The Right One

By oyinthewriter

23.7K 4.1K 398

Raymond Adams is content watching the people in his life love. As far as he's concerned, being alone isn't so... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine

Twenty five

642 106 9
By oyinthewriter

"You're coming around a little too often these days, am I safe?"

The question was directed from Hope to her friend who was 'visiting' for the third time that week. It might have seemed a thoughtful gesture coming from anyone else, but this was Tayo, her friend was everything else but 'thoughtful.'

"I take the pain to come here everyday and you're not happy?" Tayo demanded, trying but failing to put up an upset front.

Of course, Hope was not buying it even the slightest bit. "I'm going to get fired at this rate."

"You're an ungrateful being. You know that, right?"

Hope shot her friend a blank look, unimpressed. "Really. How so?"

Tayo repositioned herself on her seat, and Hope just knew she was about to make a ridiculous claim. "I come in here as a customer, and target your lunch break. You get the privilege of seeing my beautiful face, and get to earn more money all at once, because of me."

Hope didn't try much, but she found it hard to reason with her friend's 'logic'. There was no point to it anyway. "Just eat."

Tayo's reply was a derisive snort.

Hope leaned back against her seat as she watched her friend despite her attitude, do exactly that. A fond smile crept over her face. Tayo was right; Hope loved having her around, but she'd never admit that to her. That'd be adding fuel to an already blistering fire.

Resumption was lurking, and Hope was already feeling really nostalgic. She'd always felt like that, but not as intensely as it was this time, and she knew it was majorly because of Raymond. It was not even a week into their relationship and she was already dreading parting from him. Talk about being smitten smitten.

She didn't realize she'd sighed aloud until her friend shot her a weird look. "What's with the sigh?"

Hope shook her head, pouting. "I don't want to go back to school."

Her friend's eyes rolled automatically. "Oh please. Rub it in that some of us aren't going to school."

"Like you're even the slightest bit bothered."

Tayo replied with a wink and Hope snorted. She knew Tayo had never for once regretted her choice to go to fashion school after secondary school instead of the University. What had surprised Hope at the time was that her parents had supported her decision. She could only imagine what her mum's reaction would have been if she'd been in Tayo's shoes at the time.

Tayo's expression suddenly turned thoughtful. "You know . . . It's crazy. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you and your 'uncle Ray' . . . It's crazy. Never in a million years would I have thought he'd reciprocate your feelings."


Tayo chuckled. "Sorry, but it's the truth."

Hope exhaled, a smile curving her face. Maybe she'd have been mad if she didn't sometimes share the thought. Even she still found it hard wrapping her head around it sometimes, but it was her reality. And she loved it. They'd not seen each other since the last dinner, which had been three days before and she was craving seeing him again. If possible, she wanted to glue him to her side so she could freely look at him whenever she thought of him -- which was of course like every second. Talking on phone was nowhere near enough, she missed him and really wanted to see him in person, but she couldn't tell him that because the last thing she wanted was to come off as clingy. God forbid she turned into one of those.

"I want to see him!" Hope whined softly, earning another weird look from her friend.

Tayo shuddered, exaggeratedly. "Never ever you do that again. I beg you. That expression is not for you. I think you just made me age a hundred years for experiencing what should never have happened in my lifetime."

Hope glared at her friend. "Why are you even my friend again?"

"Because you love me."

Hope fished out her phone, deciding if she missed him that much, she might as well do something about it. She dialed his number and waited on bated breath as it rang.


It was inexplicable; the feelings that coursed through her whenever she as much as heard his voice.

"Hi," she replied, her voice going unintentionally soft. Her eyes narrowed as her friend who mimicked holding a phone and blowing kisses into it.

"Hi. How are you?"

Hope almost sighed in appreciation. He had the nicest voice in existence. Yes, it was that nice. "I'm fine. I miss you."

Hope cringed. She had not meant to say that out loud. When had she turned sappy? It wasn't made better when Tayo pretended to gag.

Her embarrassment of course vanished when he replied, "I miss you as well."

Hope couldn't actually know, but she could have sworn she heard his voice smiling -- or maybe it was just her finally losing her sanity, but whichever way, it was enough to have her smiling as well. "Okay, that's all I wanted to hear. Bye."

She didn't wait for a response before ending the call, her head falling to the table a second after.

"What was that?"

Hope peeked at her friend who looked like it was taking all of her willpower not to burst into laughter.

"You better not laugh," Hope warned menacingly as she stood apruptly to go back to work. Lunch break was over anyway. Her friend wasn't very obedient though, as she could hear her laughter floating after her.  She got to the counter and Oke smiled at her, his head tilting at Tayo.

"Is your friend okay?"

He was smiling though, and she knew he'd already figured whatever was causing her friend to laugh so hard was at her expense.

Hope ignored him, knowing he was out to tease her as well. She got to work almost immediately, everything falling to the back of her mind for a little while. That didn't last as long as she would have loved though.

"What would you like t--" Hope's sentence froze midway as she lifted her head only to come face to face with the Raymond Adams himself, rocking that endearing smile she just loved. For a brief while, she wondered if she'd somehow conjured him up.

Hope almost went mute, thank God for small mercies. "Uncle Ray!"

He leaned slightly over the counter, and Hope was left dumb another second. "Isn't it about time you ditched the uncle?"

Hope was lost as to where the shyness stemmed from but she found herself looking everywhere but at him at the realization of what he was implying.

"Good afternoon, sir," Oke greeted him and Raymond returned the gesture, throwing a quick smile at the boy. Hope was surprised Oke was being friendly, seeing as he was the type that intentionally ignored most people -- a funny contrast to his sometimes chirpy personality; sometimes she wondered if the boy was bipolar. She concluded he was probably being nice to Raymond because of her.

"What are you doing here?" Hope asked, relief coursing through her as her brain regained function. "It's still work hours."

He shrugged, casually. "You said you missed me, so I came."

That was it. Her heart was officially out of control and she could only pray for the strength to keep it in check before she caused a scene right there.

She chanced a glance at Oke who although was attending to customers -- that they were supposed to be attending to together, bless his soul -- was still subtly observing them with interest. She knew he was smart and could already picture him putting two and two together. She could literally hear the wheels turning in his head.

"Uncle Ray!"

Hope gritted her teeth, glaring at her friend who was now overexcitedly making her way over. Why was she still there? "I didn't even know that was you at first. Hi!"

"The earlier you realize this is a restaurant and my workplace, the better it would be for me." People's attention had already started shifting to them and Hope figured it was really a matter of time before she got fired for all the attention she usually generated.

"C'mon, I bring life to this place. He might not say it, but I'm so sure even your manager looooves having me around. Any reasonable person would." She paused, her eyes flitting from Hope to Raymond then back. "Besides, say you do get fired, you have a rich boyfriend, so what are you afraid of?"

"Tayo." The name slipped out as both a warning and a curse. With it also came a load of exasperation.

Raymond who had been watching them bicker amusedly finally decided to step in, before they got around to really causing a scene. "It's nice to see you as well, Tayo. How have you been?"

"Soso, but I know you've been very fine so I don't think I have to ask." She added on a very exaggerated wink. Twice.

While Hope just stared at her in resignation, Raymond laughed heartily. She was too embarrassed and distracted to enjoy the sound. It was nice he was taking it so well though, she would have killed her friend otherwise.

"Right, I have," He replied lightly, his eyes locking on Hope's as he spoke. "I have to get back to work soon, but I'd like to steal Hope for a minute. Is that okay?"

Hope's bulged eyes shot to Raymond who only offered her a smile in response. She reasoned the question was for her since he was staring at her. The manager was not around, thank God and the restaurant wasn't really busy so she figured she could slip out for a while, but then Oke would probably have to pull both their weights if she did and she already felt guilty about that.

"Sure. I could cover for her while she's busy," Tayo offered, her sweet tone grating on Hope's ears. She didn't need a genius to tell her it wasn't going to be for free.

"Yeah?" Hope asked, skeptical. "At what cost?"

Tayo shrugged, grinning wolfishly. "I don't know. What do you propose?"

Tayo's eyes narrowed at her. She could easily ignore her friend's offer, but she didn't just want to leave her duty post empty. "Really. You're such an opportunist."

"Thank you."

Raymond looked like he was about to say something so Hope motioned for him not to. She'd handle this one. An idea struck her and she motioned for her friend to come closer. Tayo obliged, leaning over the counter with excitement. Hope whispered her 'offer' into her ear. Tayo's brows raised as both of their gazes simultaneously went to Oke, who was lost to the whole conversation.

Her friend seemed to ponder it awhile, but Hope knew it was just for show. Tayo had been not so subtly making advances at Oke, throwing pick up lines at him, leaving him for the most part weirded out and confused. She'd also tried getting the boy's number on many different occasions, but if there was one thing Oke was, it was resilient.

"Okay. Deal."

Hope threw a smile at Oke, who didn't know what for, but smiled back anyway. Hope figured that was good enough an apology for throwing him under the bus. Tayo would have worn him down and gotten his number anyway, she only saved them both the stress. It was ultimately for the best.

Raymond had this amused, yet confused look on his face all the while they walked over to and into his car. He was grinning even as he got into the driver's seat. "I honestly have no words for that friend of yours. What did you offer her?"

Hope shook her head, an indication that she was not telling. He pouted slightly, a gesture that looked so cute on him.

"Mm." He murmured, letting it go when it became obvious she was not bulging. He reached over and took her hand in his. "Hi."


It was almost telepathic, the way they both leaned over simultaneously until their lips were united. The kiss didn't last very long, but it was enough to send both their hearts into a frenzy.

They sat, smiling at each other afterwards. They could both feel the uncertainty and awkwardness melting away. That was how it was always meant to be with them.

"So . . ." Hope whispered. "Apart from you terribly missing me, is there any other reason you're here?"

His brows went up. "I thought it was you missing me."

"Same thing," Hope insisted, laughing.

He smiled, tilting his head slightly. "No, not really. But, have you thought about it?"

Hope knew immediately what he was talking about. "Telling mum?"

He nodded, looking hopeful.

Hope exhaled. She had. That was what had dominated her thoughts the past few days -- after him that was. The thought of her mum's possible reaction still terrified her, but she really wanted to make him happy. Besides, if this was for real, which she hoped it was, it was only a matter of time before her mum found out anyway. "Yes, let's tell her."

The joy on his face was all the compensation and assurance Hope needed. Whatever her mum's reaction was, they'd work through it.

"While we're at it, I think we should come clean about everything else as well."

Well, that brought her high spirit crashing down. "Are you talking about . . . No, no. I can't do that."


"No. You know how mum is. She'll never be able to deal with it. Please. Just not that. Anything else but that." Tell her mum someone was threatening and extorting her? Big no. Her mum would lose it. She could only imagine what could happen after.

Raymond nodded, relenting. A progress a day, he figured. "Has he contacted you recently?"

Hope shook her head. She was honestly beginning to get apprehensive. It was so unnerving, and she couldn't ignore the feeling that he was up to something -- something really bad. "No, he hasn't."

Raymond looked as frustrated as Hope felt, if not worse and Hope was swarmed with so much appreciation for how much he seemed to care about her.

"You'll let me know when he does?" His gaze was earnest as it bore down on her.

"I promise."

He exhaled, and Hope figured her words had hit the right spot. "Also . . . I think it's about time you stopped working here."


"It was different when I didn't know what prompted you to in the first place, but I promised to support you on this. You don't have to work here anymore, please. If not for anything else, then for my peace of mind."

It was Hope's turn to cave. "Fine, but what would I be doing?"

"You could just stick to my side for the time being," he suggested. Hope almost laughed, taking it as a joke but the serious look on his face spoke otherwise.

"Wait, you're serious?"

He didn't look amused. "You could start coming to work with me."

Hope chuckled. What? "No will do."

He seemed genuinely hurt and confused, like he hadn't even expected her to counter that offer. Was he serious? Hope was tempted to coo at him, seeing how he was looking like a dog that'd just been denied his favorite treat.

"Why? Are you getting tired of seeing my face already?"

"Maybe," she teased.

He looked stricken and Hope burst out in laughter. Tired of seeing his face? Never, but seeing his face everyday? That was very dangerous territory alright.

"I'd never get tired of seeing your face," Hope declared softly and was rewarded with the instant smile that graced his face. "But it's not a good idea, okay?"

"Why? You're probably safer with me."

Well . . . That was left to be debated. "Maybe, just . . . Even if I was going to, it's not as if I can just quit. I have to inform my boss first."

It was obvious to them both that she was trying to wiggle her way out of giving an answer and the last thing Raymond wanted was to make her uncomfortable. "At least promise to think about it?"

"Okay," Hope replied, although she knew she wasn't really going to. Making that decision was going to raise a whole lot of questions from a whole lot of people, and she was not ready for that. At least not yet.

•   ~   •   ~   •
Here's an update guys, I'm so sorry it's always so inconsistent.

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Thank you all very much for the support so far♥️.

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