What's at Stake

By JordanLynde

409K 26.7K 19.7K

After failing as a vampire hunter, 17-year-old Cleo is sent to an academy full of vampires as a false peace t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
BONUS: Kaz vs. Felix Vs. One Bed Trope
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Author's Note

Chapter Forty-Four

5.9K 395 171
By JordanLynde

"I'm worried."

Claude and Felix turned toward me simultaneously. "Don't be," Felix said, laying his arm across Claude's shoulders. "We'll be fine. Right, Brother?"

Claude shook Felix's arm off him. "Don't call me that."

"Why? What's wrong, Brother?"


"Now I know how you felt when Adora and I went to my family's estate," I said, turning to Kaz, who looked as worried as I felt.

Kaz's eye twitched as Felix slapped Claude in-between the shoulder blades, making him stumble forward. "I'm worried someone will die."

"Felix won't kill Claude," I said confidently. I knew that much.

"Not Claude."

My gaze went back to Claude who looked absolutely murderous as he regained his balance.

"Would you prefer bro?" Felix asked seriously as Claude clenched his fists, twisting on his heel to give Felix a dirty look.

"I'd prefer you shutting up."

"That feature is not available right now. Or ever, actually," Felix corrected, whistling casually, as Claude grit his teeth.

"How have you dealt with him all these months?" Kaz asked me wearily.

"He's not so bad," I responded. To me, I added mentally. "Was he annoying last night?"

Kaz's expression of pure exhaustion told me enough. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Want me to take him tonight?"

"...No," Kaz said after a moment, frowning a little as he watched Felix. "I'll manage."

"Do you want to stay with me and leave Felix in your room alone?"

"That's okay, Cleo. Thank you for the offer, though."

"Alright," I said, "but if you change your mind, let me know. There's more than enough room for you."

Felix raised his eyebrows at us. "Shouldn't you be telling that to your boyfriend?" He glanced at Claude. "Did you hear that? She offered me or Kaz to stay with her and not even you—"

Claude elbowed Felix in the gut and I winced, knowing that's where Felix had been stabbed. "Be quiet."

Felix held his stomach, scrunching his face up in pain. "That was uncalled for."

"You guys should go before your patience toward each other is completely gone," Kaz suggested.

"We'll be back soon," Claude said, checking the time on his phone. "It shouldn't take more than a few hours."

I fiddled with my fingers, nervousness suddenly taking over. It would be fine. No one knew Claude and Felix were heading to check the border out besides Evander and the guards transporting them there. And Claude had the Sway. Nothing would happen.

My concern must have been obvious because Claude stepped up to me. He took my hands in his, making me halt my nervous habit. "I'll keep you updated, Cleo. Text me if anytime you're feeling anxious and I'll make sure to respond immediately so you can be at ease."

"Okay," I responded, smiling at him.

He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. "See you later."

"Woah," Felix said loudly. "In front of her ex? How could you? So cruel."

"Ex?" Claude said, throwing Felix a bemused look. "You were never her boyfriend. Perhaps just a stepping stone to me."

"Hey," I interjected quickly as Felix's eyes narrowed. "I already told you I don't like being fodder for you two," I directed toward Felix. "And same goes to you, Claude. Banter all you want, but leave me out of it."

Felix and Claude both had the decency to look ashamed and they both remained quiet until a sleek black Bentley pulled up to the school's gates. Kaz and I bid goodbye to Claude and Felix and stood there watching them as they drove away.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Kaz said after a moment.

"I'm sure they'll be fine," I responded but didn't really believe it. I would definitely be taking Claude up on his offer to text him.

"Hopefully they can strengthen the border. I'd hate to see what happens if someone like your father found out how weak it's getting."

"Is there any way for him or anyone else to find out about the border?"

"It's possible, but it would take a while for anyone to be sure. They'd have to send humans over the border and then notice that they weren't being caught. And we know there are times where hunters do make it over here without getting caught, even though the border did go off. So even if a few got by undetected, it wouldn't really mean anything to them."

I glanced at the forest, thinking about the hunters who attacked Felix and me. The border had gone off when they crossed, but not fast enough for them to be caught before reaching the academy.

Kaz gestured toward the dorms. "Come on, we shouldn't be out here by ourselves for too long."

"If the border stopped working what would happen?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if hunters tried to take over our area."

"Couldn't they do that anyway? If they all got together to attack, how does the border help anything?"

Kaz kicked at a rock on the ground, shrugging. "It doesn't really."

"What's the point of it then?"

"To at least warn us of what's coming. You think the last Blood War was just hunters overpowering vampires? No. It was surprise raids. Vampires might have fared better had they had any warning of the first assaults."

I watched the rock Kaz was kicking roll ahead of us. Right. Before the Blood War, the vampire territory was much larger, beyond what the border covered. They'd lost all the land beyond the border in the armistice.

"Maybe we'll work on getting it back after we deal with your father," Kaz said. "Speaking of, I wanted to talk to you while Claude is gone."

"About what?"

"Our plan for taking down your father. I have no doubt that Claude is going to suggest I stay away from any trap we set," Kaz told me. "He might try to force me away. I'm sure he wants to do the same to you, too."

I shook my head. "No way. He's not facing my father alone."

"My feelings exactly," Kaz agreed. "But Claude is stubborn. I think we can convince him you need to be there because you can help bait your father out just as much as Claude can, but he probably won't agree to me being there. So, I have a plan."

"And that is?"

"I'm going to pretend to listen to Claude's request to stay away. I'll tell him I won't get involved. But even if I say that, he probably won't trust that I will, and won't want to talk about the plan when I'm around. That's where I need you to help me."

I already saw where this was going. "You want me to keep you updated on the plan if he tells me anything when you're not around?"

Kaz nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry to ask that of you, but I need to be there. I refuse to let Claude face your father without me being there to protect him. And no offense to you, Cleo, I know you'd also do anything to protect Claude, but it's not the same as being there myself. I can't trust you to protect him. Not when it's your father that you'd be protecting him from."

"Even if it's my father, I won't let him do anything to Claude. Or you. Or anyone for that matter," I promised Kaz, brushing my hair out of my face as a gust of wind blew by us.

Kaz's hair swayed in the breeze, too, and he ran a hand through it. "I know. But I need to be there, Cleo. I shouldn't ask this of you, but I know Claude. I'm sure he's planning on keeping me out of it."

"Actually, I'm on your side with this," I admitted. "You don't need to convince me. I figured out what Claude's plan would be when he told Felix he could use Felix's help. He is making use of Felix because he doesn't care for Felix the same way he cares for you and me. He won't feel as obligated to keep Felix from getting hurt."

"Well, Felix should be useful for something."

I stopped dead in my tracks, staring at Kaz. "Kaz. Felix nearly died to protect me when I was taken. He risked his life to make sure I could escape and then protected Sura when I asked him to. Felix isn't disposable. He's not a pawn for us to use in our plan, either. And if you're going to act like he is, I won't be helping you after all. Because I'm not going to put Felix in danger."

Kaz paused, looking a bit taken off guard by my response as he looked back at me. "Oh. No, I didn't mean it like that, Cleo. None of us will be dying. I'll make sure of that."

"I know you don't get along with Felix, but he has suffered, too," I said, frowning.

"...I know," Kaz said, dropping his gaze. "Sorry."

"Why do you dislike him so much, anyway?"

Kaz didn't answer for a moment and I thought he wouldn't when he began walking away again. I kicked his rock in front of us and then fell into step with him. He sighed. "Saying this now when I know the truth about everything is makes me feel like an idiot."

"You're not," I assured him and he smiled a little.

"Felix has always been a jerk to Claude," he said. "And me, too, since I'm always around Claude. I thought he hated Claude for no reason. Or was jealous of him, or something. I would have never guessed he had his reasons for acting like that. And considering what those reasons are..."

"Claude told you everything about what Felix said to him and Sura?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now I don't know how to feel."

I kicked at Kaz's rock before he could this time. "Are you struggling to come to terms with the fact that someone you viewed one way is actually different than what you originally thought?"

"I guess."

"Well, it's not always easy to understand someone, but it's important to try. We all have our things. And now you understand why other people have a hard time accepting those changes."

Kaz stuck his leg out in front of me, stealing the rock back from me. "I do understand. I was the same exact way. I blamed Claude for the actions of my parents and your grandfather for a long time."

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"I'm just trying to process it. You know Pavlov's dogs? I've been conditioned to get irritated when I see Felix's face."

I grinned a little. "Well, I also think it's natural to get irritated when someone annoys you. And I can imagine Felix was annoying."

"He was. He still is."

"He's a good guy, though," I said. "You'll see the more you get to know him."

Kaz made a weary expression. "I'm not sure I want to. Understanding him is one thing, but dealing with him..."

"Well, you have to share a room with him for a while, so I think you should get used to it."


"Is it really that hard to share a room with him?"

Kaz held up his hand. "Don't bring it up. I don't want to think about it."

"Okay, I won't," I responded with a laugh.

"Come on, let's go meet up with San and Adora," Kaz said grabbing my shoulders and directing me down the canopied path to the library. "We should get them in on our plan. There will be less danger if most of us know about it."

I hesitated a moment. "Will Claude be really mad at us when he finds out we tricked him?"

"He'd be a hypocrite if he was."

"A hypocrite? Why?"

Kaz pursed his lips, his shoulders tensing. "No reason. Just make sure you don't accidentally tell him."

"I won't," I said. I didn't want to hide things from Claude, but I also knew Claude would put himself in danger to protect everyone. He wouldn't happy when he found out, but as long as everything went fine, he would get over it. But we'd be safer together— not separated.

The ball was in a month. A month was all the preparation time we had. And we were banking on my father taking it as an opportunity to get to Claude. The others seemed convinced of it, but I wasn't sure. Why would my father appear at such an obvious time? It would make more sense if he went after Claude before or after it. But maybe he'd assume all the commotion would mask his moves.

We met up with San and Adora by the library. Adora threaded her arm in mine and started leading me toward the lake. There were no students around the water— unsurprising, considering the cold weather. Kaz informed Adora and San of his plan as we approached the benches surrounding the beach.

Both San and Adora were on board right away. They also thought having Kaz around would improve our chances.

"Do you think your sister is going to be there, too?" Adora asked me, flopping onto one of the benches.

"Probably," I said, my heart clenching at the thought of Kieran, taking a seat beside Adora. Sister. Was she even actually my sister? I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Felix about her yet. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know.

"I wonder if there is any way we can convince her to join our side," Adora wondered out loud, leaning back, staring up at the grey sky. "She just needs to realize that your father isn't a good person like you did."

I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my leg, deciding to put that thought aside. No matter what, I grew up with Kieran as my older sister. I didn't think I'd ever consider her something other than that. "I don't know. If you thought I had a hard time accepting it, Kieran will be worse. She's always believed in my father's words firmly while I always felt some hesitation."

"But it's not her fault," Adora said stubbornly. "And she was really nice to me. She didn't try to kill me. And she had multiple chances to do so."

"That doesn't mean anything," Kaz said, his gaze on San as San skipped rocks against the lake's surface. "Don't let her lure you into a false sense of security."

Adora pouted. "I'm not. I'm not an idiot."

Kaz didn't budge. "She poses a threat to us. She's tried to kill Claude before."

I flinched. Right. What excuse could I give for Kieran? I saw it with my own eyes. She would have killed Claude if I hadn't interrupted her. No matter what, she was a danger now.

"But Cleo had a change of heart—" Adora began again.

"You remember the last time you trusted a human like that, don't you, Adora?" Kaz cut her off, his gaze flickering to her coolly.

Adora froze for a moment before she sat up straight, narrowing her eyes at Kaz, her expression deadly. So unlike any expression, I'd ever seen her make before. "What did you just say?"

"I'm reminding you of what can go wrong, Adora."

Adora pushed herself off the bench, approaching Kaz, hands fisted at her sides. "That's not something to use against me."

"I'm not using it against you," Kaz said, turning to face her. "But I don't want you doing stupid to try and save someone again."

"What right do you have to say that to me?"

I stood up, unsure what was going on. I'd never seen Adora so angry.

Kaz folded his arms over his chest. "I'm just saying—"

"Well, don't," Adora snapped, shoving him hard in the shoulder.

Kaz nearly fell from the force of it. He stared at her, taken aback for a moment. Then he sighed, shaking his head. "Fine. I won't. Just don't make the same mistake twice."

Adora twisted on her heel and stormed off down the shore. I followed after her immediately. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Adora's hair fell into her face as she studied the sand ahead of her, head down. "You know I've killed before."

My heart skipped a beat. She meant before the Leecher. "Yeah, I do."

"Well. It was a human."


She refused to look at me. "More specifically a hunter."

"Did one come after you?" I asked, my heart rate increasing, but trying to keep my expression neutral.

"No. I..." She stopped, turning to face me, biting her lip. "Do you remember what Rehan said? A while back? About you being my type."

I nodded. Quite taken by the murderer, is what Rehan had said, referring to me. But I still didn't know what he'd meant by it.

"He meant that fact you're a hunter. My parents have tried to cover this up to their best ability, but rumors still spread."

"Cover what up?"

"I was tricked— no, I was betrayed by a hunter before. I met her three years ago on Halloween when we snuck over to go to the club. It was like love at first sight. I started sneaking over to meet up with her. And while I thought I was in love, she was just using me. To find out any information she could. I was an idiot and I didn't notice."

I grabbed her hand. "No, you weren't. It sounds like she was manipulating you. That's not your fault."

"Still..." Adora pulled her hand from me. "I'll save you the details. She tried to kill me, I killed her instead. I was injured and I drank her blood. Claude caught me. We made it out to be an assassination attempt on him that I stopped, but somehow rumors still spread that I murdered a hunter."

"Why would vampires spread that rumor? Wouldn't that be seen as a good thing? To kill a hunter?"

"Why does anyone spread rumors? They have nothing better to do than try to make someone else miserable. That's the same whether you're human or vampire," she said. "No one knew the whole story, anyway. And it's not like I could correct them. And it's not like I wasn't free of any blame. I was stupid."

I frowned. "Adora."

"But I'm not stupid enough to make the same mistake twice," she said, squaring her shoulders. "Kaz can think what he wants, but I've learned from then. But I don't think it's right to automatically make your sister the bad guy when we know how bad you were brainwashed by your father. Kieran could be the same. Don't you think so, Cleo?"

I avoided Adora's gaze. "I don't know, Adora. I saw her attack Claude with my own eyes—"

"But was she going to kill him? Why did she go for incapacitating him instead? Why not just stick a dagger in his heart when she got that close?"


"I'm just saying, Cleo. When I think about visiting your estate growing up and seeing how different you and Kieran were, I always thought she was as bad as your father. But that's all she knew. Just like it's all you knew. Obey him, or be punished. And maybe she's not as strong as you."

I laughed. That was ridiculous. "No way. Kieran is way stronger than me."

"Maybe physically, but that doesn't mean she is mentally."

The humor disappeared. I hadn't thought of it like that. Because to me, Kieran was the epitome of strength. But she'd undergone the same things as I had. And I weathered through it while still holding my own beliefs, but maybe it wasn't like that for her.

"I... I just don't think Kieran is bad," Adora said. "Just like I didn't think you were."

"I don't want to think she is either, but..." I trailed off, thinking about what Felix said. She had vampire blood in her. She'd tried to kill him during the Vesper Massacre. She'd attacked Claude. I couldn't trust her anymore.

"We can be cautious," Adora told me. "But if she comes with your father, I think we should try to talk with her. Talk her out of whatever plans he put in her head."

"That's really dangerous, Adora," I said, shaking my head. "We can't—"

Adora furrowed her eyebrows. "You'd turn your back on your sister?"

"No," I said immediately. "Of course not."

"If Felix catches her first, he might kill her."

I shuddered at the thought. I knew he would. And no matter what she or my father had done, I still didn't want them dead. I wanted them to pay for their crimes. My father deserved to be in jail for the rest of his life. But he was still my father... even if I was the only one who would be sad if he died, I still selfishly wanted him to live.

And I felt the same for Kieran. And I hoped that Felix was wrong— like he'd been wrong about Sura. That maybe Kieran hadn't been trying to kill him. Maybe she'd been forced to tag along by my father and then caught up in everything. Maybe Felix remembered wrong.

I needed to talk to both of them— Felix, and Kieran.

I let out a long breath. "If we run into Kieran—"

"Yes, I knew you wouldn't give up on her like that," Adora cut me off, grabbing my hands excitedly. "We should talk to her and try to convince her to join our side. It might not be easy, but it's worth a shot."

"But we'll have to be careful," I said. "We can't trust her. I really hope she doesn't come with my father if he plans on trying to kill Claude during the ball, but if she does, we have to treat her like an enemy over an ally. We can talk things out after."

Adora nodded. "That sounds like a reasonable plan."

"Kieran might not be too easy to convince, but when my father is imprisoned for his crimes, she might listen better. Then she'll see his wrongdoings too."

Adora suddenly went still, her eyes widening a little. When I gave her a questioning look, she waved me off. "Uh, sorry. I was just thinking you're right. Maybe once he's indicted Kieran will see reason."

Adora started walking back to the others and I remained where I stood for a moment, thinking. Maybe Kieran would see reason. And maybe she was brainwashed into trying to kill Claude. But even if, she'd still tried to kill an innocent vampire. And if Felix was remembering correctly about the Vesper massacre, Kieran would still have to take responsibility for what she'd done wrong.

But... maybe, just maybe if things could be set right, I wouldn't have to lose her, too.


I am having a bit of writer's block/slump right now. When am I not tho. I'm not very happy with this chapter, but I have to move on T_T

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