What is perfect?

By BelenDuarte365

284K 10.8K 27.6K

BOOK ONE OF WHAT IS PERFECT? SERIES. "He's a hero student and I'm a villain. We're enemies only he doesn't k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 35

2.9K 165 333
By BelenDuarte365

Midoriya's eyes widened as his mouth slightly opened in shock as he stared at Y/N. Y/N's eyes widened as she turned away from him. She covered her face with her hands and bent forward as she yelled in her hands out of frustration.

"Y/N? W-What are you doing here?" He asked as he reached out for her.

Y/N felt his hand gaze her shoulder before she jumped away from him. She created distance between him while Midoriya's mouth closed and his eyes narrowed at Y/N.

"Y/N. Who are you here with?" He asked, making his words clear as glass.

Y/N clenched her jaw and looked around as if she was waiting for someone to pop out again. 

"No one, I'm alone," She said as she relaxed.

"How are you alone? How did you get here? This location was kept secret between the staff," Midoriya said as he furrowed his brows in suspicion. 

Y/N hesitated a bit before she spoke.

"I escaped and hid out by UA. While I was hiding out, I saw you guys get on a bus and rode on top... I didn't know where else to go," Y/N lied as she stepped towards him.

Her voice didn't hint at any sadness, confusion, or fear. Instead, it was clear and honest sounding, even though her words were far from it. Her expressions and actions made her seem as if she was telling Midoriya the truth, he believed it, even though he shouldn't.

"You should come back to camp with me, you can stay with us while we sort everything out. I'm sure the staff will help you," Midoriya said as he stepped towards her and grabbed her hand.

"No, I shouldn't. You should head back to camp though. I'll be out here, you be careful," She said as she gently let go of his hand and turned around.

"Wait," Midoryia said.

"What?" Y/N asked as she stopped walking and turned to him.

"...When you came to UA, you had a mission. What was it?" Midoriya asked.

"Why are you asking?" She asked as she raised her chin and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Was your mission to kill me?" Midoriya blurted out, disregarding Y/N's question.

Y/N chuckled and sighed as she turned back around, "No, it wasn't. My mission wasn't even related to you in the beginning..."

Midoriya sighed in relief as he put his hand on his chest, "Thank god because Kacchan-"

 "unless you consider All Might a relation," She added as she glanced over her shoulder with a smirk interrupting him.

Midoriya's eyes widened again. His heart began to beat faster and his palms began to sweat. 

"W-What? Why would I have any relation to him? Other than being one of his students," Midoriya rambled nervously.

Y/N fully turned to face him. She could hear his heart begin to beat faster and began to approach him as she wore an evil yet alluring smirk. 

"I know your little secret... I mean the signs were obvious. The costume, the admiration, but mostly... the power. You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you?" Y/N said with a smirk as she slowly walked up to him. 

She gently tilted her head during the final statement and walked up to Midoriya. He walked backward as Y/N began to close in on him. 

"C'mon, you didn't think I wouldn't figure out your All Might's successor? You underestimated me, Midoriya," Y/N spoke in a low tone as she tilted his chin with her index as Midoriya stopped against a tree.

"Y-Y/N, who are you gonna tell?" Midoriya asked nervously as he leaned against the tree behind him.

Green electricity began to spark from his fingertips as he glared at her. Y/N looked down at the sparks and looked back up at Midoriya. She let go and stepped back, however, the smirk never faded.

"Don't worry, Midoriya. I haven't told anyone and I wasn't planning on it, but that doesn't mean others haven't figured it out," Y/N said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned against the tree behind her.

"Who else knows?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm not sure but I think some people at the league have figured it out," Y/N said.

"Okay... how did you find out though?" He asked.

The electricity disappeared as he relaxed a bit. Y/N noticed and her expression went back to a serious one.

"I heard All Might talk about it to Recovery Girl, then I overheard you and All Might talking about becoming the next symbol of peace. Other than that, I finished connecting the dots and analyzed you," Y/N admitted as she shrugged.

"You make it sound easy," Midoriya said in embarrassment.

"Because it was. You need to be more careful with where and who you talk about it," Y/N said.

"You're right, but that still leaves me with one question," Midoriya said as he pushed himself off the tree.

"So many questions. What is this? An interrogation?" Y/N whined as she rolled her head.

"You had so many chances to kill me, yet you never took them. Why's that?" Midoriya asked.

"One: I never wanted to kill you. Two: it was never MY mission. And three: don't you remember what I told you at the mall? Are you brain damaged? How could you forget something like that?" Y/N said with a hint of offense in her voice.

"You meant it?! I didn't think about it that hard. I mean, of course, I thought about it but I thought it was something you said in the moment and you never really actually cared and you just wanted to make me trust you and then you kissed me. I mean it wasn't really a kiss, it was a kiss on the cheek and I never stopped thinking about it but I figured it was just an act and-" Midoriya began rambling as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Oh my gosh, you really are brain-damaged," Y/N said as she rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the tree. 

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressing her body close to his, making him stop rambling, and looked over at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion and embarrassment as a light blush appeared on his face.

"If I kissed you right now, would that make you believe that I really meant what I said?" Y/N asked with a snarky attitude.

"If you lose a bit of the attitude then maybe," Midoriya mumbled.

"Will it?" She asked in a gentle tone as she looked into his eyes.

Midoriya looked at Y/N. Her lips were slightly parted and her half-lidded expression was looking at him. He quietly gulped and leaned into her. Their lips met and they both melted into the kiss. Y/N slightly tilted her head as she kissed him, while Midoriya wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer. Y/N moved her hands up and into his hair as she brushed through his soft curls. They both finally shared a kiss that they had never realized they so desperately wanted from each other. Y/N slowly pulled away and giggled under her breath. She moved one arm and covered her mouth with the back of her wrist, trying not to let her stupid grin show while she put her other hand on Midoriya's chest. Midoriya softly smiled at her and admired her laugh. At this moment, they had both forgotten who they were and that they were on opposite sides of a battle that is to come. What they were doing was irresponsible and dangerous but they didn't seem to notice.

"You've wanted to do that for a while haven't you?" She asked as she held her hand over her lips.

Midoriya blushed even harder and looked away as he scratched the back of his neck. Y/N chuckled and gently pushed herself off Midoriya's chest, taking a step back. As she took a step back, she felt her communications device go off in her pocket.

"Shit,"  Y/N thought as she felt it vibrate in her pocket.

"What was tha-" Midoriya began.

Y/N looked to the sides before she grabbed Midoriya's face with both hands and kissed him again. Midoriya's eyes widened and his body stiffened but then relaxed and closed his eyes. As they were kissing, Y/N slowly reached into her pocket and shut off the device. She pulled away and pat Midoriya's chest.

"You should head back to camp, you've been out here too long," Y/N said as she was about to walk away.

"R-Right, I'll get going but are you sure you can't come?" Midoriya asked as he grabbed her hand.

"No, I can't. I don't want to get you in trouble. If you want, I can find you later," Y/N said.

"Please say yes. Then I can make sure you won't die from the league," Y/N thought as she held his hand back.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Then I'll know you're okay," Midoriya said with a smile.

Y/N nodded and pulled her hand away before she ran into the forest. He softly smiled to himself as he turned and began walking back to the camp.  As he walked back he walked past his classmates who were all cleaned up and walking out to start dinner. 

"Hey, there you are Midoriya!" Mina exclaimed.

"Oh, hey Deku!" Ururaka said with a wide smile.

"Hey guys," Midoriya said with a love struck smile.

"Where have you been, Midoriya! We've been- ... what's with that smile?" Iida commented as he approached the trio.

"What smile? This is my normal smile and I took a walk to cool off in the woods," Midoriya said as he wiped the stupid smile off his face. 

"Right, well go clean up. We've got dinner to prepare. Get ready to make the best curry you've ever had!" Iida said as he marched out the door.

Mina and Ururaka smiled as they followed behind Iida. Midoriya chuckled and began walking to his room to clean up. As he was turning the corner to go to where he'd been sleeping, he saw Bakugo leaning against the wall.

"Oh, hey Kacchan," Midoriya said as he waved.

"Where have you been?" Bakugo asked with his hands crossed. 

"I was out," Midoriya said trying to walk past him.

"With who?" Bakugo asked, blocking his path.

"Myself," Midoriya answered.

"You know I hate liars, you damn nerd," Bakugo growled.

"Yeah, I do, Kacchan... but I'm not lying," Midoriya replied nervously as he walked past him.

"You found her again, didn't you?" Bakugo said as he glanced at Midoriya over his shoulder.

Midoriya stopped in his tracks as he slowly turned to face Bakugo.

"How did you know?" Midoriya asked.

"You just confirmed it, you idiot. So what'd she want?" Bakugo asked as he turned around.

"She told me she escaped and she followed us here because she didn't have anywhere else to go," Midoriya said.

"What else?" Bakugo asked.

"There's nothing else-"

"Of course there's something else, you moron. You waltzed in with a stupid smile that's even more stupid than the one you always have plastered on your damn face!" Bakugo said.

"Fine, we uhm... we...-"

"SPIT IT OUT, DAMN IT!" Bakugo said as he shook Midoriya.

"WE KISSED!" Midoriya said as he avoided eye contact with Bakugo.

"YOU WHAT?!" Bakugo yelled as he dropped Midoriya to the ground.

"Oww" Midoriya whined as he rubbed his lower back.

"You. Kissed. A villain? No, you kissed a member of the league of villains? No, you had your first kiss before me?!"  Bakugo scolded.

"Kacchan! She's not a villain! Well she is but she doesn't have a choice, she wants to leave the league," Midoriya said.

"Good for her but that doesn't mean she's not a villain, Deku. She was sent to kill you, for fuck sake!" Bakugo scolded.

"She wasn't going to kill me! She never wanted to and was never sent to. She said she was sent to kill ALL MIGHT, not me, she just got close to me during the mission," Midoriya said as he scratched his head.

Bakugo sighed and rubbed his temple with his index and thumb as he paced back and forth. Midoriya watched nervously as he did so until Bakugo spoke up.

"You're sure she wasn't lying to you?" Bakugo asked.

"... Yes. I know she wasn't," Midoriya spoke.

"How can you be sure? She's a fucking villain," Bakugo said.

"I'm trusting her, if she did then she probably had her reasons," Midoriya said.

"You're an idiot. Go clean up. You reek. I'll just go help with dinner. Those idiots probably burned down the place by now," Bakugo said as he began walking away.

"Yeah, sure..." Midoriya said before he walked into the room to begin cleaning up.

"She wouldn't lie to me about something like her feelings... would she? No, she's not that type of person. She refused to connect with other people, I'll trust her,"

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