Raspberries || SovBrit Countr...

By Pangea_Phase

62K 1.7K 17.7K

The human world can be a dangerous place sometimes. . I have only written this on Wattpad, nowhere else. ... More

See You Never
A New Friend
The New Life
Only A Little
Hung With Who
Two Crying Men
Tell Him No
A Nice Walk
What Lives North
Can We Hug
Give Him Back
We Can't Go
Crying And Laughing
The Great Truth
Who Are You
You And Me
A Little Help
Pumpkin King Jack
But We're Together
Happy To Be
Dont Scream Darling
What Just Happened
The Good Truth
One Tall Lady
Yep We're Drunk
Great French Hound
Finding A Way
Who's The Villain
A Painful Death
Die A Virgin
The Feared Truth
Thats My Promise
The Flowered Tree
The Wrong Commie
A Russian Dream
Ottoman My Friend
The Mad Queen
Seeing The Dead
Agree To Disagree
Everybody's Gotta Live
This Wont Work
Petals In Snow
You Can Marry
Carry Me Back
A Weird Dream
Seeing Clouded Sheep
That Wasn't Expected
The Psychopathic Soldier
All You Had

The Country Council

936 28 385
By Pangea_Phase

*What's This?*


America sighed, letting the Russian throw around the papers. Special, and most importantly, secret documents only to be held by the top countries and not people like Russia. A literal eighteen year old. In the youngest of years.

"Can't you help?"

Russ asked. Ame shook his head, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Listen, you ain't seen half of this place yet. And I don't wanna get caught by the unions if they see this."

"You let me in. You're already getting into trouble."

"You let yourself in youngin'. I only followed to see what you were up to."

"If you keep on drinking coffee, your heart is going to burst."

"Not before my tummy does! Seen this thing? It's a marshmallow!"

US patted his belly. It was true, America was a bit chubby. And he was proud of it, mainly because he got all the hugs and he still had his superpower strength. Man did it feel good to be him.

"Its called fat."

"HEY! I'm not fat, I'm chubby. Big difference, skinny."

"Not skinny. Fit."

"You're skinny. It's probably because you were starved."

The Russian widened his eyes and looked away, becoming upset. Ame had realised what he'd done and put his coffee down on the desk before walking up to him. He patted the slav's back.

"Listen man. I'm sorry-"

"Don't even talk about it. Can...we just look together? A little help?"

"I...uh yeah. Sure."

The two tall nations started to look through the documents like a team. Staying silent for a while.

"What are we even looking for again?"

"Something about...Carrier?"

"Carrier? Why do you want to know about something named that?"

"It's something about Russian history? Read it...in a book."

"You sure?"

Russ nodded and America rolled his eyes. Not like anyone could see though, since they were always hidden by his sunglasses.


France slammed her fist onto the table, making everyone aware of her frustration. She took a deep breath and tapped on the papers in the middle of the table again.


America gulped, trying to stop himself from sweating. Russia was swaying his head side to side as he didn't like to stay still for long.

Germany nodded at the woman and brought over one of the documents, reading it carefully. Japan also started to read some of them as well.

"Zis doez not make senze. Ve vouldn't haz anyvone looking vor zeze in particular."

He was lying to himself. He knew where this information led to right away. Japan nodded along with Germany, completely forgetting that he was lying.

"Uhm. Yep! I don't see anything wrong with them. What could you think?"

France furrowed her brows and grabbed the rest of the papers.


"Huh? Hm?"

Everyone stared at the slav. He became anxious really quickly, starting to sweating alot.

"Are you ze one that caused this?"

Fuck, France knew it already. Canada and China were also starting to worry.


"What are zu looking for Russ? Is it your dad?"

"I'm not. I'm not even apart of this group really. So why would I? Do these papers hold some information that I can use?"

The woman smiled and looked at Ame.

"United States? You look nervous."

America held his breath, European Union stood up from the table and slowly made his way over to the two scared countries. He put a hand on both of their shoulders and grinned.

"Something you are not telling us."

"Let us go Euro, we haven't done nothing wrong."

The American moved his shoulders to make the large Union let go, but he only tightened his grip.

"I'll be taking these two out to talk. Whilst we're out you can talk about the changing of the climate and how you can fix it."

Everyone groaned, China hitting his head on the table and Italy pretending to choke himself.


"Europe Europe Europe - listen. It's not his fault alright. It's not anyone's fault! We all have someone we lo-"

"You've betrayed us again United States."

"Wow. Going evil character much? Let me and the kid go, we won't do it again. Pinky promise."

"Promise? From you?"

USA looked down. EU tilted his head and smiled.

"I'll let Russia go with a strike. But you've done this the third time America. You'll have something far worse coming for you."


The unions turned to Russia.

"That's not right! Why should you be in charge of an American? He's not in your land! Not your rules. Just leave him alone."

US smiled at the slav, liking how he was being protected by someone he used to hate. Europe frowned.

"Don't speak against me."

"Don't speak to me like your my pa then!"

There was a bit of hurt in the Russians voice but he decided to ignore it. Euro grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him forward, Russ yelping in the process.

"I speak to you howE-"

America grabbed onto the man's wings and started to rip out more and more feathers, EU hissed at the pain and hit Ame in the head with force. The American held onto his head and leaned down. Ouch, being hit by a full on continental union hurt.

"My my...what have you done."

The Avian was starting to sound like a Villain in some film. He looked at his wings and gritted his teeth at the uneven layers. Now looking back at Ame with rage.

Russia gasped. He turned to Europe and bit him on the arm, making the man let go of his wrist immediately, holding onto his arm in pain.


European Union grabbed them both again - he stopped as soon as he saw ASEAN staring at them from the end of the hallway.

It went silent for a while, the confused Avian decided to put his orange away from his mouth and continue to stare.

"Oooohhh. Hola ASEAN! How are tu?"

"What you doing with them?"

"These two?"

EU brought them up so they stood straight, the Russian and the American looked horrified.


"Just...talkin'! You know! Stuff, politics."

"Uh huh."

America mouthed ' help us ' towards the Asian Union. He got the point immediately.

"Uhm. Can I speak with them? You know, I remembered about the Eurasian problem with Russia and I really need to discuss that. Also, USA! You wanted me to speak to you about the...Philippines! And all of that. Europe? Mind?"

EU tightened his grip on the countries and forced a friendly smile.

"Well ASEAN, I'm not exactly finished speaking just yet."

"Want me to tell United Nations?"

"Now now, we wouldn't want to include him."

"Then let me speak to them for a second! I will be quick!"

"FFF-F-Fine. Fine. Here you go."

The Euro pushed the two away from him and laughed, turning away from the three.

"Thanks! You two come with me."

Russia and America quickly ran over and smiled. They were saved from being beaten. How great was that or what?


"Thank you so much. How can I pay you?"

The three were now outside of the tall glass building. America was now being very appreciative towards ASEAN, as he had actually protected them before something bad happened.

"Just stop bothering China and we'll be alright."

"Damn...that's hard. But I will try!"

"Good good. Where you going now?"

"Back home I guess."

"Wouldn't EU expect you there?"

"It's completely fine. I don't think he knows where every house of mine is."

"Thats smart. You two be safe. I got to go meeting!"

The two countries waved the Avian goodbye before setting off. To America's car that is, just parked right outside next to the entrance.

"What can I say? I'm to good looking to exercise."

"Says the virgin."

"Shut up, you've never even spoke to a girl in your life. I've spoken to many."

"Like who?"

"Like...Japan. And...Peru. And France. OH! And Switzerland, Cyprus, uuuhhh..."

"Number one, I've spoken to most of them. Number two, which one have you dated? Hm?"

"If Japan wasn't with South then I would consider it."

"Yeah yeah. Sure you would."

"Just get into the fucking car."


Mongol threw off the covers and stared at the two sleeping men that were cuddling. She hummed to herself.

An idea popped up in her head. What kind of relationship was this? Was it protective? Or was it a one for all?

She walked around the bed to where Britain was sleeping and decided to pull him away from the embrace. Soviet opened his eye slightly and looked up at the woman, he then stared down at the Brit that was being dragged away slowly. The Russian immediately slapped the ladies hand off of the island and pulled him back into a hug.

Mongol laughed and tried to pull the man away again, Soviet only grabbed onto her wrist and pushed her off. So, protective? How adorable.

"What do you want?"

USSR asked as he pulled Jack in an even more tighter cuddle.

"What did you two do last night?"

"He made us a pillow fort and I think we both fell asleep together after a while."

"Nothing else?"

"Nope. Not moving on that fast."

"That's good, that's a pretty good relationship you got going on here."

"First for both of us..."


They both stared at each other for a while.

"Why was you pulling him away?"

"You're very protective over him already. It's nice to watch."

"How does it feel to be the only girl?"

"Feels great. I scare everyone."

"You don't scare me anymore. You just annoy me."

"We're becoming amazing friends already!"

"Da, guess we are. You going to leave us alone now?"

"Huh? Oh- yeah! Sure. Okay. Well, morning and bye!"


The empire quickly walked out of the room, leaving Sov to get the cover himself. He sighed and decided to get one of the fluffy blankets instead, wrapping them both up in it. Britain still asleep and completely unaware of what just happened. USSR smiled at him and put his hand against the man's cheek, staring at his perfection.


"Mmmwhat are you doing -?"

Brit mumbled, fluttering his eyes open. Soviet laughed.

"We sort of slept in the same bed."

"Gutted. We didn't even bother to change clothes -"

"Want to change now~?"

"You're not embarrassing me first thing in the morning."

Britain sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around the room. Who the hell put the light on? Well, Mongol, but he didn't know that.

Soviet did the same thing and smiled at his boyfriend. Weird word for them to both think about, let alone get used to.

The kingdom yawned and stretched. Sov could finally say it, he needed to.

"Your yawns are so adorable-"

"Don't, shut up. Don't make me regret ever waking up with you. I'm not having it."

"You yawn like a kitten."


"A kitten."


"You act like a kitten."


The Russian started to stroke the man's hair, making him calm down and become tired right away.

"Want to go for a walk soon?"

"Mmmhm - s-suure..."

Britain's head started to lower, about to go back to sleep. Soviet stopped what he was doing and pulled him into a gentle hug.



"Alright! Come on, let's get dressed then."


"Why not?"

"Tooo wAarMm - hEre"

UK lied back onto him and giggled, Sov laughed and pulled him into a tighter hug again. Brit snuggled into him.

"We're still going out though."

"Not fair-"


Jack looked away whilst Soviet got changed. He didn't want to leave the comfy position he was in on the bed so he stayed, minding the other's privacy.

The Commie noticed this and smirked.

"Alright then. Done."

He grinned as the Brit decided to look at him only to yelp and turn away again. Of course Sov was lying, only wearing trousers and nothing else above.

Jack was blushing alot, covering his eyes.




"Want to see me fully naked then?"

This made the island blush way more.


USSR grinned again and grabbed his green jumper. Putting it on himself and then looking back at the Brit, he grabbed his long coat and walked over to the bed.

"Your turn~"

"I'll be going to my room..."

"Can I come?"

"I'd rather have people not looking at me."

"How can I resist looking at that perfect body of yours?"

"I- S-Shut up."

Jack slid himself out of the bed and stood up, beginning to walk out of the room. The Russian smiled at the country as he walked by him. He quickly grabbed the small island's arm and pulled him into a hug.


"Morning cuggle?"


Britain hugged the man back before letting go and walking out of the room. USSR began to feel sad as he watched him leave.

Growing attached?
No. I'm not. Just miss him already.
Yeah. That's attached.
Blyat, is that a bad thing?
Just don't grow to attached to the point you have to be in the same room as him.
Da, that won't happen with me.


Russia threw the papers down at the counter. America was shocked, he stared at the country, unable to say anything.

"Can you tell me more?"

"I...uhhm. I can't."

"You can. Just tell me please then I'll stop bothering you."

"It's confidential."

US took another sip of his coffee. How much coffee does this man drink you ask? Well, he stays up most nights to do work. So he always needs coffee. Side affects may cause a childish America and a very excited one at that.

"Well I'm doing this so I can see him!"

"You're not going to see him."

"Either now or in a hundred years!"


Ame put his mug down and sighed. Russia looked at him with confusion as the man started to hold onto his arms. Like he was nervous.

"Listen. You're never...g-going to see him again. There's...no way he can get back here. I'm sorry-"

"Liar. I will see him again."

"Once you're gone...you're gone."

"That's why I have these papers! So I can find him myself!"

"You can't. I've tri-"

"To what? You've tried?"

The State man had tried many times before to get onto the train, but Europe always found him. It was only EU that stopped him from getting to find out what the human world really looked like.


America started to get flashbacks of his friend. To painful to see.

"How much does your dad mean to you?"

"My life. He wasn't a bad person. Just may have seemed like a dick to all of you because you weren't someone close to him."


Soviet slowed down his pace and let the other union catch up. They were back in the fields again, just by the Empires' house. It was basically the houses own land since no one else walked around it apart from the countries. Felt nice knowing that you were safe.

"You got to be kidding if you say you're not cold in those."

USSR explained, looking down at Britain who was wearing a small jumper and plain black trousers. The Brit laughed.

"I didn't expect it to be so cold out here."

"When you are inside it looks completely fine, but when you're outside...its way different."

"Yes. I think I noticed."

They both laughed. Continuing their walk.

Sov yawned and stared back down at his partner, an idea came to his head.

The man smirked as he grabbed the kingdom and carried him in his arms. Britain yelped and closed his eyes as he felt something fluffy being placed on his head.

It felt warm now, the island looked up and felt what was to be Soviet's hat. He smiled and started to become very clingy with it right away.

"This is nicer than walking."

"Da. You're a slow walker."

"Am not!-"

"Are to."

"You just think that because you have bigger steps than me!"

"Mhm. Sure."

UK grabbed the ushanka and started to cuddle it in his arms, putting it nearer to his face so he could still feel the warmth. The Commie smiled and brought the man closer.


"You can't be s-serious."

Canada explained, staring at the two countries. America nodded and looked down. Russia did the same.

"What am I e-even doing this for?"

"Well. If you do this then you'll be free from us both. You won't have to deal with us anymore!"

"W-who said I don't like you that way?"

"You did Cana, when you started to talk about how you were going to kill us with an axe."

"O-oh. Well. Sorry for that. Ehe."

The Canadian smiled his psychotic smile which sent the duo to quiver in fear.

"I will do this a-as long as you do s-something for me in return."

"We're giving you space! Privacy! What else what you want?"

"I w-want Russia to not bother Ukraine either. Eh?"

The Northern Americans both looked at the European. He just shrugged.

"Fiiine...not like annoying him was part of my daily routine."

"You c-can be sure with m-me then! I w-will make it clear that that m-man won't bother you in w-whatever you're trying to do!"

"Thank you Canada. I would give you a hug but I fear that you would try to strangle me to death."

Marshmallow man explained, Maple just grinned.

"Hehe. B-better safety...good choice."

"Aight!...Bye bye!"


The two started to walk away from the Canadian who was still smiling at them.

What a psycho.
Shut up, he ain', he jus' lives alone.
Can all of you just shut up?
Guess who's also alone.
Don' y'all dare make that joke again.
Texas is lonely. Because he's the Lone Star state.
Fuck off Alaska, you're literally off of the mainland.
But I'm off of the mainland -
Me to!
Rhode, you're still in mainland territory and Hawaii...
Hawaii is Hawaii.
Sorry Apple man.

Ame held onto his head and groaned, already getting another headache. Russia kept on walking through the snow as he thought about his dad. He missed him, wanting to see him again. The slav was surprised US even allowed him to do this yet alone helping him.



"3120 words hehe. Story time.,,

"Next chapter doe. =/...still thinking. But if you in teh future then continue. As Guy once said, Don't have a good day, Have a great day!,,

If this chapter makes no sense then Darn you. I wrote this at 1am-4am. NYEH HEH HEH

Well, Vichy France is a better version of all Frances. In my honest opinion.

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