

"Bucky. Bucky wake up. I am safe. You are safe. No one is trying to hurt either of us. Bucky wake up please."

His voice is a little louder than before but still gentle and caring.

Bucky woke up wide-eyed and struggling for air. Sam was quick to his side.

"Bucky, Bucky look at me. Bucky you are safe. I am safe. I need you to breathe. Focus on my breathing. In... Out..... In..... Out. Good, good keep going. In... Out... In... Out."

They continued taking steadied breathes before Sam went on to reminding Bucky that he is safe.

"You are safe. I am safe. We are safe. No one is trying to hurt either of us. We are at the tower safe. You are in control of your actions. No one is making you do anything. You are safe," Sam continues with this till he sees Bucky is breathing normally. "Bucky is it okay if I hold you? Are you okay with that?"

Without hesitation, Bucky says yes and leans into Sam's touch.

This makes Sam smile. He enjoys that Bucky is so receptive and comfortable with his touch. At first, he would pull away and now he pulls closer. Sam can't help the little flutter his heart does at this thought. And he can't continue to deny his feelings. He has tried to tell himself for too long that he doesn't have romantic feelings for Bucky but right now. With his arms wrapped around his body and Bucky's head laying on his shoulder he can't continue with the lie. He knows damn well that he never wanted to let go. He never wanted this to end. He never wanted to not be able to hold Bucky anytime he wanted. He wants to be with Bucky Barnes and he would be damned if he didn't tell him so.

But then like a train hitting him he stopped and wondered. What if Bucky doesn't feel the same? Does Bucky even like men? What if he told Bucky how he feels and he doesn't feel the same and he no longer gets to hold Bucky like this because it makes him uncomfortable? What if? God so many what-ifs.

"Sammy, what are you thinking about? I can see the gears turning."

Sam looked into Bucky's beautiful blue-grey eyes and the love that he had seen looking back at him made all the what-ifs change into what if I tell him how I feel and he feels the same and we get to be together? What if I tell him and I get to hold him like this every night? What if I tell him and I get to call him mine?

Bucky was thinking about how handsome Sam looked when he was deep in thought. How soft his skin was against his own. How good he smelled. How much he loved the feeling of Sam holding him. So when Sam spoke up and brought him out of these thoughts he was shocked to hear what Sam had said.

"Bucky, I think I love you. I don't know for how long but what I do know is that I never what to stop holding you. I never want to see you hurt in any way. All I want to to see you happy to see you smile. I want to always be the one by your side. I want you. I don't know how you feel but I do know that if I don't already love you that I am sure as hell on the way there. And honestly, I don't think I want to stop even if I could. You are worth so much to me, for me to not at least tell you how I feel. To me Bucky you are worth the world."

Bucky lays there in Sam's arms speechless. He thinks he must be dreaming because there is no way Sam just confessed his love to him. Bucky didn't realize he had tears rolling down his face.

"Love, why are you crying?"

"This is a cruel dream right? I am going wake up to the real Sam any second and he is going to tell me I was having a nightmare and everything you just said, everything I have wanted to hear from you for weeks is going to be just a dream. Just my hopes getting the better of me."

With a kind smile and a gentle hand on Bucky's cheek, Sam leans close and says "this is so not a dream Bucky. This is the next best thing though maybe. It can be a dream come true because I am here holding you in my arms telling you how I feel. James Bucky Barnes, I Samuel Thomas Wilson love you so much that it kind of hurts."

The love between them is strong and with Sam still only an inch away from Bucky's lips he asks "Can I kiss you?"

"Please do," it takes everything in Bucky to get those two words out. His mouth is dry and his head is fuzzy. But dream or not he was not going to pass up the chance of kissing Sam.

Leaning in and finally connecting their lips in a loving kiss. Bucky finally can tell just how real this is. Just how much Sam cares. Just how much Sam wants him. And Sam can tell he made the right call in telling Bucky how he feels. And how happy he is now that he doesn't have to let him go.

As they break the kiss and smile at each other they get comfortable in Bucky's bed and hold the other tight.

"Thank you, Sam. For telling me that I am worth it. It means so much to me I don't think you realize just how much."

"I meant everything I said."

"Thank you. You know that you are worth it too right? You are worth the world, doll!"

"Thank you, love! Now try and go back to sleep."

"Are you going to stay with me the whole night?"

"Yes, I will. I will stay with you all night and any night to come that you want me to."

Bucky doesn't say anything too flustered to think of anything so he just buries his face in the crook of Sam's neck and just smiles.

Sam is happy to have Bucky cuddled up to him. Happy to know that Bucky wants to love Sam as Sam wants to love Bucky. Happy knowing that they are going to fall asleep together and wake up together for as long as Bucky allowed it. Sam would always want this and if Bucky did too then it will never stop and Sam was happy about that too.

The love between the two couples would always be worth it. Would always be priceless. They will all figure out how to work in the field just like (y/n) and (y/bf/n) did. But for tonight they didn't stress, they didn't worry, and they didn't let anything stop them from being happy.

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