The Dark Hyuga

By yandereluver849

30.9K 835 165

Sequel to Reborn as a Hyuga Hiaizen Hyuga has fallen into the darkness falling prey to it or not has he got s... More

Tenseigan Part 1
Two Tails (🍋)
Dragon Force??
Team Hebi
Saving Jiraya and Itachi
Missing Entoma (🍋)
Money Problems
The Truth
Pein's Attack
Danzo's Death
Thank You
Wedding (🍋)
Shamless Promotion

Tenseigan Part 2

1.6K 55 7
By yandereluver849

Hiaizen POV

I stopped flying when I was far away enough from them but I know I can't go anywhere near the hideout while transformed. I go back to my normal self feeling a pain in my chest clutching it

My chest damn it I knew the risks of unlocking those chakra modes while I was still healing from the surgery but didn't care I guess that's where it got me, now I have to wait wait a few months for my eyes and body to heal.

I started limping my way back to the hideout once I entered I started falling and fainted but someone caught me before I could reach the floor I was surprised and looked up at who caught me it was Sasuke not that I could see I just recognized the chakra the most since he was especially close and since most of my sensory abilities had returned

Sasuke: The hell happened to you

Hiaizen: Intense training then I ran into team 7 while I was injured

He put my arm over his shoulder and helping me to our shared room (I was the one who requested it since it'd be a pain to have to sneak into Sasuke's room each night and comfort him listen to him complain cry, keep him from having nightmare, the usual thankfully the room a large) once we got there I sat on my bed and took the bandages off of my head then got in the shower I have never been so grateful to take a shower in my life it helped a little with a aching and got the blood off my body.

Timeskip 2 months
Today is the day I have to go and revive Gaara even though I'm still blind the rest of my body is at about 78% percent. I sprouted wings and started flying to the Sand village, once there I bursted into the hospital window and walking in Kankuro's room pushing the people out of the way and started healing him extracting the poison while they relentlessly started attacking me after that I wrote a note

I healed Kankuro, all of the poison has been extracted I also made some antidote for Sasori's poison there are only 15 capsules use them wisely I've now repayed my debt to the Sand Village.

From your favorite rogue Hyuga.

I felt five chakra presences entering the room one was Ino the others were Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Temari

I dropped the note on the table with the antidotes I made three years ago before flying out the window and waited nearby the Akatsuki hideout


Hiaizen POV

Long story short Sasori nearly died I had to seal him inside a scroll after healing his heart or core, now I have to go and revive Gaara before Granny Chiyo gives up her life, I once again spread my wings and flew fastly and luckily for me she was just about to start reviving Gaara. I landed in the middle of the Sand ninja and walked towards Gaara

Ino: Hiaizen what are you doing here

Dammit I hated being blind I can't even see Ino I can only sense her chakra I walked over to her and my patted her head then felt her face and something wet was running down it, they were tears I gave her a light kiss on the nose and wiped away her tear and then walked over to Gaara and a tear started coming out of me left eye

Hiaizen: I guess I should repay the debt now from the entertainment you've given me 3 years ago old friend

I heard a few noises so I had assumed the ninja had drawn their weapons

I got on my knees next to Gaara and started extracted the half of Shukaku I had and putting him in Gaara


I heard one charging at me but if I was going to bring Gaara back I can't move

I suggest you humans stay back as you should be grateful he's bringing your Kazekage back to life

After Acnologia spoke to them I could feel the terrified emotions how pathetic they were just so eager to attack me a minute ago for their precious Kazekage once I was done I got up and gave Ino a kiss on the forehead making a small blue diamond shaped seal appear on her forehead.

Hiaizen: Consider it a late birthday gift you've earned it

I had flown off after giving her the Byakugō no In

Timeskip 5 months

Hiaizen POV

Today is the day Sai is supposed to come to the hideout to try and assassinate Sasuke but considering I'm a Hyuga from the main branch and don't have that damn seal on me not to mention a rogue ninja I'd say Danzo would want my eyes as well so I have to assume Sai would want to kill me as well.

My eyes still aren't completely done yet I'd say they would be finished in an hour or two if I used medical ninjutsu on them to speed up the healing on my eyes, okay then let's start.


Hiaizen POV

So they are here now I guess I should be heading where Sasuke is now, I teleported to Sasuke next to Sasuke I saw Sai Orochipedo and Kabuto

Hiaizen: Hey Orochipedo where have you been and who's that

Kabuki: You and Sasuke both are still as rude as ever

Hiaizen: Ah I see you still have that stick up your ass Kabuto

Kabuto let's out a faint small growl


As soon as he appeared the air felt heavy the amount of chakra he possessed was terrifying then Sasuke opened his eyes I felt like my lungs had stopped working all together then Hiaizen took bandages off of his eyes and opened them both of their eyes glowing

Hiaizen POV

Hiaizen: Ahh finally I can see again...








After a while of silence I decided to speak up

Hiaizen: So who the pale boy that looks like he'll kick the bucket in a second

Orochimaru: This is Sai he's from the leaf village I believe you two will have a lot in common with him

Hiaizen: Yeaaaahhhhh Uh no bye


Hiaizen POV

I just heard a large rumble so I take that as a sign team 7 got here I started heading out and see a light, I jump on the rubble and Boulder landing next to Sasuke as I saw Sakura grabbing Sai I sat down with one knee up and my arm on my knee

Sasuke: Sakura

Sakura: Sas-Sasuke Hi-Hiaizen

Hiaizen: Yeah you're pretty much stating the obvious

Naruto then came running out of here along with Yamato

Hiaizen: You see I'm no longer weakened like I was a few months ago when I was training and I'm not blind anymore in fact I've evolved my eyes although I can still use my regular byakugan... but why not behold my tenseigan

I went into my tenseigan chakra mode and flew up in the air a little and launched a truthseeker orb at Sakura once it was in front of her I turned it into a rod and made it go through her shoulder and pinned her to the wall she was about to try and grab it but I warned her

Hiaizen: Nuh Uh Uh Sakura you shouldn't touch that unless you want to die

They looked at me with horror written on their faces


He doesn't know I left the village entirely for her I left the village so could protect Ino but I can't blame him he doesn't know there's also another reason I left, I left because I was bored but then I just started laughing like the maniac I am then stop and smiled

Hiaizen: You want to know the reason I left okay then I'll tell you

I then appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye and they all tensed up

Hiaizen: I left because I was bored there was no one to match my strength I was bored being a prodigy I wanted to try something else in fact I'm surprised you haven't become a rouge ninja Naruto after everything the village did to you but that isn't my concern it's so fun and risky... oh yeah and I guess I couldn't leave Sasuke behind either

I said that last line rather absentmindedly

I took my truthseeker orb back and deactivated my tenseigan going back to my regular pale lavender white eyes

Hiaizen: We'll have fun Sasuke I have somewhere to go

I've had blood clones reek a little havoc making my bounty higher and one of my clones sent me some interesting information, it's about time the Akatsuki came to recruit me, well sort of recruit me at least I'll finally get to see Obito again

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