The Corner Store

By The_Outkast

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I fell for a boy with the kindest blue eyes, and a charming dimple. He made me feel loved, and cared for, and... More

The Corner Store - Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 - Nice Save. You weirdo.
Chapter 2 - Its not a ditch if it shows your ID
Chapter 3 - Damn you stupid vanilla/cinnamon scent
Chapter 4 - If you tell anyone, I'm denying your existence
Chapter 5 - He packed me a salad. What do I look like? A cow?"
Chapter 6 - What squad? Since When Do We Have A Squad?
Chapter 8 - What dignity? The one we stepped on back there?
Chapter 9 - No One Asked You Blondie
Chapter 10- Karlen? What are you? A Swedish Pretzel?
Chapter 11 - These Stupid Serial Losers Can Wait a Second or Two
Chapter 12 -Dr. Pepper is what I imagine the devil's favorite drink would be.
Chapter 13- I'm beginning to think that typo wasn't a mistake at all
Chapter 14- He has the attention span of a squirrel on crack..
Chapter 15- Gold pendant wearing freakazoid say what now?
Chapter 16 - Girl, ain't no way you're crying over a boy
Chapter 17-I knew you'd get sick, this ain't the notebook bro
Chapter 18- Especially you Parker. I've heard horror stories about you
Chapter 19-I didn't know people were allowed to be that tall.
Chapter 20-Sure, and the sun ain't a star..
Chapter 21 -Do you want me to regurgitate it? Cuz I could, like a mama bird
Chapter 22- Spencer? Your pervert cousin?
Chapter 23 - This girl seriously needs to learn to text in one block
Chapter 24-It was a buffet and of course, Parker felt right at home.
Chapter 25 -So we add 'serial killer' to the mix of unpleasant names I call him
Chapter 26-Mkay, sister. Lie to us, as if we haven't met Axel a day in our life
Chapter 27 -Of course this six foot, totem pole of a human was blocking the way
Chapter 28-Black coffee; no sugar. no cream. Like a serial killer.
Chapter 29- That 2-D stick figure is a frickin traitor
Chapter 30-Wait, Jason? Gets high an hour before closing, Jason?
Chapter 31-I knew that man was a horror show on two feet
Chapter 32-How the hell is stoner island here a frickin agent?

Chapter 7 -Oh you met Marinara sauce!

87 5 2
By The_Outkast

Before he had the chance to hit on the breaks, I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door and slammed it before he had the chance to process what was going on.

"How did you..? When did you...? How'd you even know?" He laughed, getting out of the car and locking it.

"Did you not notice the amount of times you locked and unlocked your own car door? And you kept side glancing me like you thought I was just sitting there not paying attention to my surroundings."

"Oh really. If you're so smart then when exactly did that happen Dr. what's-his-face-from-criminal-minds?" He challenged as he crossed his arms, leaning on the hood of his bright, red Jeep. His laugh literally makes me happy. Because it's contagious, not because I like him. Ew not even a little bit.

"First time, it was 15 mins into our drive when we passed the McDonald's on Main Street and the second time was 5 seconds ago when we turned left to get here. How's that for smart. And his name is Dr. Spencer Reid you uncultured swine." I sneer back.

"Oh my apologies ma'am I wasn't aware that his name was supposed to be common knowledge." He said, hands up in defeat. "But that was a little too specific don't you think?"

"Nope. I watch enough crime shows to know that you should always be aware of your surroundings at all times, you should always keep your phone in your hand in case you needed to make a quick call and to always have your hand on a protection device in case you get blitzed." I said in one breath.

His eyes were wide in shock, processing the overload of info he just got. When he didn't say anything for a whole minute, I left him to go inside and order us food.

I opened the door and the smell of grease and frying caught me off guard. The place had a very cozy interior with red walls, cute little booths, and a jukebox. An actual 1970's jukebox. I think they're trying to make it seem like a diner from the '70s and they're honestly succeeding because it felt so warm and welcoming.

"Hi may I help you?" Asked the girl behind the counter.

"Yes hi, I'd like to order but it's my first time here. What would you recommend?" I smile.

The girl standing in front of me couldn't have been older than twenty one. She has dark ombré hair, a dimple on one cheek and is of average height. Her name tag read "Marina."

"Honestly I would recommend the fettuccini Alfredo with a side of Cesar salad...." Before she had the chance to continue, another girl appeared out of nowhere, jumping all excitedly.

"Yo! Isn't that Axel out there! I  would recognize that car anywhere! Should I go say something? Should I go say hi? Do you think he'll remember me?"

"Stacy will you calm down! Why are you acting like the energizer bunny on crack? He's just a dude bro, go up to him and say hi."

"Just a dude?? Are you sure we're living on the same planet? This guy is the epitome of gorgeous! Have you seen those curls? And the dimples? And the eyes?" She sighed, clearly in her own little world. Three seconds later, she snapped out of it and continued her little rant. "And apart from all of that he's a civil engineering graduate who is already on his way to establishing his own company! If this isn't every single girl's dream then I don't know what is!" She exclaimed, fixing her hair on one of the countertop reflections.

I mean every girl's dream is to eat without getting fat, but go off I guess. Maybe even meet Dylan O'Brien or like Ian Somerhalder.

Marina and I exchanged these weird looks and it seemed like she's been hearing a lot of this, even more so if this is Axel's favorite spot. I have to order and get the heck out of here before she figures out he's my friend. I'll never hear the end of it.

"Ugh!" She yelled out. "I'll never be pretty enough!" She stomped to the back of the store and I didn't hear from her until I left.

"I'm sorry about that. She has this huge crush on your friend and it's been going on for a few years. Every time he talks to her with respect, she misinterprets it as admiration and just runs in her own little world.

My friend? How did she...

"Oh I knew you two came together. I saw you in the car last night when I was leaving home. And yes just friends, you don't strike me as the type to fall solely for a guy's charm." She winked. Her smile seemed nice and genuine. If he's going to keep dragging me here everyday then might as well make a friend.

"Hi I'm Sophia Grace." I extend my arms to shake hers.

"I'm Marina. And may I add Sophia Grace, that he never brought anyone here before. Me and him are in the same program in university and went to the same high school and we've been friends for a long time. I've worked here since my high school days and I kind of notice everything- especially that I tease him a lot. He never brought anyone here other than Landon  - much less a beautiful one such as yourself."

"That doesn't mean anything though. We just work together." I smiled, hoping she ends this conversation.

"But hey, now that I've finally met you, I think we're going to be good friends. So what would you like to order?" She asked.

I looked at the menu, and everything here looked really good. Truffle fries, all kinds of pastas, burgers, pizza, mozzarella sticks, fried chicken. Hmm I wonder what Axel would eat.

"Do you know what Axel likes? Because I don't want to get him something he wouldn't eat." I asked her.

"What he likes? Sis there isn't anything in this world that little vacuum cleaner doesn't eat. Trust me, anything would be good." She laughed. "I remember in high school, he would order pizza with literally the weirdest toppings like plantain and anchovies, eat the whole thing, go for dessert, finish that, and still have room in that abyss of a stomach for drinks."

That got me laughing so hard because I can actually imagine him doing all of those things. I looked behind me to find him still sitting on the hood of his car, talking to someone on the phone all sad and serious, shaking his head slowly every three seconds.

"Ok then let's see. I'll take your recommendation and get the fettuccini Alfredo with the Cesar salad and a side of truffle fries can you just make the penne instead of fettuccini? For that weirdo, I'll get the double decker mozzarella mushroom burger with truffle fries and mozzarella sticks. And for drinks we'll get two, large strawberry passion fashion? That sounds cute."

She typed away on her screen, a smile never leaving her face.

"Okay, your total would be $40.98. How would you like to pay?"

"I'll pay with my credit card please."

It took about ten minutes for our food to come out, and in that time I spoke more with Marina and took her number and socials and promised that we'd meet again. I even told her to come with us to the arcade but she said she has a shift that day and wouldn't be able to come. We exchanged numbers, and said our goodbyes.

Before I got in the car, Axel quickly hung up the phone and his demeanor changed 180 degrees. His frown and furrowed brows were replaced by a glowing smile as he came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. That's so sweet.

"You know I could've easily opened the door myself."

"I know." He smiled softly.

I got in and he closed the door and sat back in his place.

"I met your friend by the way. She seems pretty cool."

The way his face lit up goes to show how deeply he cares for her and adores her.

"Oh you met marinara sauce? She's the funniest isn't she?" He said as he pulled out of the parking lot and started going in a direction that definitely wasn't my house.

"How'd you two meet again?"

"Funny story actually. Our parents were friends since university but me and her never really met because we didn't really like family picnics or barbecues so we never went . But back in grade nine, I was playing soccer with my friends before school and I accidentally kicked the ball too hard and it flew straight to her face and gave her a bloody nose and I think fractured or broke her nose. I offered to take her to the nurse's office to get it checked but this freakin Ancient Greek warrior of a human wiped the blood from her nose with her sleeve and chased me around the entire soccer field promising revenge - screaming bloody murder. I told her she could kick the ball straight at me if she stopped chasing me and after two more laps she agreed. After school I stood there, waiting for her to even make contact with the ball but she never managed to even kick it. After a while it just got pathetic. So I taught her the basics and a few techniques for a week until she managed to partially master it. Of course she repaid me by kicking the ball at my ribs so hard I lost the ability to breathe and probably fractured a rib. She says it was an accident but I know better than that. We became friends ever since because she visited me in the hospital everyday until I was discharged and she went on to getting into civil engineering with me with a soccer scholarship. She's now captain of the team during our last semester. She really made me so proud I almost cried when I heard the news." He said smiling, emphasizing the word 'almost' a little too dramatically.

Wow. This seems like such a sweet and honest friendship. Reminded me of one of my own friends. We used to text and FaceTime almost everyday, but out of nowhere we drifted apart and it really affected me because they had such a huge impact on my life. It's never easy losing someone you thought you'd know forever and I've never been the same since. I guess that's on me for growing too attached - that shit kills you.

"She really does seem like she's a good person. Which is understandable because you are too. These types of friendships tend to last."

"I really hope so. Because that Gollum knows way too much." 

"We're going the wrong way by the way."

"You don't miss anything do you? I know. I thought maybe we could eat with a nice view."

"Aren't we already going out tomorrow? And the day after that? And don't we work together? That's just too much Sophia at any given time dude." I said, hoping to change his mind. He hasn't even asked me what I got him.

"Girl you're fine." He started, his hands high-fiving my face. Ow. Then he continues, "and besides, I enjoy the company and you're pretty funny. A little too smart mouthed- sure - but you're cool. I have a lot of friends but I don't have a lot of friends you know what I mean? You're one of the only people I don't have to  pretend around - it'd be just like talking to Landon or Marina."

Wow. I never knew he viewed me in such a high light and at such a short time too. That was quite literally the sweetest thing ever. He looked at me with a big smile and all I could do was smile back because that was thoughtful.

"You know, I actually don't know much about you other ...your family status. Why don't we play that dumb twenty questions something game over lunch?" He said, taking a right turn onto a steep way.

I mean at this point, it wouldn't hurt to open up. Even if I have to move again, at least when that happens I'll have people I trust here and maybe I won't be as alone as I thought.

"Yeah sure why not. And don't worry I won't ask you anything embarrassing. Just stuff to know each other by."

"Sure. We're almost there."

We drove uphill for what seemed like twenty something minutes, the terrain getting tougher the higher we went. The radio played all kinds of Backstreet Boys songs and we sang along like we were in a concert. He finally drove laterally for a minute until we reached the edge of this mountain looking thing.

"And we're finally here. But wait, let me take the food outside and set it up and I'll come get you when it's all done." He took the food from me and left me sitting there, a little dumbfounded. Seriously, what is up with this guy. He acts all nice, forces me to accept him driving me home, gets food, and now he wants to enjoy it with a view? I mean I understand he wants to be nice and whatever, but it's still a little too suspicious. Maybe I need to calm down and let people be nice to me for once. Lord knows I need that considering everything that's been going on with my life.

A hand slamming against my window made me jump.

"Dude! That scared the shit out of me!" I yell through the closed window.

"I'm sorry." He laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you but come on." He closed door and locked the car and put his hands on my eyes. I didn't fight back, although the thought of him throwing me off the cliff crossed my mind a few times.

We walked a few steps, passed what I assumed was trees and suddenly the air around us shifted.

"Ok ready?" He whispered. A little too close for comfort there Don Juan!

I just nodded.

When he opened my eye, my breath was taken away. I stood there, looking in complete awe at the beauty that was in front of me. I could see the entire city of Los Angeles from here, and on top of that, the sun was starting to set so the sky was a beautiful pink/purple mixture.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it."

There was a picnic table with an umbrella on it sitting close to the edge, which was gated thank God. I wonder how many accidents happened before someone thought to put that.

"Landon, Marina, and I set this table up when we graduated high school. This used to be our hang out spot the summer before university started. Now I just come up here when I need to be alone."

"Or when you kidnap me and force me up here because you want to give me up as a sacrifice or something." I smiled back at him.

"I swear you think you're the main character don't you? Come on let's eat before the food gets colder than it already is."

We sat both facing the beautiful view and ate in silence for a few minutes.

"How many siblings do you have?" I start off.

"Three. Julien is 20, Liliana is 18, and Daisy is 17. What are you studying in university?" He asked back.

Oh buddy. How much time do you have?

"I started studying Biological sciences with a concentration in neuroscience but then switched over and got into Forensic Science with a minor in forensic psychology. I'm currently taking a gap year to gather back my sanity before I go back and finish senior year."

"Damn that's a lot of big words. Makes sense why you'd be all smart. Like over the top smart damn." He said, mouth filled to the brim with all sorts of things.

I waited for him to swallow his food before I had an accidental death by choking on my hands. Then I proceeded to continue.

"What's your greatest fear."

He stopped eating for a second, clearly deep in thought.

"Losing the people I love and have them betray my trust. What happened to your parents?"

That question caught me by surprise and honestly I didn't want to answer it, but I have to learn to let go of things and to open up more to people. Not too much of course, but just enough so we could build a rapport.

"They were killed during a home invasion gone completely wrong about five years ago." My mouth quivered as I fought back tears, their last image and their screams flooding my brain. The tears streamed anyways as I struggled to find the ability to speak. Axel didn't say anything, he just came to my side and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. It was like he was non-verbally telling me that he's here for me, which I still find weird. He doesn't seem that close with anyone else in the store other than Landon and Marina.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I say, but I can clearly tell he's not buying my lies

None of us moved a muscle, we just stayed like that, watching the beautiful sunset and slowly and silently eating - until my phone blared on full blast. That ringtone made me jump because it only meant one thing.

"What's wrong." Asked Axel, a look of worry on his face.

"Someone tried to disable my house alarm." I said, fishing for my phone from my back pocket.

I unlocked it, and opened the application. The camera facing my house on the alarm system took a snapshot and there,  in the middle of the frame, stood a person wearing a hoodie covering his entire face.

"Oh my God."

It's like he heard me, because the camera went to live mode and that creepy ass person slowly turned to face the camera and I swear their entire face area was pitch black.

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