We Promised

By sagewrites221

531 0 1

No one ever really wants to die. Not really. Nobody ever thinks they will die either. People walk among the e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

13 0 0
By sagewrites221

I spot Blayne first, outside of Deep Water Palace. There are castles made in every capital of each region. Whenever the Royal Court and the Royal Heirs to the throne come to visit, we stay there. Deep Water Palace is made with steel and ornate topaz stone, sitting on the coast, looking out onto water. I cross the drawbridge toward my brother, glancing back at the portcullis as Henrick walks under it. He catches sight of Henrick and I, giving us one of his famous grins. I smile at the sight of my brother, skipping over to him and hugging him. "You alright?" he asks. My head nods of it's own accord but his eyes narrow when he looks into my eyes. "You sure?" I shrug, looking at our shoes. He takes my hand when I start to pinch my skin, squeezing it. "Henrick! Long time since I've seen you. How are you?" Henrick smiles, patting Blayne's shoulder. Blayne hasn't let my hand go, not even to say hello the right way.

He reminds me of when we were younger. We constantly had to meet with other Council Children, and I couldn't control my fidgeting. Me fidgeting was one of the things my father used to beat me for. He took my hand, small and trembling then, and squeezed it to reassure me. He used to tell me not to let them see, that they didn't deserve to see it. That they needed to see me strong so they can't find something to use against me. I nodded, trying to put on a brave face. That night he snuck into my room with something called a cupcake. "Blayne, do they have cupcakes here?" He laughs, pulling me into an embrace. "You remember that huh?" I beam at him, looking out at the transports. "Of course I do." He plants a chaste kiss on my head, grabbing my hand again. "I can see if they have them here. I'll get the vanilla ones. Just the way you like them." Henrick glances between the two of us as he chuckles. "You two are still little children. Nothing can change that for anything." A snort comes from me and I gasp, placing a hand over my mouth. "Sorry." They throw their heads back in laughter and I smile. Small moments like this make this world some what easier to deal with. That's what pushes me to sit in the transport and watch as we drive towards the city auditorium, to present the new Queen to the people of the Empire.

The men look angrier, more exhausted than I expect. Usually they stay in their houses for safety from the judgement or being killed in crowds like this. The scowl on my face grows deeper as I see Evelyn smile and shake hands with the women. She's lying to them, lying to the world. The women flinch away from me as I walk past them and Henrick plasters on a wider smile. Their fury is one I've never seen before, causing tension to grow between my siblings and the crowd. This cannot continue. We are not our parents. I kneel to a woman holding her child, a beautiful girl, and I give her my kindest smile. She eyes me with fear, with caution, and I offer my hand. Everyone around her stares in shock, observing my every move. The mother takes it slowly and my smile widens. "You have a beautiful girl. What is your name?" The mom's eyes widen and her mouth opens and closes, sputtering words that don't make sense. She recovers, and I wait patiently for her to speak. "T-thank you. I'm Nora your majesty." I hold out my hands to the little girl and Nora lifts up her child, for fear I may do something to her if she refuses. The emotions swimming in her eyes change. She still has her fear, yes, but she has curiosity there as well, wonder. I can see what she's thinking. Why would someone of her class, have interest in someone like me, someone like us? The little girl has coiled curls, brown eyes as wide as saucers, and rosy cheeks.

The whole crowd has gone silent now and my siblings are watching me, Blayne with a small smile on his face, Evelyn confused, and Athena bored. Henrick stares at me with pride. I feel the little girl's heart in her chest, the fast rush of her blood through her veins. "You're a very beautiful girl. What's your name?" The little girl smiles and grabs my finger, her whole palm wrapping around my index. "Chloe." I nod, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Chloe, never forget. No matter how many people tell you mean things, awful things, remember that you are beautiful, smart, and important." I pause. "No matter how awful people are to you, be the kindest you can be. Especially to the boys, okay?" She nods quickly, like I've given her the world's most important mission. "You'll do it for me?" Chloe holds out her pinky finger and I wrap my own pinky around hers. "I pinky promise, majesty." I laugh quietly, taking a ring off my finger and placing it discreetly in her palm. "Never forget okay?" Her arms hang around my neck and I pull away, reluctantly placing her back in her mother's embrace. "Thank you, your majesty," Nora whispers, tears in her eyes. I nod with a small smile, squeezing the mother's hand before continuing down the stage.

The crowd cheers and I try to hide my smile as I climb off the platform. "I told you that you'd be a better leader than Evelyn," Blayne says quietly. Henrick skips to my side. "I've always agreed. Blayne's an intelligent man," Henrick adds. Blayne steps back, an eyebrow raising. "You want to marry me or something, man?" Henrick gets on one knee and I laugh. "Would you say no?" Blayne wrinkles his nose, shaking his head quickly. "Of course I would." Henrick feigns shock and they both chuckle, moving ahead in a conversation that the two of them can't escape. We gather by the transports, as Evelyn continues to shake hands and kiss babies foreheads like politics so desperately likes to gobble up.

We've stood for half an hour in the same spot and I've been fixing Athena's hair as we wait for Evelyn to finish up. I glance up at the crowd, scanning both sides of the aisle for suspicious activity. I'm glad I do. A hooded woman stands at the edge of the barricade, a silver cloth tied around her wrist. I know where that is from. I wore one once, hiding my features while I robbed my own military compound. "Stay here, Thena."

"Everything okay?" I nod, turning her towards Blayne and kissing the top of her head. "Everything's fine, I promise. Just stay with Blayne." I sink into the crowd around me, tracking the woman as she heads toward the street.

She pushes through the crowd, leaving the stage behind and heads through town. She pushes past people, her cloak whipping behind her in her wake. Mine does the same as I chase after her. She turns a corner and I stop, placing my hand on the dagger strapped to my thigh. The fabric of my dress hides it from prying eyes, but I keep my hands down, ready to reach for it if I need it. I approach the alley way she's hidden away in slowly, observing her as she removes her hood. More men and women gather around, coming out of the shadows with silver textiles around their faces and hands. "Hello, your majesty." I step back from the group, and barrels of their guns stare back at me in response.

I pick at my fingernails, watching to see what their next move will be. "My name is Amira Conley. If you haven't put two and two together yet you must know I am in contact with Abigail and Jaxon. She requests confirmation of your alliance with the Bloods." Her tone is laced with annoyance, as if she's disgusted by my presence. I don't like you one bit, you entitled idiot, I think. "You can tell Abigail and Jax that I haven't said a word about their plans. I don't have to explain myself any more than that. Now, if you don't mind, I will be on my way." The woman pulls my arm back, pressing a knife against my neck. The cool brick feels good against my head, grounding me as the rough texture soothes my fingers. "Keep in mind, little royal. We don't care for you one bit. If you sell us out? We'll kill you and anyone you hold dear, even if we have to die for it." I grab her wrist and twist it, folding it behind her back and shoving her into the wall. "I have been more loyal to this cause than I should ever have been. You should be on your knees, begging me to join your stupid cause. Without me, you won't be able to do shit. So I suggest you lower your guns." She snarls in anger and the guns cock around me. "Shoot me. Go ahead." We stand there in uncomfortable silence and my heart slams against my ribcage.

It's when they lower their weapons that they realize the truth in my words. They need me and the Bloods can go to hell. They have too many loose cannons, too many loose fringes, one of them including an impulsive man named Jaxon Black. After what he's done to me and my family? I want nothing to do with them because the Bloods are associated with the Black family. I won't side with him after what he's done. I won't. Right?

The rest of our trip is smooth. Normal family memories, ones that have engraved themselves in my heart and mind. I wish I can tattoo these moments in my head forever, so that I never forget them. They are the only thing that keeps me calm on our ride back to Osmea. I shiver at the thought of returning and seeing my Father after so many months. The plane trembles and shudders beneath me, startling me awake. I hold on to Henrick's sleeve tightly and he glances at me. "Are you alright?" I nod and close my eyes. "Calm down. You're shaking."

"Sorry, I just-." I let out a sharp breath. "We're landing," Blayne announces from the cockpit. I unbuckle my harness, and grab hold of the hooks on the body of the jet. Blayne is at my side the moment I blink. "Are you ready for this?" I ask. He clenches his fists, setting his shoulders square. "Are we ever ready?" Henrick takes my flank, the three of us preparing for the wheels to hit the runway. My toes dig into my shoes, keeping me stable as the wheels hit the concrete.

I don't feel a thing, the transition from air to land smooth and undetectable. Blayne straightens, taking the form of the prince he is. "Our sisters," I utter quietly. I take the form of a princess, back rigid and my blonde hair falling in waves down to my waist. I hastily make my way down the ramp and Blayne has to speed up to catch me, Henrick at his heels. "Relax. He's at the castle, we still have a few minutes." I pace back and forth, trying to bottle my panic. "A few minutes? Then what is that?" All of our eyes flit to the royal seal on Father's plane. I let out a string of curses as my sisters find us amongst the chaos. I prepare myself for the worst, and Blayne grabs my fingers from behind, looking over my shoulder to watch our Father. His cloak trails behind him in sickening crimson, the color of fresh blood. The color stands out against the stormy gray sky, and it makes me sick. His pale, pasty skin makes my skin crawl. I lift my chin, masking my fear with empty emotion. My mind falls into the forebearing daze that I've grown accustomed to my whole life. Behind him trails my stepmother, her bronze skin gleaming in a way that so many people would be jealous of. Her crown is bedazzled with rubies and silver jewels that fall down her forehead. I don't dare to move, I don't dare to breath. Evelyn is the first one to move in a queen-like stride to greet our father. He nods at her presence with pride set on his lips. "Evelyn," he says, tilting his head down slightly. He stops in front of me, looking directly into my eyes. They say, I want to slit your throat. "Father," I say, dipping my head. His lips fall into a scowl instantly. "You will speak when spoken to," he spits, each word like a knife stabbing me over and over. "I assume you haven't died like I've seen on the media. Such a disappointment the world would have been rid of but it so happens... that we should have to suffer your presence once more." I bite my tongue to keep all of the foul words from spilling out of my mouth.

I push Athena behind me lightly but he doesn't seem to notice. He doesn't acknowledge his youngest daughter at all. "Hello, son." Blayne was always skilled in handling our father. I always believed they would have had a great relationship if it weren't for me. It's my fault Blayne never had a good relationship with our Father. I've always hated myself for it. "Father," Blayne responds, disdain dripping from his words. For a moment, I think Father might strike him across the face but he walks on as if he didn't hear. "Henrick. Nice to see you again." Henrick gives him a curt nod in return. It's when his transport drives off that I let go of my breath. Evelyn grabs Athena's hand, leading her to their own transport. Blayne however does something else. The actions that he takes in correspondence to my feelings, makes me believe easily how much he loves me, how protective he is over me. My brother takes my arm and pulls me into a hug. "Don't listen to a word he says, do you understand? Don't let them in," he whispers sternly in my ear. I nod, my lips pressed into a grim line. Even though I barely had them as a child, I never liked surprises. Today, more than ever, I hate suprises with every ounce of my being.

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