Kissing Sounds | HYUNLIX


144K 5.2K 14.9K

In which Felix is an ASMR artist and Hyunjin is his loud as fuck roommate. . . . . . . . . . . . . #SHORTSTORY More

Kiss- 1πŸ’‹
Kiss- 2 πŸ’‹
Kiss- 3 πŸ’‹
Kiss- 4 πŸ’‹
Kiss- 6 πŸ’‹
Kiss- 7 πŸ’‹
Kiss- 8πŸ’‹
Kiss- 9πŸ’‹
Kiss- 10 πŸ’‹
Epilogue πŸ’‹

Kiss- 5πŸ’‹

10.6K 414 1.1K


"but imagine, what if he shows up with flowers and picks me up?"

"dude, you guys are living in the same house."

felix ignored jisung and closed his eyes delightfully, spraying himself with some perfume. it had been two days and it was time for the anniversary party. the two days actually flew by really quick. perhaps because felix spent it simping over hyunjin. he couldn't believe that the two of them were there in that phase. like, a year ago if someone said that felix had a crush on hyunjin, he'd probably laugh at them.

"so," felix said, turning around. he pulled the end of his sleeves, running a hand over his sharp shoulder that the tux covered. "how do i look?"

jisung brought his fingers in a 'super' gesture, nodding.

"you look like you are about to do some anal." jeongin said, smirking. felix glared at him but didn't bring himself to deny it. after all, he would lie if he said he didn't think about that stuff. let's just say, felix had popped some memorable boners these past two days. "also, i guess we didn't show you this." jeongin said and clicked something on his phone before showing it to felix.

felix walked to where the two of them sat on his bed. he gasped, staring at the video on his phone.

"holy shit, you got that on camera?" he exclaimed, still surprised. it was hyunjin and his first kiss at the kissing booth.

he watched as hyunjin smiled down at him, his hands in his pockets, looking effortlessly attractive. he was indeed smiling. it didn't look like he just kissed him out of no where. the way he looked at the blindfolded felix, made him feel different. felix's heart skipped a beat at that.

he watched without blinking as hyunjin cupped his face gently before licking up his lips with his tongue. felix remembered that kiss vividly. it was not something to forget. the memory was etched in his mind.

"not going to lie, you guys look hot here." jeongin smiled. felix didn't say anything. he knew. god, he was getting more whipped for hyunjin every passing second.

a sudden knock interrupted the three friends.

"good luck, lix. get his sniper." jeongin said. felix slapped his arm before walking to the door and opening it. and there stood hwang hyunjin, all smoking hot in a suit. his blond hair was slicked behind with some gel, brushing his shoulders gently. felix let out a dreamy sigh.

"ready?" he smiled. felix nodded, smiling back. he turned around to wave at his friends before walking out the room. felix scrambled to the coffee table to grab his car keys.

"hanji! jeongin!" he called out for his friends. "are you guys staying in for a while?"

jisung skipped out of the room. "yeah. we are going to binge some marvel movies and we need some dorito's."

"okay, don't drain out my kitchen and make a mess. the caramel popcorn is in the cabinet if you want. before you head home, make sure to lock the door."

"yeah. you both enjoy your time." he said, waving between felix and hyunjin.

the two of them waved back before walking out of the apartment and entering the elevator.

"you look beautiful in a suit." hyunjin suddenly said, looking at felix with a smile. dang. how did he do that to his heart?

"you too." felix replied. they walked to the car silently, without a word. however, it didn't matter. they liked the silence. it was comforting.

felix sat behind the wheel while hyunjin sat in the passenger's seat. the ride started smoothly, 'heat waves' playing in the background. felix felt no awkwardness. hyunjin's presence was comforting. he turned his head to look at him bobbing his head softly, mouthing the lyrics as he tapped his thigh continuously, looking outside the window.

felix reached across the console, grabbing hyunjin's tapping hand and stopping it from moving. he placed their hands on his thigh and looked up.

"it's okay. don't be nervous." felix smiled at him.

"i'm not nervous." hyunjin retracted, shaking his legs. felix sighed, grabbing hyunjin's thigh slightly, making him halt. others may not notice that. but felix saw right through hyunjin. he looked nervous, and slightly scared.

"are you going to lie to me the whole evening or just now?" felix asked. hyunjin stared at him, his eyes glistening. felix pressed on the brakes, stopping in front of some random shop. he angled his body a little to face hyunjin. "do you want to talk about it?"

"talk about what?" hyunjin asked, looking away, his eyes pained momentarily.

"hyunjin," felix called with his deep voice over the soft music playing in the background. hyunjin turned his head and looked at him. "i called off my work, rented a fancy tux with my crusty savings, dressed up and didn't think before i said yes to this party i don't even know anything about. for you." he said, emphasising on the you. "don't you think i deserve to know at least how you feel?"

hyunjin looked at his face before sighing.

"i don't want to go to this party, lix." hyunjin said, his eyes welling up a little. that was the first time felix got to see hwang hyunjin tearing up. like, it was the first time he saw this side of hyunjin. this vulnerable, humane, soft side of him—that made felix want to hug the shit out of him.

"why?" felix asked, his voice soothing and gentle.

"because i hate it. i hate this party. i hate my father. i hate everything. i hat—"

"hey hey shh shh—"

felix leaned over and pulled hyunjin against his body, letting him cry into his shoulder. the latter wailed, crushing the shoulder pads of felix's tux as he bawled his eyes out. felix's heart broke at that. he had no idea hyunjin had everything bottled up inside of him. he rubbed comforting circles down his back as he brushed his long hair, holding him and letting him cry it all out.

that day felix was sure of something; he was going to protect hyunjin.

"o-hh." the worker gasped as she stared at the two of them standing in front of her, hands intertwined. mind you, they were still in their flashy suits. "h-how can i help you, gentlemen?" she asked, pulling herself out of her small trance.

"two chocolate doughnuts and one peanut butter cup cake." felix ordered, running his hand behind to grab his wallet from his back pocket. "oh also, one strawberry smoothie, please."

"nine hundred won, sir." the cashier said. felix raised his wallet, bringing his other hand that was still holding onto hyunjin's. messily, he pulled out some wads of cash before paying for it. he thanked the cashier once done, pulling a very silent hyunjin to a table, sitting him down.

he looked a little puffy, but hell! he still looked so good. god took his time creating him, didnt he? he pushed his strands of hair off his face before pulling a chair next to him and sitting down on it, all the while not letting go of his hand. hyunjin looked like a teeny-tiny baby being taken care of. felix found that adorable.

"you didn't have to do that, you know?" hyunjin said, a little embarrassed, looking down.

"well, you owe me nine hundred won and a clean tux. keep count." felix joked, a warn smile lighting up his face. hyunjin chuckled, lifting his head up to look at felix. he shook his head softly, dazed as he stared at the freckled boy in front of him. there was a moment of silence; just the two of them staring at each other.

"why are you doing this for me, felix?" hyunjin asked, seriously. felix took his time at that, staring into hyunjin's mocha eyes, highlighted with a soft red that were set back in his frame. god, he was so beautiful.

"because," felix started. "i like you, hyunjin." he confessed. that moment felt so right to say that. it felt so right to say that. he knew it might be fast. but there was a difference between being fast and being rushed. however, neither mattered at that moment.

"here is your order, sir. i hope you enjoy." the worker interrupted them, making felix blink away. he smiled at her as she placed their order on the table and walked away. only when he looked back at hyunjin looking down, thinking deeply, did it dawn on him—the possibility of being rejected. holy shit.

felix started to panic.

"i know, i startled you with th—"

"you did."

oh shit.

"damn." felix cursed. "i'm sorry. i think i kinda made it awkward. i don't know what i was thinking. it-ts just, um, i was—"

and hyunjin crashed his lips against felix's, cutting him off mid sentence. it took felix a moment to wrap his head around what was happening. but when he felt the familiarity of hyunjin's lips against his own, he started drifting to cloud nine. the kiss was so gentle, as though hyunjin poured his heart into it, giving it to felix.

after a few seconds, they pulled away, foreheads pressed together. hyunjin stared at felix, his thumb caressing the stars spewed under felix's eyes.

"i like you too, felix." he mumbled, his voice dripping with that comforting tone. felix's heart skipped a beat at that, his rib cage feeling too small for his mad heart. hyunjin liked him back?

hyunjin chuckled, pulling away. but he still held their hands together. "relax. we still have time to talk into it." he said, grabbing a doughnut. he bit it, before offering it to felix. felix relaxed. he'd admit it. he thought things would be tensed once he get past the confession part. but no, hyunjin proved him wrong. something about the way the two still had their bond going, with no trouble in between, warmed his heart.

"yeah. let's focus on the party now." felix said, biting into the doughnut. hyunjin's smile faltered a little. it felt like he suddenly got reminded of something bad. but he waited for him to open up.

"yeah." hyunjin agreed. "i'll show you to my mother. but for the record, don't call her missus hwang. she hates it."

"why? they are divorced?"

"no, they never got married in the first place." hyunjin said, a painful smile on his face. felix's heart sagged. wait, that meant— "yeah, i'm an illegitimate son."

oh god.

now it all made sense. hyunjin's father probably was that rude dickweasel who cared nothing about his son. he knew hyunjin's father was famous. if he remembered clearly, some CEO. and now it all made sense. so this anniversary party he had would be with his wife, who everyone knows publicly.

now it made sense why hyunjin loved his mother. that poor little thing.

"why didn't your mother leave him?" felix asked, carefully. he didn't want to sting hyunjin in any way.

"my mother was no perfect woman for the society, lix." hyunjin said, playing with the ends of the cup cake wrapper as he spoke. "she had no parents or money or education. all she had was her...body. but she was perfect to me."

felix already guessed that.

"she cannot leave him until i'm well settled. practically, she puts up with him to raise me." hyunjin looked at him, his eyes glittering. "i never had a single day where he treated me like his son. my mom and i can't have a proper identities all these years. i had no father figure to grow up. he hid me all his life from the face of his reputation. he just wanted to get rid of me."

felix brought his hand up to brush hyunjin's shoulder. coming from a very perfect family, it broke felix to see him like this.

"my mother lived in the same house as my father and his wife. he put me in a boarding school, far away from everything. not once had i been his son." hyunjin smiled, his eyes quivering.

"i'm so sorry." he said.

"it's not your fault." hyunjin said, placing his head on felix's shoulder. "i just want to finish college and get my legal share of his wealth and give my mom the life she deserves."

felix's respect for hyunjin grew. the way he loved his mother was truly so cute. all throughout the ride, they were able to clear the awkward air about hyunjin's toxic childhood. felix got him talking about his mother and how he was excited to introduce him to her. it was adorable.

"we're here," felix announced. "you ready?"

"yes." hyunjin said and hopped out of the car. felix locked the car and went around to grab hyunjin's hand. "oh almost forgot, stay away from wooyoung." hyunjin said, walking inside the hotel.

"who is wooyoung?"

"my father's legitimate son."

oh shit. it didn't take a genius to understand that hyunjin hated him, too. from the way his nose scrunched in some disgust when he uttered his name to the way his eyes turned cold at that mention; felix could pretty much get the point.

the two of them walked into the five star hotel, hand in hand. felix was at awh from how extravagant and luxurious it all looked.

"i knew your father was rich i didnt know he was this rich to rent a five star hotel for a small anniversary party." felix chimed, still looking around as they entered the vast elevator. he ran his hand across the golden-sheen elevator doors. "damn, is this gold?"

hyunjin chuckled, shaking his head. "rent?" felix looked up at him. "he owns this."

sweet baby jesus.

"you're kidding."

"no, i'm not. he also owns a few other places around the city."

holy shit, hyunjin was a millionaire's son. damn.

"it actually makes sense why he has this spoilt and nasty attitude. typical rich people." felix commented, awaiting the ding of the elevator. meanwhile hyunjin just stared at felix, a warm smile on his face. "why are you looking at me like that?"

"you're just beautiful."

felix blushed, shying away. "i guess, the sugar is getting to your head."

hyunjin just chuckled, running few fingers through his tawny locks of hair. the elevator swatted open after what seemed like forever. like, why was this building so fucking tall? the two of them walked out of it, looking around for the sign that led them to the hall of the event.

"there it is." hyunjin pointed out. the two of them walked to the velvet event board with golden calligraphic writing. welcome to mr. and mrs. hwang's anniversary party. and an elegant golden arrow, something that escaped from a cupid's bag was pinned below it. damn, everything was just so...ostentatious.

"oh boy." felix uttered as they entered the air conditioned hall. it had a pretty levelled stage with decorations that came right out of an aesthetic novella. the hall was lit in some warm orange that went brutally well with the beige theme. everyone was dressed so plush, moving about with a glass of drink which looked like felix's monthly income. soft orchestral music flowed inside.

"come on, lets go meet my mom." hyunjin said, pulling on their intertwined hands. felix let the other drag him, like, he cared of nothing. hyunjin was holding his hand. that mattered the most. this was top romance, yall. you could never.

felix bit on his smile as he felt all the butterflies erupting in his stomach. they walked to a middle aged woman, clad in a satin red gown, waves and waves of malbec red flowing down her waist.

"mom." hyunjin called, touching her shoulder. the woman twirled around and felix legit gasped, his eyes widening. this was hyunjin's mother? bro, what do you mean? did she age backwards or something? now he understood why hyunjin was this hot and why his father seemed to fall for her years back. to stand in front of her, felix felt so small. not that he was already pocket sized. but you get what i mean?

"oh my god! hyunjin baby! you came!" she exclaimed, genuinely happy. in no seconds, she pulled him into a hug, making felix stumble in the front as hyunjin didnt seem to let go of his hand. and holy shit, did she smell good.

she pulled away, brushing the edge of her neatly winged eyeliner as she looked at her son with so much emotions. aw. "i missed you so much, baby."

"i missed you too, mom." hyunjin smiled at her. the two of them stared at each other for a while before realizing felix was there.

"and who have we got here?" hyunjin's mother asked, smiling at felix.

"lee felix, mam." felix said, offering his hand for her to shake. but hyunjin didnt let go, his hand still gripping onto felix's tightly. felix glared at him before chuckling awkwardly and putting his left hand out for her to shake. hyunjin's mother snickered.

"choi areum. and please dont call me mam. it sounds old." seriously now? "and who are you exactly?"

"oh, i'm hyunjin's date fo—"

"my boyfriend."

felix whipped his head at hyunjin. the latter just smirked. areum gasped, cupping her cheeks in excitement.

"oh my god, i'm happy for you guys!" she gushed, making felix look down with a shy smile. "how did you guys meet? i want to hear it all."

hyunjin chuckled. "you sound too excited."

"of course, i am very much excited. as far as i know, i've never seen you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. even if you did, none too close to introduce them to me."

uh huh. that made felix smile like a tipsy hormonal teenager. he really was special to hyunjin, wasn't he?

"we'll tell. how about we talk over a drink?"

"sure. you guys wait here, i'll go get the drinks." areum said. then she looked at felix and smiled, her red stained lips perfectly pulling a smile. "its so nice to meet you, felix."

"you too, um, areum." felix settled for her name. she seemed to like it better as she walked past them to get them some drinks. once she was gone, felix faced hyunjin who pursed his lips awkwardly.

"i know what you are thinking." hyunjin said, raising his hand up as a gesture to say that he had an explanation.

"yeah, your mom is a total milf."

"dude, what the fuck!" hyunjin scrunched his nose in disgust. "i was talking about the boyfriend part."

"lets talk about that later. now tell me, what is your mom's type?"

"okay, i'm breaking up with you."

felix pouted, reaching to grab hyunjin's cheeks like he was some cute little baby. hyunjin swatted him away with a meme face but felix continued to poke him.

maybe, this party wouldnt suck like they had thought.

°•○●TOTAL WORDS: 3171●○•°


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