Ninjago Mini Fics

By KeityDevil

1K 40 112

Mini Ninjago Fics. I decide I will put ALL the mini fics in ONE. Is more simple. My Art. More

Fly With Me
The Lost Souls
Ghost Panic
Spanish little boy
B-day Fire
Part 1. Powers, my love?《Destinyship》
Part 2. Powers, my love?
Tell me already!《Storm Twins》

The Closet《Destinyship》

110 4 26
By KeityDevil

"Hey, did anyone see Morro?"

Kai had been looking for him for several hours. He told himself at first that maybe he went to get some air, as he usually did when he wanted to be alone, but it was already too long if that was true. He was nowhere in the Monastery, and worries arose.

"No. Why?" Cole answered, stopping the video game.

"Hey!!" Jay yelled at him.

"I can't find it anywhere." He ignored Jay's outraged scream. "And one of my hoodie is gone too. I think Morro took it. ...Again." It didn't bother him, he thought it was cute that Morro had this tick to take his hoodie, especially since Kai's clothes are a little bigger and wider than Morro's body.

"No, sorry buddy. I didn't see him." Jay restarts the game. "Hey! It's not fair." Cole yells at him.

"What you did before wasn't- HA! I won!!"

Kai rolled his eyes and left the room.

'Where can he be? Master Wu didn't see him either. And yet, he is calm about it.'

Kai enters Morro's room again. He hoped he might be back or find something. Kai step slowly inside. Everything seemed in its place. However, there was something. The door to Morro's closet was slightly open. He went to her. When he opened it...

"Morro?!" Kai had found him. In the closet.

"O-oh.. Hey, Kai." Morro said slightly embarrassed. Kai noticed that Morro was wearing his missing hoodie.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" It wasn't a good sign. He sat down at his level.

"Yes.. yes. Yes I am. Mhm."

Kai had taken his hands in his. "You are cold."

"Yes? When am I not?" Some of his black hair had fallen out in front of him.

"Yeah.. And what are you doing in the closet?! I've been looking for you all day!"

"Uh... I was, arranging my clothes?"

"Sitting in the closet? No chance."

Morro was silent, looking down. Kai had time to analyze his face, but it was slightly dark, so the chances were small.

"Come out of the closet." He said calmly.

Morro came out, and then he saw.

"You cried. And it looks like you didn't get much sleep. Why?"

"Hm? Oh no, no, no. I didn't... cry." He tried to smile.

"Don't lie to me. It's obvious on your face that it is. What happened?"

Morro stared blankly. "Nothing happened."

"Don't lie to me-" The missing hoodie was thrown in front of his face. "Morro!"

"What?! I gave it back to you!"

"I didn't ask for that. What's wrong with you?! You don't usually throw it at me like that or give it to me voluntarily. Normally I should run after you to get it back or something. What's bothering you?"

"Nothing is bothering me." He told him tightly.

"You're lying, again. You know you can't lie to me. I know your personality."

Morro looked at him, but not in his eyes as he usually did. Morro turned to take his black jacket from the chair by the window, and passed Kai as he left the room. One could hear the footsteps of the Wind Master become a run. Kai was confused, and he was already worried even more.

"What the hell happened?"

He looked around, trying to think what might have bothered Morro to behave like that. This was interrupted by a small strip of loose plastic. He went back to the door, it was Lloyd, who had opened a candy.

"Lloyd!" The blonde stopped walking at the sound of his name.

"Oh, hey Kai." Hee greets him with a smile.

"Hey. You went to the store with Morro last night, didn't you?"

"Yeah?? Why?"

"He's acting weird."

"Weird in the sense that he doesn't know how to use almost any means of technology?"

"No. Not in that weird sense, Lloyd."

"Okay. Explain."

"I found him in the closet today, with my hoodie on. And he threw it in my face! Morro didn't give it to me willingly or threw it in front of me! And on his face it was obvious that he cried and didn't sleep last night. And he didn't look me in the eye either. Did something happen outside yesterday? "

Lloyd was trying to figure out if anything was happening yesterday as he processed what Kai had just told him.

"..Oh..." Lloyd said after a while. One of shock and a wave of sadness in him.


"Uh.. Did you remember a few weeks or days ago those guys who bonded with you two because you're together?"

"Yes. I wanted to set them on fire there."

"Well, we met with them yesterday. And... they kind of bonded to Morro." He took a short break. "Let's just say the words got to him harshly."

"What kind of words?"


"Lloyd, say it. I want to help him. And he won't tell me anything. You know how stubborn he can be. So please, tell me EVERYTHING that happened."

"Okay. Well..."

~~ - ~~

"Oh, look who's here. The Man of the Dead."

"I think you're kidding.." Morro said angrily.

"Oh, I see you're not with the guy in the red. Did he leave you?"

"Not at all. Now leave." Morro replied, smiling angrily.

"But I just came!" He approach Morro. "And you have nothing to be here. You're dead."

"Hey. Leave." Lloyd said firmly.

The guy ignores the blonde. "Maybe who knows, he lets you be with him just for 'fun'. And in reality, he doesn't want you. I mean seriously, who would want a former ghost who cursed a city and traumatized his best friend, Like a boyfriend? I certainly don't. And I don't think He will. I bet he's still dating that red-haired, hot girl, Skylor. Hm? Don't you think so?"

Morro feel his hands tremble. He didn't know if the jealousy or the harsh words that made him self-esteem in this relationship would slowly evaporate. His heart was pounding. His eyes were still on the guy. He showed no sign of weakness.

"I'm sure he'll leave you with the next mistake you make." With that, they left laughing.

Lloyd looked at Morro. "Hey, don't listen to them. They just want to fill your mind with nonsense. Kai cares about you. He wouldn't use you, hurt you or cheat. You know that."

Morro smiled at Lloyd, a slightly fake one. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Now come on, I promised you a bag of candy."

"Oh yes!!" Lloyd remembered his promise.

However, Morro's mind kept thinking about what was thrown in front of him.

~~ - ~~

Kai looked at Lloyd as if he were a ghost or something.


"Easy! Calm, calm." Lloyd could see the fire burning between Kai's fingers.

"I am CALM."

"You don't... see that much." Kai wanted to leave, but Lloyd took his hand. "Before you make a fool of yourself, especially since you're nervous, calm down and think clearly before you do or say anything, especially to Morro. You two are like two burning matches that ran into gasoline."

Kai took a few deep breaths. "I'm calm. Can I leave now?"

"After drinking water. COLD, water."

"You're kidding- Ok. O K."

Lloyd followed Kai into the kitchen. The blonde looked at him intently. He knew Kai's character a lot, if he didn't calm him down now, a big fire would come out.

"Now I can?" He asked more calmly.

Lloyd smiled briefly. "Yes."


Morro was on the roof of the Monastery. The wind was beginning to spin around him. A cold, hard wind that made his hands cold.

'Maybe they're right. I'm a former villain and a ex-ghost! Kai is the good guy here. Eventually everything will end.. No..? Or you'll find someone worthy of you. Maybe he's already found one. Skylor.. Why I am alive?'

Kai had found him quickly this time. He climb carefully on the roof. He could feel the cold wind almost taking his breath away.

"Morro." Kai said his name calmly. "I know what happened last night when you went shopping with Lloyd."

The brunette didn't say a word or move. Kai's footsteps came closer until he reached him. He sit.

"Hey. Everything those guys said is completely false. Clear? I wouldn't leave you, seriously. They don't know you, I do."

Kai had taken his hand in his. It was cold. Kai took the other one as well. He had used his powers to warm them, but the wind was still cold and strong. He knew he wouldn't be able to warm him up like that.

"Calm down. Forget everything they said." Kai told him. He tried to get an answer, but everything seemed to be in vain.

Kai lit a small flame in his hand. Morro looked at her for a few seconds, and a small gust of wind had appeared beside her, causing her to move.

"I'm sorry..." Morro said. "Just.. what they said was true. I shouldn't be here. I was a ghost! What am I looking for a living again?"

"A new chance at life." Kai told him. The flame in his hand grew larger. "That's why. And I won't let you go."

"Pfft- am I caught in the net?"

"Bet you are." Morro leaned his head on Kai's shoulder. The gust of wind had caused the fire to explode, leaving small sparks to disintegrate in the air. Kai's hand reached into his partner's black hair like the void. "Your hair is annoyingly long."  Kai told him.

"Heh.. you know why I let him grow."

"Yeah, yeah I know. To piss me off more." In fact, he really liked Morro's hair, he could do a lot with it.


The wind, which had previously been cold and harsh, had turned into a pleasant, calm breeze.

"But I don't understand. Why did you hide in the closet?" Kai asked curiously.

"Oh, a little childhood habit. When I was little and Wu left me alone at the Monastery, there were times when I heard strange sounds that scared me. So I hid/sat in the closet until he got home. Heh, it was full of  blankets, so it was soft. I was sleeping there."

Kai said nothing. Now he had another new thing from Morro's life on his list.

"How about you don't try to kill those guys." Morro said suddenly.

"Why not? It's worth it."

"Kai. Cherry Bom, no. Not now."

"But when then? I'm sure we can make a human barbecue beyond the city."

"When they not expected." Morro rose to his feet, stepping forward. He reached the edge of the roof. Kai looked at him a little scared. Morro dropped.

"Morro!" Kai looked down. He expected to see something serious in red, but he had only seen a beginning of laughter.

"You just didn't think- Oh My!!" Morro laughed when he saw his partner's expression. It floated lightly in the air with the help of the wind. He touched the ground behind his feet.

"I'll catch you and mess with you for that!!" Kai jumped off the roof, running after Morro. "I hate you!!"

"I love you just as much!" He yelled at Kai as he picked up speed.

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