His Angel || Zeldris x Reader

By 31KiwiChan31

53.5K 1.6K 560

*Collab with the lovely Jk_bias_love ! Hurt them and I'll hurt you-* Y/N was a member of the Goddess Clan wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

3.4K 102 7
By 31KiwiChan31

An immediate smile fell upon my face. My savior was here! "Gelda! You're here!" I exclaimed in utter relief.  Zeldris turned to face the girl that had entered the scene; aka; my best friend Gelda. 

"Your best friend? Are you saying that you know her?" Zeldris questioned with a tilt of his head. He seemed much calmer now, but he still appeared to be quite cautious, the tip of the sword firm against my neck. Gelda gave a smile and gently moved the demons sword away from my neck. 

"I do know her, very well in fact," Gelda answered. "She means us no harm, Zeldris," with a soft smile on my face I turned towards Gelda and mouthed a small 'thank you'.  His name was Zeldris, eh? It's quite adorable- wait! not the time Y/N! 

"She's an angel. She has no business trying to befriend a demon. The same could be said on the opposite side," his resolve didn't waver. "I'm good friends with Gelda, is that enough proof that maybe- some demons and angels can be friends?" My voice was gentle, I definitely didn't want to seem like an enemy. 

"Zel, lighten up," Gelda gently took my wrist and gave a smile smile. "Go on, you can introduce yourself. He's not as scary as he seems," she chuckled softly. I slowly nodded and held my hand out. 

"My name's Y/N, as you can tell- I am a member of the goddess race, but I really have no ill intention," I exclaimed. "Wait-" Gelda muttered. "How did you even get out here? Especially this late- your brother is as stubborn as they get-"

I let out a nervous laugh. I placed my hands behind my back, walking in small steps, looking at the ground. "The thing is- he doesn't know I'm here-" I addmitted sheepishly. "He thinks that I'm with Meliodas. That was the only way I was able to come,"

Gelda nodded her head with a small sigh, a hand on her hip. "I see," she left the subject at that, cautious to not mention Sariel's name. That would only make Zeldris suspicious of me. I couldn't explain it, but I felt some great need to become his friend. 

"Zeldris, introduce yourself if you please," Zeldris nodded and eventually gave in. "There's not much. My name is Zeldris and I am the son of the Demon King," he replied. 

My eyes went wide, but not with fear- but adoration. Of course, I knew Meliodas and Gelda, but Zeldris was the first demon I'd met outside of that. Befriend the son of the Demon King. That sounds like fun, besides- he's quite cute-

Blushing at my thoughts again, I turned to Zeldris and Gelda. Gelda was looking at me with that expression that I know she is up to something. 
Crunching my eyebrows, I gave her one last suspicious look before I turned to Zeldris. I gave such a vibrant smile, that he didn’t see it coming. Recoiling from his previous position, now a step back he scowled right at me. 

“ I don't know why you’re so cheery about being in an enemy's territory. 
Just because you’re friends with Gelda doesn’t mean I-” 

“ Oh butt off Zeldris, if you can tolerate me you can get to know her too. 
She’s different from the others. She proved it to me” 

“Tch, fine i suppose I can let my guard down for now, but she’s still an- “

Before he could finish his sentence I flew at high speed, and went near his face, I didn’t take notice of how close we were yet. I puffed out my cheeks in anger, my cheeks were a small pink to show my frustration.
“Okay you listen here, I know demons and angels are not on the best of terms but, I care to change that I want to get to know you and all your people. And if i was an enemy I would’ve attacked you earlier!“ 
When I finished my little rent I noticed he was quite shocked with widened eyes. 

I myself was shocked I didn’t mean to get this worked up. Nice going y/N he’s going to be more angry now. Well goodbye friendship- 

“You’re quite the angel, you’re interesting and you’re quite brave for standing up to me and not fearing me. I like it. Fine, I’ll accept your truce, we can get to know each other.”

I widened my eyes, I couldn’t believe my ears, did I accomplish persuading the son of the Demon King? When I recovered from my initial shock, my eyes brightened, I smiled the biggest smile I have ever had. 

“OH MY GOD! Thank you!” It was then that I realized how close we were. I blushed a bright red and flew back, Gelda was smirking. When I realized what she might be thinking I shook my hands all around me to try to explain the situation. 

“I-I-It’s N-Not what it looks like! I was just trying to prove my point!
N-never mind… um let’s just go to some place.” Still with a blushing face, I turned to Zeldris, who was unfazed by the situation and with a  slightly confused face. 

He shook his head, turning around he made his way deeper to the forest. I followed right behind him with Gelda following behind me, while muttering words I couldn’t quite catch. While walking I kept asking questions to Zeldris, even though I was the only one who was doing the talking, I didn’t mind at all. I found out that Meliodas is his brother, that he hates his father, he has a fighting trainer, whose name is Cusack.

When he met Gelda in a meeting, they were at first hostile to each other but warmed up to each other.. Well at least Gelda for Zeldris he just tolerates her.  

I hope that he can warm up to me and we can become friends.
Suddenly, I had this idea, It might be risky, might I add crazy,
but I mean, It never stopped me before. 
Gathering my courage, I voiced out my thoughts. 

“Hey Zeldris?”

“ Sigh, what is it?”

Okay here goes nothing… “Um.. I was wondering if you could .. train me in combat 


Chapter 2: completed!✌😁

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