Cruel Summer

By storieswithhan

2.2K 98 83

*POP POP* Marcus quickly covered me as we fell down to the ground. "Marcus, what was that?!"I said as I start... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Meet The Cast (Pt. 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

39 3 2
By storieswithhan



I looked up and seen somebody I never thought I would see in here.

I never wanted her to step foot in here.

"Ry, baby! What in the hell are you doing here?" I asked as I quickly took the tourniquet off.

"Mama! Mama!" Ryan said as she started crying and ran to me.

"Ryan!" I heard another familiar voice.

"Mommy, what's wrong? Why are you doing this?" Ryan said as she hugged me.

"Ryan, don't you ever—Auntie?" Marcus said as he walked closer and looked at me.

"You and Ry need to leave now! You don't need to be here!" I said as I carefully placed the needle on top of a box close by.

"Mama, we need to take you to the hospital. You don't look good. Mama, please. You don't look like yourself!" Ryan said as she pulled out her cellphone.

She was right.

I wasn't myself.

I hadn't taken a good shower in two days. My blonde hair is now all over my head, and my face looked like I've been in a war zone.

"Auntie, what happened to your face? Who did this?" Marcus said as he started tearing up as he looked at me.

"Kids, I'm fine. I don't need help. You two need to get out of here. Right now. Didn't I tell you to never come over this way? Huh?" I said as I tried not to cry.

"Mama, please. Let's go. We can get you some help. We love you. Daddy loves you, too. This isn't you!" Ryan said as she tried to pull me up.

"Baby girl, your mama is f—"

"Ry, call 9-1-1! We about to take you to the hospital!" Marcus said as he tried to get me up.

"NO!" I said screaming.

"Mommy, please! I don't want you to die! You were about to do drugs! You don't do—"

"Dina, what the hell is this?"

The kids jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Baby, calm down. These are my kids. My daughter and my nephew. L-L-Leave—Leave my babies alone. They just came to say hi."

"Please, let my mama go! She's need medical attention! Look at her!" Ryan said sobbing.

"I don't give a fuck! Get out of here before I break you!" The man said as he jumped at Ryan.

It scared my baby so bad that she dropped her cellphone.

"Aye, my auntie is coming—"

Within two seconds, Marcus was on the ground holding his eye.

"MARCUS!" I said screaming as I ran to Marcus, but he pulled me away.

"MOMMY!" Ryan said screaming as she ran to me.

He hurriedly pulled out his gun.

"No! No! Don't hurt my baby! Please! She's gonna leave! They both are! Please don't kill my baby! I wouldn't live with myself if she got hurt! Please!" I said as I started crying as I jumped in front of Ryan.

"Mommy, don't do this! I just lost my baby brother. I can't lose my mother, too. Mama, please." Ryan said as she tried to hold on to me.

"If you daughter and nephew don't leave, I will blow all y'all fucking brains out!"

"Baby, just go! Go!" I said as I pushed them.

Ryan quickly grabbed Marcus as she ran out.

"You tried to set me up, didn't you?"

"Baby, no—I—"

"You already know the drill. Go get my belt."

"Baby, look—"

"Dina, do I need to remind you what happened last time you didn't obey me?" He said as he pointed the gun in my mouth.

I started crying as I ran into the room and got his belt.

I hope Derrick doesn't find out the kids were here. He doesn't need to know or find out where I am or what I'm doing. Nobody does.

If Derrick knew what I was doing, he wouldn't speak to me, or let me see the kids again.

I slowly, but carefully brought him the belt.

"You know Daddy doesn't like what you just did. Assume the position."

All I could do was cry. I already knew what to be prepared for.

"This will hurt me more than it this hurts you, my love."


11:01 P.M.

*Cozy Coffee*


"You okay, baby girl?" Marcus asked as we sat in the coffee shop.

"My mom is a drug addict. I never thought someone I would love would try to kill themselves without even knowing." I said as I ate my cookies and cream flavored ice cream that I got from Baskin-Robbins.

"I know it's hard. We need to tell Uncle, so we can get her some help. I can't stand to see her like that."

"No, we can't tell Dad. It would break his heart to find out my mama uses drugs."

"What are we suppose to do?"

"We can try to—"

"Hey, Marcus!"

I turned around to see a nicely dressed man with a hat on. He was about the average tall guy. He seemed to be a nice looking guy to be around my dad's age.

"Hey Jamie, what are you doing here?"

"I think I left my wallet here. Have you seen it? It's a brown and leather wallet with the letter J."

"I'll go see if anybody put it in the lost and found. By the way, this is my cousin, Ryan. Ryan, this is Jamie." Marcus said as he gave Jamie some dap before he went to the back.

"Hello, you are so beautiful, Ryan. I'm sure you look just like your mom." Mr. Jamie said as he smiled and shook my hand.

"Nah, I might look a little bit like my dad, but thanks, Mr. Jamie. How do you know my cousin?"

"My business had a little small dinner here in their event room. It's really nice."

"Yes, I never seen a coffee shop become so popular." I said as I ate my ice cream.

"Cookies and cream? My girl wouldn't stop eating that when she was pregnant." Jamie said laughing.

"I love it. I'm sure your wife still loves it, too." I said giggling.

"Nah, we didn't get married. Almost. Hey, your last name wouldn't happen to be Jackson would it?"

"It sure is. My dad is Derrick Jackson."

"Are you related to a Kelly Jackson?"

"Kelly Jackson? Um, I don't know. We have a lot of people in our family. Might be a cousin or something."

"Ok, I just wanted to know. You kind of remind me of her." Jamie said as he looked down.


"It's been so many rumors about her. I just don't want to believe them, ya know?"

"I'll ask my dad if he knows her. We got about a billion cousins on my dad side." I said shrugging.

"Thanks, Ryan."

"Hey, I found it!" Marcus said as he came jogging in.

"Cool thank you, Marcus. I appreciate it." Jamie said as Marcus handed him the wallet.

"Oh, Jamie, I'm sorry for running out on you earlier. I was trying to help a friend with something." Marcus said as he rubbed his neck.

"You're good. I was busy trying to do research of my own, son." Jamie said as he got up.


"I think he's looking for Kelly Jackson. I told him she could be one of our cousins."

"Uh oh, Jamie trying to get that old thang back." Marcus said as we started laughing.

"No, I'm happily married. It's just something that I need to fix that I should have done a long time ago."

"Well, we can help you! I'll make sure I ask my dad for you."

"Thank you. I'm not too tech savvy to go find her on the internet. I don't have time when I run a business and work part time at the rehab center."

"Rehab?" I asked as I looked at Marcus.

"Yes, I work at Magnolia Rehab Center."

"My mama—"

"Shhhh! We don't need everybody knowing." Marcus said as he covered my mouth.

"Kids, is everything okay? You can trust me if you're in trouble. I promise." Jamie said as he looked at us.


"My mama is on drugs and she needs help. Fast." I blurred out as I pushed Marcus' arms down.

"Really? Guys, I'm very sorry that happened. It's so many parents that I see come through that place. It's heartbreaking."

"Please help us, Mr. Jamie! If you help get my mom into your rehab place, we can help you find our suppose-to-be cousin person." I said as I poked my lip out.

"Awwww, how can you say no to this face?" Jamie asked smiling.

"Jamie, I have to see her ugly face everyday. Ain't nothing about it cute."

"Shut up!" I said as I hit Marcus on his arm.

"Hey girl, that hurt!" Marcus said as he rubbed his arm.

"Hey, you two! Look, I'm willing to help. I don't care if we are able to find Kelly or not. It's important right now to help your mother. Let me talk to some of my people and I'll see what I can do. She's going to be fine." Jamie said as he smiled.

I gave Jamie the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I said smiling as Jamie hugged me back.

"Thanks, Jaime. I appreciate it so much." Marcus said as he gave Jamie a fist bump.

"Alright. I'll be back as soon as I get some news. Y'all, stay out of trouble, ok?"

"Yes sir, we gotcha!" I said as we waved goodbye as Jaime left.

"Come on, Ry. I need help putting these chairs up, then, we can go."


*30 minutes later*

"Shhh, don't be too loud. I'm sure Daddy is sleeping." I said as Marcus and I quietly shut the door and locked it.

"Aye, I'm gonna go to the kitchen to get me something to ea—"

"And where the hell have you been?"

Marcus and I jumped as my dad turned on the living room light.

"Daddy, what are you doing up?" I asked as I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, Unc, it's about midnight right?" Marcus asked looking at me.

"Don't y'all say a damn thing. I haven't seen both of you since eight this morning. Here I am. At home alone. Blowing up y'all phones. I cooked a nice dinner."

"Oh, what did you—"

"Didn't I say don't say a word? Huh?" My dad said as he cut me off and looked angry.

I gulped hard as my dad stood up.

"Here I am slaving over a stove waiting for my kids to come home. I tried to check on you both and no answer. I started to get worried. It's 12:05 A.M. Where the hell y'all been?"

Marcus and I looked at each other.

"Oh, please don't all speak at once."

"Unc, you just told us don't speak. I thought it was a rhetorical question."

"Sit yall assess down!"

Marcus and I ran to the couch.

"Are y'all stupid? I know y'all ain't. Ryan, I know you're smart. Marcus, you have your moments, but y'all ain't stupid. Why haven't I heard from y'all? I almost called the police."

"Unc, it's not that big of a deal. We just missed dinner."

"Oh, and daddy, not to be that type of 'person', but you just answered your own question."

My dad closed his eyes as he started popping his fingers.

"Not a big deal? You two were just at party that somebody shot up! Your cousin and your brother was shot and killed! That's not a big deal?"


"I lost a child. A child I can't get back. Don't you think I'm worried when I haven't heard from the both of you? When I'm calling people and asking to see if anybody seen and heard from you? You don't know what's it like to lose a child. You two are my responsibility. I'll be damned if I let somebody hurt you."

"Daddy, we—"

"I don't wanna here it! Your ass need to be in this house, anyway. You're still sick. You don't need to go anywhere until we get this infection out of you." My dad said as he pointed at me.

I looked down as I tried not to cry.

"Unc, I'm 21 about to be 22 in January. Ryan is 20 about to be 21 in December. I think you're being a little too overprotective. I understand—"

"I don't care if y'all fifty. This is my house. These are my rules. If you don't like it and think you're too grown, you can leave my house. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." Marcus said as we both talked in unison.

"Dinner starts tomorrow at seven. Don't be late." My dad said as he went upstairs as he started crying.

He's been having a heard time since Chance's death. He cries every night before he goes to bed.

"I know he's having a rough time, but he's doing too much. I'm 21. I don't need nobody bossing me, Ry." Marcus said as he shook his head.

"I know, but Daddy means well. I know he was scared because he thinks something is going to happen to us. We're gonna be fine, anyway. What time is it?" I asked sighing.

"My phone died as soon as we pulled into the driveway."

"Mine should be in my pocket." I said as I dug into my pocket.

It felt empty.

"Oh, no!" I said I quickly stood up.

"What? It's not in your pocket?" Marcus asked as he looked at me.

"No, unlock the car door." I said as I unlocked the front door and walked outside.

"Your big head can't even keep up with a phone. Common sense tip number one, never get caught lacking."

"Just shut up and help me look." I said as I rolled my eyes as I opened his car door.

We looked in the front and back seats. We made sure we searched under and between the seats. Nothing showed up.

"Where's the last place you remember?" Marcus asked as he leaned on the hoods.

"I had it before and after I left the library. I remember I put it in my pocket. I took it out when—No!" I said as I started panicking.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I took it out when I tried to call 9-1-1 for Mama! What if I left it at the crack house? Those people probably sold my phone for c—" I started shouting as Marcus covered my mouth.

"Shhhh! We don't want Uncle finding out that we went! It's too late to go to that side of town. We can go back tomorrow and look for it, ok?"

"Fine, but if somebody stole my phone, I'm snitching to the police and getting them all arrested for drugs. Except my Mama. She wouldn't last in jail." I said as I closed the door.

"Common sense tip—"

"Shut up and let's go!" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Marcus sighed as he closed the rest of his car doors and locked it.

I started to take the stairs as Marcus tapped me.

"What, Marcus?"

"Look, we will get through this as a family, ok? Don't let it get you down. We gone be good, a'ight? Alright you get on my everlasting nerves, I love you, cuz." Marcus said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Marcus, don't make me cry. I love you, too." I said as I hugged him.

"Ok, enough of that! I gotta put some on this eye, make me a sammich, and talk to one of my girls. Bye, ugly." Marcus said as he playfully pushed me and moonwalked to the kitchen.

"I can't stand him." I said laughing as I went to my room.

I took my clothes off as I prepared for my shower. I had to make sure I got out of those clothes. I'm shocked my dad couldn't smell the little amount of weed that overtook my shirt.

"It stinks." I said as I threw my shirt in the dirty clothes hamper.

As I went back to get my robe, I noticed a small family picture. It was my parents and I along with Chance and Marcus. It was our first Thanksgiving as a complete family since my Mom had just had Chance.

"I miss and love you so much, baby boy. Please, don't let Mommy join you. Not too soon. I know you miss her, but just give her a little more time with us, baby brother. Please." I said as I started crying as I kissed the picture.

I kept preparing myself for bed as the tears kept flowing from my eyes. It gets harder as each day passes knowing I can't see, touch, or hear my baby brother anymore. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone.

After I took my shower, I calmed myself down as I slept with my favorite teddy bear that my mom won for me a couple of years back. We had the best night of our lives.

"God, please keep my Mom safe and out of harms way. Please." I said as I held the teddy bear close to me.

I shed a couple of more tears as my eyes started to get heavy.

Within minutes, I was sleep.


Hey y'all! WHEW! What did you think about this chapter? What do you guys think of Dina being on drugs? Why do you think she chose this route? What do you think of Marcus & Ryan trying to get her help? What would you do if you were in their situation? What do you think of Derrick's reaction? Do you think he has a right to be upset, or overreacting due to him still grieving over Chance? Why do you think Jamie wants to find Kelly Jackson so badly? Meet The Cast (Pt. 2) and Chapter 14 is now posted! Enjoy and thanks for reading!! Love y'all!😘

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