[Completed] The Dating Master...

By Yenalogy

95.6K 4.3K 2K

Can't keep it up any longer. Note: - This story is fictional. - Any events or name that's similar is coincid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 54

637 39 5
By Yenalogy

There's about 2-3 chapters left for this book.


Having finished preparing themselves both mentally and physically for the upcoming date, the two then lock the door behind them, as Eunbi is now leading the way to where she had planned prior.

"Chaewon did say that she brought her keys with her, didn't she?" Eunbi asked, worried that her friend wouldn't have access to her own place.

"I think she did, before she went off to Minju's house." He assured her. "Mind telling me where we'll be having our date, noona?"

"Nope. I want to keep this a surprise." She grinned as she prayed.

Please let today go smoothly...


3 days before...

Y/N stretched on top of his bed, woken up by the ray of the morning sunshine. The day started off as usual for him as he checked his phone, washed up and greeted the other roommates.

Unbeknownst to him, the two girls had a plan, and he was surely not a part of it. As they were having breakfast Eunbi had cooked, the two girls gave each other a nod as Eunbi commenced her plan.

"Y/N." She called.

"What is it?"

"I believe that you said that you were from another country, am I correct?"

"Well... not really I guess. I was born here before my family moved to another place right as I was about to go to Elementary school. Why did you ask?"

"Oh nothing. I just remembered that a certain restaurant had opened near our campus. I think they have some dishes from when you were abroad?"

"Really? I'll give it a try when I feel like it."

"Why not now?"

"Uh... because I'm eating? It's not like it'll close anytime soon."

"True." The conversation died down. But of course, it would not end there.

Well there goes the first attempt. Surely the second one won't fail...

"Oh! And also isn't there going to be a new movie coming out today? I think it's titled 'The Yes Way Home'?" Y/N stopped whatever he was doing, after hearing the name of the movie he's always been looking forward to.

"Is that today?!"

"Yeah. I remember people talking about it, and said that it's going to be playing at every cinema in the city."

"Oh my God.. I can't believe I forgot about it. Then again, a lot has happened recently that I'm starting to forget about some stuff."

"Tell you what, Y/N. You should go out and watch that today, and eat lunch at the restaurant I mentioned earlier while you're at it."

"I'd love to, but I'm sure that the tickets would've been sold out by-" Knowing Y/N would respond as such, she bought the ticket in advance and took it out of her pocket.

"I got one in my hand right here if you want." Eunbi had fire burning within her eyes, determined in driving him out. He was about to take the tickets from her hand, when he stopped.

"Wait, didn't you buy this for yourself? Why're you giving it to me?"

"I bought this with you in mind, silly. You always talked about it every chance you had, remember?"

"Right.. but-"

"No buts! Take it or I'll smack you." She threatened. Y/N knew she wasn't bluffing, and immediately took it out of her hand. A few seconds longer and that hand would've been on its way to his shoulder.

"Thanks, I guess? I'll be going out after I'm done eating."

"Great. Think of this as a way for me to repay you."

"...you guys do know that I'm still here right?" Chaewon glared at the two. "No flirting when I'm here, please."

"We're not," Eunbi flushed, as she continued to eat her breakfast.

Time skip

"I should get going. Do you two need anything?"

"I'm good." Eunbi replied, as Chaewon did the same. Eunbi waved to Y/N who had left, and took out her phone and pressed the dial on a certain contact.


"Minju-ya, he just left."


"Okay. On my way."

Minju, who was also a part of her plan, decided to hang out at a nearby cafe, waiting for the moment when Y/N comes out of his apartment. She finished the last sip of her cup before heading out towards his place.

She was walking down the sidewalk, not minding about the people who came across her until a guy called her out.

"Minju?" Said a familiar voice. She turned around and was shocked to see that Y/N had recognized her.


"What're you doing out here early?" He asked.

"I'm going to meet up with my friends at the mall." She answered nervously.

"I see. Well I have somewhere to be, so take care, Minju-ya." Fortunately for her, he walked off without any suspicions. She let out a sigh of relief, before continuing her journey.

That was close. I should've waited a bit longer.

Time skip

The girls are all now gathered, as they formed a circle in the living room.

"Do we really have to gather like this? I mean, is Eunbi-unnie going to do something grand when confessing to him?" Minju asked.

"Eunbi-unnie said she's going to jump off a cliff if Y/N rejected her." Her joke made Minju's eyes widened.

"Unnie! Don't do that!" She warned.

"Ya, don't tell me that you believe her Minju-ya. She's just messing around." Chaewon giggled, before apologizing.

"Jokes aside, I'm not sure why Eunbi-unnie wanted us to gather like this either. I guess she's nervous and doesn't know what to do?"

"Yes. You're correct." She answered. "I really have no idea on how to confess to him. I've never confessed to anyone nor have I ever been confessed to. How am I supposed to know how this confession works?"

"Duh, unnie. Do it like how they do it in the dramas. Kiss him and tell him that you like him." Minju squealed upon hearing Chaewon's advice. "I mean, you've kissed him before."

Minju's squeal got louder as she closed her eyes. Eunbi quickly closed her friend's mouth before she could do more damage.

"Minju-ya. It's not what it sounds like. Y/N was- ugh, Chaewon-ah!" Eunbi couldn't help but feel that her face was becoming hot, recalling the moment.

"Let's see. How would you confess to Y/N, Minju?" Chaewon asked.

"Unnie. Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Minju sighed, as silence followed soon after. She crossed her arms, hesitating on whether to give her an answer.

"I'll just answer with the plan I thought of when I was about to confess to oppa." Eunbi's face turned to shock after hearing her words.

"Not anymore! I already gave up, remember? Unnie's the winner, after all."

"Ya. How can you be so sure? You never know, Minju-ya."

"Y/N-oppa went out of his way in order to get you back to his arms, unnie. How can I not be sure?"

"He would've done the same if you were in my shoes, don't you think so?"

The three looked at each other, unable to object to Eunbi's statement.

"I mean, he is that kind of person..."

"*cough* moving on, Minju-ya. Tell us about the plan you threw away."

"Oh right. So um... I planned on confessing to him while we were on our vacation. The one where you went missing, unnie."


"Yup. I planned it on that day too, the day where you left us to go to the agency. I was thinking of taking Y/N-oppa for a walk, and then when the time feels right, I'll say the words wholeheartedly. I would be lying if I said you weren't on my mind when I thought about confessing to him, unnie. That's why I asked you about your feelings towards Y/N-oppa."

"I'm sorry, Minju-ya. I had no idea that-"

"Unnie. It's all in the past. We talked about this before, haven't we? What matters now is how you're going to confess to oppa."

"Minju-ah~" Chaewon pulled Minju into her embrace, feeling the pain in her words. Meanwhile Eunbi stared blankly, deep in her thoughts. Seems like Minju's story sparked an idea within her.

"So, have you thought about how you'll confess, unnie?" Chaewon asked.

"I think so, but I'm not confident enough. What if he rejected me?"

"I think Y/N-oppa likes you more than you think. No matter how you confess to him, he'll definitely say yes. But if you're still worried, you can tell us about it and we'll see how we like it."

Without waiting any longer, Eunbi told them her plan which resulted in them squealing in embarrassment.

"Unnie! I would definitely accept your confession if it goes well as you had told." Minju nodded aggressively with her eyes wide open.

"I guarantee you that he won't be able to reject you, unnie. If I were him, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from hugging you."

"You think so?" She asked, still unsure.

"Yes!" They answered in sync.

"I guess I have myself a plan."


"The amusement park." Y/N said after he found out about the place they're headed to. The route they were taking felt familiar for Y/N, as it didn't take long for him to deduce where they were going.

"Correct!" Eunbi answered with a smile. "Or... do you not like it?"

He shook his head, disagreeing with her assumption.

"Of course not. It's just that the place is very... you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It just means that the place you picked was something I'd expect from you. It's not a bad thing. In fact, it's been quite a long time since I last went there. Thank you, noona."

"Ya. We haven't even reached the park yet, why're you thanking me now? Save it for later, Y/N."

The two continued to chit-chat as they were halfway there, not realizing that there were 2 girls already at the site, waiting for the couple to arrive.

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