๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐† || s.aizawa [D...


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130 8 4



A close-up on a pen, cursiving across a diary can be seen. The bold black ink that dries on the white paper, can almost be heard in a soothing, velvety voice.

"I'm so crazy, stupid happy"

Tadokoro [Name], is a stunning girl in her early twenties. She is walking on a Saturday night through the streets of Japan trying to get home from her late-night shift. She weaves her way through the crowd, and sets foot on the train station.

Stepping inside the train she curses inside her head, once she sees that the cart is fully packed. There being no more seats left or room to stand, she decides to stay where she is. With her right hand, she grabs the pole next to the door.

Standing still, she looks out the window, and her eyes glaze over the lights of the city, that twinkle, and shine like stars as the train begins to move.

[Name], has never paid attention to how beautiful, and full of life the city looks during the night. Especially, at this time of season where the trees begin to lose their leaves, making everything much clearer.

Not paying attention to her surroundings, she doesn't notice the stranger behind her get closer to her. The stranger's hand makes contact with the skin on the back of her thighs, slowly caressing up to her ass. Startled at the sudden feeling, she tries to get away, but the stranger's touch is firm, and strong, to which he roughly pulls her back, and her back meets his chest once again.

"On a horrible dreading day.."

Finding herself so utterly useless, her heart beats like crazy against her chest. Chills run down her spine, as she feels the man behind her, breathe on the crook of her neck, as if shushing her, to be quiet for him. Biting the bottom of her lip, tears start to swell up on the corner of her eyes.

The man grips on her waist to keep her in place, and his fingers sink into her skin, even further. Without a warning, he shamelessly starts to rub his genital area against her rear making her gasp in shock. Now desperate, she tries to get away, but she miserably fails.

Palms now sweating, she slightly tilts her head to the side, and frantically scans the fully packed train cart. [Name], tries to make eye contact with anyone around her, so they can hopefully see the state she's in, but nothing, no one is willing to stare back at her. Instead, they avoid her gaze by simply looking the other way.

Fractic thoughts instantly fill up her head. How could they all just sit back, and ignore her current state? Did no one care at all?

These people.. are the same ones who preach for justice, and their love for heroes. They worship those on their shiny pedestals for saving others, but when there are people in need of help, they look away, as if they don't exist.

With a loss of words [Name] is left deeply overwhelmed. Is this what life is truly about? To not do anything at all?

Of course, she wanted to move, and fight, but her body just couldn't seem to stop shaking in fear. She wanted to scream, and shout at the stranger to take his filthy hands off her, but her voice is trampled deep down her throat.

Feeling disgusted, and petrified, she could only accept her fate..

So with one last look through the crowd, she makes eye contact, with a man in a black suit whose hair is in a low bun. His bored eyes are able to quickly notice the tears running down her face.

Embarrassed, she looks away first, and lowers her head down. A couple of strands of her hair delicately fall in front of her face, and she thightly shuts her eyes. The lump on her throat worsens, as she tries to contain her sobs from coming out her mouth.

[Name] didn't understand why she had to go through this.. besides it's not like she stood out any different from anyone else, but according to "men" if a woman gets sexually harassed by the opposite sex.. Then it's because they were being too "provocative" by what they were wearing.

Yet, here she is in her work attire that consists of a white blouse tucked in a, black high waisted pencil skirt that reaches her mid-thigh, combined with some plain black heels. Over her shoulders, rests a black short trench coat that keeps her warm from the cold weather outside, but of course, even if she isn't "provoking men" with her clothing choice. Then it's because she deserves it for being a "slut", right?

That's just how unfair life is, and in a matter of seconds, she'll be just one more victim added to the list of abused women, and those around her will only open their mouths to ridicule her for being too "easy".

While she waits for what's coming next, the man in the black suit approaches them. Well he specifically approaches her, clearly not enjoying what the sick bastard behind her is doing.

So with caution, he carefully tries to not bump his shoulder into the people around him, and as he gets closer with each step he takes. The molester seems to take notice, and so he quickly lets go of her, but he doesn't leave. Instead he stays right behind her, waiting to see what will happen next.

"I met a guy"

"Hey, I didn't know if I would find you on the train tonight," The man in the black suit says now in front of her.

"I tried calling you, but you didn't answer"
[Name], immediately looks up at him with those sad doe eyes of hers.

"A great, gorgeous, sweet, cool–ass guy"

"Uh– ahh.." She stutters out, clearly not knowing what to say.

The man takes in her confused expression, and lets out a small chuckle before speaking to her once again. "Don't tell me your phone died again?"

His warm hand makes contact with the soft skin of her right cheek, and with his thumb he wipes away the visible tear. Keeping his gaze on her, he places a small kiss on the top of her forehead, hoping for the young woman in front of him to take the hint, and play along, so that the man behind her could lay off.

Although the man didn't know if the guy is dangerous or not, he decided to not act irrational to the point that those around him would end up being in danger. So for now, the best choice is to play safe.

"Y–yeah, my phone died before I got on the train. That's why I wasn't able to call you earlier," She says now playing along with him.

The male hums at her response, and can visibly tell that the guy behind doesn't look too convinced. So, he decides to embrace [Name] in a tight hug, and is able to feel her fast beating heart against his chest, hoping that she doesn't find him as another creep.

Unknowingly, he tries to calm her down by stroking her hair. "I was a worried sweetheart,"

"I know, I'm sorry" She closes her eyes, and the beating of her heart begins to slow down.

[Name] had to admit how odd she feels.. She didn't understand how safe, and warm the man's embrace could be. There's just, something about him that feels so different, from any person that she has ever encountered before.

Her thoughts get cut short as soon as she feels the man pull away, by gently bringing her face close to his. Their lips lock with one another, and the kiss becomes a bit passionate for the next few minutes.

"So your place or mine?" The male breaks away from the kiss.

"Yours" She responds rather flustered, and intertwines her hand with his as they wait for the next stop.

Once the train stops they both get off, and walk away still holding hands. The weather seemes to have gotten colder by the way [Name] pulls on her trench coat.

Taking small glances at the man besides her, she can't help, but feel that something's wrong. So with the corner of her, she looks back, and sees that the stranger is just a couple of steps behind them.

Feeling her blood run cold, she lightly tugs on the male's hand trying to get his attention.
"He's following us" She whispers.

Surprised that the man is still following them, they make a quick turn to the left hoping to get away from him, but they're wrong since the thug is still behind their tail.

"Shit" He mutters to himself.

As they both keep on walking, the man clears down the area, and goes to the spot where there's fewer people, and in a swift motion he pushes the young woman behind him, as he turns around to confront the guy.

"Why are you following us?"

The stranger is caught off guard, and struggles to form his words.

"I saw the watch on your wrist, and I can tell it's worth a shit-ton of money" There's complete silence, and the tension in the air becomes unbearable as both men stare each other down.

"Look– Just give me the watch, and I'll let you go" The thug continues, now irritated that the man in front of him is not complying, and ends up extending his arm, as blades shoot out from his palm.

[Name] can barely see the man who she held hands with, as he dodges the attack by moving to the side. People around them scream, and try to get away from the commotion. While some call the police, to inform them about the situation.

"Everybody stand back!" The man yells, as he pulls out a white scarf tucked under his coat.

The thug prepares to attack once again, and tries to shoot out another blade, but his eyes widen as he shakes his hand desperately. "Shit– What happened to my quirk?!"

"I erased it," The black-haired man's lips form into a small smirk.

"No fucking way– Eraserhead?" In disbelief, the thug tries to escape, but of course, a mere thief like him is nothing compared to a trained hero.

Eraserhead manages to bind the guy's arm with his capture weapon, and runs towards him as he pulls at the scarf, and his knee makes contact with the thug's forehead. Not even five minutes pass, before Eraserhead knocks him unconscious, and the man falls to the ground with a satisfying thud.

The sound of sirens can be heard as the police arrive, and when the officers first approach Eraserhead they initially think he's a civilian. To which he shows them his Hero ID, and the officers quickly apologize, and let him help them file the thug as a criminal.

[Name] is still in shock when they call her over, but she does her best to answer all of the officer's questions, and quietly watches as they diligently write down everything she's telling them into the police report. Once everything is done the police leave, and the crowd returns back to normal, almost as if nothing happened.

She half-expects the hero to leave like the rest of the crowd did, but she's surprised when he steps forward, and offers her an, almost awkward smile.. she assumes that he's not very used to smiling, and is only trying to comfort her.

"So, you're a hero?" She asks him, when he doesn't say anything.

"Ah– yeah, sorry I didn't tell you earlier," He scratches the back of his head.

"No, it's fine. I understand," She shakes her head, and an awkward silence fills the air, as she waits for him to respond, but when he doesn't, she says, "Well then, I suppose this is a goodbye,"

She begins to turn on her heel, before his voice grabs her attention once again.

"Wait– Let me walk you home," He says quickly, and she only blinks as a response. "I mean what kind of hero would I be, if I at least didn't do that much."

"Hmm, okay," She smiles, and they both begin to walk together while sharing a small comfortable silence.

"You know.. you never really told me your name"

"My name is Aizawa, Shota," He tells her, and is able to notice her slightly shivering. "Do you want to get a cup of coffee before I take you home?"

"I'd love to actually"

They both make their way to the nearest coffee shop, and sit down in a booth, where a waitress smiles, and takes their's orders. A few minutes pass by, and their hot drinks are now settled in front of them.

[Name] takes hers, and holds it with both of her hands, waiting for it to cool down before she takes a sip. She looks up for a moment, and notices Aizawa staring at her, to which she suddenly feels heat rushing up her face, and quickly jerks her head down to look at her reflection in the dark liquid.

There's no doubt in her mind that he is as interested in her, as she is in him.

"So what's your type?" Aizawa boldly asks her, and she shyly smiles.

They both scan the cozy warm room together, and Aizawa points to a horny rimmed, haughty douchebag trying to flirt with a girl, and her friends.

"I can't picture you sitting still while he embarrasses himself right in front of you," He tells her, and they notice the same group of girls leave the store.

Aizawa, then gestures to the jokester who is sitting with his two friends that are loudly laughing. "Ironic hipster so self-aware he makes everything a joke? Including his life?"

"I prefer men who are funny" She slightly pauses before continuing. "Not funny"

Then he points to an edgy-looking guy with piercings sitting alone drinking coffee while staring outside the window.

"Please tell me it's not the deeply over–sensitive guy who says things like.. "I love strong women". Code for, I hate strong women" Aizawa looks back at her with a playful look.

"And what type are you?" Tadokoro asks him, with a sudden boost of confidence.

"I'm just a guy, who enjoys having a cup of coffee with a lovely woman, and of course I like taking care of my spoiled child, which is a cat" He flirts.

"A cat? How cute" She changes the topic playing hard to get.

"Oh, are you cat lover as well?"

"Of course, I like cats. They are independent pets that don't need much maintenance, but then again I never really got to have one as a kid" With that they both finish the rest of their coffee, and decide to leave the store.

"So tell me Tadokoro. Who are you?" Aizawa genuinely asks her, clearly wanting to know more about her.

"A. I am a criminal who finds pleasure in toying with an underground hero? B. I hate cats? And C. I am just someone who's trying to live a day by day?" Before Aizawa could answer her question he takes in her hand with his own.

"A. I am an underground hero so I'm sure I'd recognize you if you were a criminal. B. I know you like cats unless you lied to me earlier.. So C" [Name] smiles at the correct answer he chose even though it was very obvious.

"And you? Who are you? Besides being the famous underground hero, Eraserhead?"

"I'm the guy who came to save you from just living a day by day" Now this made her heart skip a beat. Did he truly mean it? It's just too good to be true.. right?

As they continue to walk down the sidewalk they keep on having their small talk with some flirting here, and there. They're both not touching, but rather thinking about it.

"So if you are an underground hero, does that give you the right to kiss other girls around when they need to be saved?" Tadokoro asks him the question that's been bugging her this whole time. I mean, of course, she's grateful for him saving her, but the thought of him leaving, and not coming back just frightens her.

"In theory, I enjoy doing my job, but if a pretty woman is needing to be saved who gets my interest besides their appearance, then why not?" He says, letting her know that she's the only one he would kiss. No one attracts him as much as she does.

"There's plenty of beautiful women needing to be saved. What makes you think I'm any different? In fact, I'm ordinary just like everyone else" The boost of confidence she had earlier leaves her body, having her feel so bare, and insecure.

"You're way too special to just be ordinary"

"Ha, ha" She sarcastically laughs, not buying what he had just said.

"I'm serious" The tone in his voice sounds genuine so she stops, and studies him, but he's a lot harder to read from what she expected.

"It's hard to believe you.. I think it's your eyes"

"My eyes?" He questions her, rather confused.

"They look quite villainous when they turn red" She playfully teases him, and remembers those glowing red eyes of his. Aizawa places a hand over his eyes, and she tests the view.

"No bullshit, just one-hundredth percent truth" [Name] can't help but to feel more enamored by him so just for now, she'll believe him.

Huddling together, they now reach her apartment which causes them to stop, and stare at each other. Snow begins to fall from the sky, and they both take in the scenery. Impulsively Aizawa makes another bold move that might cost him a date with her.

"You know I have to kiss you now"

"Is that right?"

"I would be a fool to let you walk away on the first day of snow in Japan" Snow floats, and fall around them like a fairy tale.

"Hold on" He whispers to her, and with the tip of his finger he brushes her bottom lip to get the small piece of snow off. Then leaning in, he passionately kisses her.

"Aizawa Shota, I really like you.."


struggled with this chapter by having to make the main character & aizawa "fall inlove" and especially aizawa since he's really reserved

so i apologize if he came out really oc, but for i had to do it for plot purposes!! and hopefully later on you can see why

3.1k words



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