You Are The Reason

By ameesaAhlam

438K 17.9K 1.8K

"I don't fear darkness. I am the darkness." Being the leader of the largest Mafia group in USA, Ruslan Searlu... More

CHAPTER 1: All Alone
CHAPTER 2: Save Me
CHAPTER 3: You Are Safe Here
CHAPTER 4: Personal Maid
CHAPTER 5: Trust
CHAPTER 6: Cookies
CHAPTER 7: Trouble
CHAPTER 8: Aurora
CHAPTER 9: Furious
CHAPTER 10: You Are A Monster
CHAPTER 11: All My Fault
CHAPTER 12: Attack
CHAPTER 13: Disappeared
CHAPTER 14: Avoiding
CHAPTER 16: Funeral
CHAPTER 17: In Love
CHAPTER 18: Screwed
CHAPTER 19: Brother?
CHAPTER 20: Pleasure
CHAPTER 21: Breakfast
CHAPTER 22: You Drive Me Crazy
CHAPTER 23: You Are The Reason
CHAPTER 24: Bring Down The Searlus Mafia
CHAPTER 25: Lies
CHAPTER 26: Lies (Part 2)
CHAPTER 27: Tears
CHAPTER 28: Date?
CHAPTER 29: Wife
New Story!
New Story
New Story
New Story
New Story
New Story
New Story
New Story
New Story!

CHAPTER 15: Comfort

11.4K 637 157
By ameesaAhlam

You guys are so good 😭💖.
I said that you all are not commenting between paragraphs and now you all are, thank you so much! It's just my insecure ass needs to know your reactions on some lines and all...

So, keep commenting like that!

Alfresca's POV:

It was evening when we received the news. Or rather overheard it from their conversation.

Mr Searlus had finally decided to come out of hiding and was at the table having dinner alongside Geordi in silence when his phone rang.

I was serving them when he almost roared into the phone making me drop the empty plate on the table, thankfully, it didn't break.

"What did you say?!"

Whatever the other person said on the phone made him push back his chair and stand up furiously, Geordi stood up too, baffled as to what happened as we all watched them with curiosity.

His grip on his phone was so tight, I feared it would break as he hung up the call.

"Sir?" Geordi called out in a low voice not wanting to angry him further.

Mr Searlus's back was towards us and he turned around slowly, his eyes shut and his index and middle finger pressed to his forehead. "Mom's dead." He spoke in a cold tone.

She's dead?! What? When? How? Why?

Geordi's face showed pure confusion. "What?"

Mr Searlus opened his eyes that were red with anger. "Had a heart attack an hour ago. She's dead."

"B-but...she was just fine...this evening. How can" Geordi was lost for words and yes her death was shocking but I wondered why it affected him so much.

"She's dead, Geordi." Mr Searlus cut him off. "Prepare for her funeral tomorrow." With that he left and I watched him go upstairs.

Is he really not affected by his mother's death or is he not showing it?

My body itched to go after him and make sure he was okay but it wasn't my place.

So I turned to look at Arthur who had a neutral expression on his face. "Never really liked that woman anyway." He said as I walked to him.

"Don't say like that." I scolded him. "She died and you are not even pitying her."

"She don't deserve pity, you know. She was a cruel woman. I think Mr Searlus hardly cared about her himself."

I sighed and didn't comment on his statement.

He didn't even have his dinner properly. I thought looking at his leftover dinner.

I felt gloomy having received such a news and my mood dampened. May her soul rest in peace. I said a small prayer to God for her and decided to continue with my work.


I couldn't sleep. It was just eleven at night but I sleep around this time everyday but today I couldn't sleep.

Because I was worried. About Mr Searlus.

Is he okay?

I don't think so he even has someone to ask him about his well being.

Oh. So are you going to be that someone? My conscience mocked.

I rolled my eyes at that thought and tossed and turned in my bed, I didn't feel sleepy at all but anxious.

Should I go check on him?

No. Are you crazy? He will kill you.

Maybe I should just try sleeping.

Another few minutes passed away and I sat up straight throwing off the duvet from my body.

That's it. I'm going upto him.

And get myself killed. My conscience added and I told her to fuck off.

I opened my door, the house was tranquil with everyone going off to sleep. I quietly walked my way out of the room and up the stairs. My heart beating loudly in my chest.

I pressed my thumb against the scanner and the door opened with a beep and I walked in, closing the door softly behind me.

I tip toed to his room and just outside the door, I heard a loud thud and then heard of something shattering.

What the fuck?

I didn't even comprehend my actions and pushed opened the door and went inside.

There he was, standing in a pair of sweatpants and without a shirt. His back towards me. The small mirror on the right wall, shattered, only a few pieces of it remained intact and the cabinet of drawers under it, down on the floor.

A small gasp left my mouth and he immediately turned towards me. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair messy. His eyes widened on seeing me there as he breathed heavily.

"Alfresca." He growled lowly. "Leave."

I am not leaving so easily.

I took a hesitant step towards him. "S-sir... please calm down..."

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "I said leave!"

I took another step towards him and noticed blood trickling down his palm which was now closed into a fist.

" are hurting yourself..." I said softly and he opened his eyes and glared at me as I walked closer.

His whole body was literally trembling. "Alfresca... don't...just...just...leave..."

I took another step towards him until I was quite close to him. Seeing him like this made me emotional and tears formed in the corner of my eyes.

I gently placed my palm over his bare bicep and his whole body tensed. " down. Please. Y-ou yourself..."

He bit his lips as his cold eyes bore into mine. He shut his eyes again tightly as my fingers involuntarily rubbed small circles over his biceps.

When he opened his eyes this time, the coldness in them was gone and was replaced by a broken pair of brown eyes.

My other hand lifted his palm which was formed into a fist and I gently and carefully opened his fingers to see a deep wound on his palm which was bleeding.

I don't from where I had this much of courage as I grabbed his wrist gently and tugged him towards his bed.

I knew he wouldn't bulge but he surprised by following my lead and I made him sit on the edge of the bed.

He didn't say anything, for which I was thankful and I made my way to his huge bathroom where I found a first aid kit in one of the drawers.

When I came back, he was still sitting where he was now and was staring down at the floor, lost in his thoughts.

I crouched down in front of him, pulling him out of his thoughts as his eyes snapped to me. I ignored his intense gaze and took out an anti septic from the box and applying it on a cotton, pressed it to his wound.

It should sting, but he didn't even whimper or expressed any discomfort and continued to stare at my face.

I kept my eyes focused on his wound and having cleaned it, I placed some more fresh cotton over it and wrapped it with a bandage.

When I looked up, my breath hitched realising how close our faces were. His face had a neutral expression but there was storm brewing inside his eyes.

I roamed my eyes around his face to avoid looking at his lips which were a mere inches away from mine.

My eyes fell on a light cut near his cheek and lifting my hand I brushed my fingers against it and his eyes closed gently. Before I could remove my fingers, his warm hand covered my fingers over his cheek, holding my hand there causing me to cup his cheek.

He needed comfort.

His eyes were still closed and a tear rolled down his cheek falling on our hands.

My heart almost broke.

Moving my fingers slightly up his face, I wiped away the tear and his eyes slowly opened, wet with tears.

"What have I done?" He whispered, more tears falling down his eyes. "She died. She died. Because of me..."

"No." I whispered back. "She didn't die because of you, sir..."

"Had I being a better son. Listened to her and not give her so much stress...she wouldn't had a heart attack." His lips quivered.

"No! That's not true. That's definitely not true. She didn't die because of you. She died because she was destined to. It doesn't matter whether you were a good son to her or not. She was going to die anyway." I assured him.

"I...I...never... really loved her. I used a child but as I grew love for her almost faded away... because she was...she was always telling me to do...awful things. Ruslan, kill that person. Bluff that family. Destroy that company. Kidnap them."

"But I hardly listened to her...I never did as she told me too...only sometimes..." He added.

His grip on my palm loosened and my palm slid down his face and rested over his shoulder. "No, sir. You did what was right. You knew what she told you to do was all wrong things..."

"Y-you think?" His voice cracked. "T-that I did the right thing."

I nodded. "Ruslan--" My tongue slipped and realising I called him by his first name, I bit my tongue lightly.

I apologized immediately. " sorry--"

"It's okay..." He whispered. "You can call me whatever you want."

My mouth almost fell open in surprise as he looked serious and deciding not to dwell on this thing at the moment, I continued with what I was about to say. "You did the right thing, R-Ruslan.
You did what was right. Killing people and hurting them is not a good know that...I know you know that..."

He looked down at his bandaged palm. "I do. I don't like hurting people. I never did. B-but somewhere I feel as if I am responsible for mom's death."

I couldn't stop myself from cupping both his cheeks in my hands and lifting his head so that he looks at me. "You are not responsible for your mother's death. That's it. You could have neither delayed it or prevented it."

His head cocked a little to the side and lifting his hand, he brushed away a strand of stray hair from my forehead and he leaned closer as his tongue darted out to wet his lips.

My eyes flickered down to them and I founded myself leaning in too.

Don't kiss him. My conscience reminded me and I saw his eyes gently close and he inched closer.

Just one kiss.

No. Don't even think of it. You don't even know how to kiss.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

His lips lightly brushed against mine and my breath hitched.

Back off this instance! Now!


"I...I...I... should l-leave..." I stammered as I came out of the trance I was in and moved back.

His eye flew opened and he looked at me in confusion. "W-what?"

I got on my feet. "I should leave... g-goodnight."

I turned around to leave with my heart beating wildly but he grabbed my forearm and turned me around and engulfed me in a hug, wrapping his arms around my body and buried his head in the crook of my neck and my heart skipped a beat.

"P-please stay." He whispered against my neck softly. His arms tightening around me as I slowly hugged him back. "Don't leave me alone."

I slightly pulled back to look at his face and I nodded. "O-okay..."

He offered me a small smile and tugged me towards the bed. I was hesitant at first but I slowly made my way towards his bed and climbed over it.

It felt weird when I laid down my head on his pillow and watched him get on the bed.

His body hovered over mine and then slowly he laid down beside me and turned to me. He wrapped his arm around my body and buried his nose in the crook of my neck. I heard him sigh deeply and my heart skipped several beats.

"Goodnight, Alfresca." He whispered against my neck and then he pressed a kiss there.


Chapter completion on: 4/9/21

God! I love this chapter! 😭💕


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