Pillaged Heart{Yandere! Vikin...


72.3K 2.4K 510

She is known as the pillager, destroying everything her path not taking a damn thing. That was until she want... More

Chatpter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Finally published

Chapter 13

2.8K 98 45

Micah's pov

          We were all within the forest that was near that village owned by that monster, Freyja, the pillager. The Vikings and I were waiting in the forest waiting for John's signal. I saw John approaching towards me from the side within the forest so he wasn't seen. I was in front while the other Vikings were gathered behind me. He stopped his horse just next to one of the trees then hopped off. He approached me then stood next me.

          "Micah, my son", John spoke. "Today is the day you shall become more of a man, you will become a hero", John stated. I glanced at him then nodded my head. "Y/n, I will save her", I replied. "Of course, you shall", he said. He turned around to speak to the Viking behind us. I didn't listen to a word he said, I was only thinking of Y/n. I gripped my Warhammer, I will save her no matter what.

Y/n's pov

         "I think something is wrong with farm animals", I said to Freyja. "They're refusing to eat", I added. "I'm not a animal doctor, discuss that with Nia". Freyja replied. "You're the leader you should know what to do", I stated. "You're technically second in command so you should know too", she replied then tried to kiss me, but I dodged her.

"No kisses until you figure it out", I stated. "What, come on at least a kiss I give me the will to", she whined. "Nope, you'll get it wh-", I tried to say, but a scream ranged out into the air. Freyja and I turned to see some of the villagers running away from something. A unfamiliar viking caught up with one them, sending an axe straight into the back of one their heads killing them instantly.

"THOSE WHO CAN'T FIGHT GET TO THE BOATS", Freyja shouted. The villagers immedietly grabbed some of the children and rushed towards the other gate where the boats were at. I went to leave, but she grabbed me by my fist. "You come with me", she stated. "What why, I can't fight", I replied. "I'm not letting you get away that easily", she replied. "Are you serious right now, I rather not leave you", I snapped. "Good, besides you don't need to fight I'll protect you", she stated. "Freyja, I'll be a distraction-LOOK OUT", I shouted. She didn't even bother to turn around, she unsheathed one of her swords from her back. As the viking was trying to slash her back, she stepped to the side a bit causing him to miss and stumble forward. I took a step back as he did. She sent the sword straight into his back killing him instantly. She put a foot onto his back to pull her sword out of him.

"Like I said I'll protect you", she stated. "You either come willingly or you ride on top my shoulders", she added. "I'll come with you", I replied. She gave me a psychotic smile while taking out her other sword. "I won't let these vikings get one look at you", she stated then turned around stomping off with me following her.

She was serious, as we walked through the village any vikings that approached us were soon cut down. No matter how many they were, two, three, possibly even more, she slain them without a second thought. She left bodies in her path, some missing heads, stomachs cut open, limbs chopped off. I noticed a woman crying over a body, it was Nia.

"NIA", I shouted rushing towards her. Nia looked up at me with a tear stained face. "Y/N STOP", Freya demanded, but I kept running towards her. Nia stumbled up then began walking towards me. She didn't even get to her second step before an arrow was sent into her head. She fell to the ground instantly. I froze in place staring at her lifeless body.

"Nia", I whimpered backing up slowly. A viking ran towards me from the side, axe raised up in the air. Freyja stepped out in between us. The axe landed on her shoulder, it didn't even make a crack into her armor. I heard the viking letting out a painful scream then collapsed to the ground. She turned towards me with a bloody face.

"Don't.leave.again", she snapped in a cold tone. I stared at her in fear then nodded my head. She placed one of her swords back into the sheath on her back. She lifted her hand towards her mouth then whistled loud. The vikings were too busy fighting each other to notice. After a while I could hear a loud whine. Freyja's horse came running towards us, shoving or running over vikings as they did. The horse slid to a stop right in front of her. She helped me get onto the horse then got on as well. She sat behind me, her larger size was like a shield compared to me. She grabbed the reins then made a loud sound. Her horse took off running towards the gate. Freyja slain Vikings as we rode throughout the village.

Finally the gate was in sight, but I saw viking with a Warhammer swung for one of the horses' legs. The horse fell forward sending us flying. I landed much closer to the gate than Freyja did. I lifted myself up. off the ground and went to rush towards Freyja.

"Y/n go", she shouted. "I'll meet you out there", she added. I stood in my spot, but then nodded my head. I turned around and rushed out of the village into the forest. I didn't want to stray too far from the village. An arrow lodged itself into the back of my shoulder causing me to fall forward. I screamed in pain while trying to reach for the arrow. I felt someone put a foot abasing my back then ripped the bow out from my shoulder. I cried into the snow as they did.

"You must be Y/n", a voice said, I glanced back to see a man with long black, it was braided to the side and laying on his shoulder. He looked much older too old to be a viking at least.

"You are the caused of this you know", he stated. As he was talking I slowly grabbed some snow into my hand. "I just don't see why that boy wants you so badl-", he tried to say, but I turned around quickly then threw snow straight at his face. He closed his eyes on impact while spitting some of the snow out his mouth. I rushed to my feet ready to take off running.

"You will pay for that", he sneered throwing his bow aside and unseating his sword. Before he could even take a step someone swung a Warhammer straight into the side of his head. His body went flying into the snow covered dirt. The blood started leaking out slightly from their ear slightly as they tried to get up off the ground.

"Micah...you fool", the man spat at the viking. The viking stood over the man then bashed his head in with the weapon. He hit this man repeatedly no matter how much blood was splashed into him. Once he was done the viking turned towards me. He smiled at me?

"Y/n", the viking said taking a step towards me. I took a step back as he did. "It's me my love, it's your Micah", he whispered still walking towards me. I stared at the viking in disbelief. The man before me was a lot bigger and scarred. Micah would never kill a man, this wasn't my Micah.

"You're not him", I said. "I know my looks changed", he laughed. "No you're not him because he's dead", I stated. "No y/n I survived", the Viking stated grabbing my arms. I tried breaking free from his grip, but he was a lot stronger. "You're not him, he's dead", I stated. "Lies Y/n I live, I survived why can't you see", he cried shaking me slightly. "Please stop it, stop saying his name", I whimpered. "Y/N LOOK AT ME",he screamed. "YOU'RE NOT HIM, NOW LET ME GO", I screamed while struggling harder, but he kept a tight grip on me.

"She said let her go", a voice said. We looked to see it was Freyja. The viking holding me through me aside then faced her.

"You plagued her mind", the viking spat. "I didn't plagued her, I captured her heart", Freyja replied. "I told you, I wanted her heart so I took it", she boasted. "You will die by my hand, pillager", he shouted lifting his Warhammer. "A Warhammer? You're a barbarian now", she laughed. The viking looked at the weapon then toss dit aside.

"You're right, I want the pleasure of ending your life with my bare hands", he sneered. Freyja tossed her bloody swords aside as well. "You're a fool for coming back here, do you really think she'll go back with you", Freyja replied. "Y/n is just confused once I prove I'm Micah she'll love me again", he stated. "That'll be impossible since she loves me", Freyja replied. "Please we're married she can't love you", the viking laughed. "I disagree since I already claimed her virginity", she replied. The viking stared at her in shock then looked at me. His face turned from shock into anger. He turned around and rushed towards Freyja.

"I'LL KILL YOU", he shouted. He swung his fist, but Freyja dodged each one. She sent sent a punch into his cheek making his head move to the side, but he recovered quickly. He sent a punch into her stomach, but it only harmed him more than her. Before she could send another punch he ducked down and pushed her onto the ground. She fell backwards hard de to her size. He got onto of her quickly and began sending a rain of punches towards her face. When the viking sent another punch she dodged it making his fist land on the ground behind her. She wrapped her arms around his back then used her leg to flip them over. He was now on his back with Freyja between his legs. She sent one hand punches at his face, not giving him a chance to block. Once his face was all bloody, she grabbed him by his collar then stood up lifting him up in the air while doing so. He was now face to face to her, his feet were barley touching the ground.

"Like the first day we crossed path, you're still weak", she spat then tossed him to the ground. She turned around then placed him on the ground. He steadied himself a bit then glared at her. He went to punch her, but she sent a punch up towards the bottom of his chin. You could hear his bones cracking as soon as the punched landed. He went flying backwards and landed right next tot his weapon. She stared at him making sure he didn't get up. The viking was still as a log, he either passed out or died. Freyja turned towards me with a smirk. I ran straight for her, hugging her immediately. "I thought you were dead", I cried into her chest.

"Stupid to think that", she replied then broke the hug. "I'm not letting you get away that easily", she added. I smiled at her then placed my lips onto her hers. She kissed me back just as hard and the same amount of passion. I was into it so much that I forgot about what happened today all the death and destruction. I was too busy absorbed by her kiss. I opened my eyes slightly to see someone moving behind her, it was that viking. I lift my arms to push her away to try to warn her. She broke the kiss to say something, but it was too late. The Warhammer slammed right into the side of her head.

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