Why Don't You Make Me

By dctuan

81K 2.1K 245

Leo and Fiat are childhood best friends. They spend every waking moment together, but one summer, Leo and his... More

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3K 92 6
By dctuan

"I'm tired!" Fiat whines as he sprawls himself onto the bed.

"Get up, Fiat. We've got to do house chores. We already delayed it for two weeks," Leo lazily tugs on the stubborn one.

"Can I just sleep in a little more? I promise I'll help in the afternoon," Fiat rolls onto his back and gives Leo the cutest little face. Leo sighs and the grin growing on Fiat's face already determines who wins. "Just leave the dusting and sweeping to me, okay? Then we can go for groceries. Make sure you wait for me for the groceries."

"You just want to buy all of those snacks and sweets again," Leo looks at him unamused. A guilty smile is the only response before he gives in for the nth time. He sits on the bed beside him and tucks the other one back in. "Alright, alright. I'll wait for you. I'll do the laundry and clean the kitchen. You sleep well, okay? I'll wake you for lunch."

"Mm!" Fiat gives a little nod and cuddles into Leo's pillow. It makes Leo smile and he gives a kiss to his forehead before standing up to leave.

He heads straight to the spare room and strips the bed of it's sheets. Hours go by and he glances up at the clock and heads back to the master bedroom. He crawls into the space beside Fiat and curls into him. "Baby, it's time to wake up. Let's wash up and then grab some food by the market. Baby."

"Hmmm," Fiat turns his head towards Leo and just his chin out. It makes Leo enjoy his profile. He gently traces over Fiat's brows, nose, cheeks and then hovers around the lips before leaning over and pecking them. A grin breaks through and Fiat finally opens his eyes. "Can you always wake me up like this?"

"Only if you actually wake up and get up after," Leo raises a brow at the guilty face. "Come on. Let's go wash up."

"Okay," Fiat sighs and the two head into the bathroom. "Can I drive?"

"Really? You sure?" Leo hesitated as he jiggles the keys in his hands. Fiat nods his head and holds his hands out. With a shrug, Leo hands over the keys and slips into the passenger side. Leo does not realize how tired he is as he falls asleep during the drive. His slumber is cut when a gentle hand shakes his arm. "Did I sleep?"

"Yeah. When we get back home, you take a nap. I'll put everything away," Fiat rubs Leo's arm soothingly.

"Hmm," Leo rubs the sleep off his face and sits up. "No, no. I'll help you. We need to stock up on a lot of things."

"I'll get you to sleep," Fiat states and starts to get out of the car. Walking side by side, the couple passes through the line of restaurants before settling in a greek restaurant. They are smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves as they wait for their food when someone approaches them.

"Leo?" Both heads shoot up at the familiar voice and confusion forms on both of their faces.

"Kat? What a surprise!" Leo throws on a smile and politely greets her and her friend behind her.

"It really is! I never saw you or heard from you since the party. If I hadn't known any better I would have assumed you were avoiding me!" Kat covers her mouth as she chuckles. Her friend nudges her and she nods before looking back at them. "This is my friend, Sorn. We wanted to have some lunch. Have you guys already eaten?"

"Just waiting on our food," Fiat answers. Suddenly a gleam shines in her eyes.

"Is it okay if we join you guys? We'll take separate checks. It'll be nice to catch up, you know?" Kat confidently pulls out the seat beside Leo while Sorn takes the spot beside Fiat. The couple glance at each other, both unable to really decline or push them away. "How have guys you been? Are you still a bartender- Fiat, right?"

"Yeah, Fiat," Fiat wraps his hands around his cup. Leo senses the discomfort and taps his foot against his. "Just for events like the party. I have a regular day job."

"Mm, are you still living with Leo?" She follows up.

"Yeah..." Fiat slowly nods his head. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh, nothing," Kat waves her hand.

"Aren't you guys old enough to not have roommates?" Sorn questions with a look that Leo has a hard time deciphering. "Don't get me wrong. I just figured guys like some privacy. Having roommates doesn't always reflect well when talking to people. I'm surprised you're okay with it, Kat?"

The shy girl from earlier disappeared and Sorn reveals to have an even stronger personality than Kat. "They're old friends, Sorn. Leo just moved back and I think it's cute."

"Leo, I'm tired," Fiat suddenly says.

"What do you mean you're tired? You just-"

"Can we get our food to go?" Fiat pouts and Leo tilts his head, confused. "Please, Leo? I want to go to our home."

Our home. The sound always makes Leo smile. "Okay. Let's go home. I'm sorry, Kat, Sorn. We will have to cut this short. I'll see you around."

Leo stands and takes Fiat's hand as they head for the counter. Leo requests for their meal to be packed and pays for their food. Fiat takes the bag and as soon as they exit, Leo is ready to head for the car when Fiat stops him. "Wait, let's find somewhere to eat. I'm starving. We still have to go shopping for groceries."

"I thought you said you were tired?" Leo scratches his head making Fiat chuckle.

"I'm not tired. I just didn't feel comfortable with them. I can't eat when I'm uncomfortable like that," Fiat scowls and finds a half wall for them to sit on. While he gives a little hop and hoists himself up, Leo leans against it and helps him settle the container of food to eat.

"Kat doesn't seem like a bad person, Fiat. You can't just excuse yourself like that when you don't like someone," Leo sighs. He had also felt uncomfortable, but again, having to stick through awkward and uncomfortable meals is something he is use to with his work.

"Then why did you let me? You know that I already slept a lot."

"Could I ever say no to you, Fiat?" Leo sighs and takes hold of the other's hand. "I really don't want to fight."

"If I didn't say anything, would you have really let them talk like that and interrupt us?" Fiat tries to pull his hand away.

"If they said anything more, I would have stopped them," Leo tries.

"Would you tell them that we are together?" Fiat successfully pulls his hand away and crosses his arms after putting his food to the side. Any hunger has been long forgotten.

"I held your hand when we left remember?" Leo points out, but it only makes Fiat angrier.

"That's not the same as telling it to their face. Will you never outright tell people we are together? Will you not introduce me as your boyfriend? Your lover? Am I always just going to be your roommate?"

Before Leo could say anything, Fiat hops off and walks away. Leo quickly gathers their food and puts it back into the bag. "Fiat! Fiat! Baby, please!"

"Don't 'Baby' me! You only ever say it when we are alone. Even then it's not often," Fiat throws a glare over his shoulder and continues his walk towards the market. Leo rubs his face and rushes towards Fiat's side. He tries to coax him. He tries to hold his hand, but is quickly brushed off.

For the rest of the shopping trip, Fiat gave Leo the cold shoulder. Even after throwing in all of the items and sweets that are his favorites, Leo still fails to appease the other. All the way home, Leo begs and pleads for the other's forgiveness.

"Are you just doing this because I'm ignoring you or do you actually know why I'm like this and are actually sorry?" Fiat crosses his arms and turns to Leo after they have already started putting away the groceries.

"I understand, Fiat. I am more than willing to call you mine and Baby in front of everyone. I know now that I should have told Kat to get her own table and I'm sorry. Please, Baby," Leo reaches out for Fiat's hand and is relieved when he is able to hold it in his. "I'll do better. We are still early in our relationship, but I want it to last for a long time. I want to be with you for a long time. Okay?"

"For a long time?" Fiat's voice is small as he looks back at him. Leo nods and steps closer as he takes the other hand in his also. "Good. Because I don't want to lose you."

The couple mold together against the counter as they hug. Sharing more than the warmth in their bodies. Their hearts have joined together.

"Now, sleep, Leo. I'll finish this up," Fiat tries to push Leo away, but Leo hardly budges. "Come on, Leo."

"I want to hold you a little longer," Leo nuzzles his face into Fiat's neck and takes a deep breath. "Lay with me? At least until I sleep?"

"There's so much stuff to do," Fiat glances over at the half cleared bags of things before looking back at Leo's curled frame. His hand brushes his back and he sighs. "Just until you fall asleep. You can't hold me down when I stand though."

"Okay. I can work with that," Leo nods excitedly like a puppy and lifts Fiat in his arms. A squeak is heard as they rush into the master bedroom. The mattress bounces under their weight and Leo spoons Fiat as they settle. Leo has his face at the back of Fiat's neck and gently rubs his nose against it. Fiat flinches and gives out a little whine as it tickles him. It makes Leo grin tiredly as he tightens his hold. "I love you."

Silence fills the room and Leo feels Fiat's body stiffen against his. He squeezes his eyes shut. Afraid, but at the same time, does not want to rush- "I love you too."

Leo grins and he squeezes Fiat into a tight hug. Laughter escapes Fiat's lips and a few more moments pass before they calm down. Fiat turns his head and Leo kisses him. "I love you."

"I love you. Now sleep. I've got my set of chores to do also," Fiat turns around and coddles Leo's head against his chest as he tries to soothe the other into slumber. The gently touch relaxes Leo and not long after, he falls asleep.

Leo finds himself groaning when he wakes as his stiff muscles finally move after hours of sleep. His eyes groggily open as he glances around in slight confusion. The faint sound of the television is heard and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes as heads over to where the sound is coming from.

The place is dark other than the light emitting from the screen and the moon. With light steps, Leo walks over to the couch and settles beside his lover. "Get everything done?"

"Yeah. Did I wake you?" Fiat leans into Leo's welcoming arms and lays his head against his shoulder.

"No. How long have you been waiting for me to wake up? You could have told me when you were finished," Leo begins to run his fingers through Fiat's hair. He realizes now that Fiat has the latest superhero movie playing. His lips meet Fiat's hairline as he waits for his response.

"I know how tired you are. I was fine. What matters is that we're together now," Fiat smiles as he looks up at Leo. The two look at each other with so much love. Their noses brush against each other. Soft glances across their face draw their faces even closer. "I really want to finish this movie."

"Then we finish it," Leo nods and kisses the tip of Fiat's nose and they look back at the screen. The action film had proceeded to play as before and they enjoy it until its end. "You enjoy it?"

"I did even though we watched it already," Fiat grins before it breaks with a tired yawn.

"Someone here has exhausted himself. Have you eaten dinner yet?" Leo asks as he soothingly rubs the arm of the other. Fiat pouts and shakes his head. The hour has reached evening and with their hardly eaten lunch, they are both starving. "Let's see what we can have right here. Is that okay?"

The two stand and with leftovers and some new ingredients, they prepare their dinner. Harmoniously around the kitchen, the two prep, cook and clean before settling at the table together. Leo fills Fiat in on what he had done in the morning while Fiat talks about what his afternoon was like. These types of conversations have become a routine for them as their usual days are also opposing to each other.

Communication is important for them to work. For any relationship to really work. Verbal or physical. Weekends are the time for that for them. It's a time where they are not living their own life, but sharing their thoughts and experiences with each other.

"You could have waited for me to help," Leo sighs after hearing that Fiat has to climb in order to clean the high shelves. Fiat has only done it one other time and Leo has since stepped in to clean that part before Fiat hurts himself.

"It wasn't even that bad, Leo. I can manage that much. Next time, just do it before I get to it," Fiat crosses his arms as he grows defensive.

"Please, Fiat. You know I am just worried you might fall and hurt yourself. I was also asleep. Imagine how I would feel to wake up to see you on the ground, hurt," Leo frowns. His point is valid and Fiat sees that. He recalls the emotions he felt when P'Krit laid on the ground after pushing him out of the way. He remembers the fear, the anxiety, the anger, the resentment and sadness. Fiat does not even realize the rear that slips past his lashes and is startled when Leo brushes it away with his thumb. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry. What's wrong, Baby? Fiat?"

"I'm sorry. I know how scary it would be. I know the feeling," Fiat says, barely over a whisper. "I won't do it again. I promise."

"Baby," Leo guides Fiat to him and has him sit on his lap as he embraces him tightly. "You must have been so scared. Baby, it will be okay. Everything will be okay. Have you visited him recently? Didn't you say you use to go often?"

"I haven't lately. I think it's been almost a month since the last time. His parents ask when I would come, but I... Leo..."

"You feel guilty?" he finishes for Fiat. The guilty nod makes him sigh. "Look, Fiat. They can't blame you for wanting to find happiness. They can't hold it against you."

"They said the last time that they are just waiting for him to wake up. They said his brain waves had increased a lot these days," Fiat picks at his fingers and Leo covers them with his own.

"Is this why you haven't been going back?" Leo asks and feels his chest tighten when he sees him nod. "Fiat, are you scared?"

"Scared?" Fiat straightens out as he looks back at Leo. "I'm not scared."

"Why don't you make the trip tomorrow. You go on your own and you take the car. Okay? I'll wait for you here and you spend a good time talking to P'Kit and his family. I think you have somethings you should let out," Leo gently rubs his thumb against Fiat's hip. "You just call me or text me if you need me. I'll be here. I'll always be here."

"Will it be okay?" Fiat questions and Leo's heart becomes heavy with the sound of his lovers broken voice.

"It will be. I'm here with you. I'll be here. Okay?" Leo kisses Fiat's shoulder and tightens his arms securely around him. "I'm here now. I wish I could have been here sooner"




.... but I also want to apologize for the delay. Big projects have been happening for me and my mental health is spiraling with insecurities and overthinking.

Wishing all of you a great rest of the week and I may not be able to keep up with the usual schedule. Chapters will be released as soon as I can write them.

Much love to all of you.


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