Falling of The Rain

By sunflowervol_isa

18 2 0

Elara Black. Sirius Black's twin sister had many things she wanted to change about herself and her life. Stri... More

Sullen Girl

Train Rides and Boat Voyages

5 1 0
By sunflowervol_isa

There was so much going on at once, Elara thought she'd get a headache from all of the commotions.

Her eyes scanned over the other children. Some were hugging their parents with hopeful smiles on their faces, excited for the upcoming year. Some were uncontrollably sobbing into their parents' arms not wanting to leave their families for so long.

Her mind came back to reality when her mother's cold and boney hands grabbed her and her brother's shoulders. "This is where I leave you two. Now before I go I want to remind you of some very important things you must know before getting on that train."

Her voice was stern and full of warning. "One. Do not, and I mean this, do not disgrace this family. If I find out that either one of you is causing trouble there will be severe consequences. Do you understand me?" Her grip was still firm on their shoulders.

They both nodded being sure not to show any fear. "Yes, mother. We understand." They said at the same time. Walburga kept the same emotionless expression. "Good. Now the last thing I'm going to ask is this. What is the family motto?"

What a stupid question to ask two children who have been hearing that phrase since the day they were born. If anything was engrained into the Black siblings' minds it was the family motto. Something their family took with the utmost seriousness.

They tried not to roll their eyes when speaking. "Toujours Pur." Walburga finally let go of her iron grip. "Right. Now there is a reason we say that and the reason why is because we don't want to taint our pure bloodline, so that means no chatting, no befriending, not so much as a shared glance with any muggle-born children. This goes for half-bloods as well."

Sirius and Elara had grown up hearing about the importance of maintaining blood purity and how muggle-born and half-blood wizards/witches were a disgrace to the wizarding world. Something the two of them couldn't quite seem to understand. Of course, they wouldn't dare question their family's views. The consequences they were threatened with frightened them to the core, but that didn't mean they didn't think about it constantly.

They just nodded along with what their mother had to say, dying to get on the train to escape her. She sent them off telling them to keep up their schoolwork and that they would be returning for the holidays.

A few moments later their mother vanished and the second she did, Sirius had the biggest grin on his face.

"Don't tell me what I think you're going to say." Elara turned to her brother. He tilted his head and his grin only got bigger. "If what you think I'm going to say is that I am about to do the exact opposite of what our dearest mother told us to do then you are in fact correct."

The absolute nerve of this boy. It's like he had a death wish.

He held his suitcase in one hand and grabbed her hand with the other. "Come on! We need to get good seats." A small smile crept on Elara's face as she began to imitate her mother's voice in a mocking tone. "Only the best for the Noble House of Black." And they began to laugh.

They rushed onto the train and pushed their way through the swarm of children until they found what seemed like an empty train cart. Elara opened the sliding door only to find a boy their age with dark, messy hair and round glasses tossing some gold object in the air.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was in here. Is this cart taken?" Elara asked. The boy looked up at her and adjusted his glasses setting aside the gold object and chuckled. "I never thought I'd be the type to be overlooked, but I guess there is a first time for everything." The boy then extended his hand. "I'm James Potter." She took his hand and shook it. "I'm Elara Black."

Sirius came in pushing her away and grabbed James' hand shaking it. "And I am her totally cooler and older brother Sirius."

Elara rolled her eyes "You are only 10 minutes older Sirius, it's not that impressive. Stop being weird." She pushed his shoulder.

"Who do you think you're calling weird. You're the one who folds your socks." Sirius pushed her back. They kept pushing each other until another boy entered the cart. He was taller, had mousey hair and an abundance of scars on his face and arms.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I think folding your socks is completely normal." The boy spoke before looking at the ground.

Elara pointed at the boy. "See Sirius, I'm not the only one who does it." She turned to face the boy. "I'm Elara. Nice to meet you." The boy looked up again. "I'm Remus." Sirius pushed his sister out of the way again. "I'm Sirius. I like your scars. I think they look bloody cool." Remus just awkwardly nodded. "Uhh. Thank you?"

"My god Sirius." Elara slapped her brother on the shoulder and he grabbed it in pain. "Sorry about him. He doesn't really meet new people often."

Sirius looked back up at his sister after massaging his arm with his hand. "Oh, and you do?" Elara turned her head to look at her brother. "At least I'm not the one pointing out people's scars you idiot." In a matter of seconds, they began throwing insults at each other like a father and son playing catch with a ball.

Remus backed up stepping away from the bickering twins. James just looked at him and smiled before extending his hand. "I'm James." Remus shook his hand. "I'm Remus." He pauses for a moment. "Um. Are they always like this?" James looked at the twins now fighting each other and shrugged. "I don't know. I just met them 2 minutes ago, but by the looks of it I assume yes."

Soon another boy came in. He was short and pudgy and seemed incredibly anxious. Maybe he was nervous or maybe he was worried about the two children hitting each other in the corner but no matter what the reason he seemed to shrink in the corner of the cart. "H-Hello...I'm Peter. Peter Pettigrew. Is this cart taken?"

Elara and Sirius stopped fighting and turned around. They immediately straightened out their clothes and walked over to the boy. Sirius was trying to catch his breath. His hair was all disheveled. James looked over to Peter smiled. "Oh hey, Pete! I was wondering when you'd get here." Sirius stepped away from his sister and walked over to the boy. "Nice to meet you. I'm Sirius and um...this is my sister Elara." She was sending a death glare her brother's way. He paused for a second. "She's scary." Elara crossed her arms and warned him. "Don't push it, Sirius."

James looked over to Peter smiled. "Oh hey, Pete! I was wondering when you'd get here." Sirius stepped away from his sister and walked over to the boy. "Nice to meet you. I'm Sirius and um...this is my sister Elara." She was sending a death glare her brother's way. He paused for a second. "She's scary." Elara crossed her arms and warned him. "Don't push it, Sirius."

Peter's eyes widened and he looked down at his hands and began twiddling his thumbs. Elara inhaled trying to calm herself down. "Sorry about that, just some sibling bonding. I'm sure you can understand."

Peter looked back up again. "My sister ran away from home." He said quietly. The cart was silent for the next few seconds.

Thankfully, James got up from his seat and introduced himself as well as Remus. Soon everyone was sitting down and just chatting as nothing happened.

"Ooh it's the trolley," James exclaimed. "Do any of you want anything? My mum said I could share."

Sirius spoke up. "Ooh, a licorice wand sounds really good right about now. Get one for El too. She loves those."

"What if I wanted a chocolate frog? Huh, Sirius?" Elara crossed her arms and Sirius rolled his eyes. "Why are you such a pain?"

Elara laughed. "I'm just messing with you." She looked at James. "A licorice wand is great. Thank you."

James smiled. "Brilliant! What about you two? Do you want anything from the trolley?"

"I'll have anything as long as it's chocolate," Remus said. Peter pointed at him and nodded. "What he said." James gave a thumbs up and then bought everyone their sweets from the trolley.

As everyone was snacking Peter spoke up. "What houses do you think you'll be sorted into?" He said with his mouth full.

James sat up like he'd been waiting for this question since the dawn of time. "I already know I'm getting Gryffindor. I'm sure of it. It's the best house."

Sirius shrugged. "My entire family has been sorted into Slytherin for centuries but I'm hoping it's different for me. I couldn't bear being in the same house as my dreadful cousins. Well except for my cousin Andromeda. She's the only normal one."

Elara thought for a second. She had never really given much thought to the sorting. Of course, she was told her entire life she'd be sorted into Slytherin and so she just accepted what she'd been told, but a small part of her hoped for a change. This way she'd be more than just her family. The only problem was what her parents would say, what they would do if she was sorted into a different house.

She spoke up. "If I get sorted into Slytherin I won't say I will be surprised but I really hope it's not. The stories I've heard about the common room do not seem very appealing. I heard it is always freezing in there."

Remus hadn't said anything. In fact, he hadn't really been listening. He was just sitting down eating his chocolate. That was until everyone was silent and he looked up. "Oh....um, I'm not really sure. Gryffindor seems nice but I don't really care."

As time went on the sky had turned shades of orange and red. The sun was setting and Elara was staring out the window. Peter, Sirius, and James had fallen asleep. Remus was looking around the cart awkwardly.

Elara turned her attention away from the window and looked at Remus. "Do you think we're almost there?" He shrugged. "I'm guessing we are close." She nodded and leaned back in her seat. "Are you nervous?"

He looked like he was thinking of how to answer. His fingers brushed over the smaller scars on his arms and he leaned over in his seat. "A little...." He looked at the ground. "Well, more than a little."

Elara felt sympathetic for this boy. From the moment he had entered the cart he always seemed distant. Trying not to speak too much but not wanting to seem closed off and stuck up. She didn't know what else to do so she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm nervous too but I'm sure everything will be alright." And for the first time since he got on the train. Remus had smiled.

It was a small smile, but a smile nonetheless and Elara felt instant happiness knowing that she made this boy smile and from that moment on Elara knew that she was going to be friends with Remus Lupin.

They stayed awake for the rest of the journey and mostly in silence but they watched the sunset through the window of their cart and soon they could see the castle in the distance.


James, Sirius, and Peter were awoken when a booming voice could be heard throughout the train. "First years come ere'. Follow me." Everyone hurried out of the train and followed the tall man with unkempt hair and beard.

Elara had lost track of her brother and the others. As she walked around looking for them in the sea of other children she felt someone tap her shoulder and she turned around.

It was another 1st-year girl. She had curly blonde hair and hazel eyes that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.

"You're lost aren't you?" she asked with her arms crossed. She had a facial expression that was unreadable. It looked like she was either trying to read her or silently judge her. Hopefully, it was the first one.

Elara awkwardly nodded. "Just a bit. I'm looking for my brother but he must have run off with his new friends." She paused for a moment. "I'm Elara Black."

The girl kept her arms crossed for a second but smiled and extended her hand. "I'm Camille. Camille Ivy." She spoke with confidence. Her shoulders were back and she stood up straight. She reminded Elara of one of her distant relatives but there was something about her that was different than just your typical posh-looking girl. She had an edge.

The two of them began walking to the boats that all the 1st years were getting on to. "What house do you hope to get sorted into?" Elara asked.

She waited anxiously for an answer. She was not used to making friendly conversation with other girls her age. Her mother brought her up to believe in being cut-throat and be in constant competition with other girls. Another one of her family's concepts that Elara couldn't understand. She thought that this could be her opportunity to start off her small and unnoticed acts of rebellion.

Camille answered. "I hope to get into Ravenclaw but everyone else I have spoken to expects me to be in Slytherin. Now I know that I may possess a few Slytherin-like qualities but I know myself well enough and I just don't think it is for me, but I plan to excel in any house I am sorted into."

Elara nodded. "Everyone in the Black family has been sorted into Slytherin for centuries. They expect me to be sorted into it as well but...I don't know. Sometimes I wish that things could be different."

Camille pondered for a moment, tilting her head to the side. "Who says things can't be different? I mean from what I have gathered, you are a Black, so you come from one of the most important wizarding families and they're all probably pureblood elitists so I say...to hell with them."

They both paused for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. "To hell with them!" Elara repeated Camille's words and she felt great cursing her family.

The two girls talked for what seemed like hours before finally making it to the boats and sitting down with two other children their age. One boy with light brown hair, brown eyes, and a girl with tan skin and green eyes with loose brown curls.

"The sky is quite beautiful, isn't it? I mean just look at all of those stars." The brown-haired girl staring at the sky above. She looked almost out of touch in reality, in a world of her own. That was until she saw the two girls get in the boat.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't noticed you were here. I'm Elodie Calder." She had a bubbly and lively voice, but right before the other girls could introduce themselves she began looking back up at the sky, hypnotized by the stars.

Camille and Elara looked at each other, then at Elodie, then the boy. He just shrugged. "She does that a lot. You'll get used to it. I'm Anderson Davies." The two girls took turns shaking his hand and talked about the upcoming school year and what classes they were excited to take.

Camille talked about how she was excited for Transfiguration because she heard it was a challenging class and she loved a good challenge.

Anderson said he was eager to learn flying since his older brother Carlisle was the Ravenclaw quidditch captain and he wanted to try out for the team the next year.

Elara thought Charms would be interesting to learn and be pretty useful as well. It might come in handy for her one day.

Being wrapped up in their conversation they hadn't noticed that they had finally made it to the castle until Elodie pointed it out. "Oh look! We're here. Come on you three we don't want to be late for the sorting ceremony." She hopped off of the boat and helped the other three get off and the four of them along with the rest of the new 1st years entered the castle.

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