young royals 2

By gay4urmom69420

60.9K 993 338

what happens after the end ? young royals , my season 2 I'm not a writer I just like to read 🥲 More

royal party 3d person
see you later


13.6K 174 39
By gay4urmom69420

he walks as the flash lights blanks his view, he looks up to see his parents waiting in front of the palace, he puts a fake smile while hugging his mother .

As he enters with malin following him from a distance but leaves after she had made sure that Wilhelm was now in and safe.

His mother invites him to sit at the dinning table and she starts off with a simple question " how was your ride home ? "

"good" Wilhelm answers but the awkward silence was the last thing he wanted at that moment
"i would like to go rest in my room " .

And the nod from his mother was the only sign he needed to leave and go to his room.

While he was walking up the stairs to the next floor he stops when he walks past a room , and suddenly tears started to form up his eyes to fall because he knew that it was his brother eriks room.

he touched the hand of the door hoping it will have a trace of eriks hand but he didn't feel anything because he knew that the workers at the palace has already cleaned everything and with that, there was no smell or even a hint of Erik left .

After the mini breakdown he had just by walking next to Erik's room he enters his own room to see the bags already unbaked .

As he sat on his bed the thoughts started to jump through his mind .

he thinks about simon , erik , his mother , august and himself. what would have happened if erik didn't die? if simon didn't kiss him at the movie night? if august didn't see them? what if he didn't even get in that fight to begin with ?

Nothing would have happened, he wouldn't have met simon, he would have been there for erik every thing would be so..... simple

" what if ".

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