beautiful crime // t.shelby 1.

By MaryBravo200

137K 4.3K 450

In which a seemingly angelic woman comes to Birmingham with devilish plans. Peaky Blinders Season 1. Thomas... More

•beautiful crime•
•part one•
•part two•
•part three•
•part four•
•part five•
•part six•
•part seven•
•part eight•
•part nine•
•part eleven•
•part twelve•
•part thirteen•
•part fourteen•
•part fifteen•
•part sixteen•
•part seventeen•
•part eighteen•
•part nineteen•
•part twenty•
•part twenty-one•
•part twenty-two•
•part twenty-three•
•part twenty-four•
•part twenty-five•
•part twenty-six•
•part twenty-seven•
•part twenty-eight•
•part twenty-nine•
•part thirty•
•book ii•

•part ten•

3.3K 118 20
By MaryBravo200



Boxing ring, Birmingham, 1919:

T HE smashes and grunts of men rang throughout the boxing ring as Eleanor stood outside of it, watching Arthur and Pius throw fists at one another rather seriously, Pius landing punch after punch at the older man, who punched back so Pius hit the line and paused. Elle furrowed her eyebrows when they both stared at each other angrily, all fun and games gone out of the window so she was about to open up her mouth, but the males then laughed cheerfully and bumped their gloved hands.

"Good fight, Pius boy!" Arthur exclaimed happily, sweat dripping down his body as Elle's brother walked over to the corner, where he drank some water Eleanor had prepared for them.

Eleanor sighed. Ever since the conversation with Thomas she had been feeling all sorts of worst outcomes, which always ended up with either her or Pius's deaths. But, as days passed and everyone were still as oblivious to their whole ordeal, Elle knew Tommy would be keeping his part of their deal. It was that or he hadn't found the man himself yet.

"You two scare me sometimes," Eleanor spoke as she watched Arthur bend over the gum railing and jump down next to her so she smiled and handed him a flask of water. The man took it and poured some on his body as Pius appeared on the other side of his sister, breathing heavily, and sweat dripping down his face. "Your expressions looked like you wanted to kill each other."

Arthur chuckled at the blonde who he grew fond of just in the span of a few weeks. Eleanor was a sweetheart in his eyes, able to handle herself well. She also cooked them food so it was true what they said – a way to a man's heart was through his stomach. "That's what it is. Boxing isn't gentle, though I'm not a terrific fan of it," Arthur commented as Pius continued to take his water in huge gulps, still a little out of breath even if he was in a good physical shape. "But gotta help my brother get them demons out of his dead, you know?"

Eleanor smiled when Arthur wrapped his sweaty body around Pius, the latter pushing the man off so the oldest Shelby brother extended his hands for Elle to help him get rid of his boxing gloves. She helped him, of course, and when he was finally bare handed, Arthur suddenly grabbed Elle by her waist, lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. Eleanor yelped in shock as he started carrying her somewhere, but a small chuckle did escape her mouth. "Let me get you a lift to the door, lady, unless you wish to stay for the show, of course," he commented, wishing to get dressed back into his suit as Eleanor continued to hold onto his arms, feeling unstable.

Pius watched angrily and then Arthur finally let go of the woman, who felt her cheeks heat by the man's hands on her. "He's pissed, isn't he?" Arthur whispered in anticipation, his back turned to Pius so Eleanor glanced over his shoulder and then smirked knowingly with a nod. "Then my deed for today is done."

"So is mine," she joked back, feeling like with Arthur she forgot her problems for a while. Eleanor felt strange she felt that way, but the man was funny and friendly, but only to her from what she could see. He also didn't flirt with her as much as John did. Despite Arthur's bad temper to other people, he still managed to be one of her favorite Shelby's.

Arthur grinned so Elle opened the door and left the men to change back into their clothes. "You, arse, told you to keep your hands to yourself," Arthur groaned when he got hit with a glove that Pius threw his way. Rolling his eyes, Arthur approached his bag and rummaged through his clothes. "Do not touch my bloody sister."

Eleanor stood outside the building, waiting for her brother and Arthur to walk out. She had a free day so instead of wanting to sit home alone with a fear that Tommy could come in any second and shoot her, she asked Pius whether she could accompany him and Arthur to the boxing ring. This activity was seemingly helpful for Pius since his nightmares lessened, and he woke up less during the night.

As Elle stood outside in the cold evening of Small Heath, her arms wrapped around her body, she looked around the street to see people working despite the darkness. Either sweeping dust off of their shops' window or fixing cranky doors. Eleanor also noticed a woman carry a child in her arms and smiled sadly, feeling a bit sentimental. She had always wanted to become a mother, but with such life, she knew it couldn't be possible any time soon. Though she tried to stay optimistic. Maybe in the future when she'd be free from Nina, she could meet a nice man, who'd love her for who she was. They'd get a nice house in the suburbs and she'd birth him children. It was a material dream, a bit boring, but with Elle's tragic life, boring was what she craved for.

Eleanor knew it was too much to ask for so she looked away from the small family when suddenly someone grabbed onto her arm, yanking her to their side. "Ah!" she exclaimed, turning to see a woman, dressed in literal rags, her eyes dark and hungry as she held onto Eleanor coat's fabric like it was the most expensive thing she has ever seen.

"Mercy, miss, please," the beggar begged desperately as Eleanor felt herself freeze, unable to look away as the woman's pleading eyes bore into the back of Elle's mind like a picture she would never forget. Or, a reminder, a memory. "I'm so cold! And your coat seems very warm, please. Mercy!"

Eleanor saw the woman's muddy hands dirty her sand coloured coat, leaving traces of dirt and hand prints so Elle shook her head, trying to pull her arm back to herself, but the starving woman was stronger despite having less energy. Eleanor couldn't give her the coat, because it was the only thing left of her mother. "I'm sorry, I-"

Suddenly, Arthur rushed towards them and pushed the woman to the ground as she yelped in pain, hitting the concrete pathway with her hands, bruising them like that. "Arthur!" Elle exclaimed, trying to help the poor woman up, but Pius blocked her path, grabbing Elle's arms and pushing her to go backwards as he began to walk ahead of her.

"Get out, you filth," Arthur snapped at the woman, throwing a penny to her feet and spitting to a side angrily. Eleanor felt fury wash her over at how mad the two were for torturing an already beaten down woman, but she wasn't strong enough to release herself from Pius's hold as he continued to push her backwards, glaring at her to just give up.

Arthur walked behind them until they turned a corner so Pius finally let go of his sister, who pushed him back in annoyance. Elle then glared at Arthur in shock of how harsh he was after she just saw such a soft side of him. "She wasn't harming me!" she yelled, feeling the woman was misjudged.

"How could you have known she didn't have a knife tucked underneath her rags?" Pius asked, also angered as Arthur tried to calm his nerves down. "What if she just wanted to rob and kill you?"

"In the middle of a full street?!" Elle snapped at her brother, eyes narrowed to a point of wrinkles forming on her forehead. "Where she could have been caught the second she stabbed me? Of course, it was just that!"

"Elle, you angel, people ain't shit when they're fucking beggars," Arthur stopped next to Pius, looking at the seething female pleadingly. "She's probably just some whore, who's got clap so she's out of work. Slag has nothing to lose, Elle, and she could've gotten whatever she wanted out of you no matter the consequences. Besides, they always come out of their fucking holes at nights. Don't you have plenty of those in the capital?"

Eleanor didn't answer, feeling her face fall. A weird thought creeped inside her mind that maybe Tommy had sent the woman after her, but it didn't seem like his way. Not that she knew what his way was, actually. Eleanor eventually rolled her eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed for reacting this way, even if she still thought the two dealt with it a bit too aggressively. "She said she was cold," Elle mused quietly, relating to the feeling, but hating her empathy. Pius sighed as he exchanged a look with Arthur.

Elle raised her arm up to see dirt marks on her most prized coat, the only one she had. Sighing, the girl looked back at the two males. She knew in what famine and starvation some people lived and wanted to change something, but she was only a woman, who herself did bad things to survive.

Arthur then grinned, wrapping his arm around the female's shoulders as he began to lead them out of the alleyway. Pius knew Arthur was just being a good friend to Elle so he didn't intervene as they walked to the Garrison. "You sweet little thing," Arthur cooed so Elle scoffed, but smiled nevertheless. "Don't feel bad for everyone in this world, 'cause that'll put you to grave sooner than you wish."

"If that's your philosophy, Arthur, you'll live forever," Pius sassed so Eleanor chuckled, a bit calmer than before.

"Next time... just be a little less violent," she told Arthur seriously, unafraid to call out the man for his wrong doings so Arthur smirked and continued to walk with her, arm wrapped around her shoulder.

People watched but they simply didn't care what others thought. Eleanor and Arthur knew their stance with each other. Pius caught up with them as they entered the Garrison, which was filled with people. Men sang around women, whose voices rang louder than usual, Elle smiling at Grace to see her busy body move around the pub too. Arthur led Elle towards a snug, where their men sat.

Grace raised her eyebrows at Eleanor in confusion, when she saw Arthur's arm around Elle's frame, but the latter only rolled her eyes. "Good day, Grace," Pius greeted the barmaid, but the blonde only nodded back, simply too busy.

Arthur and Elle stopped in front of the snug door, where they saw Tommy, John, Scudboat and another man whose name Elle didn't know play a card game. Grace then served them a bucket of beer as Eleanor tried her hardest to ignore the existence of Thomas. "Shuffle these cards, oi," Arthur spoke up so everyone looked up to see the man having his arm around a dull Eleanor. Tommy smoked his cigarette, eyes landing on the firm arm around her shoulder before he looked away, not acknowledging the female, who he now had to pay.

"Go and play snap with Finn," John mocked as he eyed the two people, Eleanor not uncomfortable with Arthur so close, but a bit bewildered. "Cosy, eh?"

Eleanor smiled almost barely, noticing Tommy glance her way so her smile fell quickly. "Very," Arthur smirked before kissing Elle's cheek so she blushed and then he pulled away, going to join their game. Thomas didn't even look her way and that made Elle relieved more than it angered her. "New game, prepare to be wrecked, boys!"

Pius snickered, sitting down next to Tommy with a challenging look as Elle continued to stand, watching Grace serve the men. "Did you want whiskey as well?" the barmaid asked Tommy.

"No, just beer."

"Why no whiskey, Tommy?" Arthur asked curiously as he spread a new part of cards towards the men. Elle glanced at Tommy subtly, their interactions stranger and colder now more than ever. "Are you expecting trouble? Elle, you joining in?"

Eleanor shook her head, raising her arm up to show them her muddy sleeve. "No, I have to clean my coat off this mess," she explained as Grace suddenly grabbed her arm and looked at the done damage.

Arthur faced his brothers as Tommy picked up a card, looked at it then placed his back down again. "Elle got almost mobbed by a beggar."

Eleanor glanced at Tommy once again, wanting to see what his reaction would be, but he seemed not to care. It mustn't have been his doing then. "Mobbed is a very strong word, Arthur," she smiled sheepishly, turning around to walk but she heard the men sing loudly, like cats being strangled. She chuckled and noticed Tommy's eyes meet her own briefly, but he then broke the eye contact, which Elle realized began to irritate her. They'd have to face each other again soon, though, but both had no idea how that would go.

"Jesus Christ, Tommy, what the hell made you let them sing? It's like they're strangling cats out there," John laughed so Eleanor noticed Tommy smile as well, a rare thing and yet hauntingly beautiful in its own way. Eleanor knew very well why the men were allowed to sing, it was her deed done, but she wasn't going to go around boasting the man listened to her.

"All right, 20 is the play. Come on," Arthur ushered before taking his cards as he watched Eleanor and Grace talk about something in silence, both smiling. "And what did make you change your mind, though, Tommy?"

"I can help you clean it off if you want?" Grace suggested so Elle smiled, nodded and the two women left the snug, walking back to the bar as Eleanor shook her head at the loud singing of the men, who weren't particularly good at their attempt.

Eleanor sat down on a chair, chuckling when some men didn't carry a nice tune, Grace ducking behind the wooden plank and entered the bar, stopping in front of Eleanor's seat as the blonde put the empty glasses on the counter. "I'd rather prefer it to be you, Grace. Good lord, they can't even carry a note," Elle commented in amusement, forgetting that her problem was sitting not far away from her, watching her from the corner of his eyes as he tried to play the card game and listen to his men's conversation at the same time.

Grace smiled thankfully and only then Elle actually realized there was actual singing again. It must have meant that Tommy allowed them to do it more than once. She was sure he'd ban it for life after finding out she lied to him, but it wasn't the case at all. Glancing back at the snug, she could only see a part of Tommy's face so she faced Grace and Harry again. "Who could believe Mr. Shelby would allow singing again?" Harry then questioned, but he seemed happy as Eleanor faced him with a knowing look. "I don't know what Grace did, but she must have done something right for Tommy to let this happen..."

Grace glanced at Elle's dull face, aware it wasn't her work done, but rather the other blonde's, but Elle shook her head for Grace not to start anything since she truly didn't want any laurels for herself. "I'm sure she did," she smiled calmly, Harry nodding and going to do his job as Grace glanced at Elle in confusion. "What? I don't do well with praises."

"Who tried to rob you?" Grace then asked, grabbing a towel and wetting it in a bucket before handing it to Elle, who took the wet rag and placed it on the counter.

"Some woman, and she was barely trying to rob me," Eleanor mused as she slid herself out of the coat before putting the sleeve on the bar top, grabbing the rag and tapping it down carefully, hoping that the water would be able to clean off the markings of the woman's hands. "She just wanted to get my coat."

Grace then began wiping the glasses with a look that meant something Eleanor would dislike to hear. "Which means to rob me, shit," Elle cursed with a burdened expression as she tapped away the dirt, but it wasn't coming off so easily. "I need soap. Do you have some?"

"You do not need soap, you need a new coat," Grace mused as she raised another sleeve to see a ripped part near the elbow so Eleanor rolled her eyes and grabbed the sleeve out of Grace's hands. Grace chuckled as Elle rubbed the material harder before throwing it down aggressively, fed up by something that was already ruined long before it got smashed with mud.

"I do not like buying new things," she admitted as she stroked the hardened old material that was once soft and warm. Grace furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Elle's face smile fondly. "It used to be my mum's."

Grace nodded, not being good at comforting the sentimental girl. She was sure Eleanor and Pius's parents were both dead, because by the mentions of it Elle was the only family left for him. From the looks of it, Elle was still hurt over her mother's death too. "Oh," was all the Irish barmaid said so Eleanor smiled at her attempt to say something.

Back at the snug, Pius leaned across the chair to peak, seeing his sister talk with the barmaid he secretly fancied. "Watching over your sister or that barmaid of ours?" Arthur questioned Pius curiously, putting a card down so John exclaimed in annoyance of losing. The oldest Shelby grinned victoriously.

Thomas looked rather interested as he stared at Pius for more elaboration. "My sister, of course," Pius mused defensively as John smirked at Tommy's expression, thinking that Thomas was into Grace, which was definitely not the case. "That coat she wears all the time belonged to our mother, father's gift... Thing's old like you, Arthur, but she won't rid of it."

Tommy could see Eleanor delicately continue to try and clean the mark off as he thought about the hardships she was going through. She had no parents, her brother belonged to a gang and was being targeted. She was all alone during the war and somehow ended up having to kill him, but went against her task for his sake. And her own gain. "Fucking women, sentiments and shit," John commented dully, putting down his card as Pius scoffed at how much the Shelby sucked at their game. John ignored and faced Tommy, who continued to stare at the two females at the bar. "Yeah, it is. It's about time, Tommy."

"Time for what?" Tommy asked dully, eyes returning from Eleanor and to his younger brother, who sat next to him with a knowing look. Such gesture irritated Tommy a bit, but he patiently waited for John to speak more sense.

"Time you took yourself a woman," he answered like it was the easiest thing on the planet. Pius, who was drinking beer, choked with wide eyes before coughing not to suffocate as Tommy's eyes narrowed at the reaction of his friend.

Tommy secretly disliked when the conversation wandered off to something he didn't wish to speak of, something that he wasn't really bothered to talk about. "Just play the bloody hand," he said calmly, but John wanted to annoy his brother further, seeing that it was a good idea for some reason.

But before John could speak, Arthur beat him to it, joking alongside John. "You stay the way you are, Tommy," he commented with a smirk. "Remember what dad used to say. Fast women and slow horses-"

"-will ruin your life," John chorused Arthur causing Tommy to smile widely despite everything. Pius shook his head at them, laughing.

"You lot are lame."

John, seeing that he had already lost, swished his only remaining card at Pius, who ducked down so the card hit the wall like a knife and fell down below the chair. "So are you, Pius boy," he teased as Tommy glanced at Eleanor once again.

He hadn't given much thought of who he'd marry someday. He just knew that if he did she'd have to put up with his shit and not go crazy. He never had an ideal type, but a pretty face. Lately, though, when the only female that swirled his mind was Eleanor, he couldn't think of anyone else he'd possibly be with. Thomas disliked thinking about Elle in that way, especially now, since he knew her real motives. Pius seemed clueless just like she had said, but Tommy didn't know whether he could trust her.

He had searched for her, he had tried to find information that would give him an upper hand, but Eleanor was a ghost and Tommy was losing his mind.

Eleanor let out a breath and raised the sleeve up towards the light, watching the dirt already sunk into the material, which she knew she'd never wash off. It made her furious, angry that she let that woman hold onto her like that or that she felt pity for someone, who chose such life. It sounded wrong, but Elle loved her mother's coat more than some woman, who starved on the street.

"You're right, I bloody need a new coat," she spoke up, Grace turning to look at her apologetically as Harry stood next to her, also working. Elle sighed deeply. "Doesn't mean I'll get rid of this one. It's the only heirloom left, after all."

Grace nodded, agreeing silently so Harry poured Elle a glass of whiskey, sensing the female needed it. Eleanor downed her shot, her eyes catching onto a stare so she glanced at Tommy to see him looking at her as his brothers and Pius argued over who won, oblivious to Thomas's gaze at her.

Even after one shot, Eleanor felt braver so she smirked at him knowingly and looked away, knowing that he'd have to pay her soon. Elle wanted Tommy to pay her more, but he was pretty scary when he told her he wouldn't bargain again. 15 was still a lot of pounds and added with Augustus's money, she wasn't the poorest in Small Heath. Still, her greed wanted more for the danger she was putting herself and Pius in.

Suddenly, Eleanor heard a sound of cars approaching, furrowing her eyebrows of who was coming so fast. Grace seemed confused just as much so both females glanced at Harry, who shrugged and continued to work uneasily. Until the doors opened and all singing stopped when two unfamiliar men entered with guns in their hands. Elle felt her heartbeat rise as she heard the bar owner gasp under his breath. "Holy shit. It's Billy Kimber."

It felt as if Kimber had waited for someone to say his name as he stepped inside, looking around the whole dispersed bar. Eleanor lowered her coat to her legs, staring at the man Tommy had told her about. His hair was greased and pulled back, lips formed into a slit as he was looking around for someone, though Eleanor knew exactly who he wanted to meet.

As everyone parted away from the guns in fear, silence in the bar deafening, Kimber stopped in the middle of the pub, making himself visible, but to her luck, his eyes hadn't landed on her yet. "Is there any man here named Shelby?" Kimber asked loudly. He looked around a bit, but nobody would answer so the man of power raised his gun up and shot at the ceiling, causing people to gasp from fright and duck down.

Eleanor closed her eyes tightly, the dust and paint falling down around her as she sat right underneath the newly done hole. Kimber glared at the people. "I said, is there any man named Shelby?!"

Tommy then pushed the remaining part of the slightly closed door open, revealing himself just as calmly as he had always been meanwhile people still whispered over the shock of Kimber firing a gun. Eleanor turned back to look at Kimber, his glare subtle and yet intimidating, at least for her.

Kimber watched in annoyance as Tommy and his gang left the snug calmly, almost mockingly as Tommy looked over at the bar at the pub owner. "Harry, get these men a drink. Everyone else, go home!"

Eleanor felt like she had to leave, even if she didn't want to as people ran away through every possible exist they could get to. Elle's only way of escape was through Kimber and when she rose to put on her coat, then his eyes finally landed on a gorgeous woman he hadn't seen before. Elle cursed under her breath that she decided to wear a knee length blue dress, her curves visible for everyone's eyes. "No, not you," Kimber smirked at her wickedly so Eleanor met the man's lustful look and stopped putting on her coat.

Pius seethed under his breath, but Tommy only moved to prepare a table for them as Harry served drinks and glasses, and went home himself, afraid he'd die if he stayed. He took Grace with him, even if the blonde female disliked leaving Eleanor alone despite the fact that she was with the Shelby brothers and her own.

Kimber eyed Eleanor the whole time while Tommy put four chairs on one side of the table for him, his brothers and Pius, and a couple for Kimber and his accountant. Tommy motioned for Billy to go and sit, but the man had a better idea as he started to approach Eleanor, who stood near the bar, her hands resting against the counter lazily. Pius felt the need to attack, but Tommy grabbed his arm and shook his head, even if he himself seemed rather uncertain.

Eleanor felt her breath hitch in her throat when the king stopped in front of her, hands hesitant to touch her as if she was some gem he feared of breaking. She parted her lips slightly, the smell of his cologne too strong for her liking, but he took such gesture as infatuation. "My, my, my," Kimber commented, his one hand landing underneath her hair and on her neck as she stared at the man with hidden disgust. He was clearly a pig, unable to keep his hands to himself from beautiful women like her. "I never approved of women in pubs, but when they look like that..."

Eleanor knew she was playing with a bigger fire than when with Tom, because this man seemed to have it all. One wrong word and she'd get shot by his gun that he still held in his other hand. "I'm not just some woman of a pub," she mused softly, hoping that he would like it.

Kimber was quiet for a second before chuckling, his finger brushing her collarbone, which stuck out like a sore thumb since she stood frozen. Billy glanced back at the Blinders, seeing the biggest sneer appear on Pius's face so he grinned even wider, liking the reaction he had gotten out of at least one of them. "She's yours?" he asked Pius curiously so Eleanor felt her nose scrunch in disgust but when Billy faced her again, still keeping his hands on her like on some possession, she dropped her expression.

"It's my bloody sister you're holding, you-"

"Eh..." Kimber mused under his breath, pulling away from Eleanor, but grabbing her wrist and forcing her to follow him towards the chairs of his side. Pius was ready to stand up, feeling the need to grab onto his gun, but Tommy stopped him once again, and staring at the tight grip Kimber had over Eleanor. He wasn't jealous, but did feel anger boil inside of him, which wasn't so different from that damned feeling altogether. "Right... If you can't fuck her, who out of you 3 can then?"

Arthur felt angry and so did John, because they felt protective over Eleanor, a woman they both admired and felt the need to take care of. She had that effect on many, and she had no clue she was luckier than most.

Kimber finally sat down, bringing Eleanor on his lap so she widened her eyes momentarily, but remained seated. She felt violated and frustrated, but she knew her fighting would only cause more problems so she only glanced at Tommy, who remained quiet, but his eyes didn't mock her how she thought they would.

Eleanor thought he'd like her little problem, because she would have deserved that after going against him. "No fucking way," Billy chuckled, wrapping an arm around Eleanor's waist so she looked at her brother's red as tomato face, but he tried to remain calm, because they couldn't afford themselves to go against Kimber, not yet at least. "Don't tell me none of you ever fucked this beauty?"

Her skin crawled from his touch, but her eyes remained in front of her as she stared at Tommy, for some reason anticipating his help that he wasn't obliged to give. "I'd have at it right now if I could, but I'm here for something else. Hmm, maybe later."

Eleanor didn't blink but Tommy could see the end of her jaw clench slightly. Elle tried to think about something else, to do something she always did whenever she had to seduce someone disgusting, but with Pius's presence it was impossible. He looked frozen, hands shaking from fury when he saw his sister be placed into a humiliating situation. "You said you wanted men named Shelby," Tommy began, lighting a cigarette as Arthur poured them all drinks. Tommy met Eleanor's eyes as she continued to sit on Kimber's lap like a wooden doll, hands down and out of place. She felt grateful she still couldn't feel a bulge from Kimber's pants because that would have sent her cutting him up and she had no want to get herself bloody. "You've got three of them."

Kimber seemed more focused on the woman on his lap, her lip shivering slightly despite her hardened expression. He raised one hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear, but then stopped and looked at Tommy's stare that felt mysterious. Eleanor knew that if she made it out alive and unharmed, she'd help Tommy without a doubt to bring this man down. He was the biggest scum she had encountered in some time and such scums needed to be put into their places. "Right, I'd never heard of you. Then I did hear of you. Some little Diddicoy razor gang. I thought to myself, so what? But then you fuck me over. So now you have my undivided attention."

Eleanor knew Tommy must have done something because Kimber wouldn't have come and Tommy wouldn't have asked her for help before. Elle knew he had plans, but she also realized that he did whatever he wanted. They were similar, after all.

Kimber placed his hand on Eleanor's thigh, causing her to tense and something snapped in Tommy's mind, something he hadn't felt before. Trying to keep his face calm, he remained nonchalant about the feeling of electricity as soon as he saw Kimber touch Elle. Thomas knew Eleanor wasn't his, but for some reason he felt the need to own her. "By the way," Kimber began as Pius felt like crying upon seeing his sister's red cheeks and glossed eyes stare ahead of herself. Kimber violated her openly in front of everyone and yet Tommy wouldn't do anything about it. "Which one am I talking to? Who's the boss?"

"Well, I'm the oldest," Arthur, who sat in the middle, grumbled as if unbothered by Kimber, showing that they didn't care about the man, thus making Kimber feel irritated.

Kimber laughed with a nod as he squeezed Eleanor's thigh, causing Eleanor to shift on his lap as she felt a tear tug at the corner of her eye. But with rising tears, rose her anger too. Pius leaned forward so Kimber gave him a challenging look. "Clearly," he mocked Arthur so Eleanor saw John's eyes narrow as he sat next to Arthur.

"Are you laughing at my brother?"

Billy Kimber paused, stunned at first, and without an answer faced Arthur once again. "Right, he's the oldest. You're the thickest," he mocked John as Eleanor glanced at the man through the corner of her eye, feeling like she wanted to strange him with those thick, gelled hairs of his. Kimber then faced Tommy, whose eyes remained on Kimber's hand, which was still glued to Eleanor's leg. "I'm told the boss is called Tommy, and I'm guessing that's you, 'cause you're looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart."

Eleanor bit the inside of her cheek, looking at Tommy so he met her eyes. They were both at odds with one another, and yet still thought the same thing about Kimber getting angry. Tommy felt respect for Eleanor that she was still holding herself despite Kimber's dirty hands. "Is she your woman?" Kimber asked then so Tommy's eyes went back to Kimber. "I've seen the way you looked down at my hand, squeezing her meat. She's your girl, isn't she?"

Pius glanced at Tommy in confusion and so did Arthur and John. Tommy smiled, unfazed. "I'm nobody's girl," Eleanor answered quicker, turning her face towards Kimber, who seemed shocked she dared to open her mouth.

"That could be changed, doll."

Eleanor smiled sarcastically then turned her face away, leaving Kimber momentarily disappointed and Tommy amused. "I want to know what you want," Tommy then informed Billy Kimber calmly, staring at the man hold Eleanor. Sure, Thomas could have let Kimber take Eleanor even if that would have made him lose Pius, but with Eleanor gone, his problems wouldn't just get solved. He hated to admit, but she was necessary for his survival, but only in some ways.

Kimber's accountant glanced sideways at his boss, who seemed too preoccupied with Eleanor. "There were suspicious patterns at Kempton Park. A horse called Monaghan Boy. He won by a length twice and then finished last, with 3000 pounds bet on him."

Eleanor snapped her eyes wide at Tommy, but he ignored her look. 3000 fucking pounds, she thought and yet he couldn't even give her a 20. Elle knew Tommy didn't want her to know, but now she did. Tommy was sure she'd riot. "Which one am I talking to?" Tommy asked, secretly mocking Kimber. "Which one of you is the boss?"

"I am Mr. Kimber's adviser and accountant."

"And I'm the fucking boss!" Kimber seethed, standing up abruptly over his hurt ego, causing Eleanor to almost fall, but at least she was free from his hold. Tommy, overseeing an opportunity for her to get away, raised his empty glass.

"Get me beer."

Eleanor's eyes narrowed, but it was better this than going back to the scum. She took Tommy's glass, eyes seething with storm before heading towards the empty bar. "Okay, right, end of parley. You fixed the race without my permission. You fucking Gypsy scum!" Kimber continued to yell, clearly having a hard time controlling his anger. "What, live off the war pensions of these poor Garrison Lane widows!"

Tommy saw Eleanor round the bar as her hand slipped gracefully into her bag so she took her gun out secretly and went to fill Tommy's glass. He thought of such move stupid, but at least she was doing something in case things would go south. He was also pretty sure she wouldn't shoot with Pius nearby. "That's your level! I am Billy Kimber, I run the races! You fixed one of them, so I'm going to have you shot against a post."

Eleanor tucked her gun under her tights as she watched the scene unfold, Billy moving to leave, but Tommy then stood up as he put his cigarette out. "Mr. Kimber," he began but got met with two guns aimed at him at the same time so he paused silently, unbothered but not as unnerved either.

Tommy then tossed Kimber something Eleanor couldn't see, and Kimber caught it with ease and surprise. "Look at it. That is my name on it. It's from the Lee family," he commented dully as Kimber examined a bullet with Tommy's name carved on it. "You are also at war with the Lees, Mr. Kimber, am I right?"

Kimber passed his bodyguards, his attention peaked suddenly. "The Lees are attacking your bookies and taking your money," Tommy continued as his brothers glanced at each other. It seemed like only Eleanor could put 2 and 2 as she tried hard not to admire Tommy's games. "Your men can't control them. You need help."

Kimber's accountant spoke up then. "Perhaps we should listen to what Mr. Shelby has to say before we make our decisions," he said as Eleanor decided to go back to the table, hoping to dodge Kimber as she held the glass up high, trying not to spill any of its contents on the ground.

Eleanor stopped behind Tommy as she felt Pius tug at her arm for her stupid bravery, but she dismissed him and put the beer glass on the table, staring at Kimber dully as the man clenched his jaw, disliking her look. Thomas didn't acknowledge Eleanor so she went to sit down where Tommy was sitting before.

"Right... The Lees are doing a lot of taking at the fairs," Tommy continued to explain as Eleanor smiled to herself slightly, which Kimber noticed once again. "They have a lot of kin. They're saying the race tracks are easy meat, because the police are busy with strikes. Now, we have connections. We know how they operate. You have muscle. Together we can beat them. Divided, maybe not."

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows slightly, wondering whether Tommy actually wished to work with Kimber. "Mr. Kimber, perhaps we should take some time for reflection, possibly make arrangements for a second meeting," his accountant spoke up once again seriously.

Tommy managed to smile barely. "I admire you, Mr. Kimber. You started with nothing, and built a legitimate business. It would be an honor to work with you, Mr. Kimber."

Elle glanced from Tommy to the angered male, aware Tommy played a sweet game of trying to boost the man's ego. "Nobody works with me. People work for me," he seethed before taking a coin out from his pocket. Eleanor watched him flick the coin and it landed on the floor, right at Tommy's feet. "Pick it up, pikey."

Nobody moved a muscle as everyone's eyes stayed on what Tommy would do. His expression remained stoic, but Elle could feel nerves, she just knew Tommy hated it. Eventually, he moved, and everything followed in an instant with John standing up to attack his brother's bully. "Sit, sit down," Tommy hissed at his younger brother, his finger raised in an attempt to show him to calm down. Eleanor felt Pius stand behind her chair then, protective and she did feel safer, having her comfort of a brother.

Tommy then nonchalantly picked the coin up, which annoyed John because he didn't want to be lower than someone else, but clearly Tommy had an upper hand with his decisions. He wasn't an idiot. Kimber grew calm, maybe even satisfied as his eyes looked up. "It's for your ceiling."

"Thank you, Mr. Kimber," Tommy mused as they watched Kimber leave first.

Kimber's accountant then approached the men. "We will be at Cheltenham."

"As will I," Tommy answered, watching the accountant nod before he left with the bodyguards. Tommy turned back to see Eleanor sitting in his seat like she owned it, one leg on top of another. Eleanor felt herself wanting to go after the man and shoot his brains out. She's dealt with men like him before and the bittersweet victory of ending one's life made her feel like a horrible person.

"Elle," Pius turned the chair his side so she faced him as the brother crouched down to her level, his face distorted with pain and anger. He touched her cheek apologetically, feeling like he failed her. "Are you okay?"

His sister stared at him, trying to tune out her emotions to the person she loved the most before she smiled at him calmly, which creeped Pius out. "Nothing to be sad about," she shrugged, standing up and raising her brother like that.

Eleanor smiled at Pius, who still seemed unconvinced by her answer. Tommy flipped the coin between his hands, watching Pius misunderstand the real woman Elle was. "Truly, Elle, you held up like a champion back there," John spoke up, smiling at Eleanor as she sunk out the disgusting feeling of Kimber's hands on her thigh. She felt her gun graze her skin so she began walking towards her bag, afraid it would fall out accidentally.

Tommy drank the beer Eleanor had given him. "Still, this wasn't supposed to fucking happen," Pius snapped as only Tommy watched Eleanor take the gun out and put it into her bag as she grabbed her coat and put it on while meeting his look. He blinked at her and she had no idea what it meant, but she already knew it was a struggle to understand Tommy. "He liked her, he'll want her."

Tommy watched Elle's face go down when she thought he wasn't looking anymore and Tommy knew she did get affected despite putting on a brave act. Somehow he knew she'd help him with Kimber easier than anticipated. "Nobody will take her, calm your tits down," Arthur chimed in dully, thinking about something deeply before he cursed under his breath and watched Tommy lock the door to the Garrison. "So you picked the fight with the Lees on purpose."

Eleanor stopped next to Tommy, feeling like she needed a long nap and a good bath. "Tommy, we can't mess with Billy Fucking Kimber," Arthur exclaimed angrily but Tommy only smiled.

"Get yourself a haircut, man," Tommy mused calmly, not giving away anything despite that being the truth. "We're going to the races."

As John, Pius and Arthur moved to leave, so did Tommy, but a gentle hand grabbed his wrist so he stopped and turned to Eleanor, whose face held the darkest look he had ever seen on her. "3000 fucking pounds and you trick me into thinking you can't afford yourself to pay me more," she whispered in case Pius would miss his sister and come back looking.

Tommy felt surprised because he didn't think she'd care about their deal that moment after almost getting violated by Kimber. He thought once again of how strange this woman was. "You should be thankful you're still alive," he answered, noticing that she still hadn't let go of his wrist.

Eleanor smiled and Tommy was impressed how calm she seemed. "So should you, Mr. Shelby."

A dull smirk sent her way made Elle let go as she raised her head higher, thinking of how good she'd feel when Kimber would go down the drain. "I'll buy the best fucking dress there is," she announced then, bitter so Tommy felt himself looking at her in amusement, which he thought he'd never hold for her after she revealed her dirty little secret.

Eleanor then smiled at him sarcastically, rounding him slowly as she noticed a shadow walk back towards the door, which was probably Pius, looking for her. "My payment will be 25 from now on," she whispered quickly so he snapped his head at her incredulously. "Not more and not less."

Thomas watched Pius open the door so Elle walked towards her brother, who stared at Tommy with an uneasy face until only the Shelby was left in the pub. He looked down, his mind traveling back to Kimber's hand on her thigh.

Again, the feeling of possessiveness made Tommy clench his jaw as he put the coin on the bar for the ceiling and left the empty pub, feeling stressed over the situation he was put in by the very same blonde woman he couldn't stop thinking about.

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Tommy's catching feels! Or is he?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for you to see what else I have prepared! Tommy is acting pretty calm for someone who wishes to milk him out of his money. Maybe he has his own plans for Elle, or maybe he just doesn't care and already trusts her? We'll see the showdown soon!

Thanks for reading!😘😘😘

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