Hero To A Demon lord (Izuku x...


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This is a story of how izuku midoriya was trapped in a video game with no way out, he use to play the game ba... Mehr

Chapter 1 The Demon Lords Arrival
Chapter 2 Truth, Drunk Lad
Chapter 4 Elven Guardian
Chapter 5 Celestines Quest
Chapter 6 Fallen Attack, Traitor

Chapter 3 Guilds Newcomers

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Author: Hello everyone now it's time for a new chapter for Hero to Demon lord let's get started

Narrator: Good evening ladies and gentlemen now we should hurry up and starts this chapter shall we

Izuku: *Slowly waking up* Hmmm (And I'm here again and yet I thought this would be a dream but Turns out it's not so am I really stuck inside the game itself or is it the same game but different ways and thing in this place Ugh I need to stand up first before I talk about this) *Stands up but then felt something from the palm of his hand something soft* (W-wait why is there something soft next to my bed *Realization* W-w-wait not my bed but for two people, people by the means girl, girl who are in a single b-bed) *Looks were his hands and it turns out to be*

HERE WE GO!!!!!!

Izuku: (ITS A BOOB, OH NO WHAT DO I DO WHAT CAN I DO OH MY GOD THIS IS SOMETHING MINETA WHOULD DREAM OF BUT WHAT ARE THE CHANCES ILL BE THE ONE GETTING THIS!!!!!!) *Breathing heavily* (C-calm yourself midoriya think clearly this is not me, my mom would never raise me like a perv isn't that right left hand) *Looks at his left hand refusing as he see the hand groping the girls breast*


As things couldn't get any worse through time both of izuku's hands refused to comply as so many battles through out his time he has been abusing both his hand to the point they had so many scars especially his "Right Hand" During the fight with "Muscular" the left and right hand simply wanted a reward for his battle so this is the left hands opportunity of a lifetime as if the left hand said

"This is my reward let me have it" *As the hand pleaded*

Izuku: (Look I'm sorry left hand but please don't do this there other thing then this)

"You are right about that"

Izuku: (Then we could d-


Izuku: (Please d-dont do this)

"I'm sorry but this is it" *He then continues to grop on the girl again*

Izuku: (D-dammit at least my right hand has a say in th-)

He was Interrupted as the right hand was doing the same but with rem

Izuku: (I-im sorry mom I thought I was the innocent little boy you once knew b-but now this is something I can't stop both soft breast even if both have the different size but yeah this Is amazing. . . . . . I guess I'm part of the "Dark side")

Hmmm~ everything okay

Izuku: ACK!? *Startled*

Shera: H-huh? *Looks to see izuku's left hand groping onto her breast and blushes* AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *quickly moves away izuku's hand and hold her own breast* NO THOSE ARE MINE YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH THEM!!

Izuku: A-a-a-a-a

Shera: I-I mean at least not right now m-maybe if you choose me as your master then, SERIOUSLY JUST PICK ME IT'LL BE GREAT!!!!

Izuku: (I-if I chose her I'll get an all you can squeeze guarantee)


Izuku: Eh!? *Looks to see rem waking up*

Rem: *Rubbing eyes* Why are you too loud this early in the morning *Looks to see izuku's right hand holding onto her breast and begins to blush madly*

Izuku: (OH NO THIS IS BAD TO WORSE WHAT NOW COME ON THINK THINK . . . I GOT IT!!!!!) *Clears Throat* R-rem i-i-i-i-i-i-i . . . . . *Passes out* (I-i give up)


Now we go to the markets we're izuku and the two girl are walking

Izuku: Are you still anger about it

Rem: No I am not

Shera: Then why are you so red

Rem: *Blushing* N-no im not

Izuku: They are dwarfs, grass walkers, pantherians, and alot of elves but no humans I wounder why

Rem: Well it's because this is were demi-humans live

Shera: They don't really like each other *Up close to izuku*

Izuku: *Little Blush* I-I see (So this is like a separation from both demi-humans and humans so I guess this is how it works not that I don't mind about it but I guess there are some of the humans in this city but I guess they work for Celestine *Remembers* Yeah I wounder what happened to that guy . . . Hmmm) i got a question does this world have some kind of ranking system base by someone level am I correct

Shera: Y-yeah but I sucks cuz I don't know my level yet

Rem: As a level 40 summoner I could tell your below my level ranking they can assist you at the Adventures Guild and when we get there give them your information

Izuku: Hmmm I see

Shera: Oh yeah I never registered as an adventure that's why I don't have a level yet *Smiles* Yes I gotta be at least a level 50 by now

Rem: I guess that depends on your "Measuring" you might be 50 or below average

Shera: Hmmmm!!!!


Shera: Why are you so rude


Rem: Why are you so dumb


Shera: I AM NOT!!



Izuku: (This whole place used to be around 60 in the game and it definitely doesn't feel that advanced in this world)

Rem: Once we all registered with the guild we'll be able to accept quests together but just a warning there gonna make you guys earn it your rank

--15 minutes as they are now inside the guild main entrance--





Guy1: *Realization* Y-YOU ILL KILL YOU!!!! *Makes the first punch at guy 2*

Izuku: (Woah is this what I think it is *Looks to see the fight* A real life dwarf fight they both look awesome but scary I feel like I'm gonna get jump at a place like this)

Rem: This happens all the time here you'll get used to it and the smell as well, come on let's go and register at the second floor *Walks away*

Izuku: *Sighs* As much as I like to see how this plays out it would be in another time *Follow rem*

???: *See the Three walking past him* Tch!

Shera: Name uhhhh *Starts writing* I'm Shera L Greenwood place of birth

Izuku: *Hold Paper* (Hmm for some reason this language is almost identical as Japanese well I'll try I guess) *Starts writing* Name Diablos Birth N/A Hmmmm . . . .

5 minutes later

Dog Girl: *Places dagger* Almost done sir except we need your blood seal at the bottom

Izuku: (Good news I'm not scared of getting poke by a blade)

Rem: Get used to it

Shera: I-I don't like blood

Izuku: Well I guess I'll go first *Steps in the front and grabs the dagger from the table* Hmmm I don't think this will do since my skin is tough as a neil

Dog Girl: I'm sorry but this is the only dagger we have available

Izuku: I see (The level of this dagger is way too low I guess I'll get something in my inventory) *Places the blade in the table and then grabs something behind his cape*

Rem: W-woah what kind of Dagger is that

Shera: *Sparkle eyes* Wow that looks so pretty

Izuku: This Dagger will be suffice

He then raise his index finger towards the dagger and one small poke was enough to draw a single blood from his finger as he soon place It to the paper

Izuku: There that is all now it's your turn Shera *Looks at her*

Shera: *Shaking* I-I don't know if I could do it

Izuku: Then allow me to help please rise your index finger please *Soon puts away the dagger and grabs the other dagger from the table*

Shera: A-alright *Rise his finger* H-here please be sure I doesn't hurt

Izuku: (I guess I'll do what my mom does to me when we go to the doctor to have a check on me) All right Shera on a count of 3

Shera: A-alright Three,Tw-

Izuku then pokes the finger as the blood starts to form on her finger he then soon place It on the bottom paper

Izuku: There that wasn't so bad

Rem: Yeah even a little kid can do better then that *In a sarcastic tone*


Dog Girl2&3: *Staring at izuku with lustful eyes*

Shera: What's that thing

Rem: It's a mirror that measures the strength of your power

Shera: But there's no reflection in it

Dog Girl1: Please touch the glass and imagine that your filling it with magic

Shera: O-okay *She Places her hand on the glass* like this *She then pour her magic in the glass as it soon shown her reflection of herself*

Dog Girl1: Wow that's incredible you did it very good

Rem: *Sigh*

Dog Girl1: It's clear enough to count every pour and eyelashe that goes down to your chest so your level is . . .


Dog Girl1: A solid 30

Shera: Shut up *Frown* That means rem won

Rem: It means you got a much needed reality check if you thought you were better

Shera: Hmmm thats fine just enjoy it while you can rem

Izuku: (A 30 in this level world is actually a pretty high valuation)

Dog Girl1: Uhhh can I please have the next person

Izuku: Very Well *Walking towards the Mirror* (Alright I gotta focus on my magic and put in the mirror) *Slowly puts hand in the glass* Let's see

Once he place his hand on the glass a chain reaction making the whole glass turn pure black and then everything went complete darkness as the a green electricity formed around the glass making the whole guild shaking


Shera: Something Scary *Hugging the dog girl1*

Izuku: (W-wow now this is something I don't see well what do you expect I'm like level 150 so I guess I kinda expected it) *Takes hand off of the glass as the glass soon stop as well*

???: *Kicks the door* WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!

Dog Girl1: G-guild master I-I Um I *Panicing*

Izuku: (W-wait t-this is the guild master a-and why is her clothes revealing so much skin)

???: *Tilts head* Hi there I'm Sylvie the guild master of the Faultra City Adventures Guild *Smiles*

Sylvie: Do you have a sec I'd like to talk to each of you

--At the guild masters office-

Sylvie: It's the first time in the mirror that had the reaction like that *Looking at izuku's paper* So uhhh I honestly don't think we could handle you guys here

Shera: Huh

Rem: What do you mean by that

Sylvie: The only thing I can conclude in this test is that someone is at a very high level but I have no way just how high *Tosses it* And what am I supposed to do with that you know *Smiles* But for funzies let's say you did registered if I font know your level how can I assigned new missions that make sense

Izuku: Hmmm you are right about that but would that mean you won't accept me because of my strange

Sylvie: Hey I'm all about having strong members but your stronger then even me and that I'll be the one giving you orders you can't honestly say your okay with that come on

Izuku: As long as you give me a reward of completing a quest then it's fine and in all honestly even if I'm strong I wouldn't care what kind of guild master I'll be working as long as they give me a pay I'll be on my way simple

Sylvie: *Giggles* I guess your right about that well then *Puts out hand* Welcome to my guild Diablos

Izuku: Well *Grabs her hand* It'll be an honor working with you Ms,Sylvie *Shakes it*

Sylvie: Please Sylvie is fine I don't want to be that old

The next 10 minutes Sylvie has been flipping pages of different quests

Sylvie: See what I mean there just aren't gonna be that many quest that fit your actual durability here *She then find one* Okay I haven't seen this one before *Pulls out the paper*

Rem: Is there something wrong

Sylvie: *Looks through it* Hmmm yeah that's the point this one's kinda tricky *Shows it to the group*

Sylvie: Think your up for it

It's been about 1 hour since they accepted the quest as they are now in a grass plane field were the three are on the road

Rem: Interesting it's a quest to defeat a Madera Snake in the man eating woods is said that they need the eyes of the snake for there experience the client is from the mages association

Shera: The man eating woods isn't it filled with strong monsters

Rem: Yeah normally we've never even considered taking a quest this dangerous but if someone requests it then I guess it's our job

Izuku: The mages association I'm guessing must Celest must be involved

Rem: *looks down*

Izuku: You shouldn't worry just relax and leave this to me *Looks at her* Hm?

Rem: *Little Blush as she is remembering what he said to her that night*

Izuku: *Trying his best not to blush* This place is still dangerous so I suggest we Teleport are way there after all its way farther do you know weres the nearest portal here

Shera: What's a portal?

Rem: Never heard teleport in my life

Izuku: Hm? Now thats strange do you guys not have Teleportation or a portal in this world as in my world those thing would allow you to go to different places in a second

Shera: Wow so you had that in your world and I mean if we did then we would be using it by now

Rem: *Sighs* I wish we did had that so that we don't have to hear the fat elf


Izuku: *Sighs* (I guess we're going to have to walk over there I wounder how long it'll take)

--5 Hours Later--

Izuku: *Sighs in disbelief* (I-I can't believe it 5 hour to get here the good news I could survive that kind of walk BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH I HATE THIS GAME!!!!)

Shera: *Looking at the swamp* Okay were are we supposed to find this Madera Snake

Rem: There over 20 meters long and typically lurk in the swamps other past times including attacking other pry that are too close to there swamp

Shera: *Moves back* WAAAAA!!!! *Runs towards rem* You shouldn't said that sooner!

Izuku: (This kinda reminds me about the training camp we had but this is like the scary version this is too dangerous to walk around here blindly)

Shera: So is anyone else supposed to be helping with us or is it just us three

Rem: Uhh what do you think

Shera: Ummm well I wondering right now if more people are going in and out of these woods then I thought

Rem: Not unless they want to end there life's early did you see someone

Shera: No but I can sense them over that way

Izuku&Rem: *Looks at the front of there direction*

Rem: *Looks at izuku* Is she making this up

Shera: There about like ten of them up in the trees and it kinda seems like there waiting for something *Points to there direction*

Rem: *Sighs* Have you always been this dumb or is this something new asking for a friend

Shera: What friend!

Izuku: What Shera saying is true elves have better sense and have a better advantages when it come hunting in the woods but I'm starting to think Sylvie was right and this quest was going to be tricky

Shera: Huh!? WHY!!!!!

Izuku: *Pulls out his staff from his cape* Because we have been tricked and trap there about the ambush us

Shera: WHAT!!!!!!

Izuku: Tell me were they are

Shera: H-huh up there, there and there

Izuku then puts his staff high in the air as a magic cycle appears infront of the staff and said


As izuku said that multiple cycles began to appear and it form fire balls on each one of the cycles as it releases the bast then hits the trees making an explosion which sets trees on fire

Izuku: *Whicked Smile* Now that what I'm talking about

Shera: *Cover mouth* That is some seriously strong elemental magic

Rem: *Shock* I didn't realize your power was that hard-core

???: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Shera: *Eyes Widen* There elves!?

Izuku: *Sighs* You have got to be kidding me (Great more people are after me not like I'm used to it but let's go)



Author: Hello guys hope you love this chapter and for more to come and be excited for so goodbye or should I say "Arrivederci"


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