Just Let Me Kiss You (Narry)

By eishytomlinson

49.8K 1K 80

(Excuse the carrot in here. Was my first fanfic) Harry Styles is living the life, with all his friends, his p... More

Chapter 1 - The Dream
Chapter 2 - Pain
Chapter 3 - Confessions
Chapter 5 - Let's keep it a secret
Chapter 6 - He loves me?
Chapter 7 - You should've told me
Chapter 8 - You did what?
Chapter 9 - No Matter What
Chapter 10 - What do I do?
Chapter 11 - How could you?
Chapter 12 - Break, kisses and forgiveness
Chapter 13 - Never Giving Up
Chapter 14 - Memories
Chapter 15 - Rock Me
Chapter 16 - Smile
Chapter 17 - For him
Chapter 18 - Talk to me
Chapter 19 - Perfect
Chapter 20 - A little bit of pain
Chapter 21 - Always And Forever
Chapter 22 - Finally; You're here
Chapter 23 - Crashing down

Chapter 4 - Friends or more?

2.4K 63 5
By eishytomlinson

Harry's POV

As I walked through the school gates, I felt scared. Scared that Zayn told someone, scared that Louis and Liam have found out, scared of how today is going to plan out....I'm actually terrified. And if Louis and Liam decide to bully Niall and Zayn around me, how do I act? What do I do to stop them?

As I stood at my locker the thought hit me that I almost shared a kiss with Niall. I almost kissed Niall. I'm the only one who knows that he's gay. And if I pretend I've never talked to them before...They could tell everyone. Everyone would know that I'm bi. Okay, back to school. English. I grabbed my English books and walked towards class. I sat at the table in the second row and put my books down on the table. As people walked in I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach looking for ocean blue eyes. I spotted them and a smile spread across my face uncontrollably. He was still walking funny but he returned the smile when he met my gaze.

"Hey Harry". I felt blood rush to my cheeks and looked down, trying to hide my face.


"Harry?" I looked up and my jaw dropped a little to see who was standing in front of me. Louis.

"What are you doing here?" I frowned up to him. He turned his head to see Niall sitting next to me and he frowned.

"Why are you sitting next to him?"

"You're meant to have Maths Lou".

"I changed my classes around...So why are you sitting next to this geek?" I glared at him. "Well?"

"He's not a geek Lou".

"Yes he is! Come sit at the back".



"I'm sitting here". He frowned at me.

"Take your seats everyone". The teacher called.

"I'll talk to you at break". He walked on to the back.

"Thank you". I looked at Niall.

"For what?"

"Standing up for me". He smiled to me and we turned our heads to the teacher. I suddenly felt Niall's hand sitting on my leg. I looked at him for a second and he was looking straight to the board, smiling. He slipped his hand in mine and my eyes widened. I can't do this. I really can't do this. I stood up and raced out of the class room.

"Harry". The teacher called, but I just kept on walking. I need to feel strong again. I need to see someone afraid of me. Maybe I'll head to the back of the school. At that thought I saw a guy with glasses walking through the corridor. He had the nerve to look at me so I stopped and walked so I was standing in front of him.

"Did you just look at me in the eye?"

"N-n-no Harry"

"Yes you did". He had fear written all over his face. I smiled. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the back of the school where no one goes during classes. I threw him to the ground and kicked him in the stomach. He groaned. I kicked him again then kneeled on my knee and punched him in the face. He scrunched up his face in pain as I forced my fist to his stomach.

"Are you going to look at me again?" He just looked at me, still rolling around in pain. I stood up and kicked him in his side. "Don't, or it will happen again". I turned and walked away. Leaving him hurt, rolling in pain on the ground. The bell went and I headed to the usual spot that I meet Louis and Liam. I feel strong again. No body will ever make me weak.

"Hey there Harry!" I looked to my left to see Zayn and Niall walking towards me. I froze. Niall wouldn't have told Zayn, right? About our almost kiss? If he didn't then Niall won't mention English. Yes.


"Vas Happenin?" Zayn shouted. I looked at him, confused and Niall started laughing. My god that boy is cute. Can there be anything more to like? "Harry?" Zayn was clicking his fingers in my face. I realised I was just staring at Niall.

"Hey Hazza!" I turned my head to see Louis and Liam walking towards me. I turned back to Niall and Zayn and they looked scared. I wouldn't blame them.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you, not while I'm around". As they got closer, their confused frown got more intense. They stood only two steps away and started to laugh.

"What makes you think you losers can talk to Harry?" I frowned at them. Before I could do anything Louis had harshly kicked Zayn in the leg, making him crouch down, grabbing it in pain.

"What was that for?" Their laughing died and they just blankly looked at me.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"I'm fine. You didn't need to kick him".

"So you can bash a kid at the back of the school, like twenty minutes ago but we can't bash any of the nerds?"

"What?" I looked at Niall, and he looked confused and disappointed. He shook his head, trying to convince himself that I didn't. Zayn and Niall started to take steps back.

"Niall I..." He just shook his head and Zayn pulled Niall away. As they walked away I felt empty. Like I lost something that meant everything to me.

"Let's go. The cheerleaders are waiting". Liam tried to pull me but I refused.

"Why did you do that?"

"Why not?"

"Because they're my friends". They shot their heads up to me.


"Yes fucking friends!"

"You are FRIENDS with them?"

"Fuck! Yes! Why is that so hard to believe?" Anger started to build up inside of me.

"Harry, we can't be friends with them. Did you see the way they acted when I said you bashed a nerd? They don't belong around us Harry. They're not our friends". Liam stated. I just glared at them. They dragged me to the cheerleaders now. I hate this. If only Niall didn't find out what I just did.

Niall's POV

I sat down on the grass next to Zayn. In our full sight was Harry, Louis and Liam laughing with all the cheerleaders. Although, it doesn't look like Harry is having any fun, at all. I can't believe he hurt someone. I thought he was different. I thought he wasn't a hurting type. I trusted him. He could've hurt me. Why did he help me though? He's not meant to be the guy who hurts people. He's just not like that. He's not. I looked up over to where he was standing and felt my stomach drop. Harry was kissing a cheerleader. I felt tears develop in my eyes and got up, running to the toilets.

I let the tears drop down my cheeks, little sobs escaping my mouth. I heard the door open and close, and the click of the lock. I saw a tall, curly haired boy standing behind me in the mirror. He moved a little closer to me and I turned to face him.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"I would never hurt you Niall". His tone sounded honest. I still didn't know whether I should trust him though.

"Then why did you hurt that other guy?"

"I-I don't know". He hung his head low. I stepped forward, closing the distance between us a little.

"Why did you run out of the classroom when I took your hand?" He kept his head low.

"I...." He sighed.

"Is it because you don't like me?" He shook his head. "Are you afraid?" I stepped closer. "Afraid of my touch?" I took another step closer. "Afraid of calling me yours?" I took another step and our faces were inches apart. I could feel his hot breath getting heavier. "Afraid of falling for me?" I cupped his face in my hand looking into his eyes. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he opened them I slowly started to lean in. He ran. Within seconds he disappeared through the door, leaving me here. I sighed. I went over to a urinal and felt strong hands on my shoulders. I was pulled back, and pushed to the ground. I looked up to see Louis glaring at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He kicked me in my ribs and kneeled down beside me. "You can't be friends with us". He punched me in the stomach and I groaned. The bell went but Louis didn't take any notice. "You need to stay away". He punched me again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and he laughed. "A boy who cries doesn't belong anywhere near us". He stood up and kicked me. "You stay away from Harry". He kicked my head. "You hear me?" He struck several kicks into my rib cage and walked away.

Harry's POV

I ran. I don't know where I was headed, but I had to get away. Or maybe I don't. The bell went and I stood still for a moment. Maybe he's still there. Maybe I can go back. I headed towards the toilets and nervously stepped in. My jaw dropped a little. There Niall was, lying helpless on the ground, blood oozing out of his head. He was knocked out. I kneeled down beside him and wiped his hair to the side, out of his face. I picked him up bridal style and ran. Out of the school. I ran home and up the stairs to my room, lightly laying him down. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, running back to where Niall lay.


"Harry?" I groaned as turned my head to the other side. "Harry, wake up". I felt lips delicately touch my cheek. I flicked my eyes open and sat up quickly. I saw Niall smiling at me. God he's beautiful. "How did I get here?" He questioned. I just shrugged. "Where'd all this blood come from?" I looked worriedly at him.

"Your head". His mouth formed an 'o' shape. "Who did this?" Niall just looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again.

"It doesn't matter".

"Niall, who did this?" He just shook his head. "Was it Louis?" I could see his eyes watering a little. Anger flushed through me. How could Louis do that? I told him that Niall was my friend.

"Harry..." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Harry, it's okay". I shook my head.

"What did he say to you?" I clenched my jaw. "Niall, what did he say". Niall sighed.

"He told me....He told me to stay away from you...But I can't do that Harry". He looked up to me. "I can't stay away from you". I felt speechless. I feel the same way about him. But I can't bring myself to say the words. What is there to be so afraid about? "Harry?" I looked up to Niall's worried face.

"I...I..." Niall leaned in but I shook my head. "I can't".

"What are you so afraid of?" I looked at Niall. "Why won't you let me kiss you?" He frowned. I looked away. "Harry?...there's nothing to be scared of Harry....I'll make everything okay...We can work through this, together". He took my hand in his. I looked at Niall's hopeful gaze. He put his fingers inbetween mine. Our gazes went down to our joined hands. "We can do this Harry. If it has to be hidden then we will keep it that way. We will get through it, we will make it work".

I looked up to Niall, our eyes locking. Maybe I can do this. What is there to be so afraid of anyway? I was about to speak when mum interrupted.

"Harry, Liam is here!" I quickly pulled my hand away and ran down the stairs.

"Harry! What happened to you at school today? You were there and then you weren't?"

"Liam, do you think I could talk to you?" He recognised my serious tone and nodded. We went out to the back hard and sat on a little park bench mum had set up so she could read books outside.

"What's up Haz?"

"Um...You know how I've been acting rather....Well....Different lately?"

"Yeah". I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"You'd never judge me, would you Liam?"

"Of course not Haz, what's wrong?" He looked worried. Liam was never the judge mental type. He's always been the sensible one. If he ever hurt anyone, it was a forceful act of Louis.

"I've recently found out something about myself and.." I took a deep breath. "I....well..."

"It's okay Harry, I'm here".

"I'm bi". I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid of what Liam's reaction would be.

"Oh". Is all he said. I looked at him, my eyes starting to water.

"You're judging me, aren't you?"

"No! No Harry! That's okay, everybody is different".

"Please don't tell anyone, especially not Louis".

"I promise". We sat silent for a moment. "Is that....are you....Niall?" I looked up at Liam, a wide smile spread across his face.

"I-I don't know".

"Well, does he like you?" I lightly nodded. "And you like him?" I frowned a little.

"Yeah". A small smile spread on my lips.

"Then why not?" I looked up at Liam.

"I'm scared".

"Of what?"

"He's tried to kiss me a few times, and all I seem to do is run the other way.." He frowned.

"Hmmm". Liam stood up, a huge smile across his face and dragged me up the stairs to my room where Niall lay. He closed the door. I didn't have a clue on what was going on in his head but I just let him do whatever. Niall gave me a questioning look, but I just nodded to him, assuring him that everything will be okay. Liam kneeled down next to my bed and whispered something in Niall's ear. As Liam talked Niall smiled, his big blue eyes glistening. He but his lip as Liam said the last sentence.


"Yeah?" I looked at Liam as he stood up.

"You have a boyfriend now". My jaw dropped a little, I was speechless. Niall stood up and made his was over to me. His smile was huge and he wasn't hiding it. He pushed me up against the wall. Pulling my body tightly against his, and he sure wasn't letting go.

"You're mine now Harry Styles". He whispered in my ear. He ran his hand to the back of my neck. I had no escape as he pulled me closer, leaning in.

**authors note**


So I tried to write as much as I could! I hope you like this chapter :) I won't be updating for another week...My mum is making me go to some camp that I don't want to go to...So I'll try write while I'm there and update it as soon as I get home! Thank you for reading! Please leave some comments and vote if you liked this chapter? :)

What do you think will happen between Harry and Niall now? Will it be all easy breeze or will there be much more trouble!? Hehe :)

Elisha xx

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