Unreal Realities - Creepypas...

By GetJinxed0

327K 13K 9.7K

A story about a girl and her brother goin around eatin people's and killing people's (duh) then one day they... More

Chappy 1 - Past in the Present
Chappy 2 - New Future for the Two
Chappy 3 - Meetings of Mad People
Chappy 4 - Calling of the Duty
Chappy 5 - Trollololololololo
Chappy 6 - The Slendies
Chappy 7 - Man Eating Friends
Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be
Chappy 10 - Broken
Chappy 11 - Eyebrows On Fleek Tho
Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!
Chappy 13 - My Savior
Chappy 14 - KAWAII!!!!!!!!!
Chappy 15 - Halloween
Chappy 16 - That's NOT Candy!
Chappy 17 - Nice Feelings
Chappy 18 - Just a Little Bit of Nothing
Chappy 19 - ALL THE BACON IS WHAT?!?!?
Chappy 20 - Bloody Boys
Chappy 21 - Lovefool
Chappy 22 - OH SHIT!!
Chappy 23 - Giant Ass House
Chappy 24 - TAKE IT!!!!
Chappy 25 - Why?
Chappy 26 - Hi
Chappy 27 - Really?!
Chappy 28 - Saved (some what)
Chappy 29 - Old Friends
Chappy 31 - Drunk as Fuck
Chappy 32 - Insert Title Because I'm so Good at Making Titles. Arent I?
Chappy 33 - The New Guy, Animal, Pet, Thing
Chappy 34 - B-But What Happened to the Other Little Shit?
Chappy 35 - Fuck, Marry, Kill
Chappy 36 - FNAF?
Cahappy 37 - I'm Not Dead..... Right?
Chappy 38 - Building Back Up
Chappy 39 - Admiration
Chappy 40 - Wait!
Chappy 41 - Listen, Please!
Chappy 42 - A Pedo Thing?
Chappy 43 - Tachyon
Chappy 44 - ?
Chappy 45 - .........
Chappy 46 - This is a lemon. Sour, is it not?
Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons
Chappy 48 - The Other Side Is Now and It's Confusing

Chappy 30 - Comfort from a Friend

5.5K 238 106
By GetJinxed0

"Y~y/n." Seedeater said in his alway weak sounding voice. Only because he didn't know who to pronounce much English.

You cried while hugging Seedeater. He brought so many memories. It would be hard to tell him what happened to Tommy. But you couldn't just keep it a secret.

"S-seedy, *sniff* Tommy is.. Is gone." you said and began to cry once more.

Seedy began to hold you tighter. He mourned Tommy's death with you until you couldn't cry anymore. After five minutes of wiping away tears and hicks stopping, you were finally able to speak normally. You were walked back to the rock you were sitting on and sat down once more. Seedy followed.

-Flash Backs-

You quickly ran with Tommy In Your arms. Tommy slowly began to bleed from a bite on his hand. Your panting was drowned out by the sound of wolves barking at you as they ran. You couldn't get away as easily as it would be if Tommy's hand hadn't been bitten by a wolf. If he hadn't been bitten you could have easily climbed a tree as Tommy held onto your back. But with his messed up hand, he couldn't.

You kept thinking of a plan that wouldn't put Tommy in danger. You couldn't really think of one. The wolves began to catch up. Right behind your heels. They began to try and bite at you but they failed. 'What could I do what could I do what could I do!!!!' Your mind raced. There was only one sad truth. You couldn't do anything.

You especially couldn't out run a pack of wolves. There was only one thing you could think of that would put Tommy's life in danger. Or possibly save his life. You quickened your paste and put Tommy down quickly. Luckily, the wolves were too focused on you to noticed him. Tommy stayed in the spot trembling as you ran away with the pack of wolves. Before leaving Tommy you gave him a reassuring smile. A tear fell from Your face knowing you may never see him again.

As you kept running you noticed a clearing. You stopped quickly and saw there was a cliff that nearly ended your life. As you turned around you were met with a wolf jumping out at you. It was too quick for you. But luckily, there was something even quicker. A bigger beast jumped out of no where killing the wolf instantly before it could even hit you. (Sorry wolf lovers, it hurts me too) The beast seemed to have killed every wolf in the pack. You were saved. The beast turned around and looked at you.

You saw it's face. Now, you thought you were going to die again. But the beast seemed to like you. It kneeled down a bit and bowed it's head to show it wouldn't hurt you. You sighed in relief. You heard a scream. It was Tommy. You didn't hesitate to run back where you came from, forgetting the other beast. Once you found Tommy, he was climbing a tree with all his might to get away from a small wolf. You ran to the wolf and took it out yourself. One was easy to handle.

You ran to Tommy and grabbed him quickly. You took his hand and tore your shirt to wrap his hand in it. Although, you didn't think it would help. What if it got infected? You turned around and looked for that beast that saved your life. You saw him with something in his hand. It was a purple leaf. It looked sticky. The beast kneeled down again and held the leaf up to you. You looked at Tommy waiting for and answer. Tommy nodded and you grabbed the leaf putting it on his wounded hand.

The redness around the wombed healed moments later. You looked at the beast.

"Thank you." you said to him. Or it. Whatever.

"See~deater." the beast said pointing to himself.

"Seedeater? Is that your name?" You asked with an eyebrow raised. He nodded.

"Can I call you Seedy?" you asked with a smile telling him he his a friend.

He nodded.

Though out the two years you spent with Seedy were fun, they were short too. Although, You were finally able to rest a little easier knowing Seedy was there to help you protect Tommy and yourself. But the next year, Seedy disappeared without a trace. You were saddened. Now, two years later you both meet again.

-Flash Back Over-

"I missed you." you said with a smile.

Even if you couldn't see it, you could tell Seedy was smiling right back at you. An old friend was just the thing you needed right now.

"You should come with me, Seedy. Back to Slendy's house." you said hoping he would accept.

"O-of course" Seedy said in his raspy, cracking voice.

You smiled. Seedy suddenly stood on his hands and feet (like he always does) and turned his back to you. You knew what he was saying. Like old times, Seedy used to give you and Tommy piggy back rides. You accepted his request and jumped onto his back (not literally) and held onto his neck lightly, enough not to hurt him. Seedy began to walk back to the house some how knowing where it was. He walked slowly knowing you weren't in a hurry.

Once you both made it to the house, you climbed off his back and realized you spent the whole day with Seedy. Hours it seemed because it was now morning. You were with Toby at nighttime. You and Seedy walked casually into the house. Out of no where you were tackled. With a hug. From Toby.

"YnwhathappeniwassoworriedwhydidntyoutakemewithyoudontdothatagainJefftriedtokillmebecauseilostyou!!" Toby cried out panting.

"Toby, I'm sorry but please let go! I can't breath!!" You said with the last of your breath until Toby finally let go.

"Sorry." he said with an embarrassed face.

You laughed and stood up. Seedy seemed to make himself at home.

"Welcome back, Seedy. It's been a while." Slendy said entering the living room.

You looked at Seedy wide eyed. Then you looked at him, mad. Seedy held his hand up in defense before you charged at him filled with rage.


You sat down on the couch tired. Then crossed your arms and ignored Seedy's apologies for the rest of the day that didn't last long since you went to bed annoyed, with the sun.

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