The Killer

By Sweet_peach234

33.6K 1.4K 135

is he mafia?? or killer A indian girl who lives in korea now she had stuck with him y/n: no one loves me... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 13

1.6K 77 14
By Sweet_peach234

Time skip~

Jk: so the journey is long so how we'll go?

Tae: car

Jk: it will take 3/3:30 hours and I'm not going to drive that much already my back and neck paining

Y/n: I'll drive

Tae: do you have license?

Y/n: yep 3 month ago i passed in driving test and i have license too

Jk: did you ever drive on road?

Y/n: no but i can

Jk: no what if something happened?

Y/n: no nothing will happen

Jk: but-

Tae: are you going to drive?

Jk: no..

Tae: so be silent

Journey skip ~

After 2:45 minutes

Jungkook came out from car and started vomiting

Jk: ahh my head how fast you were driving

Y/n: we're 15 minute's early 😎

Tae: are you ok jungkook?

Jk: yeah just feeling dizzy it just because of y/n

Y/n: wait i have something for you (you gave him medicine)

Jk: from where you got this?

Y/n: i took First aid box with me

Jk: ohh thanks

Tae: i don't think we should go there today,you need rest we'll go tomorrow

Y/n: where we're going?

Tae: too kill that bastard ,

Jk: no the dealing is today

Tae: ah your health is more important he's going to stay there for 2 days we have plenty time

Jk: how you know that he's going to stay for 2 days

Tae: don't forget I'm also mafia my reach is far and wide 😎

Jk: ahh plzz tell me who told you?

Tae: naah! Now I'll drive

Time skip at evening you all arrived to hotel they check in as Mr lee and Song

Y/n: why you always change your surname?

Tae: just because not to get catch

Y/n: but previous time you told your real surname why?

Tae: see if someone is finding us so First he'll go to the first hotel were we stayed and he'll ask is there is any registration for Mr kim and Jeon so the receptionist while say no and if they knew that Mr choi and Ki was us so next time they'll ask this name but that time we used real name so they won't doubt and-

Y/n: ok ok enough i understand stop *how hard is it to understand*

Tae: huh? Did you said something? you don't understand? wait I'll explain you again

Y/n: no! I'm sleepy

You lied and covered yourself in blanket suddenly a cold hand touch your stomach

Y/n: ahh! Your hand is cold remove your hand out of my clothe

Tae: your skin is so smooth

Y/n: remove your hand

Tae: i want kiss after that kiss i can't control myself

Y/n: no way

Tae: plzz one

Y/n: no!

Tae: if you didn't then I'll take by my own way

You didn't respond

Tae: don't pretend to sleep


Tae: honey??? (you hugged him) fine i don't want kiss at least say that you love me i want to hear that 3 magic words from your mouth

Still no response

Tae: ok don't say but after somedays later I'll make sure that you'll scream my name 😏

Next morning

You woke up no one was beside you, you stretch your hands and rub your eyes when your vision get clear you get and went to washroom when you open door you saw taehyung in towel he was naked

Y/n: ahh! Why are you naked

Tae: ohh you awake by the way you saw a very nice view in the early morning huh? don't you? 😏

He came towards you were taking back step your back hit wall he trap you, you closed your eyes with hand

Tae: oh honey don't close your eyes admire me

You bend down and ran in washroom and locked door

Time skip~

You freshened up and wear jeans, black t-shirt without sleeves one and red leather jacket once you done then you came out and

*jin reaction as yours*~

Tae: What happened why are you staring at me like this

Y/n: not going to lie but you are looking so freaking ho-

Tae: hot? *smirk*~

Y/n: handsome!

Tae : ohh First time praise from you thanks

You were still admiring him

Tae: do you wanna touch me? *smirk*~

Y/n: ye- i mean no!

He came closer to you

Y/n: don't you dare to touch me *you fall on couch* ouch

Tae: soon you'll touch me feel me in you~😏

*DiNg dOnG*🤪

Tae: who came to spoil my sweet time

Y/n: go and open door fast

He open door there was jk

Jk: we have to leave now

Tae: you spoiler *tae whispered to himself*

Jk: huh? Did you said something?

Tae: no let's go i think you should be here

Y/n: me?

Tae: yes and who else is here

Y/n: no I'm also gonna come with you guys

Tae: why you are so stubborn

Y/n: I'll, otherwise I'll miss all adventure you know i can fight too

Jk: oh really so i think you should also come with us

Tae: what if something happened to you then?

Y/n: nothing will happen and also you both are going what if something happened to you both then? you're life is also in danger but still you both are going and what-

Tae: ok ok fine just be quiet

Time skip~

Jk: there are lot's of guard's so we'll go from backside of house

Tae: but there are also guard's

Jk: yeah but less

Tae: ok then let's go

Y/n: ok let's go 😆

Tae: no you're not going to come stay in car

Y/n: but-

Tae: no buts

Y/n: kookie *pleased eyes*

He closed your eyes with his palm

Jk: hyung is right we can't risk your life

Y/n: then why you convinced tae to take me also

Jk: just because we need fast driver when we'll done our work so we have to leave from here as fast as can and you drive at speed of light that's why

Y/n: oh ok someone is going to have headache again *smirk*


Hello Reader's I'm author so I'm thinking to post one more ff

This ff contains journey, emotions, adventure and many more

So should i post or?

Edit: i had posted this ff plz check it out

Thanks for reading my book and follow for more update 💜💜

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