When I Found You (Killugon) [...

By The_Letter_M

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A high school Killugon story Contains: sensitive topics and lots of fluff Disclaimer: I do not own the hxh ch... More

Chapter 1: A new Start
Chapter 2: King of the school
Chapter 3: The New School
Chapter 4: A New Friend
Chapter 5: After School
Chaper 6: The Friend Group
Chapter 7: Car Ride
Chapter 8: The restaurant
Chapter 9: Kaze's House
Chapter 10: Forever Mine
Chapter 11: Strays
Chapter 12: Encounter at the Mall
Chapter 13: Back At School
Chapter 14: An Old Friend
Chapter 15: Project
Chapter 16: Not Again
Chapter 18: First Date
Chapter 19: Bullies
Chapter 20: Meeting the Zoldycks
Chapter 21: Unaccepted
Chapter 22: Beach
Chapter 23: Camping
Chapter 24: Waterfall
Chapter 25: News
Chapter 26: Seperated
Chapter 27: Action!
Chapter 28: Unwanted Return
Chapter 29: Missing You
Chapter 30: Uneasy feeling
Chapter 31: The Mission
Chapter 32: With You Again
Chapter 33: Family Reunion
Chapter 34: Taken
Chapter 35: Where's Gon?
Chapter 36: Plan
Chapter 37: The Phantom Troupe
Chapter 38: Protection
Chapter 39: You're Safe Now
New Book
So I've been thinking...
Its here
Long time no see...
New book

Chapter 17: Aftermath

2K 52 157
By The_Letter_M

Killua POV:

I woke up from the sun light shining on my face. I groaned and slowly attempted to lift myself from my laying position but it was harder than expected. I glanced down to see the sight of my beautiful boyfriend holding onto me with his head nuzzled into my chest. I smiled before looking at the clock on his nightstand. '6:50' I looked back down and gently shook him awake. He groaned cutely as he slowly started stirring.

"Babe~ it's time to wake up~" I coo'd as Gon slowly lifted his head and turned his face towards me with his eyes still closed.

"Mhm" he hummed tiredly nodding his head. I smiled. 'He's so cute when he's sleepy.' I pecked him on the lips before swinging my legs over the side of his bed.

"C'mon let's get ready. We gotta be to school soon." He nodded again and rubbed his eyes with his fists before finally opening them allowing to see those golden brown beauties. I smiled at the sight. No matter what Gon does, it always manages to make me smile.

I got up from the bed and Gon followed suit. I went and did my morning routine, all the while Gon held onto me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. I giggled internally before finishing.

"Hey Gon, can I borrow one of your undershirts?"

"Mhm." He answered tiredly.

"Thanks babe." I kissed Gon on the cheek before leaving him in the bathroom to get dressed.

I was almost done dressing. All that was left for me was to put my shirt on. That was until the door opened and Gon came in and saw me shirtless. He froze and his eyes widened. His face a bright red as he stared at my abdomen. I smirked.

"Like what you see~" I teased as Gon as he tensed up. I then walked towards him and held him by his waist and pulled him towards me. "What? There something on your mind~" I said teasingly.

"I-I..." Gon was tongue tied and his nose started to bleed. I giggled and kissed his forehead before letting him go.

"Might wanna clean your nose there babe." I said to Gon. He instantly knew what I was talking about and grabbed his nose before running into the bathroom his face as red as a ripe apple. I laughed. "I love him so much." I said before I finished getting dressed.

After Gon and I got all our stuff ready we left the house and walked our way to the school. Me holding Gon's hand as Gon held onto my arm. When we got there we saw our friend group of Old man oreo, Mamapika, Sushi Roll, and Mr. Messy hair standing at the front of the school. We approached them and said hello.

"H-hey guys." Gon said almost hiding behind me.

"Gon, why do you seem so nervous?" Pika asked.

"Oh uhh, just uhhh... I have that presentation for the project today that's all." Gon responded.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you had that today." Kaze responded.

"Well, wishing you the best of luck. Imma head to class." Leorio said before taking his leave.

"I'll go as well. See you guys as at lunch." Pika said following Oreo.

"Yeah, uhhh same here. You uh... ready to go K-kaze?" Zushi said trying not to make eye contact Kaze.

"Uh yeah sure. We'll see you guys later." Kaze responded rather sheepishly before they both left.

"What's up with them?" I asked looking at Gon who just shrugged. I shrugged as well and Gon and I made our way to our class.

Throughout the day I noticed that Gon has been acting more shy. Especially around me. It almost feels like he thinks I'm uncomfortable with him around me. I wonder why that is? Is it because of what happened yesterday? Was it because he opened up to me about his past?

I'm honestly still shocked that someone as innocent as Gon had to go through something that horrible. And yet despite that, he always seemed so happy and go lucky despite what he's been through. I'm happy that he doesn't let something like that keep him down, and I want to do anything and everything in my power to help him and protect him. I swear on my life, if I ever find whoever did that to him, I'll make them pay. Dearly...


Gon POV:

It was that time. Time for the presentation for my project. With Retz. I went to my class reluctantly and made my way to my seat. I eventually saw Retz slowly make her way into the classroom. She had her head hanging low looking at the floor in shame. She lifted her head up and we made eye contact. She almost immediately looked away in shame and made her way to her seat.

Everyone in class did their presentations and soon enough it was me and Retz's turn. Once we were called up we went to the front of our class room. Retz got out her laptop and plugged her flash drive into the laptop. She then connected it to the projector as I got my notes out. The teacher told us we could start as Retz and I nodded to eachother and began our presentation.

We eventually finished as Mr. Wing began to speak to us. "Not bad Gon and Retz, not bad at all. You get a B+"

We thanked him and sat back at our own seats. Eventually the end of class came about and everyone was leaving the room. I was about to walk out till Retz stopped me.

"Hey uhh... Gon?" Retz asked nervously.

"Oh uhh... yeah Retz?" I responded just as nervous. Needless to say that things were pretty awkward between the two of us.

"Umm..." Retz sighed before continuing. "I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry. I truly am sorry."

"Ohh uhh... it's uh- fine I guess?" I said scratching the back of my neck. I didn't really know what else to say. I mean she was fully prepared to force me to do sexual activities with her but I can tell that she actually is genuinely sorry.

"No, not just that. I'm- I'm sorry." She whispered. I instantly knew what she meant as I sighed.

"Oh, it's ok Retz. Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I was about to walk out again until Retz stopped me again.

"Wait, you forgot this." Retz said handing me my phone.

"Oh yeah, thanks Retz. I did forget. I'm pretty forgetful sometimes."

"I'll say." We laughed. "Well I'll be on my way then. Sorry again. I'll... see ya around I guess.." Retz said giving me a sad smile before taking her leave. Even though she sexually harassed me I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I shook away the thoughts, put my phone in my pocket and went out the classroom to meet up with Kaze.

"Hey big bro."

"Sup lil bro." We fist bumped before walking towards the exit of the school while chatting a bit about our day. He seems to be doing alot better which is good.

Once we reached the front Kaze went ahead and went home while I waited for Killua. He soon showed giving me a hug from behind.

Killua POV:

"Hey babe." I said hugging Gon from behind.

"Hi Killua." He said placing his hands on mine. "Are you gonna be heading home today?"

"Yeah but only so I can pick up some extra clothes and other stuff. Once I've done that I'll come by your house later ok?"


"Do you need a ride home or..."

"No it's ok I can walk."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Are you positive?"


"Are you sure that you're positive?"


"Are you positive that you're sure?"


"Are you sure that you're positive that you're-"

"BABYYYYY!!!" Gon whined as I laughed and kissed his neck.

"Alright fine. But just a fair warning, you getting buried in cuddles when I get to your place."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Gon rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "I gotta go now. See you later." Gon said getting out of my arms and walked away waving.

"See ya babe!" I waved back. I sighed once he was out of view. Eventually Gotoh pulled up. I got in and he began to drive away from the school.

"Master Killua, I regret to inform you that Alluka is sick so she had to stay home today. So we will be heading straight to the Zoldyck manor." I hummed in response and waited until Gotoh pulled up to the mansion. I greeted Canary and a few of the maids and made my way to my room. I sat my bag down then went to Alluka's room. I made it to her room and lightly knocked on the door.

"I'm coming in." I said before slowly opening the door to see the back of my black haired little sister looking out the window. "Alluka?"

"K-killua?" A soft and shy voice responded.

"Oh hey Nanika. It's been awhile. How have you been?" I said taking a seat next to her as she was looking out the window.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Alluka has a special condition. She has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Basically she has two split personalities. Her normal personality being Alluka is extroverted and very hyperactive where as her separate personality, Nanika, is more introverted, shy and doesn't talk much. I can tell which personality is which because Alluka has bright blue eyes and calls me either big brother or Onii-Chan whereas when Nanika is out, she calls me Killua and her eyes are dark.

"How are you feeling? Gotoh told me you were sick. You need anything?" I said giving her a kind smile.

"N-nanika is f-fine. Thank you K-killua." She said shyly smiling back.

"Well, I just came by to get a few of my things. I'm gonna be spending a few days with a person named Gon."

"G-gon? Oh! Alluka told Nanika about Gon. She said Gon i-is Killua's b-boyfriend." I blushed a little scratching.

"Yeah, she told you right."

"Nanika is happy for Killua!" She said opening her arms wide before hugging me as I hugged back.

"Well anyways I'm gonna get my stuff together so I can see him. If you need anything just call ok? And be sure to get plenty of rest." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Ok K-killua. Have f-fun!" She smiled at me as I smiled back and nodded before kissing her forehead and exiting the room.

I went back to my room and got my stuff ready to go to Gon's house. Once I was done I bid one last goodbye to Nanika before heading downstairs and out the front door. I decided to just take an uber to Gon's so I waited outside the estate and once it got there I hopped in and told the driver the directions. Once we pulled up in Gon's neighborhood I payed the driver and got out the car to walk the rest of the way to his place. Once I got there I rung the doorbell and patiently waited for Gon to open it. A few seconds later I heard faint footsteps coming towards the door. It soon opened to reveal Gon in a white t-shirt and green shorts. Once he saw me he smiled and jumped into arms.

"Yay you're here!" He cheered nuzzling his head into my neck. I hugged back and smiled.

"Of course I am." I said before breaking hug and giving Gon a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, come in come in." Gon said gesturing me to enter the house.


Once I entered the house I admired the place. It was nice and cozy and wasn't too much on the eyes.

"You can set you stuff down in my room." I nod and place my things in Gon's room. I also decided to change while I was at it. After I got out I sat with Gon in the kitchen as we ate and chatted for a bit.

Now we were in the den watching a movie cuddling on the couch. I kept glancing at Gon as he seemed to be deep in thought not paying attention to the movie. I then grabbed the remote and paused the movie as Gon looked at me confused.

"Why'd you stop it?"

"Are you ok Gon?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Y-yeah I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He said with uncertainty plastered all over his voice.

"You haven't been yourself today. You've been alot more quiet and seem to constantly be in thought. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong Killua. C'mon let's continue watching the movie." Gon said avoiding eye contact. I placed my hand on his cheek making him look at me.

"Babe?" He sighed.

"It's just that... you probably think I'm disgusting." He said looking down. I was taken aback by his words.


"I told you about my past, what's happened to me. You've even seen my scars and I've told you that I used to hurt myself yet you're still here. Why? Don't you think I'm gross? You deserve someone better than me." I sighed.

"Gon, nothing you say or do will ever make me think you're disgusting. I will never judge you for your past because none of it was your fault. You didn't deserve what was done to you at all. And as for your scars..." I said before gently pushing Gon back so he was now laying on the couch on his back with me hovering over him. I slowly lifted his shirt of past his chest revealing his scars.

"K-killua?" I slowly lowered my head and he gasped as I kissed one of his scars.

"You're beautiful, scars and all. Don't let the past define who you are now. Because now, you're my beautiful angel and nothing is ever going to change that." I smiled at him before lowering my head again and gently giving each and every single one of his scars soft kisses as Gon laid back with a blush on his face making small whimpers each time my lips came in contact with his stomach.

I lifted my head from his stomach and brought my face up to his and kissed his lips deeply. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I had one hand on the couch cushion next to his head and the other on his side slowly rubbing it. I bit his bottom lips as he gasped allowing me to enter and explore his mouth. He let out breathy moans as we continued to kiss. I would occasionally take my lips away from his lips to kiss other parts of his body like his cheeks, the corners of his lips, his neck, his jaw, and his collarbone causing his moans to increase slightly in volume before bringing my lips back to his continuing to kiss him deeply. I always feel so entranced by his lips, I could literally kiss them for hours and never get enough.

We made out for a pretty long time until we eventually pulled away breathing heavily staring into each other's eyes. I smiled at him before giving one last peck on the lips.

"Hey Gon."

"Yeah Killua?"

"Wanna go on a date tomorrow?" As soon as I asked that his face immediately brightened and his smile beamed as he nodded his head vigorously.

"Yes yes of course! I'd love to!"

"Great!" I said giving him an eskimo kiss as he giggled adorably. "Let's say we get ready for bed yeah?"

"Yeah." He said giving me a kiss on my cheek and nuzzling his head into my neck.

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