The good inside your heart |...

By Elijah_Unkn0wn

14 2 1

Welp, sorry to those who are shaking their heads at me for doing this- •••••••••••• (Y/n) had just enrolled i... More

Common Sense

(Part I?)Soulmates who were not meant to be

1 0 0
By Elijah_Unkn0wn

As I said, this was short and angsty, have fun!:)

(I suggest you hear the sound throughout the story. I love it and honestly, this was inspired by the song)

Quirk: Sharpen; You can sharpen any parts of your body to use as a weapon. It's useful in everyday problems if needed and out in training. If you overuse your quirk, your body gets sore and can make you paralyzed (temporarily) from muscle shutdown and/or damage to the nerves.


The small giggles of the brunette echoed through your head as you stood there with a smile, ignoring the emptiness of the classroom. Your boyfriend was the cause of those giggles, he didn't care that you were there or not, he just cared for his other girl. Bakugou felt a small smile form on his face as he looked down at the laughing girl, he wrapped his normal arm around her waist to bring her in closer, seeing blush covering her cheeks. Uraraka softly hit his chest playfully and hid her face in it, feeling her face overheat from embarrassment. Just as he was about to place a kiss on her forehead, he felt a tug on his pinky that caused him to scowl.

You sat on the closest desk with your hand standing up straight, showing your red string that was connected to the blondes finger. It was already late, aka after school hours, and you didn't want to get in trouble again because of their little get together after class. "Kastu!! We need to hurry, what if Mr. Aizawa comes in again and suspends us?" You pouted with your chin in your hands. Bakugou narrowed his eyes at you with rage. You were all over him like a lost puppy, he hadn't been able to get rid of you since you both met each other when school started. He can't take it anymore.

Bakugou let out a small growl and turned to you, letting go of his 'girlfriend' as he made his way to you, slamming his fist on the desk. "Then why don't you fucking leave?! I don't care if you're my soulmate, I'm telling you this for the last time. I. Don't. Love. You." He seethed, getting close to you with every word he spat out. You couldn't help but wince at his last words, it hurt more than the last times he has said. They were usually out of embarrassment and partly playful, but now he's telling you this with hate and honesty. You opened your mouth to say something, but his large hands stopped you by grabbing your cheeks roughly that caused you to whimper. "Don't say another goddamn thing. I haven't and I will never love you in this life. You're just another stupid extra that will eventually die from their weak actions."

Tears started to form in your (E/c) eyes the more he said his thoughts. Your chin began to heat up from his hand, they turned orange and yellow, noting that he was activating his quirk, and it looked like he hadn't noticed it. Bakugou leaned in so close to your face that you could feel his heavy breath hit your cheek.

"You're nothing to me."

The second he said those words, an explosion blew up in your face, throwing you across the room and hitting the wall that left a small crater in the shape of your body. A stabbing feeling formed in your chest and stomach as you stayed in that spot before falling out of the hole and hitting the ground with a small groan of pain. Uraraka let out a gasp, backing up against the wall as she covered her mouth with shock. Bakugou, on the other hand, had this look like he had just witnessed a murder. Guilt instantly hit him like a dumbbell. He saw your still body on the ground, the most you were doing was shaking in your place and breathing. It was that moment he remembered what he did, and what he had promised to never do.


You ran up to the spiky blonde with a small giggle, letting your (H/l) (H/c) hair sway in the slight breeze. "Kastu! You did amazing during training!" He ignored your praise and kept walking up to the gates of UA, hands in his pockets that had the red string tied around his pinky. "Your quirk is so cool, but scary.." You muttered under your breath, slouching your back as you walked next to him. "Of course my quirk cool, it's better than your stupid one." A look of shock appeared on your face, 'So mean..!'

Shaking off the feeling, you stopped in front of him with your hand up high. "Kastu, can you promise to never hurt me with your quirk? Even though I already know you won't." You asked in a soft tone, smiling at the end that caused him to blush a bit. He glanced down at your small hand before turning his head away and scoffing. "If it'll make you shut up, fine." He wrapped his pinky around yours, feeling a bit of warmth when he snuggled his small finger with your own. For a second, he didn't want to let go, but his ego got in the way and made him pull away as quickly as he could. "There, now leave me alone."

As usual, you ignored his command and embraced him in a hug, his body froze in his spot as he blushed furiously at the contact. You looked up at him with soft (E/c) eyes, "Kastuki, you know I love you, right?" Bakugou couldn't even respond as he was too caught up with his feelings about how warm you actually were. He didn't say anything for a second until he shook his head and pushed you off his body, shoving his hands back in his pocket. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

-End of Flashback-

With caution, you carefully stood up from your spot with your stringed arm in your hand, obviously giving away that it was broken of the sort. The tears in your eyes spilled down your checks as you stumbled forward and leaned your weight on the nearest desk. Betrayal written all over your face as you looked back at the couple, it almost surprised you that the male showed something other than anger and rage. But it didn't push the fact he hurt you with his quirk. That he broke his promise, a real promise. Something inside you shattered into a million pieces, you couldn't even process what had happened.

"(Y-Y/n)..!" Bakugou managed to say, his hand stretched out to you but never coming close. His voice scared you, you felt like you could never look at him the same, not after what he had done. But, there was something else you could do to finish this. You forced your lips into a smile that came out weird and traumatic. Lifting your broken arm with a small flinch of pain, you showed the red string that held the bond between you and him. He was slightly confused, but all he wanted was to run up to you and hug the hell out of your small body, apologizing that he broke his first promise he had ever been for real with.

"(Y/n), I-I'm sor—" Before he could finish his sentence, a pained stab surged through his body that caused him to slouch over. The string slowly and gracefully glided down to the ground with its end cut off. His eyes widened with realization as he looked at your pinky, seeing its redful color gradually turn black. "Th-There.. I'm n-not your pro–blem anym-more…" You stuttered weakly, snipping your sharpened fingers like scissors. As much as you didn't want to end this so-called 'relationship' with the blonde boy, you knew it was better off as just… strangers. Bakugou felt tears sting his eyes as he watched you smile with absolute no happiness at all, just pain and betrayal. He kept his eye on you as you limped out of the classroom, knowing that you’ll go to the nurses office and not blame him for the broken arm. And just like that, he had lost his soulmate and his secret lover.


Yesterday's incident blew away in a flash as soon as the next day came along. You had a cast on your left arm that no longer had the red string attached to it. Everyone in your class asked about the injury, and the small dent in the classroom, to which you only answered with, “Oh! Just fell down the stairs on the way home! Nothing to worry about!” You would say with a smile. The moment Bakugou saw you that morning, he felt his heart crack at the damage he had left behind. It wasn’t like him to feel sympathy for others, especially someone close to him. But this was his soulmate we’re talking about, someone who wouldn’t leave his side for anything, bother him when they got the chance to just for the hell of it, a type of love that he yearned for his entire life, and now he just blew that away when he hooked up with the kirby wanna-be.

He couldn’t even bring himself to say hi, you didn’t even to the daily, jump on him and get scolded for ‘catching him off guard’. That was the one thing he had gotten used to since you both met. Not that he’d admit it, but he liked how you were always around him, touching him when you wanted to annoy him, and just plain talk to him. He felt alone, now that you’re ignoring him. He just….missed you. Something inside him died when you walked out yesterday, knowing that he hurt you, it made him regret it so much. Looking at you now, he hated himself.

His arm slowly reached out for you when you had his back towards him, wanting to pull you in a hug where you couldn’t get out while he whispered apologies and sweet nothings. It pained him that he couldn't even do that. With a sigh, he retreated his arm and slouched in his chair, facing the chalkboard and ignoring your voice of happiness and slight pain. As for now, he’ll just have to wait until you’re alone so he can do what he always wanted.

“Alright brats, take your seat and prepare to take notes” Mr. Aizawa said in his usual tired and bored tone as he walked into the classroom. Everyone hurriedly went to their desks, not wanting to make their teacher angry so early in the morning. “Before we begin, I want to ask who the hell ruined the classroom last afternoon.” Sweat began to drop down Bakugou’s forehead as he pulled out his usual scowl to hide his guilt. The black haired teacher looked around the classroom before letting out a disappointed sigh, preparing his lecture. “Whatever, I’ll have someone clean it up later.”

Relieved with his answer, Bakugou sneaked a glance towards you, seeing how your face looked so calm and adorable. His eyes widened when he realized what he had thought about you. How come he is now thinking more into your appearance, he had never really noticed the small details. Maybe he really does love you, it’s weird thinking about how you looked ‘adorable’ all of a sudden, especially when he had just broken your arm the day before. Hopefully he could control these feelings until he can talk to you face to face.

I’m sorry, (Y/n)... I’ll make it up to you soon..

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