Heroes et Scelerati

By John_Is_Not_My_Name

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You're either good or bad. Right? More



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By John_Is_Not_My_Name

I stepped onto my porch. Today was gonna be a good day. I could feel it. Something big was coming and it was gonna be awesome.

"That'll be £9.99." The teen said, not even looking up from his phone. I smiled before walking out of the store. I got a strange feeling and went back inside the shop, opened my purse and pulled out £20.

"Keep the change." I said. The kid looked at me. I smiled again.

"Thanks..." I smiled. Why can't I stop smiling? He waved at me as I walked out. That was really strange.

I wandered around the city. All around me people rushed to work. Businessmen and women crossed the streets anywhere but the crossing. Parents dragging their kids over zebras to get to museums and parks. All these people had destinations. They all had things to do and places to be. Not a single one of them noticed I was there. They were too wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of coffee shops and quaint cafes. Phone screens glaring and cars honking. Traffic that fills up whole roads and briefcases swinging next to knees. Loud shouts of people closing deals and fighting with colleagues. There was never a moment of silence.

Why isn't there silence?

People were trying to get babies to sleep at benches in the park and a homeless man's desperate calls for spare change fell on deaf ears. These people didn't care about anyone but themselves. They were selfish and arrogant.

A strong gust of wind whipped my red hair around as I felt my power build. The sky grew grey as thick clouds formed above the city folk.

And, GOD, they were so wrapped up in their own little, meaningless lives that they didn't even notice. Someone could get murdered and I'm sure a dozen business people would step right over the body. It was ridiculous how little these people cared about anything at all. I was floating now, rain pelting every man, woman and child around.



"Quid mihi opus est facere aliquod malum? Ego sum, intelligitur esse malus es, sed omnes, ita plenum malo te, forte animo." 

(Do I even need to do any evil? I'm meant to be a villain but you're all so full of evil you would probably cheer.)

These people were absurd. People began to scream in fear and I looked down at them. I must've been 6, 7 feet in the air and My wings were spread out, arching over my head as my eyes shone white. I cast some fire, and it sat in my hand, waiting to be fired. I picked a bush and shot it with fire.

"Nemo vos cura ad omnes" (None of you care at all)

Suddenly a cry of joy erupted from a woman holding a baby and I guessed a hero had arrived. Sure enough, there stood a man, clad in leather, holding a sword and shield. His face was obstructed by a leather mask.

"Quod satis. Come down and put out this fire yourself." He yelled. I laughed.

"You think I want to put out a fire for these people? THEY DON'T CARE!" This means nothing to them. They'll forget this all ever happened in a few days. It'll all calm down and then I would have done this for nothing. It would mean nothing. I WILL NOT MEAN NOTHING!" 

"Mortua, please." Said the hero. I sank a bit. That voice was familiar. I turned my head slightly, looked at the man differently. He was dressed kind of strangely. A bit old timey. The mask was obstructing everything but his eyes, which were a deep blue colour. They were full of desperation. He was trying to get through to me. A weird approach, but I appreciated his attempt. Weird but welcome.

"Tu quis es?" I asked softly. The man laughed.

"An old friend."

I shook my head and rose up again.

"I have no friends." And with that lightning struck violently across the sky and then hit the floor with immense strength.

I looked down to see the strangely dressed man of mystery gone, and in his place, a face I recognised.

"Mortua Diabolus, huh? Fancy seeing you here."

"Well, well, well. You."

The new hero smiled a ghastly smile. I wanted to punch it.

"Let's get this over with."

And Victoria Lux pulled out her wand. She stuck it in the air at me and I remembered the last time we'd done this.

"Oh, goodness, I'm so scared!!" I said weakly and waved my arms around. Victoria shook her head.

"A little less sass and sarcasm, Mortua."

She waved her wand and a jet of water sprayed the bush. It's dead shell dripped with hot water and steam sizzled into the air. She then turned back to me and waved her wand again.

Suddenly I was hit by a large wave. I was shot down from the air and began falling. It was a height to fall from and I felt incredible pain as my body crashed to the ground.

The she smiled down at me, and spoke word intended to cut me like a knife.

"You mean nothing to anyone."

Too bad I'd heard it all before.

"And yet you came all this way to defeat me."

She frowned.

"You were meant to save the world. But look around. These people are scared. Whether it's of me or you."

She smirked.
"These people aren't afraid of me!"

"Aren't they?" I said. Her smirk fell.
"Im terrifying, Victoria. I scare people because I'm immensely powerful. I don't exactly lack empathy I care enough to destroy people for not caring. You however, see one thing that looks out of place and you blast it out of the sky. I wasn't hurting people and yet here I am. What does that say about you?"

She suddenly grew defensive.

"This is all a trick. You're playing with my mind in order to trap me. You just want to win. That's what all villains want. To win."

"But, Victoria, don't you want to win too?"

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