Suicidal Child ||tpn x bsd x...

By itz-stuts

46.9K 1.2K 590

ON PAUSE!! "The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wound... More

Y/n profile + A/n
Love interest
Dark Era Y/n + A/n
Happy 180 reads peopleπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Happy 400 readsπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Thank youu sooo much for 1k
Happy new year people!!!
Updated Love interest + one shoutout


2.4K 69 87
By itz-stuts

3rd Pov:

"Please use this room." mama showed Ms. Krone her room which was right in front of the stairs. "Understood, thank you." Ms. Krone thanked Mama. Mama came to wards the stairs making Norman, Ray and Emma hide behind the stairs but a certain brunette just stood there smiling.

"Hello mama~" She cooed "hello Y/n" Mama responded "I will need to help sister Korne" Said while intensely staring at y/n "Oh~ of course anything for you Mama~" She responded. 

Meanwhile with the trio behind the stairs "Is she a idiot or something!?"Ray said whisper shouting "Calm down Ray, i am sure she has a plan " Norman said calmly thought his eyes were telling is worry.

With Y/n she entered the room "Is there something you need sister Korne?" She asked Korne who gave a creepy smile "Not at all just wanted to tell you that Akutagawa is trying to find you you know..." "Oh~ Very well then i hope he does~" Y/n replied with smirk while turning around "You know Korne you should really watch your words around here Mama is very sharp after all.. it will be your doom if you don't..." Y/n said while going out of the room.

She was sitting in the library while singing while listening to a headpiece she swiped of mama when she was young.

"Woah~Woah~, yeah 

Shinjuu wa hitori de wa dekinai~

Futari nara dekiru~

Shinjuu, shinjuu, shinjuu~~"  But some one startled her by pulling her headset she looked up meeting a black haired emo "Ray~ give it back" She whined "Where the hell did you even get that? " Ray asked while raising his eyebrow "That's for me to know~" She said while snatching it from his hands. "Okay! will be serious for a second her Y/n!" Ray said annoyingly "Ray calm down but seriously Y/n be a little serious we need you deduction for this" Norman said calmly "Awww~ anything for you Norman~ Can we go near a stream to commit the suicide technique i have to try~" She asked "Not now Y/n" Norman said which made Y/n sulk in the corner while the orange haired girl was comforting her "Emma~ You are the best~" Y/n said in a childish voice "Now~ shall we continue" She said while siting on the the chair.

"I was so distracted with the tracking devices that I didn't think we would get another adult." Norman sounded sad. "Actually, we should be happy about this." Ray said, making Emma and Norman looked at him, confused. "Carol and Sister Krone~ we have two more sources of information. "Y/n continued his sentence while her face was resting her hands hands.(Uhhh.... Why is he soo hot)

"I see..." Norman mumbled. "First, where did those two come from?" Ray crossed his arms as he leaned against the bookshelves. "Carol is Conny's replacement. Every time one disappears, another appears. Coincidence? I think not." Y/n said while looking at them. 

"So what you're saying is that they're replenishing merchandise?" Norman asked as She nodded. "Yes, if this place is a farm, they must have a site where they prepare one-year-olds for replenishment." Y/n elaborated. "So did all of us come there originally?" Emma asked. "Probably. And also that Sister Krone. It's significant that there's another adult other than Mom." Ray answered Emma's question with one word. "There might be farms just like this one. So I wonder....are adults who obey the demons under the control of demons from birth? Or after they're captured." Y/n said out loud. "After we escape, things will change depending on that. But first we need to figure out how to escape with everyone. And the location of the tracking device." Ray said. "I searched all over my body, but I didn't find any traces of something implanted." Emma said as she checked all over her body. Suddenly Y/n stood up "Huh-" Emma looked at Y/n Who was standing with her headpiece on her neck "I have an unavoidable item on my agenda" she said while her hands were in her pocket as usual "What is it?" Emma asked "I'm going to the bathroom." Y/n said while looking at Emma which made everyone sweat drop while Y/n was running weirdly while shouting "I am not going to make it!" "That girl is surely an idiot.."  Ray said while sighing. "Certainly she is very hard to understand" Norman said while Emma nodded in agreement.

With Y/n:

Y/n's footsteps echoed through the abandoned hall that she walk in, as she hear Mama saying something from her head set, "I only made a request for an assistant. I didn't ask for you in particular." "I've heard talk of all your achievements. I've heard talk of all your achievements. Under your leadership, this plant has shipped more top-quality produce than any other. Under your leadership, this plant has shipped more top-quality produce than any other. I am honored to be working under someone I admire so much." Korne stated "The lip service won't be necessary. Let's quit the small talk. We have work to discuss. Here is all of the information on my adorable children. Memorize them right here and now. It should be easier than getting perfect scores on every morning test." Mama said which made Krone eyes slightly widen but then turned in to a smile. "So, what was the reason for calling me here?" Krone asked while reading the info on the children "They learned something they shouldn't have. They also saw what was inside the truck." Mama replied which made krone go in a state of panic "Then, in accordance with the rules, we must find them and ship them out imme-" Korne said but got cutten bye Mama "Wait. It's alright already have an idea of who the culprits are." "Who?" she asked "Two of the oldest children. All we need to do is make sure they don't escape before they're shipped out. My children are special. Specially Y/n..." Mama said "isn't she a special quality...." Korne said "Hmm? tell me sister Korne what do you know about the special quality merchandise" mama asked "Only that they have a special power which the plant calls gift or ability and they become the part of the plant by default" Korne replied "Very good sister Korne this is why my children are special and i am only doing it for the benefit of the plant" Mama said but suddenly a click sound was heard until the wall slide open (i don't know if it is canon or not but bare with me for the plot k)a and a shadow figure was reviled "Hello Isabelle and Korne" the shadow said "Ahh.. hello Akutagawa-san what brings you here without a notice" Mama asked as the shadow come to light reviling the face of Akutagawa "Oh.. i was hereto ask you about Y/n-san" he asked "Oh she is doing great" Mama replied "Akutagawa- sempai i have a -" Krone said but got interrupted by a certain brunettes voice "Ahh~ What did i miss~" which made both mama and krone flinch "Y/n what- how did you know we were here" Krone asked "Ahh~ your such a lovely lady krone i just thought we should keep in touch~" she said while walking towards Krone "It can't be?!" She yelled as she rummage through her pockets and pulled out a small microphone that She had slip in earlier when she was with her. "That means--you already seen through my plans even before any of this happened" She said as she clench her fist crushing the microphone. "Wait a minute how did you got that?" mama asked her "Aww~ Mama that's for me to know and you to only wonder~" Y/n said with a dark tone while walking towards a pile of paper which was about the info on the her 'siblings' "I will be taking that~" she cooed with a cheerful tone. Akutagawa heard what you said making him scowl while the black woman pulled out a knifes and putted it on her throat it at her "You really think we'll just let you go?" This made Akutagawa chuckle bitterly as he spoke to her "Let's leave her be, we'll Do it  another time. We will pay at you later for betraying us."" Well~ i will not say it as a betrayal~ I just left~" Y/n justified her self "But is it a formal declaration of war? If it is go ahead try it, if you really have to guts too~" Y/n continued. This made Akutagawa narrow his eyes at you two as Korne spoke clearly pissed off. "You think you can threaten us and joke around? You are a small scale 'operation' with only a few trikes. If we so wished it, we could wipe all of you off the face of the earth!" as she said angrily.

Meanwhile you just let out a tired yawned at this while "Yes~ I am  quite aware of that" "Indeed I would expect you would considering your previous history. After all you were a Plant Executive weren't you? Y/n? "Akutagawa said 













Hearing this made Korne see you in shock before she could say anything she were ready to take of from the room when Akutagawa called out to you.

"Y/n!!!"She stop at this and turn around to face the male who stood there, he look at her "..."Before he could even say anything she disappeared leaving him there at a lost for words. Korne  look at Akutagawa a bit surprise at how he acted before she could utter a word Akutagawa had swiftly turn around and walk pass her with gritted teeth. "i will be going now Isabelle" he said and left.


"Ray~" Y/n cooed in his ear as she raped her arms around his waist which made him blush "Idiot!" ray said while blushing and gaining a glare from Norman. "So~ did you got where the tracker is?" "Not yet though Emma is trying to figure it out since we disused it and a certain someone need to go to the 'bathroom' " Ray said while Y/n looked at Sister Krone and let out a slight growl which no one could her though Norman did noticed it. "The kids really like her." Norman said as he washed the dishes for tomorrow's meal. "Yeah. How do we outmaneuver the two adults who are liked so much?" Ray said. "Exactly-" Norman said but got interupted by Y/n  "The biggest concern is the report to the demons. As soon as we escape, the monsters will come after us... I will help you with the plates." Y/n said as she took a plate and washed it. 

"There's only one way to stop that. Mom and sister will have to be..." Ray stayed silent and looked at Norman. Norman looked back and noticed that Ray was gesturing to his fork that was doing a stabbing motion and what he meant by that was they both have to be dead. Norman gasped while Y/n smirked at his thinking and out of nowhere sister Krone appeared behind the three of them. "Norman, Y/n and Ray, right?" Sister Krone looked at the three of them with a huge and unsettling grin plastered on her face. "Yes." Ray hesitated but replied anyway. "I heard you get perfect scores on the tests." Ms. Krone stated as Ray nodded in response. "That's amazing. It's nice to meet you. I hope we can get along." they shook hands and her grin became wider which frightened Norman a little while Y/n just glared a little. Then Sister Krone left with a huge grin on her face. "Did she hear us?" Ray whispered towards Norman who was still a bit shocked from the situation a while ago. "No, we're fine. I don't think sister just came here just to watch us." Y/n whispered. "What do you mean?" Ray asked by what Y/n meant. "The way she looked at us was different. She's probably suspecting us, the oldest among everyone." Norman said continued her sentence while she nodded. "Where did she get that information from?" Ray asked. "Isn't it obvious? From mom. Mom is definitely closing in on us. We have to hurry." Y/n said with a very serious tone which was not like her while she continued doing the dishes. 

After doing the dishes "Well~ i will be outside~" Y/n cooed while leaving. 

Y/n went out side of the house for sometime she was looking at random things reading her book but suddenly heard something there was a knife coming towards her he was about the intertwine but Y/n caught it between her index and middle finger she heard a voice "Plotting as usual are we?" from the shadows while coming out and reveling a a boy with orange hair though he did not looked from a farm.

"Please don't tell me...Ugghh I know that voice..." Y/n said while turning around. Standing in front of her as he had a smug smile to once his eyes laid on her. "Well this sure is a wonderful sight. Rivals a million dollar master piece. Y/n?" Chuuya says as he grins at her face were contorted in annoyance and disgust. "So creepy  Just frightening" She stated as Chuuya strides in front of you two smirking "I like your  reaction. It makes me wanna strangle you" "You haven't changed one bit, Chuuya." She remarked as it immediately irked the short male "hAAh?! What does that mean?!" he said  "it means you haven't grown even centimeter since I last saw you. And I've been wondering just where do you get your embarrassing hats?" She deadpanned "Say what you want, vagabond!" he said "Hmmm? why do you think that Chuuya~ i haven't event talked to you for years..." She asked the orange haired male "Tch... You stole those messages from the office didn't you?" he said "Hmm.. of what now can't remember i have slipped many things out of Isabelle's office~" she said "Tch those shipment messages and the report" he said.


The other night Y/n was going to her room she heard Isabelle talk the Sister Krone about keeping an eye on the eldest kids. 'Hmm.. looks like the grandma's message is going to come~' she thought while smirking darkly. 

When every on asleep she went to Isabelle's office "Hmm... lets take these and these.....That should do it." she said while taking the message from The higher ups and taking a few more files. 

Flashback over 

"Ohh.. right~" she said while making a smug face "Tch... that little smug face of your makes me wants to strangle you..." he said "Ohh~ try and find out if you can~ " she said tauntingly "You little-" he said while activating his ability due to anger "Oh~ you know that it won't work on me though i think you go i think the higher ups are going to have a meeting~" she said while dodging all attacks of the male "hAAh? how do you know that? the higher ups never have a meeting  today?" he asked "You can say it as a hunch and you know i am never wrong right~" She said "Tch... You little- i can not believe you were a executive at one point. Next time i meet you i will kill you for sure." he said before flying off the wall. 

"Well bye to you too Chuuya~" She said going back into that house.


Next Day 

"I never knew about the mark from when they took our blood. And it's something that disappeared so quickly?" Norman said as he touched his ear. "Yeah. I didn't even suspect it at all, this whole time. I'm sorry." Emma apologized. "No, you did well, Emma. Thanks to you, we now know the locations, shape, and size of the tracking device. We can move to the next step." Y/n said. "After locating it..." Emma paused. "We break it!" all of us said at the same time which Y/n thought was really interesting. "What do we do? If we cut it open to inspect it..." Norman paused to think about it.  "If mom combs through our hair, she'll know immediately." Emma said as they all nodded. "Yeah. Well, putting aside to see if we can break it easily or not, the tracking device implanted in us isn't that functionally useful." Y/n said from beside Ray. "What? They aren't?!" Emma yelled in surprise. "That's because the tracking device can't specify the individual. Without confirming, she can't tell where we are." Y/n said as Ray nodded. "If we get close to the gate or walls, it doesn't notify her." Ray said. "But it's still implanted" Emma said. "Yeah. And why?" Ray asked.  "They must be confident they can come after us, as long as the tracking device is intact." Y/n replied making Ray nod. "Wait. Does that mean if it does notify them, it'd be when the tracking device is destroyed?" Norman asked for confirmation if his prediction is correct. "That's a possibility too." Ray replied. "Meaning?" Emma asked as she immediately looked at me since Y/n always explain what Ray says. "Meaning, they would be notified only when it's broken, like with an alarm or something.~" Y/n answered Emma. "So if we destroy it, mama will know immediately?" Emma asked. "Well, that depends if a notification function even exists." Y/n answered Emma's question once again. "But thinking that Mom purposely let us know about the existence of the tracking devices. We can't dismiss it easily." Norman said. "It's risky to mess with it and break it. So we can only destroy it when we escape." Ray said making Emma gasp. "Ehh?! Then how will we figure it out how to break it?" Emma asked as she panicked a bit. "Well for that, this shape and size brings something to mind. Can you leave this issue to me?" Ray requested which made Y/n smirk "Ray~ why don't i help you too~ i know a lot about gadgets too~" she cooed while her hands were in her pockets "No." Ray plainly declined "But~ wouldn't it be more easy and fast if we both worked on it" Y/n said which made ray sigh "Fine only because you will not stop annoying me" Ray said which made Y/n dramatically gasp with her hands on her chest "How could you Ray!" Y/n whined making others sweat drop. "If you're saying so then we'll leave it to you two." Emma said a bit concerned  "The only thing left is taking everyone outside with us. The problem is that everyone completely trusts Mom, and they probably won't be able to handle the truth." Norman stated. "Do you think we'll have to lie to them to take them outside with us?" Emma asked with worry in her tone. "There's also the problem of insufficient abilities. In simpler terms, they're a hindrance." Ray said "Ray!" Emma yelled as she pouted. "But it's the truth. Some aren't good at physical activities, and we have babies who can hardly walk." Ray said. "How about playing tag? And for those who can hardly walk, Emma can try playing with them when we have free time." Y/n suggested. "Playing tag?" they asked me. Y/n nodded and explained her plan to them which they agreed to. "Mama won't find out since on the outside we're playing tag but in the inside we're actually training. Emma will teach them how to utilize their bodies. As for how to utilize their brains..." Y/n paused and thought about it. "Leave it to us" Norman said as Y/n grinned. 

Y/n walked out of the forest with a rope with her and started tying it together "Ahh~ what a wonderful day to commit a suicide~" Y/n cooed to herself thought it was heard by all of the siblings making them sweat drop while Y/n went to Ray "Ray you are the most wonderful person i have met will you commit a double suicide with me~" Y/n asked the black haired boy but got cut of by a certain adult "Playing tag looks like fun. I want to get along with everyone. So let's play tag. The match's time limit will be 20 minutes. I'll be 'it'. Everyone, try to run away from me." Sister Krone grinned. Which made y/n a little mad thought she brushed of the feeling. And just like that, the game started. Y/n, ray and Norman "So how will the enemy move?" Ray asked  "She'll probably look for us 4. And on the way, she'll capture as many little ones as she can. Something like that." Y/n said  "She's not coming after us at all."  said after a few minutes of waiting. He nodded. "Did she change her strategy?" he asked and she nodded, replying with "Probably" Norman said . "Sounds reasonable, but considering sister krone's personality, I think she'll try and trick the younger ones and save us for last." Y/n Said as she focused in on what the three below her were looking at. Five kids suddenly grouped up in one specific spot, mesmerized by what was before them. As if on que, Krone ran up to them and grabbed them all up in one tight hug, "Aw, too bad- Guess I caught you~!" Krone sang as the five children giggled. "called it" Y/n said which made Ray and Norman slightly shocked at her deduction but not too surprise cause she was known well for it. "So, she's not stupid, huh?" he said as he waited for them leave. We climbed down the tree and grabbed the leaves. "Well Norman you can report this too Emma" Y/n said as Norman responded with a nod "I will be going now don't get caught~" Y/n cooed while running "Wait- and she is gone that suicidal idiot is really something." Ray said.

As the game went on, Y/n  swiftly followed Emma without her knowing , clearing some branches that she could trip on. Then suddenly, as Emma was running, Phil and Mat looked at Emma and yelled out her name, with Krone quickly coming towards them. 'always putting others before i see... two kids is gonna drain her' Y/n thought quickly as she ran with Emma and held Phil as Emma held Mat. "Cover your mouths!" Emma whisper-yelled to them. "hang on~ and pls do tell if you fell sick my cutie pie~" Y/n instructed Phil as she re-positioned him so the he was on her back. Y/n sharply turned right as Krone followed just as quickly. In order to lose the chasing Krone behind her, Y/n jumped in a dangerous area in the woods where the branches stuck out and fallen frees were piled up. She propelled from tree to another and slid on a dead one, using her arms to secure Phil more safely.

"Hmm~ looks like she is getting serious oh well lets show her what i have got~" Y/n said 

(Just imagen that there are no gun and violence and all the buildings are trees) (Edit: i could not find the English sub version till 1:41)

' I knew she was a special quality but Isabelle did not told me that she was this talented to... no wonder she was a executive....but just for the sake of testing why don't we cheat a little...' Korne thought while she kept a close eye on y/n who was dropping Phil "Phil~ go find Emma~" Y/n said before running. But suddenly few very sharp sticks were being thrown at her which she dodged easily before picking a large stick lick a baton "Korne~ it is bad to cheat you know..." Y/n said with a dark tone as she stopped and looked at her "You are very talented Y/n nothing less from the former executive of course... " Korne said while picking up a stick and launching on to Y/n 

(Edit: From 1:09 till 1:42

Y/n attacked her and placed her on the ground with her foot on the her torso and said with a dark glare 

"Move you , die 

Make a sound and you die

Call mama and you die "

 (Yes i was highly inspired by Killua in this one )Y/n threatened Korne which made Korne smirk while saying " But you can not kill me" "Try me" Y/n said while oozing a lot of bloodlust which  made a chill run down Korne's spin after a minute Y/n took off her foot from the sister's torso. "This will be your first and last chance to scram..." Y/n said before running off to the other elder kids. But was not aware of a certain albino watching her performance from the shadows and was in utter shock...

After some running Y/n found Ray and they both hid near the rocky area on a tree. "How much time is left?" Y/n asked Ray who looked at his pocket watch. "Eight minutes and 40 seco-" Y/n placed her finger on Ray's lips. He looked at her shocked. "She's here." she whispered with all seriousness to Ray  who looked shocked. "Found you!" Sister Krone exclaimed. she smirked   and grabbed Ray's wrist and jumped down the tree and they started running. Y/n joined Norman "Hey~" Y/n said  which made Norman flinch a little but then go back to normal they both went to the rocky area. This time Norman could tell that she was getting tired thought both of the knew that there was not much time left they both sped up their speed since sister krone was following them but suddenly Y/n grabbed Norman's hand and changed there course. 

After a few minutes Norman was Standing at a rock pillar while Y/n was sitting at the other. Sister Krone looked around for them and found them both glaring at her which made her sweat drop though Norman and the sister can notice the glare of Y/n was with full authority.

"Time's up." Ray said as he held Phil with one arm and a pocket  watch in the other. Y/n smiled and helped Norman get down. Sister Krone looked at them in shock. "So these are the top scorers..." Sister Krone mumbled as she looked at the three of them.

AYYY.... sorry for the long chapter  and also sorry of to much of 3rd pov

hope you liked it 

(4481 words)

stay safe byeee

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