Klaus (OP Saiyan OC)

By Dragonlord04

14.3K 165 25

This is the updated version of his info from my OCs story. Just know that their will be mini Chapters include... More

Klaus's Personality
Klaus's Curse
Food Examples of Klaus's Cooking
Klaus's Flashback
What Klaus's Power would look if Sealed
(Past) Klaus's Time off from Conquest
(What if) Klone
Klaus's Symbiote Companion
Transformations that Klaus often uses in combat
Klaus's Harem
How Klaus got cursed
Empress Melinda
The DNA that was injected into Klaus as a Infant
Drawing of Klaus
Drawing of Klaus with a Beard
Kyla(Genderbent Klaus)
The Second Entity Created by Klaus
Body Modifications made to Klaus by the Saiyan Scientists
Klaus's Official Voice
What Klaus sounds like when he sings
(Corrupted) Klaus's Return
What Klaus looked like as a Kid
Drawing of Klaus and Spacegodzilla Kissing
(Old) Klaus in his Conquering Outfit
10 Facts about Klaus
The Money that Klaus won through Gambling
Klaus's new Equipment/Mini Chapter
Powers Granted by His Ring
Klaus's Look while wearing his Ring
Abilities that Klaus gave to Spacegodzilla
The Original Home Universe of Klaus/ Another OP OC
Another Drawing of Klaus
What Klaus's Great Ape Form Looks like
Some Abilities that Klaus can bestow onto others
Reincarnation of Klaus (Another OC)
Daughter of Klaus (OC)


3.4K 16 8
By Dragonlord04


Age: Thirty Quintillion Years Old

Height: 6'2 (Prefers to be around 135 meters but he can manipulate his size at will)

Species: (True) Saiyan

Power Level(Extremely Suppressed and God Powers are Sealed): 235,000

True Power Level(Unsealed Power/ Before putting on his new equipment): 400 Nonvigintillion^♾


Can casually wipe out universes with just the snap of his fingers in his base form

Can break the fourth Wall

Can break apart energy making the statement "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed" concept meaningless

Can play with black holes as if they were toys

Can travel into Space

Can breathe Underwater

Can survive in the hottest and coldest environments

Has fought several Omnipotent beings and won but it resulted in the destruction of several omniverses

He was once revered and worshipped on many planets despite his distaste for it

Witnessed the very creation of many universes at once

Can balance and spin an entire universe like a basketball

He once fought and defeated the strongest Primordial Dragon of all existence with only utilizing his Super Saiyan Blue form (Unsealed power before his first major Zenkai Boost in eons) and they became friends because they both grew up respecting those who are strong.

Is one if not the best cook in all the omniverses.

Has met several reincarnators ranging from harem MCs to straight up psychotic and manipulative MCs when he would watch random ROBs grant their wishes

Has killed multiple OP reincarnators with very broken systems along with the armies they manipulated into fighting for them by just using Hakai in his base state

Has only been defeated twice but that was when he was arrogant and inexperienced during his early years but that was before he grew so powerful.

Is drinking buddies with Lucifer and many other powerful Omnipotent beings

Managed to beat the Devil in a drinking contest but ended up destroying most of Hell while drunk

In the SCP Universe, he is known as SCP 2311 with a class level of Apollyon already making him one of if not the strongest SCP in existence since he personally trained some of the other strongest SCPs who are currently contained by the SCP foundation

Raised and trained many beings in his lifetime ranging from the Scarlet Queen, Queen Ghidorah, and many more and he sees them as his own children though some thought otherwise when considering his physique, looks and personality.

Fought an Forever Growing Entity to a stand still in his Super Saiyan (Primal Power) State

Reputation: A Prodigy among Saiyans, One of the last Saiyans in existence, Warrior, God Slayer, The mortal who became a God, The Saiyan God, was once a Planetary Conqueror, Low Class Warrior, Genetically Modified Saiyan, Omniverse Level Threat in his Base State, Destroyer of Universes, Is one of the most feared beings in the Omniverse, Was once the God of all Saiyans, Killed an entire army of Omnipotent beings with just utilising around 50% of his base power, The Monkey King, Great Sage, The Watcher of all the Omniverses, God-Killer

Secret Desires: Wants to repopulate his species, wants to find someone worthy to fight at his full power, doesn't want to feel alone throughout his entire existence. Wishes to meet another Saiyan even if they are hybrids.


Killing Instincts: Klaus has the desire to kill anything that irritates him and he's currently taking therapy sessions to lessen this flaw.

Survivor's Guilt: He is prone to being and feeling lonely because he is the last of his kind.

PTSD: From being brutally trained as the perfect Saiyan warrior to going through the adamantium procedure to witnessing his loved ones die out from old age to being tortured in the deepest parts of Hell for thousands of years by his enemies to watching his entire species slowly get wiped out. Klaus will always flinch which in most cases is unnoticed by many whenever someone touches him even if they mean no harm, but because of the trauma he went through, he will sometimes question his own existence because of this. No amount of good that happens in his life will ever fully erase what has been done to him and yet because of this, he became the strongest Saiyan of all the omniverses. He hides it very well but even he knows that he's mentally broken.

Slightly Dense to Lustful Intentions: Though he knows the concept of love, and yet despite his very long life, he has never once been in an relationship because of his life as a warrior. Because of this, he will sometimes not see the lustful intentions of the opposite gender. (Edited: He now has a lover and the ending of this Bio will surprise you all if you didn't read Rajaem74's Titanic Tales QNA)

Ki Abilities

Barrier(Same as Android 17)

Ki Sword

Big Bang Kamehameha ×100

Final Kamehameha

Omega Blast


Galick Kamehameha

Spirit Excalibur

Death Beam

One Handed Kamehameha

Sphere of Destruction

One Handed Final Flash

God-like Big Bang Attack

Destructo Disc

Crush Cannon


Galick Gun

Final Flash

Final Explosion(Last Resort)

×10 Kamehameha

Final Shine Attack

Special Beam Cannon


Time Skip

One Handed Spirit Bomb


Transcendent Saiyan Physiology: Despite being a Saiyan, Klaus has shown to possess immense physical prowess which is even far beyond the Legendary Super Saiyan himself. Because of the DNA that was injected into him as an infant, he gained even greater power matched only by his own will, greatly empowering him to even more impressive levels. These abilities are all further augmented by his Super Saiyan transformations along with his God forms.

Enhanced Zenkai Boost: Klaus was bred to be the perfect warrior so when he heals from battle, his zenkai boosts are much greater than even the Legendary Super Saiyan making him permanently stronger than the level he was before with each injury that is healed and he can quickly adapt to any opponent completely.

Pure Progress: Like his enhanced Zenkai Boost, it also allows him to rapidly improve his fighting performance. It allows Klaus to imprint on his experiences; it allows him to adapt and instantly improve his performance through refined tactics and skillset. And his sheer strength and speed will steadily increase in very short periods of time.

Molecular Combustion: Klaus can kill lesser beings by rendering them down to their molecules with just a single thought.

Intimidation: Due to his appearance, actions and legend, Klaus is greatly feared among the vast cluster of omniverses even though he never injures or kills anyone like he used to unless when corrupted by the mark. When corrupted by mark, Klaus commands an extremely fearsome aura that can strike instant terror into almost all individuals he meets if he desires, able to effectively gain information and manipulate their actions and even, to a point, their emotions.

Indomitable Will: Klaus possesses tremendous amount of willpower and determination that cannot be weakened. No matter the situation, opponents or obstacles he pushes forward, refusing to give up regardless of what happened.

Anger-Induced Empowerment: A unique trait to Klaus. When angered, Klaus's strength and abilities become temporarily stronger.

Death Inducement: Klaus also has the power to induce death on a omniversal scale at whim.

Pain Inducement: Klaus could subtly use the energy of his ki as a very effective form of torture by exposing an individual to his energy and he can cause them tremendous pain and he can limit the amount of energy sent into the body of said being to avoid killing them.

Sonic Scream: Klaus possesses such powerful vocal cords that in a fit of rage, he is capable of shouting so loud that it can break and shatter multiple omniverses at once.

Primal Power: This ability was in every Saiyan that existed but it laid dormant until Klaus managed to awaken his primal power by going into his Omni Super Saiyan(Two Limiters) for the very first time and what it does is drastically increase the offensive output of all his abilities. Because of this, Klaus can choose to be in this state of power permanently because it dates back to his very primal roots in what makes him a Saiyan.

Combat Prodigy: Can instantly Master any technique at a much faster rate than the average Saiyan and he can completely adapt to any opponent's fighting style at just a single glance

Superhuman Strength: He can lift up to the maximum weight of several universes in just his base form while breaking a sweat. Meaning that he managed to display incalculable levels of superhuman strength, being capable of lifting, moving or exerting tremendous amount of force meaning that he can exert enough strength to destroy an entire omniverse by just softly punching out his hand. So he has immense levels of strength that is virtually incalculable and limitless with his punches being powerful enough to generate shock waves during combat.

Superhuman Speed: Can travel faster than light ten thousand times over in his base form to the point where even time is completely stopped.

Superhuman Reflexes: Klaus has incredible superhuman reflexes, as he was able to effortlessly dodge and counter an entire barrage of blasts from a billion omnipotent beings with ease and he managed to effortlessly wipe them all out with one of his sonic screams.

Superhuman Stamina: Klaus's musculature produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, he could exert himself at peak capacity for a near indefinite period meaning that he can fight up to a couple decades without tiring himself out.

Superhuman Durability: Can resist the effects of having his entire existence erased even from plot itself. So he has tremendous levels of superhuman resilience and durability, rendering him to be highly durable.

Superhuman Endurance: Can casually do 10,000,000 Nonillion sit ups without breaking a sweat

Superhuman Equilibrium: Klaus possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Oozaru Roar: Klaus can perform a Oozaru's Roar, incorporating his respective ki into a massive breath attack.

Implosion: Klaus can reduce anything into nothingness with just a single thought and he can control this ability at will.

Unbrakinesis: Klaus has the ability to summon and control clouds of darkness for various purposes.

Supernatural Perception: Klaus could perceive the true form of anything without any ill effects.

Telekinesis: Klaus is able to send out powerful blasts of telekinetic energy strong enough to wipe out entire omniverses with ease.

Cosmic Pyrokinesis: Klaus an create 'cosmic' flames under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. These flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without by-products such as ash. He has perfect control over these flames, and they only consume what it wills. These flames are shown to be able to burn even underwater.

Temporal Manipulation: Klaus can manipulate the past, present, and future across large temporal distances and with a profound knowledge of the causal effect his actions will have.

Atomkinesis: Klaus is capable of manipulating and creating cosmic weather. He can create cosmic storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays, coronal mass ejection and black holes.

Psionic Nexus: Klaus has limitless mental abilities, including telepathy and telekinesis.

Cosmic Ki: Klaus through training managed to attain a vast source of limitless, godly, cosmic energy that's even greater than God Ki. It allows him to produce nearly any effect he desires, including size-alteration, the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter, the teleportation of objects-even entire galaxies-across space and time, the creation of force fields, the creation of interdimensional portals, telepathy, telekinesis, and cosmic awareness on a omniversal scale. And all this was achieved from the intensity of his training to become the strongest. This greatly increases Klaus' physical abilities, such as his strength and durability, as well as his natural ki.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Can heal his wounds in a matter of seconds and it can be enhanced with God Ki but he can still get scars when his ki reserves become to low. Meaning that he can heal and regenerate all physical and mental harm to himself instantly. Any damaged area or lost anatomy will be completely restored with no lingering side effects in seconds, even forcing objects embedded out to heal properly.

Size Manipulation: Klaus can either increase or decrease his size to whatever he wants to. He prefers to be around 120-600 meters in height. His largest size is almost around infinity. His natural height is around 6'2.

Nigh-Omnipotence: Through the sheer intensity of his training. Eventually, Klaus gained near omnipotent levels of power, and he has control over all aspects of existence, making him one of the most powerful beings in the entire omniverse and wielding such near-limitless levels of power allows him to do almost anything he desired.

Nigh-Omniscience: Klaus has almost absolute awareness of the cluster of omniverses due to his long age since he is older than most omnipotent beings aside from Lucifer and the Original God.

Energy Absorption: Klaus can manipulate and redirect outside energy.

Absorption: Klaus is also sort of a power vacuum. He gained the ability to passively absorb any energy that comes into contact with him, even the life energy from plants. And it greatly enhances his already powerful Saiyan Biology and he is able to extract and absorb the power of anything and he can make it his own rendering whoever is unfortune powerless. This is one of his most dangerous abilities in his entire arsenal as it is entirely passive.

Ki: Klaus has acquired complete control over his Ki. Due to his strong understanding and familiarity with ki, he is capable of manipulating his ki's destructive energy for a wide plethora of versatile and dangerous capabilities, with his ki becoming among his most versatile and often-used in combat methods for its destructive potential.

God Ki: Klaus's primary usage of God Ki is to project its explosive energy in many forms of extremely powerful energy attacks, showing much greater raw power and versatility than the most powerful of entities and he applies incredible amounts of powerful concussive force that is even capable of outright destroying objects with its volatile power or incapacitating and greatly damaging even the most durable of individuals. He can directly concentrate his energy into destructively powerful beams easily strong enough to cleave through entire Ominverses with ease.

Space Manipulation: He has complete control over space and due to his full understanding of his powers, is capable of expertly using his dominion over space to achieve a wide plethora of potent and dangerous capabilities.

Portal Creation: The most useful power that Klaus obtained is the power to open to any part of the omniverse, which allows him to effortlessly teleport himself to another location at will.

Intangibility: Klaus is capable of phasing and unphasing objects out of space, rendering them incorporeal and just as easily make them corporeal again.

Powerful Jaws: Klaus can manipulate his features to take on traits from his Great Ape form to form massive, retractable jaws that are immensely strong and serves as one of his primary weapon. He can literally bite off the face of anything with ease...

Weather Manipulation: Klaus has the power to influence and control the weather and and all of its forms with ease. He could cause severe thunderstorms and immensely strong cyclones at a whim. Unlike lesser omnipotent beings, he has full control over this power and if he desires, his presence would not affect the weather. He is also capable of controlling and generating meteorological tempests, such as causing powerful raging rain, wind, hurricanes, blizzards, thunderstorms, and lightning storms that are harsh enough to affect the whole Earth. He is also capable of instead of making harsh weathers, stopping even the harshest of weathers by willing it.

God Force: Klaus possess a nearly supremely powerful, but unique form of magic that is his form of Primordial Magic. He could tap into the vast Primordial energies that bound the cosmos and Multiverse. Using the GodForce, He was also able to craft chains made of pure primordial energy that are capable of permanently binding Greater Omnipotent beings

Aerokinesis: Klaus has shown tremendous control and power over air, able to create huge tornadoes that could destroy omniverses with ease.

Cytokinesis: Klaus also possess absolute control and power over ice. He is able to easily freeze large amounts of water.

Time Manipulation: Klaus has also acquired complete control over time, which allows him to control time itself by manifesting mystical green runes of energy surrounding his arm and wrist before finally conjuring a green, circular mandala made of energy in the palm of his hand or he can just do it with a single thought.

Reality Manipulation: Klaus has also acquired complete control over reality. His skill comes from using his very ki and he is capable of skillfully warping reality more powerfully than other omnipotent beings with their power over reality, achieving numerous powerful capabilities.

Illusion Manipulation: Klaus could use his power to alter reality to create highly realistic and elaborate physical simulations and illusions of false realities over a wide range of influence, even making an false illusion of himself to trick his enemies into thinking that they defeated him.

Invisibility: With the power of creating illusions, Klaus can make himself invisible.

Sealing and Imprisonment: Klaus is highly skilled in the art of sealing to the point that his seals are considered incomprehensibly powerful, as not even the passage of time could destroy them, and his seals also have the ability to block out powerful entities in the local dimensions, preventing them from leaving.

Soul Manipulation: Klaus could manipulate the souls of his enemies, meaning that he can destroy the very soul itself if he wanted

Matter Transmutation: Klaus can transmute and warp matter to anything he wants. This allows him to effortlessly transform weapons into harmless substances

Spatial Pressure Generation : Klaus can warp the fabric of space to generate powerful spatial pressure around his surroundings, capable of crushing, pulling, and freezing with tremendous force in a manner akin to telekinesis enable him to manipulate and move objects with just a single gesture of his hand.

Vortex Creation: Klaus can create powerful and devastating singularities capable of compressing and sucking anything in their path.

Immortality: Due to the sheer amount of power that Klaus has, it ended up rendering him immune to aging as he watched the end of his kind die out to war and natural causes making him the last of his kind. He is also immune to any disease and viruses.

Dimensional Negation: Klaus can nullify the warping of dimensions unless he allows himself to.

Electricity Manipulation: Klaus can use the power of electricity and his powers over lightning are enhanced to the point where he could generate incredible amounts of electrical energy from his own body and summon thunder and lightning from the sky. This ability allows him to seamlessly integrate lightning into his fighting sequences . He is able to use lightning to pull and hurl enemies, blast projectiles to pieces, and infuse his weapons with electricity. This ability can greatly grow to the point where he will be able to generate a lightning blast powerful enough to smite an entire army of omnipotent beings with little to no effort.

Psionic Resistance: Klaus is highly resilient, if not immune, to all but the most powerful of telepathic manipulation.

Self Resurrection: Since his curse was temporarily broken, he's kept it's ability to make him come back from the dead but without any negative effects.

Nigh-Invulnerability: Klaus possesses a level of invulnerability where even the strongest entities have a hard time breaking through as there is hardly anything that break through his skin unless said entity is more powerful than him.

Power Negation: Klaus is able to render anyone powerless as a "safeguard" against him harming anybody and he is immune from having his abilities copied from any omnipotent being (The Mark will ensure that it's host is well protected from such a thing).

Planetary Creation: Klaus can create planets of various compositions and sizes with the level of detail depending on mastery of this ability. He may also be able to create organic matter or even complex biological lifeforms on the planet if it meets suitable conditions for life.

Cosmic Creation: Klaus has the capability to create dimensions or universes in a cosmic scale including the creation of galaxies, planets or moons.

Dimension Creation: Klaus can create dimensions and nearly anything within the dimension (objects, creatures, etc.) and travel to them by creating a portal or just by wishing. He can bring other objects and organisms to their dimensions, although they must use more energy and concentration to do so. He might make a dimension where only they are invisible, and thus hide whenever being hunted by others.

Universe Creation: Klaus can create an entire universe and everything that occupies in it, including also its residents, environment and locations. He can create the residents with roles, powers and skills to inhabit their universe.

Universe Recreation: If a universe is destroyed, then Klaus can recreate a universe from its beginning state in any way he wish. He can even reform a singular universe by inducing a new Big Bang Event altered according to their wishes and even recreate a universe that was originally destroyed.

Alternate Universe Creation: can create a dimension, reality and/or reality-continuum. As such, Klaus is able to both consciously and unconsciously create status, expertise and abilities for the occupants of the created universe if he deems it necessary.

Celestial Manipulation: Klaus can create, shape and manipulate the skies and cosmos with heavenly influence, including all the aspects of the astrological, divine, elemental, mythical and cosmic powers.

Galaxy Destruction: Klaus can easily destroy an entire galaxy and everything in it, just by barely flicking a planet.

Universe Manipulation: Klaus can manipulate the entire universe and everything within.

Multiverse Creation: Klaus can create multiverse of infinite collection of realities and everything that occupies them, including it's residents, environment and locations.

Multiverse Destruction: Klaus can easily destroy an entire multiverse and everything in it.

Multiverse Recreation: Klaus can recreate the multiverse from its beginning state in any way he wish. He can reform the multiverse by inducing a new Big Bang Event altered according to his wishes and even recreate a multiverse that was originally destroyed.

Multiverse Manipulation: Klaus can manipulate the entire multiverse and everything within.

Omniverse Manipulation: Klaus can manipulate all universes and multiverses with infinite/unlimited scale, manipulate everything and anything in every parallel reality, which means he is in control over everything and anything.

Omniverse Creation: Klaus can create the infinite collection of realities, universes and multiverses known as the omniverse and everything that occupies them, including it's residents, environment and locations.

Omniverse Destruction: Klaus has the power to destroy the entire omniverse (which contains a variety of infinite universes and realities) and everything in it, if angered.

Life Creation: Klaus is able to create living beings or matter using several different ways, these beings can either be completely unique/original, modified/evolved versions of already existing ones or simply normal beings without any major modifications.

Soul Creation: Klaus can create souls which is the manifestation of a person's essence. He can construct another's sense of self with nothing but his own imagination or inevitably allow his creation to develop to their own sense of self. The souls cannot be destroyed by conventional methods, but can be damaged or absorbed by malevolent forces.

Sacred Light Manipulation: Klaus can create, shape and manipulate holy light that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons, angels and gods.

Hope Manipulation: Klaus can sense and manipulate the hope, including the virtue, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling hope, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.

Magic: Klaus has access to Magic, the use of rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language to exploit supernatural forces to varying degrees, with only his skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.

Omnicide: Klaus can wipe out all life in existence, excluding himself.

Omnificence: Klaus can create absolutely everything/anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself. He can also create from nothing or even to create one thing from another e.g. manifesting an image from a comic book, creating life from the dead, and duplicating anything. He can create basically anything they choose on an unlimited scale.

Almighty Science: Klaus can manipulate and understand a level of science/knowledge that only an omnipotent being would possess. This power allows him to achieve limitless and beyond the impossible results due to being so advanced and complex that it cannot be measured or equaled, let alone understood.

Alpha Reality: Klaus can be the one encompassing all realities and their origins, giving him omnipotent abilities to create, manipulate and erase all forms of omniversal realities, capable of making Klaus the most, if not all, powerful being in all of existence and beyond.

Indeterminacy: Klaus is beyond all scaling and definition, which can extend to various attributes of his being, such as power, speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, etc.

Absolute Wish: Klaus can grant/receive any unrestricted and perfect wishes without any limitations: no resource needed, no condition required, no limited number, no delays for use/reuse, and no exception whatsoever.

Tetralogy: Klaus has the ability to use the combined forces of science, magic, divinity and philosophy, giving him potentially unlimited power over the four concepts. This power encompasses the four aspects that define reality and are used by any being to understand the universe and god itself.

Chaos Powers (Sonic Universe):

Chaos Energy: It is a mystical energy that can be found within the and . However, it is possible for Chaos energy to exist within other sources. This energy can be used for a number of applications, such as powering machinery, empowering beings, or warping time and space itself.

Chaos Control: it is a Chaos power allows Klaus to warp time and space which is a major upgrade to his time and space manipulation abilities and they have since evolved into an overall term for any supernatural reality manipulation conducted through the Chaos Emeralds, allowing him to achieve incredible feats such as traveling through time and between dimensions, altering the fabric of reality, or freezing time. It is foremost associated with its ability to manipulate space, which is usually used to create warps that teleport the user instantaneously from one place to another. Klaus can also bring others with him when warping, or warp objects to other locations without going with him by firing Chaos Control as an energy ball, though varying amounts of energy is required depending on the extent of the warp.

Chaos Burst: Klaus can spin around and use this ability to hide away in an area of distorted space, disappearing from sight. When emerging from the distorted space, he can briefly create a small white and purple bubble around himself that damages any opponents that makes contact with it, as well as launching them for multiple hits.

Chaos Boost: Klaus can temporarily charge up with chaos energy, giving him a red aura similar to Kaioken, which alternates to a red-whitish aura. This allows invulnerability to average attacks, and allows use of more advanced techniques. It can also reverse evil influence.

Primal Power Enhanced Abilities:

Enhanced Superhuman Strength: When empowered by Primal Power, Klaus's strength is increased to the point where he is almost just as strong as his Ultra Instinct State in just applying it to his base form.

Enhanced Reality Manipulation: Klaus's capability to alter the fabric of reality becomes greatly enhanced, as he can unravel the infinite amount of omniverses in just a few minutes.

Enhanced Nigh-Invulnerability: After super charging himself with Primal Power, Klaus's invulnerability is increased greatly, to the point that blows that would hurt him in his normal state, which were capable of making him stagger, could not inflict any harm.

Abilities when using his Full Power:

True Omnipotence(When using his full power): Klaus when using his full power has the potential to rewrite the very fabric of existence itself and he can increase his chances of winning a battle by an infinite amount and it cannot be rewritten and even plot armor is not immune to the true might of his full power. While in this state, he becomes invulnerable to any kind of attack or damage, his strength and power are augmented, and his stamina is virtually unlimited.

Absolute Strength: Of all of his capabilities while using full power, Klaus's physical strength remains the most impressive. Klaus possesses seemingly and essentially unfathomable levels of superhuman strength, and is possibly the physically strongest omnipotent being in all the omniverses. Like his power and all of his abilities, Klaus's extreme physical strength increases with his rage and anger.

Absolute Speed, Agility & Reflexes: Although not as outstanding as his strength while in full power, Klaus is still one of the fastest and agile beings in the vast amount of omniverses, and it's theorized that Klaus's speed is on a relativistic level by how fast he closed distances when he would fly across time and space. At regular speed, he is incredibly much faster than a normal omnipotent being, making him untraceable by the their eyes. His reflexes are incredibly sharp, enabling him to effectively react, dodge, block and counter attacks from insanely fast enemies in less than a second with great agility, and even from opponents seemingly capable of stopping time a hundred times over.

Absolute Durability & Endurance: Another one of Klaus's most prominent features: Klaus has undergone a monstrous amount of mental and physical stress and has managed to survive: He has been punched, kicked, crushed, beaten, blasted and stabbed by beings of similar power. He has also shown to be able to survive attacks with Omniversal busting capabilities. In addition to his immense durability, Klaus has also demonstrated a strong resistance to sheer blunt trauma, as physical blows from extremely strong opponents have little-to-no effect against him. In terms of psychological wounds, Klaus has suffered an indelible amount of emotional stress, starting from his upbringing to becoming the ultimate warrior for the Saiyan race to going through the adamantium process to watching his entire species get wiped out and getting tortured in Hell for hundred and thousands of years(15,000,000 years while it would be a year on Earth).

Absolute Stamina: Using his full power, Klaus possesses an immensely high amount of stamina, likely due to his Saiyan physiology and abilities, and his own power. It's likely Klaus possesses near-limitless stamina, as he is never shown to tire out and is capable of fighting extremely powerful opponents and armies, and fight very prolonged battles continuously.

Absolute Combat: Klaus has achieved the highest level of combat proficiency (armed and unarmed) and is capable of performing many omnipotent feats, which are beyond supernatural/superhuman boundaries.

Reactive Adaption: Klaus possesses an ability to adapt to his opponents that allows him to surpass stronger opponents, no matter how powerful they are and regardless of their Higher-Dimensionality which adds on to his Saiyan physiology making him an unstoppable force of power.

Ki Channeled Blasts: One of Klaus's most prominent uses of ki include producing fist-channeled blasts of varying size and power, along with possessing homing properties. He is able to fire blasts in rapid succession. On one instance, Klaus unleashed a devastating omnidirectional barrage of blasts that wiped out an entire cluster of omniverses in seconds.

God Ki Burst: Klaus is able to stockpile exceedingly high amounts of God Ki in his fist and release it afterwards when striking his target as a massive wave-like burst of God Ki that is powerful enough to severely damage or even defeat opponents with extreme scales of resistance and durability.

Omni-Magic Manipulation: Klaus has unlimited access to all forms of magic and other mystical and supernatural forces. He can bend, break, and even create natural laws, distort the fabric of reality on a cosmic scale, perform unbelievable miracles, and create things without limit. He is now immune to all opposing magic and can even break through all outside mystic defenses.

Almighty Magic: Klaus possesses the truest and omnipotent form of magic which surpasses all the rules and has no need for any justification as to how or why feats are accomplished. The only exception to this is his curse since Klaus has tried multiple times to break it but it seems to get stronger alongside him...

Omni-arch: Klaus rules over anything and everything throughout the omniverses and has complete authority over any god.

Omni-Energy Manipulation: Klaus can create, shape and manipulate all feasible and imaginable forms of energy, having practically no limits on the amount or type of energy he can absorb, project or manipulate.

Immunity Bypassing: Klaus can completely bypass/ignore any immunity to his powers, including secondary effects, affecting what is immune to it like his immunity doesn't even exist at all.

Omnicompetence: Klaus can handle all situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation or conflict, and have the needed knowledge, skill and experience. With this ability, Klaus never lost a fight or a conflict.

Omni-lock: Klaus resides outside of everything: space, time, non-space, non-time, duality, probability, improbability, possibility, impossibility, nonexistence, (absolute) nothingness, existence, etc. Klaus cannot be affected by anything, even temporal paradox or reality warping; and is immune to virtually everything, even Universal Irreversibility and Nonexistence.

Absolute Destruction: Klaus can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or the totality itself.

Genesis Creation: Klaus create other lesser or equal beings from themselves and make as many beings as he want without losing any energy.

Sapient Race Creation: Klaus can create beings of actual sentience and a sense of will to act on their behalf or on their own sense of given intelligence. This ability allows him to populate an entire area with beings with their own sense of recognition and spirit.

Absolute Light: Klaus can create a field of absolute light that blinds the targets either temporarily or permanently and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. Goku can be able to generate light so intense it can completely obliterate objects in its path without heat.

Primordial Light Manipulation: Klaus can control the primal light that brought about the dawn of creation, representing the warmer, brighter aspect of primal creation, alongside the Darkness, both being two halves of the same coin, yet stand opposite and in perfect balance, for without shadow, there's no light, and without light there's no shadow. Due to its primordial nature it goes beyond concepts of good, evil or even neutrality.

Primordial Force Manipulation: Klaus can control, alter, create, and manipulate anything and everything created by the primordial force, the unique source or origin of every universal concept; in other words, the primordial force that had generated everything, giving him the true position of a Supreme Being. This power goes beyond boundaries of any level or scale and as such can achieve omnipotence.

Primordial Fire Manipulation: Klaus can create, shape and manipulate fire/flames of an ancient primordial nature.

Omniverse Embodiment: Klaus can become or already is the embodiment of the omniverse, and therefore have absolute control over everything inside of it, Time, Space, Reality, Causality, Probability and everything else without limits.

Pure Solar Manipulation: Klaus can create, shape and manipulate solar energy of beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of earth, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the positive powers of the sun.

Eternal Solar Manipulation: Klaus can manipulate the esoteric side of the solar forces. As a result, this solar energy has magical properties that can be used in various, unexpected ways. In addition to this, wielders will be able to access the mystical abilities of the Sun that were only described in myths.

Absolute Will: Klaus has an unlimited sense of willpower that can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that he can desire or can imagine. Klaus can also manipulate reality and bend rules to grant him the power to create, as well as a variety of other existing powers by rewriting his own nature simply by willing it to be so. Klaus also possesses the strongest willpower in existence which the only thing that can break down his will is his curse.

Absolute Life Inducement: Klaus can give life to absolutely anyone and anything, even to amortal or undetermined beings, objects, the dead, powers, elemental forces, concepts, and metaphysical entities.

Absolute Recreation: Klaus can recreate perfectly anything/everything to the exact state it was in before it was destroyed, such as recreating a person who died in every single detail from his memories, personality, thoughts, his body as it originally was, powers, soul, every detail would be recreated, even down to the molecules and atoms that made them up. With this ability, Klaus can recreate planets, universes, multiverses and even a Omniverse. The only exception to this is his original universe in which was destroyed by the Original God.

Absolute Restoration: Klaus can restore anything back to its original state. This ability is a safety system with no consciousness that aim to maintain and prolong the state of the universe. It only acts in situations where factors capable of altering or destroying the reality have actively started working, and it will come into play to annihilate those factors, taking the form of any natural and/or supernatural phenomenon.


Mastered Kaioken (2~100×^♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan (200×^♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Kaioken(400×^♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 2(400×^♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 2 Kaioken(800×^♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 3(1000×^♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 3 Kaioken (2000×^♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 4 (20,000×^♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 4 Kaioken (40,000×^♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker (200,000×^♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 5 (1,000,000×^♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan God(2,000,000×^♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan God (Utilizing Ultra Instinct/5,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (200,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (Utilizing Ultra Instinct/500,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue Evolution (4,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 4 with God Ki (400,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾)

Hakaishin (400,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Ultra Instinct Omen (500,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Ultra Instinct (1,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Perfected Ultra Instinct:

( 5,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Ultra Instinct Great Ape (10,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Ultra Instinct Kaioken times 100 (100,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan (Two Limiters/ 100,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan (One Limiter/ 200,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan Kaioken 100× (One Limiter/200,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan(No Limiter/500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

True Omni Form (500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Primal Power Enhanced Forms:

Base (Primal Power/ 4,000,000,000,000×^♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan(Primal Power/ 50,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 2 (Primal Power/100,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 3 (Primal Power/ 135,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan 4 (Primal Power/ 180,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan God (Primal Power/ 180,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (Primal Power/ 250,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Super Saiyan Blue Evolution (Primal Power/ 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Ultra Instinct Omen (Primal Power/ 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Mastered Ultra Instinct (Primal Power/ 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan (Two Limiters with Primal Power/ 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan (One Limiter with Primal Power/ 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan (No Limiters with Primal Power/ 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

Omni Super Saiyan 4:

(Full Power/ 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾)

More forms:

Super Ultra Instinct:

Power Boost: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾

Super Ultra Instinct(Primal Power):

Power Boost: 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000000,000×100^300,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾

Hyper Super Saiyan(When infused with the Chaos Emeralds):

Power Boost: 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000×500,000^1,000,000×^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾

Super Saiyan One Million (Combines all of his Normal/God/Omni/Primal transformations into one/ True Full Power):

Power Boost: 500,000,000,000,000^500,000,000,000×♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾^♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾


Genius Level Intellect: Even at his youth, Klaus was deemed a genius among his kind despite being blood thirsty warriors. His long life allowed him to refine his intellectual aptitude to the highest degree, making him quite possibly the one of the most intelligent beings in the Onmiverse.

Master Hand to Hand Combatant: Klaus is an extraordinary warrior and hand-to-hand combatant, with a millennium's worth of fighting experience. Klaus' supreme combat skills supplemented by his physical prowess enable him to overpower even the strongest opponents in his versatile range of fighting styles.

Master Martial Artist: Klaus is an extremely skilled master martial artist, having been trained vigorously from childhood and having extensive levels of knowledge of melee combat as well as being considerably experienced in wars from when his kind was still around.

Multilingualism: Klaus speaks his native language from his home planet, as well as Japanese, English, and some long lost ancient languages and many more.

Master Tactician: Klaus is an extraordinarily formidable strategist with eons worth of experience in tactical warfare and fighting against armies. Even without using his immense powers and combat skills, Klaus once successfully conquered many worlds through just his tactical expertise and his combat experience.

Master Torturer: Klaus is one of the foremost experts in torture, both physical and spiritual. His torture methods were so extreme and profound that the memories of it would haunt his victims years after the fact and in some cases, would cause extreme hallucinations, mental shock and it has the possibility of potentially killing them.

Sword Mastery: Klaus possessed extraordinary skill in the use of the sword in battle, he is capable of easily fighting off coordinated assaults from multiple omnipotent beings at once but he naturally prefers to fight bare handed.

Master Crafter: Klaus is also an extremely skilled weapon maker, as he created his own weapon named the Infinity Sword which is made out of the same material as the Infinity Gauntlet.

Pragmatic and Intelligent Fighter: Klaus's years of wars and battles has given him immense combat intelligence and pragmatism that has proven enough to impress even the most powerful omnipotent beings.

Mystic Martial Arts: Klaus can utilize mystical combat in multiple forms of martial arts. Many of those who train in martial arts gain superhuman capabilities by learning to harness multiple forms of magic or other supernatural abilities. Some techniques are often either a form of excellence or perfection of an existing martial art and sometimes users of the original tend to change or innovate the martial art to make it their own. He is is said to have mastered every style of martial arts in the vast cluster of omniverse and is also the greatest Kung-Fu master to ever lived.

Grandmaster Cooker: Due to his long life, Klaus eventually learned how to cook and he has reached a level where no other Anime characters could ever reach when it comes to it's quality and taste alone.


Time Ring: Grants him acausality, and so even if his personal past were to be altered by someone or something- he would not be affected.

Battle Armor: Klaus utilized a Golden Armor(Same as Thanos from MCU but without the helmet) during his days of conquest with his kind back then. The armor was resilient enough to resist damage from a planetary explosion but now it's durable enough to withstand blows from an omnipotent being.

Saiyan Armor: It is a layered, collared black vest containing his recurring silver plates, navy blue pants, and short strapped leather gloves.

Potara Earrings: Though as an accessory, He wears two yellow colored earrings on both of his ears.

Adamantium Skeleton: Klaus's entire skeletal system is molecularity infused with the impregnable and indestructible metal alloy. This makes him totally indestructible, but also further augments the physical might of his musculature. This, coupled with his regenerative healing factor, makes him fully invulnerable. This was one of the many things that his fellow Saiyans did to him in order to make him the perfect warrior even if it took away his reason for living. The adamanitum that has been bonded to his body, resulted in Kluas gaining limitless resilience, greatly enhanced strength and agility, and should his adamantium-infused bones be damaged, the admantium will regenerate as the bones regenerate.

(AN: It should be noted that the Adamantium in Klaus's skeleton is several times stronger than Adamantium from Earth 616 from the Marvel Universe and like Klaus, the adamantium constantly gets stronger in durability alongside him.)

Infinity Sword:

Sword Effects: Increases Klaus's versatility and prowess in battle by a thousand times making him an unstoppable force in the battlefield.

Also Klaus's first creation as well as his primary weapon as he dismantled the Infinity Gauntlet and embedded the infinity stones after rearranging the gauntlet into the sword it is today and he then fused the infinity stones into the weapon hence the name Infinity Sword though he hardly uses it unless it is a last resort.

Light Bringer: Light Bringer, also called the Flaming Sword, is the personal divine sword carried by himself, hence its name. This sword is immensely powerful, so much so that it is one of the most powerful weapons in all of creation. This was gifted to Klaus by Lucifer after he finished his time in Hell when he was tortured. Klaus made some modifications to it as he upgraded it's capabilities to rival his Infinity Sword.

Light Bringer Powers:

Immense Power: As the symbol of power of the most favored archangel of all, Lightbringer is an immensely powerful divine weapon, rivaling the likes of Klaus's infinity Sword and it has such power that it could easily kill anything lesser than an high tier omnipotent being along with even severely injuring the strongest entities in existence.

Dark/Light Blasts: By aiming the sword at a target, Klaus can send out projectiles of dark or light energy that could easily shatter an entire omniverse with ease.

Extreme Sharpness: Lightbringer is one of the sharpest swords in existence, said to be sharp enough to pierce through even Adamantium and even the most durable omnipotent beings in existence.


Space Godzilla:

Adoptive Children:

Queen Ghidorah:

Scarlet Queen:

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