Expect the unexpected ;) A ka...

Autorstwa tobioswhoreee

14.7K 459 225

Some say secret relationships are a hard thing to keep hidden. Even in the cases of said relationship being a... Więcej

Quick A/N (read it don't skip😡👊🏽)
Chapter 1: "Ah, Mr. Moans and Groans?"
Chapter 2: "Shoyo kun's Secret Smoocher???"
Chapter 3: "You're into some shit, but I'm into 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩."
Chapter 4: "Bokuto-san?!?!"
Chapter 5: "international, super spyyyy"
Chapter 6: "Age is everything, including the damn number"
Chapter 7: Ducking and Dodging
Chapter 9: "something is NOT right"
Chapter 10: "Are they nuts??"
Chapter 11: "Expect THE expected"

Chapter 8: "...We do not care"

1.2K 38 23
Autorstwa tobioswhoreee

  As Tobio opened his eyes, adjusting his vision to the golden sunlight beaming out of their huge glass window, he absently took a second to watch his husband's body rise and fall. Smiling, he kissed his forehead softly. Just as he was about to lay his head back down to drift back into a peaceful sleep, the loud screaming of an alarm overtook the room. Shoyo lifted his head slightly, reaching over to the night stand to stop the noise. While he did so, the raven grabbed his pillow, stuffing his face inside of it. Stifling a yawn, the redhead grabbed Tobio's forearm, shaking it vigorously.

"Oh my god-WHAT SHO??" he yelled, plopping the pillow down on the bed, looking at the other.

Shoyo yawned once more, stretching his arms, as he got ready to speak.

"First off, good morning," he started, leaning over to seal a long kiss to the man's lips. After that, Tobio waited for Shoyo to continue, yawning as he did so.

"Second, we have to get ready for my aunt's get together" he added, slipping out of the bed.

"Uhhh we???" Tobio asked, genuinely confused.

"Yeah, WE asshole. I'm not going by myself, so who's the next best thing? Also, I just KNOW my family will try to play matchmaker."

"Okay.. well bringing me as a "friend" is gonna be hella suspect don't you think?" Tobio stated, crossing his arms.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't really care if I do or don't go."

"Well, I guess, but who really cares. When they see us they aren't going to just jump straight into "ah, they're married". You've met my family so many times I think they just see you as my bestie and keep it pushing even though we're a little too adjoined at the hip." Shoyo cleared, adjusting the bed covers.

"I mean, I guess." Tobio sighed, rolling on his side and off of the bed before the temptation of sleep overcomes him. After they showered together, did their routines and pampered themselves, they entered the room, headed towards the closet.

"What's the attire?" Tobio asked Shoyo, both standing at the space. This question caused Shoyo to look to him with a frown, as he placed a serious look on his face.

"No skin tight or sleeveless shirts. And no ponytails." he said, as Tobio just laughed.

"Okay well," he started, grabbing a few things from in the closet. Raising an eyebrow, he pulled up the things, letting his husband inspect them.

"Hmm, I think you should try it on so I can see better." Tobio nodded, walking to their master bathroom.

"You can just undress here ya know! So I can see how much of a difference it makes!" the ginger yelled, causing Tobio to throw a shoe at him. Chuckling lightly, Shoyo decided to get what he was wearing while he waits. It's supposed to be a little chilly today, so he took that into consideration. Pulling his clothes out, he looked to the side, seeing Tobio walk out with the base of his outfit on.

"So?" He asked, feeling Shoyo staring at him.

"I like it. Your neck looks a bit bare though." There was a hint of a blazed glint in his eyes, yet Tobio was all too oblivious.

"Well I didn't add a bag and accessories on ye-

"That's not what I meant." Shoyo answered, closing the space between them. Never a bad time for a little make out session.


"Sho-how am I supposed to cover this up now? You must be ITCHING to get caught at this point."The black haired male asked, looking to his lover.

"I mean, just don't." Shoyo answered, spacing out from intoxicated pleasure.

"Okay." Tobio said, walking away to the bathroom. That was the line that woke Shoyo up, jumping out to his husband.

"WAIT, WAIT NO-DO PLEASE DO!" He yelled going to through the drawers in the bathroom. "Here," he slid Tobio a concealer tube, pointing at his neck to cover it promptly. Tobio wasted no time opening the cap and dotting it on his skin. Shoyo tilted his head, seeming to realize one mistake. "...Okay so, you are DEFINITELY not my color." He stated, matching his arm to the raven's neck, pointing out the difference in tones. Tobio was a fair yet pale, but there was an obvious shade difference as Shoyo was more tanned, so this was definitely not going to work out. "Wait! I think I can use some baby powder or something."

"That should do it! Alright, let me go get dressed." The ginger said, making his way back to the bedroom. Tobio stayed in the bathroom, figuring out what hairstyle he was going to pull today. Shoyo said no ponytails, and he doesn't do them with a semi casual look anyways, so he'll settle with his never failed middle part. His hair is getting longer, which he has to deal with sooner or later, but seeing shoyo foam out the mouth at his ponytails is something he cannot give up. After gelling it some, he walked back to the bedroom, finding a scrambled Shoyo, rummaging around his jewelry case.

"Stealing my rings???" Tobio asked, so suddenly that it made the theif jump.

"I..maybe." He answered, caught.

"Hm. You look good though," Tobio complemented, looking at the redhead's full look.


After arriving at Shoyo's aunt's house, the duo hopped out of the car, walking up to the doors.

"If they ask why we have on wedding rings say for aesthetic purposes." Shoyo blurt out, causing Tobio to pluck the shorter's forehead.

"You're so dumb." He stated lovingly, smile growing on his sharp face. Just when they stared at each other for a little too long, they were awkwardly brought of of their trance by the swing of the door.

"SHOYYYYOOOO!!" an orange haired girl exclaimed, jumping up to give her brother a hug.

"Hey natsu! Since when were you ever this excited to see me?" Shoyo asked, raising an eyebrow at his sister's performed antics.

"can't get be happy to just be in your presence??? I haven't seen you in one, two, THREE whole months! And I see you've bought my future husband,"  Natsu teasingly uttered, smirkingly turning to Tobio.

"Natsu, we go over this every time." The black haired male sighed, ultimately smiling at this very strange tradition Natsu kept up for 8 years. She loved teasing Tobio about her old crush on him, starting when she was 9 and he 16. It was so bad yet so funny at the same time, watching Shoyo furiously throw her out of his room every time she confessed her love for the man. She often even drew pictures of her and Tobio "in love", running off together or tying the knot which included the big house, white picket fence, children, and even a damn dog, which she stuck Shoyo's head to to get a rise out of him one night. Shoyo had a rough time, but his husband had a BLAST with the humorous crush, bursting out laughing when Nastu threw silent shade his way when they talked about marriage.

Even now, Shoyo was standing at the entrance with his cheek puffed out, into a little pout. Tobio squished his left cheek, smiling at him lovingly. This made the ginger forget all about his quarrel, and smile back.

"Shoyo??? Come in, come in!" Shoyo's aunt yelled, pushing the duo inside.

"Kageyama right? You're even more handsome than last time I seen you!"

"You calling me ugly, Miko-San?" the taller jokingly asked, receiving a light punch in the shoulder from the woman. Walking into the function further, Shoyo finally spots his mom at a table, sipping some liquid from a glass.

"I haven't tried- oh, Shoyo!" the woman put her glass down, pulling her son in for a hug. "You didn't pick up my call last night." she suddenly whispered, going serious for a split second.

"What made you so busy huh? You and Tobio BETTER not have-

"Mom shhh!" Shoyo whispered back, throwing his hand over his mom's lips. "No, i was just really tired, I promise."

  "Mhm. I won't believe you for a sec- TOBIO!" She lit up, seeing the taller walking towards them. "Well speak of the devil! Did you get taller in 2 months??" She looked up to him, carrying a huge smile on her face.

"I sure did auntie. It seems I'm getting too tall for this family of gnomes, huh?" he said, earning a stomp on the foot by shoyo and an ear tug by his mother.

"Tobio, what did you and shoyo do last night?" she asked again, startling the younger.

"Uhhh sleep? Why?" He stared confusingly.

"I TOLD YOU!" Shoyo yelled, crossing his arms.

His mom just brought her hand to his face, smiling widely. She caressed his face lovingly, hands dipping in the soft spots of his face. He smiled, settling into the comfort, letting her smooth over his nose, then cheek, hands swiftly wiping across his neck. WAIT-

"hmm." She hummed, pulling at the turtleneck Shoyo wore.

"So listen, I technically didn't lie because those are from this morning-

"Mmm." She hummed again, pulling the cloth back up.  "Have you seen your uncle yet? He was looking for you earlier."

"Oh he's here? I'll have to go find him. Tobio you coming?" Shoyo asked, turning toward his husband, to which he just shrugged. "We'll be back!"

Trudging down the fills of guests, Shoyo set out to look for his dad's brother, where he would most likely be acquainted with Shoyo's father. Spotting brown hair, Shoyo immediately yanked Tobio further down the hall to greet the man. Walking up, the redhead let go of the taller's hand, smiling brightly. It was routine by now, so playing it off never came hard. "DAD!" Shoyo yelled, causing said father to turn to him, eyes widening.

"Is that my lucky number 21 NINJA SHO IM SEEING?!!" His dad yelled, engulfing him into a warm hug. After some ferocious pats on the ginger's head, Mr. Hinata finally seemed to notice Tobio looking down, hands in his pockets, hair surrounding his face. At seeing his son's husband, his face shriveled into a distasteful frown. Looking up, Tobio caught the frown, twisting his face to make the same expression.



"DAMNIT!" The man yelled, as Tobio's face slid into a teasing smirk.

"You'll never get to me old man. I'll continue to look down on your entire legacy-


"I'm just gonna stop you there." The raven interrupted, taking a seat next to the man.

"All have you know Tobio, when I was your age I was getting allll the girls, money and everything I wanted too! I might be a little old now but don't let this one gray hair fool you, son." Mr. Hinata declared, staring down the younger with a sly smile.

"...you mean your whole head? I see a piece of gray every follicle- "DROP IT!"


"So... Shoyo," his aunt starts, leaning over the table. "Any girl-

"Aunt Miko please..."

"NO I promise nothing bad, I'm just asking!" Miko exclaimed innocently, intently following a gaze behind her nephew. Shoyo sighed, looking up to the woman.

"No auntie, I don't. But I promise you don't have to get me anyone." Just then she gave Shoyo an apologetic smile, before motioning someone to come over. As the ginger turned, he was met with a black haired girl, sorry, woman, walking over to them, smile in tact. She was pretty, but it wasn't like she was drop dead gorgeous or to die for.

"This is Shinizaki Shoko! One of my good friend's daughters! She also happens to be single.." Miko said flirtatiously, wiggling her brows.

"Hey! Call me Shoko. We have similar names!" The woman said, giving Shoyo a very uncomfortable hug. Well, uncomfortable in his opinion.

"Yeah... well uh, I'm not really looking for a relationship-but we could be friends or something!" Shoyo said, flicking his eyes between the girl and Tobio, who was now playing a card game with his dad and other family.

"Well me either, but I want to get to know you! Who knows, we're both single. Things like this work out all the time!"

Shoyo very obviously was just making conversation to be nice, throwing in the occasional bubbly  laugh, but this girl was so off. She had the fakest of smiles whenever Shoyo asked her something, ANYTHING other than dating. She must be really desperate, as she keeps trying to make any sort of physical contact with him.

Just as Shoyo thought this situation couldn't get any worse (maybe better), he spotted a head of black, silky hair, a strong jawline, and a pair of blue eyes the could kill if they wanted to appearing closer. Tobio was walking over to the them, accompanied by the redhead's mother on his arm.

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Hinata asked, taking a seat, removing herself off of the raven who also took a seat, directly next to her.

"O-oh this is-

"I'm setting your boy up, Sayaka! They've been chatting it up, loosening themselves- I think this one can go somewhere!" Miko shouted. To this, Tobio and Mrs. Hinata looked to each other for a hot moment. Tobio was the first to crack, letting out the biggest laugh they've ever heard out of him. She followed next, laughing so hard she began to tear. They both were a giggling mess, clinging on to each other ROLLING at the mess of a situation the ginger was in. Tobio looked up, catching a look at his husband, who in turn wore the flattest expression that it made the black haired male smack his mouth to hold back, failing as he burst out into another huge laugh, ultimately causing Mrs. Hinata to start laughing again. Everyone watched the two flail uncontrollably, counting it off as some funny joke, continuing their conversations.

"I'm sorry." Tobio quickly uttered, reclaiming his seat as he helped Shoyo's mother to her's.

"Um- aren't you..." Shoko asked, eyeing Tobio, gaining a little blush at the stare she was receiving from him.

"Oh this is-

"that's my-

"I'm his-" Shoyo, his mother, and Tobio replied all at once, attempting to cover Tobio's role.

"I'm Shoyo's best friend, Kageyama Tobio." Tobio answered, while Mrs. Hinata nodded furiously, confirming it was all true.

"Both of you are single?" Shoko asked, which Tobio just lifted his finger in response. Shoyo wishes he could've done the same, but since Tobio beat him to the game, he has to entertain this girl until the end.

"Well, that's a shame. Ahh I missed out on you. So shoyo, since you're free, what do you say to a dinner Friday night? I really like you," she said,  picking up Shoyo's right hand. IF ONLY SHE LIFTED THE LEFT. "..please?" She finished, clutching his palm with one hand, feeling his face with the other.

"Mmm mm" Tobio hummed, watching the girl look at Shoyo with a smile. The redhead looked to his husband, turning back to the girl apologetically smiling.

"I'm sorry Shoko but-

"Come on! We're both single, both lonely, and I haven't felt anything in years! I'll treat you to a good time for trouble." Shoko insisted, hooking her arm around the man, still rubbing a hand gently and flirtatiously on his face.

  "I can't-

"See no." A deep voice piped up, grabbing Shoko's hand, removing it from Shoyo's face. "He vaguely said "no" more than three fucking times, bro." Tobio said, sitting back down.

"Huh? It's none of your busines-

"I don't give a fuck what it is and isn't. He's clearly doesn't give a shit about you so just let it be." Tobio bluntly splat.

"Why do YOU care though?? You have a relationship, don't speak for others who don't." Shoko said, eyeing Tobio.

"That doesn't mean shit! If he tells you no, take your desperate ass somewhere else, it's really not hard to understand, you that dense?"


"Tobio! It's fine, stop fighting, people are looking over here." Shoyo said, turning his attention to the male. "Can we just talk about something else? What about careers? What do you do Shoko?" Shoyo asked, trying his best to ease the tension in the area.

"Well, I work at-



"Huh? I was SAYING I worked at a bar downtown." She said, flipping her hair over a shoulder. "It's really fun actually. I work with all types of people, getting all types of customers. People come in from different places, and it's fun to hear their stories. Some hot guys come too, but I only chat them up for the extra tip. The other day-

"We do not care." Tobio reinstated, blankly looking at the girl.

"Okay Shoko, it was realllyyyy nice meeting you, but this can't work. Well honestly, it wasn't working anyways but-" the redhead said, letting the girl down easily.

"But- Shoko started, resulting in Shoyo just saying fuck it and raising his left hand. Shoko's eyes widened, then squinted, as she tied to recall why that ring looked so familiar. Just then it clicked, as she looked down to Tobio's folded hands. "Oh shoot. Why would you even talk to me then?" She asked, looking at Shoyo.

"Ahhh it was a secret for a long time, but we're suddenly being more open with it. We won't explicitly state it yet, letting it be a little challenge for friends, family, and our fans to decode. But here, we made it very easy, since this is family and they should know." He replied.

"I'm sorry for touching your husband like that in front of you, Kageyama." Shoko apologized, earning a nod from Tobio.

"Ehem.." Shoyo signaled to his husband, who in turn tilted his head. "Apologize, meanie!" Shoyo whispered, nudging him.

"Ehhhh she kinda deserved it though!" he whispered back, causing Shoyo to shake his head.

"Well, I think it's time to get going! We have practice this week, so we have to go. We'll try to keep in contact more!" Shoyo said, packing up his things (including Tobio).

"Call me!" Shoyo's mom, who was actually silently giggling the whole encounter, screamed as she waved them goodbye. "Natsu left early, but she might call you this week!"

Alright, bye everyone!"


As soon as they got into their bedroom, Tobio laid on the bed, while the other viciously attacked him with a litter of kisses, peppering his face.

"YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME??? YOURE SOO JEALOUSSSSS!!" Shoyo yelled, attacking the taller's mouth more, not giving him a chance to speak.

"She was practically harassing you, what else am I supposed to do!" He yelled, while Shoyo latched onto him tighter, running a hand through his hair. Tobio was on his back, Shoyo sprawled on top of him, his head propped on the raven's chest.

"NOOOO NOOO! REMEMBER," Shoyo started, deepening his voice. "And they call me jealous! Look at this brat!"


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