Ace of Diamond X Reader

By Crazier535

454K 13.2K 2.6K

Diamond no ace X Reader Title says it all More

Sawamura Eijun X Reader 1
Sawamura Eijun X Reader 2
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader 1
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader 2
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader
Yuki Tetsuya X Reader 1
Yuki Tetsuya X Reader 2
Narumiya Mei X Reader
Furuya Satori X Reader 1
Furuya Satori X Reader 2
Kominato Haruichi X Reader 1
Kominato Haruichi X Reader 2
Isashiki Jun X Reader 1
Jun Isashiki X Reader 2
Kominato Ryosuke X Reader 1
Kominato Ryosuke X Reader 2
Kawakami Norifumi X Reader 1
Kawakami Norifumi X Reader 2
Kuramochi Yoichi X Reader 1
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader 2
Tanba Koichiro X Reader 1
Tanba Koichiro X Reader 2
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader 1
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader 2
Yuki Tetsuya X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Kuramochi Youchi X Chubby! Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Isashiki Jun X Reader
Furuya SatoruX Reader
Narumiya Mei X Reader
Kominato Haruichi X Reader
Kominato Ryosuke X Reader
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Tomboy! Reader
Hongo Masamune X Chubby! Reader
Hongo Masamune X Chubby!Reader 2
Kuramochi YouichiX Tomboy!Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Furuya Satoru X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Chubby! Reader 3
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Kominato Haruichi X Reader
Isashiki Jun X Tomboy! Reader
Isashiki Jun X Tomboy! Reader
Taginawa Chris Yuu X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Yuki Tetsuya X Reader
Isashiki Jun X Reader
Sanada Shunpei X Reader
Yuki Tetsuya X Chubby! Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Tanba Koichiro X Reader
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Sibling! Reader
Kuramochi Yoichi X Reader
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Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
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Yuki Tetsuya X Reader
Kuramochi Youichi X Reader
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Sawamura Eijun x Reader
Narumiya Mei X Reader
Isashiki Jun x Reader 1
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Yuki Tetsuya X Reader
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Kataoka Tesshin x Reader
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Kuramochi Youchi X Reader
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Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Sibling! Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader
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Okumura Koshuu X Reader
Seido Baseball Club X Reader 1
Okumura Koshuu X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Isashiki Jun X Reader
Sanada Shunpei X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Kominato Haruichi X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Yuki Tetsuya X Reader
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 1
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader
Seido Baseball Club X Reader 2
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 2
Okumura Koshuu X Reader X Yui Kaoru
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader 3
Seido Baseball Team X Reader 3
Tanba Koichiro X Reader
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Seidou Third Years X Reader 1
Masuko Tooru X Reader
Narumiya Mei X Reader
Furuya Satoru X Chubby! Reader
Isashiki Jun X Reader 2
Tadano Itsuki X Reader
Seidou Third Years X Reader 2
Seidou Third Years X Reader 3
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader
Isashiki Jun X Reader
Yuki Masashi X Reader
Seto Takuma X Reader 1
Seto Takuma X Reader 2
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Takigawa Chris Yuu X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Tanba Koichiro X Reader
Kominato Haruichi X Reader
Kataoka Tesshin X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Kominato Ryousuke X Reader
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Seidou Act II 2nd Years X Reader
Sanada Shunpei X Reader
Okumura Koshuu X Reader
Mukai Taiyo X Reader
Seto Takuma X Reader
Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Todoroki Raichi X Tomboy! Reader
Shirasu Kenjiro X Reader
Araki Ichiko X Reader
Hongo Masamune X Reader
Seidou Baseball Team X Reader 4
Kuramochi Youichi X Reader
Narumiya Mei X Sawamura's Twin! Reader
Narumiya Mei X Reader
Kataoka Tesshin X Reader
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader
Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader
Matsubara Nao X Reader
Yuki Tetsuya X Sawamura's sister! Reader
Kominato Ryousuke X Reader 2
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader 2
Sawamura Eijun X Little Sister! Reader
Kataoka Tesshin X Pregnant! Reader
Kataoka Tesshin X Reader
Kominato Ryousuke X Reader
Kataoka Tesshin X Reader
Asada Hirofumi X Reader
Kuramochi Youchi X Reader 2
Shirasu Kenjiro X Reader 2
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader Soulmate AU
Kominato Ryousuke X Reader Soulmate AU
Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader Soulmate AU
Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader 2
Miyuki Kazuya X Reader
Kuramochi Youichi X Reader
Sawamura Eijun X Reader
Seidou Baseball Club X Reader
Author's Note

Kuramochi Youichi X Reader

1.3K 46 21
By Crazier535


Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a great day!

This was requested by @MeltaWolf thank you so much for the request! Your req was cute and I hope I did it justice!

Anyways, I feel the reader on this one, who wouldn't fall for Kuramochi and his smile/laugh?

Anyways, Have fun and stay safe everyone!


"You're staring too much, (Last name)," Miyuki whispers close to your ear, causing you to jump in surprise

"HAH?" You exclaim, moving away from him, "What are you trying to imply?" You demand as he snickers at your reaction and motions to Kuramochi who was laughing as he holds Sawamura in one of those wrestling moves he knew

"Do you have a crush on Mochi?" He imitates your voice as you tried to kick him, sadly his reflexes were too fast and he managed to move away

"I do not!" You deny

"Oh? Then why are you so red?"

"Because this is embarrassing!"

"What is?" You didn't notice Kuramochi stopped laughing and was now watching you and Miyuki with a weird look on his face

"Nothing~" You try to brush it off but his frown just deepens

"We were talking about how—"

Miyuki wasn't able to finish what he was saying since you jump onto him and try out a wrestling move on Miyuki

"Oi, what are you doing!" He starts to struggle in your arms and finally, Kuramochi laughs

You look at him and blushes as you listen to the sound of his laughter, your grip on Miyuki loosening which got him to move away from you

"Are you an idiot?" He demands

"Nice one (Last name)!" Kuramochi places an arm around your shoulder and smiles at you,  "I knew you had it in you."

"Yeah, Thanks." You say, unable to stop yourself from smiling back

"What?" You demand when Miyuki was still snickering

"Nothing, it's just you're really shy when—"

"Shut up!"


'Nobody's allowed to have a smile that cute.' You think as you space out, staring at Kuramochi who was laughing about something his teammate said

Suddenly he turns and sees you, excusing himself from his friends so he could walk over to you

"Oi idiot, can you even drink anything with that?" He asks as you furrow your eyebrows at him

Kuramochi motions for the straw in your juice box that was already too chewed up

"Maybe...Honestly, though I've finished it already." You shrug it off, before shooting it at a nearby trash can

"And she scores!" You cheer and point at Kuramochi, "Beat that former yank—"

"Shut up!" He kicks you behind softly, You snicker at his panicked expression at the mention of his past

Kuramochi rolls his eyes before chuckling, "Wanna see if they have extra bread in the cafeteria?"

"Of course!" You agree before running ahead of him, "Last one gets to buy the winner free food!" You call out before dashing towards the cafeteria 

"Hey, that's not fair!" He calls out before running after you

"He's going to let her win."

"Of course he is."

"Let's bet, who do you think would break first and confess?"

"That's looking too ahead." Ryousuke points out, "Let's bet on who figures out their feelings first."


"This tastes great!" You grin, cheeks stuffed with bread

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Kuramochi grumbles, yet he smiled softly when he saw your blissful expression

"Is it good?"

"Course it is." You reply, mouth still filled with food, "Want some?" You offer

"No—Fine." He mutters, taking the bread from you and taking a bite

"Mochi, you're really the best—" You stop before taking a bite, "—well not really cause we still have the third years and they're really my favorite—"

"Ow!" You whine when Kuramochi flicks your forehead, "Why do you enjoy inflicting pain on others?" You demand as he laughs

"Your-your face!" He laughs, trying to mimic your puffed cheeks and pained expression

"You better be thankful you have that cute ass smile and laugh or else I would've punched you right in the face," You mutter to yourself

"What?" He asks

"I said you better be thankful for that stupid look or I would've punched you in the face!"

"Hah? What stupid face?"


"I give up, there's no point in denying!" You announce, entering Miyuki's, thankfully, empty room

"Denying what?" Miyuki asks causing you to give him a blank stare, "You knew didn't you?" You frown

"Knew what? When you start liking him? Yeah, I do, the whole team actually!" He grins as you freeze in shock, mouth agape in horror

"Th-then did you te—"

"But we haven't mentioned anything, although me and Ryou-san won the bet." His grin widens

"YOU BET ON US?" You demand

"Yep! Thanks for the money (Last name)~ I always knew you were brighter than Kuramochi~" He laughs

"You-!" You run towards him and start messing up with his hair, "I always knew you were an asshole! But I can't believe you would bet on your friends' love life!"

"Ha? I don't think you have a love life yet (Last name), you haven't even confessed, haven't you~"

"Th-that's beside the point you glasses-wearing idiot!"

Miyuki laughs, "Shh you wouldn't want Kuramochi to hear that we're arguing about how much you like him do—" Miyuki stops when he hears his door close shut

"What was that?" You ask after a minute of silence as you and Miyuki stare at each other with wide eyes



But while you and Miyuki argue, Kuramochi run down the stairs, eyes wide as his heart thumps against his chest at what he just overheard between you and Miyuki

No, he didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just so happen that when he was about to enter the room, Miyuki decided that it was the best time to just say 'You don't want Kuramochi how much you love him.' Or something along those lines so he did the most reasonable thing he could think of

He ran

Kuramochi stops when he reaches the bullpen, going in he sighs as he looks up. He figures he shouldn't have run away but what else could he do if he found out one of his close friends (Well you really didn't say it but Miyuki implied) said they like him

'Should I even believe that? It was that Miyuki who said it after all...and I don't like putting this sort of thing in his hands.' Kuramochi shuddered, Maybe Miyuki was pulling his leg and said exactly those words when he noticed Kuramochi enter the room...or maybe Miyuki was just teasing you

Kuramochi feels something twist in his stomach, he definitely wouldn't have liked either of those two because he knew for himself (Well started figuring out) that he was hoping that what Miyuki said was true


"You're staring too much (Last name)." Miyuki says, "Thanks for the money, by the way, they already paid me and Ryou-san earlier."

"Shut up." You nudge him hard on his side as he bends over in pain

"Did you say anything to him?" You demand and motion for Kuramochi who was spacing out

"Doesn't he just look like his usual self?" Miyuki grumbles, rubbing his side

"No, if this was his usual self then you two would be arguing like an old married couple."

"Are you jealous-"

"Zip it." You glare at him causing him to snicker to himself

You roll your eyes before walking toward Kuramochi

"Hey, Mochi!" You greet cheerily

"Huh, oh good morning (Last name)." He greets back, smiling at you

You frown in return, after looking at his smile so many times (not in a creepy way) it was so obviously forced that you couldn't bring yourself to smile back

"Is everything okay?" You ask softly as he rolls his eyes and flickers your forehead

"Yes, now go back to that catcher before he annoys me." He says as you rub your forehead

"I can't believe you're leaving me with him." You grumble but walk over to Miyuki anyway

"How was it?" He asks

"You definitely did something." You accuse him

"Why is it always me?"

"Because it's always you!" You reply, "Now spill." You demand

"Okay," He sighs, expression suddenly turning serious. He looks around before he motions for you to come closer

Since you feel curious and worried, you follow him and lean closer so you could hear him clearer

"I don't know." He whispers

"MIYUKI KAZUYA YOU BETTER ENJOY YOUR DAY BECAUSE THIS WILL BE THE LAST!" You yell as he laughs and runs away from you

"I will and it's because of that bet money~" He laughs before making a dash toward the door

"YOU IDIOT! I SWEAR ONE OF THESE DAYS I WILL—" You stop as you look around to see everybody in the room staring at you...along with Kuramochi who looked amused

"Ugh can you believe that that asshole?" You grumble, sitting beside Kuramochi

"What did he mean by the bet money?"

"Oh that, according to him some of the members in the baseball team bet on who would figure out who has feelings first between us and he won cause he betted on me and I told him la—" You come to a halt once you calmed your head and figured what you were saying to Kuramochi

You feel your whole face heat up as you panic and stand from your chair, "You-you know what? That guy doesn't deserve another day here, I'm going to kill him now!" You babble before dashing towards the door, not even bothering to hear what Kuramochi had to say

Kuramochi watches you and soon enough he finds himself laughing, earning himself some weird looks from the class


You sit on the rooftop for half the day, if you remember correctly, the next subject is lunch

Just as you were thinking about all the food in the cafeteria, the rooftop door opens

"Leave me and my remaining dignity Miyuki." You groan, "Actually do you think you can get me something from the cafe—"

"How long are you going to stay here," Kuramochi asks

"What are you doing here?" You demand, standing up from your spot

"Picking you up, idiot." He scowls, "It's almost forty degrees and you've been here since morning, stop being an idiot and come on."

"But..But—" You stammer, "Did you forget about my..." You trail off and turn to Kuramochi

"No," Kuramochi replies honestly


"But if it helps, I like you too." He admits so simply that you almost didn't give any attention to it

"You what?" You ask, "H-how can you say it so simply as if it was nothing?" You scowl

"Isn't that what you did earlier?"

"Yeah but that was different!" You argue before having enough and hiding your face in your hands

"Oh my god, this is not how I imagined my first high school love life to be!" You say, which your hands muffled

"Are you crying?" Kuramochi asks before rushing towards you, "Shit! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry?" He tries to apologize

"Did you mean it?" You ask, cutting him off before you raise your head


"That-that you like me too?" You blush as the words left your lips, still unable to decipher the fact that maybe Kuramochi does feel the same way

"I do." He admits, just as shy as you were

"The-then do you want to go on a date?" You ask as Kuramochi's eyes widen

"Wha-what? Isn't that where this leads to? You-are you playing with me?" You scowl as Kuramochi laughs

Your face softens as you stare at his expression, this was exactly the laugh and joyous expression on his face that you first fell for, the one that unconsciously makes you smile as well

'Am I so into this idiot that something so simple could make me this happy?' You ask yourself

"Fine, I'll go on a date with you, and maybe that's where I'll consider dating you." He grins as you roll your eyes at his response, yet you were unable to keep the smile from growing on your face

"Then that's where I'll evaluate you as a future boyfriend then." You reply, but you already knew he passed all the qualifications even before it started

But don't worry, he knows you passed with flying colors already too, how can he fail you when you smile so sweetly?


This was when Miyuki and Ryousuke got the money

"Ryou-san I have news."


"It happened." Miyuki grinned

"Who was first?" Ryousuke asked, his attention finally on Miyuki

"(Last name)."

"Then let's tell the guys and get our money." Ryousuke grinned

"You're kidding!"

"Kuramochi you idiot!"

"No way!"

"Okay okay, that's enough, time to pay up." Ryousuke held out his hands to everybody who betted for Kuramochi

"This sucks." Isashiki grumbled before handing him money, "How can you not trust your partner in this anyway?" Isashiki asked as Ryousuke shrugged

"It's because I know him too well that I didn't."

"Ryou-san I got it." Miyuki grinned as Sawamura cried for his money behind him

"Should we also bet on who confesses first?" Ryousuke grinned that sent shivers down every player in the room's spine


"I'm killing him," Isashiki growled when he handed Ryousuke and Miyuki their money

"That's your fault for betting on him when he lost the first time," Ryousuke commented as Tanba, even Chris and Miyauchi sighed and gave their own money to Ryousuke

Miyuki laughed, "Kuramochi's an idiot but when (Last name) gets panicked she becomes a bigger one so this is a given." He snickered, "Huh?" He asked in confusion and looked at the money he was trying to get

"Tetsu-san please let go."

"Let's bet."

"On what senpai?"

"If I win at shogi I keep our money, if I lose you can have double."

"No!" Isashiki exclaimed followed by the other people at the table who joined in the betting

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